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21.amusing(adjective) : divertido; amuse (verb): divertir, entretener.

- Which of the wrong predictions do you find most amusing?
23. task (noun): tarea, labor.
- Humans will no longer have to do boring tasks.
24. rather than (adverb): en vez que
- Children probably won't study at home rather than at school.
25. rubbish (noun) : basura / litter (noun) : basura / litter bin (noun) : cubo
de basura
- I would never drop litter. I'd put my rubbish in my bag an take it home if the
re were't any litter bins around.
26. income (noun): rentas, recaudacion
- 46% of Britons would hide income in order to pay less tax.
27. change (noun) : vuelto
- Britons would return the money if they were given too much change in a shop or
28. terribly (adverb)
- but I'd be terribly emparrassed if my boss caught me!
29. extremely (adverb)
- I'm extremely honest!
30. fed up (adjetive) : harto, astiado / guilty(adjetive): culpable
- But I'd feel a bit guilty the next day.
31.Otherwise (adverb): de otra manera / (conjunction): si no
- I'd park in a disabled parking space if there was a real emergency, I suppose,
but I wouldn't do it otherwise, I think it's totally unacceptable.
- Could you write down your e-mail address? I probably won t remember it otherwise.
(to write down: anotar)
32. Proportion (noun)
- The proportion of the wold's surface covered in water.
33. estimated (adjetive)
- the estimated world population in 2005.
34. percentage (noun)
- The percentage of British poeple who are over sixty-five.
1. __ To decrease / decrease (n)/ decreasing(adj)/ to Increase(ant)
2. __ To improve / improvement(n)/ improving(adj)/ to deteriorate(ant)
3. __ To deteriorate/ deterioration(n)/ deteriorating(adj)
4. __ To educate/ education(n)/ educated(adj)/uneducated(adj ant)
5. __ ----/ economy(n)/ economic(adj)
6. __ ---/ unemployment(n)/ unemployed(adj)
1.Unemployment is rising.
2.Unemployment is falling.
3.The economic situation is getting worse.
4.The education system is deteriorating.
5.The education system is improving.
5.The number of people learning English is decreasing.
6.the number of people learning English is increasing.
35. Employment: empleo / Employees: empleados / Employers: patrones

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