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St Louis Primary School

141 Kiewa Street

PH 02 60563478
Dear ______________________
We have just completed Term Three evaluations of literacy at school, this letter is
just to inform you how Christophers literacy and reading skills are, along with
strategies we can work on to improve his skills.
Christophers results show that his reading skills are on par for his age group, he
is reading at the level of most of his classmates. Christopher reading is
progressing at a steady rate, and he will soon be progressing up a level in his
readers. Christopher enjoys reading at school, and always participates in the
Reading program in class.
His reading has low fluency and low expression rates, and he needs to build the
confidence to try the words before asking for help. This will all come with
practice. Working together to improve these skills will benefit Christophers
reading skills in the long run. I suggest the continued reading at home, with an
increase of guided reading. This is where Christopher reads a book to you, which
you then read back to him. This will give Christopher the confidence to try the
words when he reads it next time, because he has heard how they sound.
Christophers only downfall is his guessing of words, this is where he will guess
the word because it looks like one he has seen before in the text. To get
Christopher out of this habit, encouraging him to read slowly and to take his time
with words would benefit him. This is something we are working on in class; it is
also something Christopher can be doing at home. Asking him questions after
reading, like Do you think this made sense? would allow Christopher to see how
his mistakes are altering the story.
Overall Christophers literacy skills are positive, and by practising and working
together Christophers literacy skills will increase. If you have a queries please
feel free to contact me on the school phone number of ghoyst@edu.au.

Genna Hoysted

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