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Running head: Review of Supporting Article

Review of Supporting Article: Teaching Children Mathematics

Veronica Sandoval
National University

In partial fulfillment for the requirements for

TED 690 Capstone
Professor Barbara Ray
October 1, 2015

Running Head: Teaching Children Mathematics


This article review contains information about how knowledge of subject matter and
delivery of content can make an impact on student learning. One of the most
challenging parts of teaching is making the content you are teaching accessible by
all students. Not every student learns the same way, and it is important for the
teacher to be able to plan around this concept and be able to reach every student in
her classroom. One way that teachers can achieve this is by incorporating
technology in their everyday teaching and student learning. Students are no longer

being asked to learn to use technology but to develop skills and learn with technology (ISTE
2007 as cited in Teaching Children Mathematics pg. 229). Studies indicates that students when
interact with virtual or concrete manipulatives are able to think mathematically and therefore
demonstrate higher thinking skills.

Running Head: Teaching Children Mathematics


Technology in Math
After reviewing the articles from Mathematics from Teaching Children Mathematics, by
the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) I selected the article Virtual Place
Value by Justin T. Burris to reflect and create a review of the article. I was drawn by this article,
for the reason that in order to meet the demands of this 21st Century it is essential to incorporate
technology in our everyday teaching and student learning. Students are no longer being asked to
learn to use technology but to develop skills and learn with technology (ISTE 2007 as cited in
Teaching Children Mathematics pg. 229). School districts are doing their best to integrate
technology through the acquisition of chromebooks, and lap tops so every student has the
opportunity to work and do research without having to wait for an available computer.
I believe this articles falls under the first domain of Making Subject Matter
Comprehensible to Students since technology has to be part of this planning to meet the needs
of all learners. It encourages teachers to reflect on two questions What is the purpose of the use
of technology? And how will students interact and think mathematically when using the
technology? (Burris 2013, pg. 235) This article is based on a study made to two 3rd grade
classes who used technology as a tool to teach place value using virtual base-ten blocks. And to
two other 3rd grade classes who were provided with concrete manipulatives. All four classes
received the same lesson plan. However, they were provided with different teaching tools and
student interaction during independent work practice. The study indicates that students when
interact with virtual or concrete base-ten blocks were able to think mathematically. This
comparison was made by observing and analyzing a video recording done by the research team
to random pair of students from each class. The research team found that in both groups there

Running Head: Teaching Children Mathematics


were many similarities. One was how they moved the blocks from left to right in the construction
of a given quantity. With a 90 percent accuracy on the written expanded form after or during the
construction of quantities. They also integrated the UDSSI model which describes the ability of
students to move seamlessly between the count-by-tens and the count-by-groups structures.
(Burris 2013, pg. 233). Students in both groups where able to construct numbers using this
concept. One of the advantages of using the virtual model was that the students created
nonstandard numbers more efficiently with the use of technology.
This article demonstrates how the use of technology may enhance a teachers curriculum.
Technology provides students with a dynamic and investigation approach to any mathematical
concept. Just as this article emphasizes in the use of virtual manipulatives, technology may be
use in any other math lesson with the appropriate software. As we know teachers should have
access to any suitable teaching tool to enhance students learning. On the other hand, I also
believe that hands on activities are an important tool for students learning. Not all schools have
the budget to obtain computer software programs. So teachers have to arrange and plan for hands
on activities for students to understand a concept. Students must be giving different methods and
opportunities to master a skill or a concept, some students work fine with the use of concrete
manipulatives using their own hands. So we must think how students will interact with the use of
technology, especially when it is used to assist students with special needs. I was surprised to
see in an elementary special day class how some students used technology to interact with their
teacher, peers and staff. I truly believe that these students would never had this interaction and
growth without using their technology devices.

Running Head: Teaching Children Mathematics


Burris J. T (2014) Virtual Place Value. Teaching Children Mathematics, Vol. 20, pg.228236. Published by: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Retrieved from

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