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Entered as second class Acceptancte -formailing a ,

matter, February 3, 1923, special r tes of postag
at the post office at Des
Moines, Iowa, under the
O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ provided for in section 11i$,j
act of Oct. 3, 1917. author-
act of August 24th, 1912. ized Feb. 3, 1923,


Volume 2 July 15th, 1924 Number 2


Professor of Osteopathic Therapeutics Dean of Des Moines Still College

Analytical study of diseases of the nervous system is a matter
"Daddy" Still says: "All remedies necessary for health, rest in of care and thoroughness. Correct diagnosis is entirely dependent
the body." "Daddy" Bachman says: "Still Pure Osteopathy." "Os- upon it. Necessarily the basis of treatment and prognosis must
teopathy is as good as it can be made. My constant aim is to du- follow a correct diagnosis. The neurologist deals with morbid con-
plicate the original principles of our science as taught by our ditions, revealing themselves for the most part by functional er-
founder." rors. The large subjective side of the problem, with the unre-
Osteopathic therapeutics is the very backbone of Osteopathy. liability of the patient's response, adds to the difficulty and calls
Every physician is judged by the results gained from his treatment. for keenness of judgment at every step.
Therapeutics is the field upon which we meet the public, and upon Very often, by most painstaking tests, and by the use of instru-
this field depends to a great extent whether the outcome is a vic- ments of precision,controlled by anatomical and physiological
tory or a loss. Every osteopathic physician in practice has gained rules, a definiteness can often be reached in nervous diseases not
his reputation, not from the fact that he was an osteopath, but elsewhere possible. In many instances, however, only the most care-
because of his treatment. The name itself does not make the man, ful study, shrewdest judgment and wide experience enables one to
it is the results gained from his therapeutics. Knowing a thing make a diagnosis. This is especially true of the so-called func-
and applying that knowledge in doing it are two. different things. tional diseases.
Thus it is that we find the subject of therapeutics one of the most The teaching of nervous and mental diseases requires one who
important of our entire curriculum. is capable of instilling these facts into the student. This capabil-
A subject of this nature requires at its head one who has the ity can be acquired only by years of study and experience, together
experience in practice to be able to sift the practical from the with a great amount of ability as a teacher.
fads, and judge the indication of conservative or radical treatment. Dr. C. W. Johnson, Dean of Des Moines Still College and Profes-
It requires one who is naturally adapted to transfer this knowledge sor of Nervous and Mental Diseases, is one of the few men in the
and judgment to the one who is not experienced. Dr. M. E. Bach- Osteopathic profession who meets these requirements. Dr. John-
man is able to do these things in a most efficient manner. Dr. son has been a teacher ever since his graduation from a college of
Bachman is constantly striving to send into the field, men better science. He spent years as superintendent of schools in Iowa and
qualified to administer to the public. He has chosen as his motto was a normal institute Icturer before studying the science of Oste-
for the coming year "Better Osteopaths." The Doctor in his class opathy. He has held a chair in our college since 1905.
work is a teacher, friend and helper to each student. There is al- His store of knowledge and experience has been greatly en-
ways an atmosphere of close co-operation in his class room. Each hanced by years of practice, where he has obtained the greatest
student has a feeling of freedom with Dr. Bachman which does requisite of knowing any subject PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
not necessitate "getting under the skin." The department of Neurology has always been one of the foremost
in Des Moines Still College. Dr. Johnson has brought it to this
Dr. Bachman's classes are helped greatly by daily case reports pinnacle by his ability as a teacher and his'work in the Clinical de-
of his private practice. \ This is especially important to the stu- partment. Students of Still College are given the most thorough
dent because the methods of treatment learned in class are thor- and exhaustive preparation by actual practice in nervous diseases,
oughly tried and their success or failure shown to the student. and in this subject as well as in others we can truly speak a, "The
(Continued on page 2) best Clinics in the Osteopathic Profession."
s - -----·
I ·-·
C4 L ---- I_
I _ _ _- ~ _ :_ I- I I - -·
From a Post-Graduate i _ _

nl IT/
July 10, 1924. Dr. H. V. and Mrs. Halladay
Editor Log Book:
were in Des Moines last week and
Having attended Des Moines
enjoyed the pleasure of house-
Still College for a week, I would
hunting. The Doctor secured a
appreciate the privilege of say-
very nice residence while here,
'ing a few words regarding my
and will move to Des Moines the
experience while at the Clinic.
first of the month.
The most surprising thing to me
mc:thef hv A The office is in receipt of a
isIIL nere seemingly is nc
limit to the amount of clinical letter from our mutual friendL
material available, which gives "Hummer" Thomas. "Hummer"
the student all the practical ex- is playing baseball with LeRoy,
perience which he has time to Minnesota. They have only lost
lake when not busy with class two games out of fourteen played
work. this season. "Hummer's" mighty
batting eye aided materially in
In the short time I have been
these victories.
here I have assisted in one de-
livery, and have delivered one Rose Mary leaves the 19th for
child myself. In addition to a two weeks' vacation at Man-
that I had the privilege of giv- kai;o, litinnesota . -rB. All Man-
ing over thirty anaesthetics and ke, to girls watch your beaus.
attending many more major op- SophoAlore rvryaans has been
erations. confined to Ithe hospital with a
The student here at D. M. S. fractured
1 arm. SCeems to he no
C. 0. need never worry about not end to the harm an unruly Ford
hlaving all the clinical experi- can do.
ence which he may want, and I D. W. McDonald, junior from
would like to urge him to take Barre, Vermont, says he is
advantage of the wonderful op- spreading calcium chloride over
portunities afforded him here. the dusty 'roads in Vermont. D.
The O. B. clinic is all you W. writes a regular "Irving
could hope for, as you get not i ~~ Cobb" letter.
only to watch someone else do Doyle Richardson is conduct
the work, but you are taught to I I -
ing Uncle Sam's post office inr
do it yourself so that you feel Austin, Minnesota. If you are
competent when you are on your writing to Austin, better seal 'e:r
own cases. tight.
I cannot recommend the work GEMIS OF DADDY STILL
Miss Ava Johnson, former mem-
too highly, and I wish to con- ber of our faculty, is visiting
gratulate the D. M. S. C. O. on 'Tell me the minute the blood stream is altered
and I will tell you the minute disease begins." her parents in Des Moines, dur-
having such a clinic for its stu- ing the summer months. Ava's
dents. "Nature has been thoughtful enough to place in 9
'man all that the word 'remedy' means." smile is still contagious.
J. A. Bowman, D. O., "God's drug store is not located on the corner Word has been received from
Marietta, Ohio. of the street, but it is in the body, and the heal- Dr. Lyman Crew to. the effect
ing power is wfthin." that he has completed a twelve
NOTICE! hundred mile hike (?). Dr.
Heretofore the college has been Crew set out on foot, with his
put to the expense of filling out - - -- ----- -- __ destination Bozeman, M-ontana,
application blanks and making June 27th, from Des MVoines, and
transcripts of grades in comply- DR. MI. E. BACHMAN arrived July 6th. Those Monta-
ing with the request for Board (Continued from page 1) na Osteopaths can "h-ike," say
Applications. The amount is not we. Greetings to the . "g- g,"
Dr. Bachman has also gained a national reputation as a technician
much in any single case, but and is in constant demand for demonstrations of his technic at all postaled the Doctor.
when it occurs from five to ten conventions. Doctor Dora Morgan writes
times a month it means that the Dr. Bachman's professional magnetism ayrd power, coupled with from Glenco, Minnesota, that she
funds are being dispersed at the his conscientious service, make him an invaluable professor in has settled down for a hard sum-
rate of from ten to twenty dol- Des Moines Still College. mer's session with the natives
lars a month, which in the course In this clinical field again, Still College is paramount. Our there. Business has been much
clinics are unsurpassed. The student's practice is not a matter of
of a year amounts to consider- so many minutes to a "chronic," but each case identical to that better than she expected. As a
able and it can easily be seen which he will meet every day in his own office. The number and result, Robert L. is on his way
that it does not go to the ad- variety of patients in this clinic are so extensive that each stu- to assist in the treating.
dent is bound to obtain a thorough knowledge of the therapeutic
-vancement of the school. There-
feld. Doctor Walker: "You cough
fore, no application or tran-
script will be sent out unless it
- -" · - ------ --- I easier this morning."
is accompanied by a fee of $2.50 Still College Wit or where the sound comes from?" Weary Patient: \ "I ought to,
payable to the college. I've been practicing all night."
"Yes, suh," answered the ne-
The examining board of spe-
cialists was testiig the mentality Nicholas: "My alarm went off
"Some people save for a rainy of a thick-lipped, weak-faced ne- The specialists looked 'at each
at 8:30 this morning."
day as if they lived in a desert." gro who had been brought in by other triumphantly.
Thomas: "Hasn't it come back
the police. Among other ques- "And when does this occur?" yet?"
"Luck is the thing that helps tions, the specialists asked: "Do one asked.
you most when you don't trust you ever hear voices without be- "When I'se talkin' over de tel- "It is said that a failure is
to it.' ing ables-~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.
to tell who is speaking
JL- -- ephone. . one who has quit trying."
I III C-- - I 1 - : I
I -- l~- -- ~D~·LS~B
sr -Rm~a--u-

.apolis. Commenting on this cen- that the direct introduction into tion from boils filtered through
The Log Book
aI - - L -
turies-old work, Dr. Perry is
Iquoted as stating that "The vol-
the blood of healthy and sick pa-
tients alike of concoctions pre-
animals, the stinking bowel evac-
uations of typhoid patients
The Official Publication of umre is not so far behind the pared from the rotten pus mixed with the blood serum of
DES MOINES STILL COLLEGE time as one might think," and scraped from the sores of a dis- beasts, and other equally horri-
OSTEOPATHY citations from it are given in eased calf, swabbings from the ble filth, is any improvement
Ij_ ....-
support of this statement. throats of diphtheria patients over the old-timers.-The Na-
President ............... L. Taylor incubated in a horse, the corrup- tional Observer.
'Editor ..-- .--Dr. Jack Hansel One of the remedies recom-
-- . --
I - r--r ---- - -- -- I-
L --- - - - --. -- mended by this book is, "the use I- - - u -- --

Osteopathy Without Limitation of powdered , mummies, swal- Facts Which All Students and Prospective Stu-
lowed in potions-" To those with dents Ought to Know
Is This You? sensitive stomachs, who feel an TUITION CASH
I am a student in the best Os- inclination to turn inside out at Freshman, registration fee _--,___---
---. -._--- -.- $ 25.00
teopathic college in the land. the mere thought of such a nox- Tuition ---------------------- __---------- 160.00
How do I know it is the best? ious dose, the suggstion is made Upper Classmen, per year_-, ---- _ -__________- - 175.00
iBecause some of the biggest men that after all, the old timers By the term--_--- ---------- - 90.00
Entire tuition if paid in advance-___ - __--.---,--- -- 600.00
and women of the profession are were not far different from their An additional five dollar fee will be charged for each week of
-numbered among the alumni and ought-to-be, but actually far- delay in registration.
some of the biggest men and from, modern and improved suc- Dissecting material: $20.00 on commencing dissection.
women are on our faculty. I am cessors. Laboratory: Deposit of $10.00 per year for each of the first
two years of laboratory, work.'
regular in my attendance and at- The present-day old school, al- Athletic: $5.00 payable at the beginning of each semester.
tentive to instructors. I have lopathic medical doctors will (This fee entitles the student to admission to all local college
always made my grades. I have have to go some to demonstrate athletic events.)
not shown much interest in ath- Graduation: Diploma, etc., $10.00.
- I--- - - - -- --
letics or school or class activi-
ties, generally, in fact, I haven't
done much around school but try
and absorb.
I have sat under the instruct-
,or$ and never once considered
the personal loss to them and the
real sacrifice they were making
by giving their time to college
work. I never once have made
mention to them that their work
vas appreciated by me at least.
I have been spending the sum-
mer months between college
years at home and keeping abso-
lutely quiet as to what I am pre-
paring myself for. I haven't
made any effort to persuade any
of my friends or acquaintances
that the profession and position
of an Osteopathiq Physician of-
fers the broadest field conceiv-
able and one's obligation or du-
ty to society can be served in a
fuller measure in this than any
profession I know.
I have not offered to inform
those not familiar with the scope
of 'Osteopathy that their particu-
lar ailment or sickness ,would
most likely yield to Osteopathic
Yea! Verily! I have been lax
aind my seelfishness has just
about taken up all my time. No
one has profited one whit by my
being so narrow. I have not
grown as I would had I ever been
on the alert to speak the glad
tidings: "Osteopathy is the most
nearly perfect of all the healing
arts," and Des Moines Still Col-
lege is the place to get it.
A. E. Smith, '26.

Medical Practice of 400

Years Ago
The Minneapolis Journal, of
Sunday, November 25, 1923, prints
an interesting account of a 400-
year-old medical book owned by
Dr. Ralph St. J. Perry, Minne-
4C - - --- THEir LOG-· -BOOKI - ~- I- -- -
-- ----
- --
r - pp-- CC---· I - C -· -- - 9

---------- :.: ------ ;AY~LL~"~ ;~AIAM~NANN~MI~~N\~h~Nl~·

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p Ho~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~

i E






I- - - -I - ---- I s I -'111 -- - -------^---- - -
$5.00 $10.00 $25.00
To the Editor of the Log Book: To the Editor of the Log Book: To the Editor of the Log Book:
Enroll my name as a member of 'Enroll my name as a member of Enroll my name as a mexr:mbe-.of
the "Greater Still College Club." I the "Greater Still College Club." I the "Greater Still College Cli2." I
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To the Editor of the Log, Book; To the Editor of the Log Book: To the Editor of the Log Book:
Enroll my name as a member of Enroll my name as a member of Enroll my name as a member of
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Entered as second class -G T H E----------- Acceptance for mailing at
special rates of postage
matter, February 3. 1923,
at the post office at Des
Moines, 'Iowa, under the
act of August 24th, 1912.
LOG B provided for in section 1103.i
act of Oct. 3. 1917, author-
ized Feb. 3, 1923.


Volume 2 August 1, 1924 Number 3

I . . .


Historical ;he ranks of the colleges of th( 'h y s i c al Soundness

)steopathic profession and toda Breeds Mental
stands pre-eminent among them
Des Moines Still College of Alertness"
Osteopathy was founded in 1898
by a group of educators whose "Athletics and Colleg To other profession requires
sound a physical body as does
purpose was to raise the educa- Spirit Move Hand t of the osteopath. Our very
tional standards of their profes- ence is a physical one. Stu-
sion and to put Osteopathy on in Hand" its entering Still College are
an equal footing with older en the opportunity to build
College sports are made a par the physical side of their ed-
schools of the healing art. ation. With the proper
of Des iMoines Still College life ouunt of athletics mixed into
Prominent among its sponsors
Each year our teams have ad school work, the student is
were Col. A. L. Conger, a well- rays more mentally awake and
vancedin ability and skill an
known Ohio statesman of that e to assimilate with greater
are now on a par with any in th
era; Dr. S. S. Still, nephew of the e the subjects making up his
Middlei, West. All Still Colleg ence.
Founder of the Science; and his
contests are scheduled with th Athletic prospects for thecom-
wife, Dr. Ella D. Still, and Pro- best teams available, not wit year are greater than ever.
fessor Wilfred Riggs, previously the idea of piling up enormou eexpect to exceed the envi-
a member of the faculty of the le records made in the past,
scores on weak teams, but t d, under the capable coaching
Idaho State Normal School. They play the stiffest opposition poss Mr. Sutton, the name "Still"
were all college people,-thorough- ble to meet, thereby gaining 11be found high in :the ranks
ly conversant with the best ped- worth-while reputation and a sport.
agogic traditions and methods. the same time giving our sti
Thus it is evident that the Col- dents an opportunity to see re; askell Indians vs. Still
..lege has been,:from-its very .ein- -sportsmannlike ---
conmtests -Ban-d n< still opens its 1924 football
ception, imbued and permeated "walkaways." hedule with the Haskell Indian
with a proper scholastic atmos- stitute of Lawrence, Kansas.
111 ,,l, a ver creditable
phere. It was, in fact, the first ..... -a.uw a very creditable
showing against the Indians last
Attention! Football Men
osteopathic institution of learn-
ing to demand and secure ade-
quate scientific and professional Football Practice September 2nd
John Levi year and because of this clean,
sportsmanlike demonstration we
have been able to schedule a re-
turn game for this season. The
preparation of its student body;
and it has never for a single in- Still faces the most difficult
The Second Jim Thorpe Football team has a schedule of
nine games with possibilities for
stant departed from the high foiball schedule in its history. John Levi, renowned football a tenth one. Five of these gamnes
standards that gave it birth. We play the strongest team on will be played at home.
player of the Redman, was the
It was founded, too, in response the schedule first. On Septem- one outstanding player in the
to a strong popular demand for ber 25th we journey to Law- Great plans are in the making
1923 season of the Haskell In- for a Still College Alumni Home-
an osteopathic training school rence, Kansas, and play the na- dian Institute. Sport writers coming on October 25th. Still
located in a center of population tionally known Haskell Indians. from New York to California will meet the strong Graceland
large enough to supply it with The showing made by the team have repeatedly likened him to College team on that date. This
adequate clinical material. means much to Still and to Oste- the famous Jim Thorpe. Still should be a very exciting game
in as much as the two teams
Des Moines Still College of opathy. Practice will start Sep- College will again attempt to played to 6 to 6 tie last season.
Osteopathy has attained to and tember 2, 1924. The situation subdue these warriors on the We are warning our Alumni now
consistently maintains the high- demands that you be there. gridiron during the coming sea- that they are to make prepara-
est standards of efficiency in its Signed, son. No doubt Levi will again tion to be in Des Moines on that
date. We promise the biggest
every department. It early wor FRANK R. SUTTON, demonstrate his ability as an all Homecoming ever witnessed at
for itself a place as foremost ir Coach. around football master. S.till.
-311 1

Facts Which All Students and Prospective Stu-

dents Ought to Know
Freshman, registration fee-_-.___--- -------- - $ 25.00
The Log Book again calls the attention of the student Tuition ----------
_______----- 160.00
Upper Classmen, per year--___-,______- -____ _ 175.00
body and all prospective students to the matter of regi- By the term - -- _ _-_------ - - ___- 90.00
stration. The regular day for beginning registration is Entire tuition if paid in advance --- ___--.---_.. 600.00
An additional five dollar fee will be charged for each week of
September 10th. Class work will begin the following week. delay in registration.
The college officials are urging upon the students to take Dissecting material: $20.00 on commencing dissection.
advantage of early registration owing to the fact that new Laboratory: Deposit of $10.00 per year for each of the first
two years of laboratory work.
rules and regulations are going into effect this fall. There Athletic: $5.00 payable at the beginning of each semester.
is no necessity for any one to be caught napping and have (This fee entitles the student to admission to all local college
athletic events.)
delinquent fees to pay. Graduation: Diploma, etc., $10.00.
2 THE LOG BOOK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


PUSHBALL-Freshman vs. Sophomore




· --
I~~~~~H LO BOO - 3
- ---






1925 -I

4- - - -.-.
L OGI....... .B .


$5.00 $10.00 $25.00

To the Editor of the Log Book: To the Editor of the Log Book: To the Editor of the Log Book:
Enroll my name as a member of the Enroll my name as a member of the Enroll my name as a member of the
"Greater Still College Club." I agree "Greater Still College Club." I agree "Greater Still College Club." I agree
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$50.00 $75.00 $__

To the Editor of the Log Book: To the Editor of the Log Book: To the. Editor of the Log Book:
Enroll my name as a member of the Enroll my name as a member of the Enroll my name as a member of the
"Greater Still College Club." I agree "Greater Still College Club." I agree "Greater Still College Club." I agree
to pay the amount indicated on this to pay the amount indicated on this to pay the amount indicated on this
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Name ---------- ------- Name -- _------------- ----- Name----------
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]Entered as second class
I -~ ~ ~ , r"1
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matter, February
matter. February 3. 1923,
1.92 3, T f'~ " *special Acceptance
Acceptance for mailing at
rates forofmailingaf
at the post office at Des at-the post off ^ ice at Des *J ^ * special rates
provided of postage
for in section 1103
a t of
act of August 24th, 1912| . iz 3 917 autho-
_____.*_ ^ ^ fl lf ^ r
*i A BL ized Feb. 3; 923.


Volume 2 September 1, 1924 Number 4

. _ . .. . _ . .~~~~~~~~~~~Nmbr



I .I
The greatest DesMoines
SCOBroadcasttwng-forecast or 1924-5 -
tll Cdlee oF Osteopathy-
he best Osteopathic lacuty-
Osteopa'thL tught as Dr.A.S til Founded r-
The be' OSteopaths ever GrdLuated-




P- "- :'. ,!,

? .1
I I -

P GET Even as You and I
N A fool there was, and he lost his
Students of Osteopathy are
specialists of the SPINE..
"The Still Spirit" hair
Even as you and I.
Some called him the man who
Throughout the four years of didn't care,
their school work the SPINE is HOMECOMING But we called him the man with
a part of their teaching. Its dome so bare,
many articulations, its numerous
movements and its variations October 25th, 1924 Even as you and I.

are sometimes difficult to grasp. Oh, the hours he wasted and the
These difficulties in teaching and toil he wasted,
learning the fundamentals of the FOOTBALL And the work of head and hand;
SPINE have been greatly light- And why his hair would die he
ened by demonstrations upon
GRACELAND vs STILL never knew why, and he nev-
er could understand.
SPINE is so preserved that the _I__
pliability of the ligaments re- Oh, the time he spent and the
mains. The actual movements of
Are You Looking a town of 2500 and is desirous of
toil he spent;
For a Location? selling his $4,000 practice. We
any joint may be seen and demon- shall be glad to hear from any- To rescue his locks was his sole
strated with the skin and mus- one who is interested. intent,
cles removed. The FLEXIBLE Two year lease on down-town
But the tonics he used were not
SPINE is the work of Dr. H. V. office building, Cleveland, Ohio. A doctor of Osteopathy writes
Rent $51.50 per month. Leaving from Nebraska wanting someone worth a cent,
Halladay. He is the only living And his hair just went, and went,
person knowing the method for Cleveland on account of health. to associate with him who has an
Nothing to sell except transfer operative knowledge of major and went,
producing these life-like joints. For a hair must follow its natu-
Dr. Halladay discovered this of lease. Write Log Book for and minor surgery. This is a
information. wonderful opportunity for some ral bent,
process after years of reserch Even as you and I.
in the dissection laboratory. Opening in Eustis, Nebraska. good man.
Students of Des Moines Still Small town, rich agricultural A good practice has recently The fool was stripped to his fool-
College will be fortunate in the center. One M. D. in town, no become available in Kellogg, Ida-
Osteopath. Large number want- ish hide,
coming years to have demonstra- ho, owing to the fact of Dr. O. So he bought a toupee to cover
tions upon these SPINES. They ing an Osteopath in community. Gray's recent illness. We are
Address Mrs. G. C. Walford, Eus- his pride,
will also be in full touch with sorry to hear that Dr. Gray will And to save his hair he tried,
the advancements maade in ana- tis, Nebraska, for further infor- no longer be in practice. He
mation. and tried;
tomical research under Dr. H. V. would like to have someone .o- But two of them lived and three
Halladay. Just received word from one cate in his town. We believe
of our Iowa friends who lives in of them died,
Anaatomy was stressed to the this is a good location. Even as you and I.
utmost by our founder, Dr. A.
T. Still. Osteopaths always Facts Which All Students and Prospective Stu- News
speak of their careful training
in anatomy and their superior dents Ought to Know
knowledge of the subject. IN TUITION CASH A large number of our alumni
from Iowa and surrounding states
FACT, ANATOMY IS THE FOUN- Freshman, registration fee -_.--- ____.....________ _$ 25.00
DATION OF OSTEOPAT H Y. are visiting the college while at-
Freshman tuition ______ _._____-___________ _ 160.00 tending the Iowa State Fair.
DES MOINES STILL COLLEGE Upper Classmen, per year -- ___,.. ___..._________.__. 175.00
OF OSTEOPATHY IS TEACHING Dean Hibbard leaves for Han-
.By the term--__ ___9__________ ______-------------- 90.00- nibal, Mo., this week, where he
THE BEST ANATOMY THE Entire tuition if paid in advance_-- ___ __----- _____ 600.00
BEST OSTEOPATHY. will join the band of Still Col-
An additional five dollar fee will be charged for each week of lege married couples. He will
delay in registration.
Courtesy is not something arti- Dissecting material: $20.00 on commencing dissection. return immediately with Mrs.
ficial. It springs from the heart. Laboratory: Deposit of $10.00 per year for each of the first Hibbard and resume his studies
It is an expression of thought- two years of laboratory work. at the college.
fulness for others. It is doing Athletic: $5.00 payable at the beginning of each semester. Dr., H. V. Halladay has pur-
to them as we would be done by. chased a new home at 3511 King-
(This fee entitles the student to admission to all local college
At its foundation lie the great athletic events.) man Boulevard, and has moved
moral qualities of kindness and his household goods from Kirks-
Graduation: Diploma, etc., $10.00.
self respect. ville during the past week. Dr.
The registration fee of $25.00 is for entering freshmen only. Halladay has a very beautiful
There is no registration fee for any other classmen.
home in one of the best residen-
The world is so full of a number _ ,, _ ,I . . . ..
tial districts of Des Moines.
, of things, Frank Thomas, sophomore at
I'm sure we should all be as hap-
py as kings.
Robert Louis Stevenson.
IMPORTANT NOTICE! Still College, has assumed one of
the branch managerships of the
Register and Tribune.
The Log Book again calls the attention of the student The Log Book has received a
Improvement always begins large number of letters further-
with "I."
body and all prospective students to the matter of regi-
ing the Still College Homecom-
stration. The regular day for beginning registration is ing, October 25th. We are al-
It never gets too hot for a September 10th. Class work will begin the following week. ways glad to get suggestions
thermometer to w, rk. How The college officials are urging upon the students to take from the field.
about YOU? advantage of early registration owing to the fact that new Football practice, as announced
rules and regulations are going into effect this fall. There in the last issue, will begin Sep-
When Adam swore at Eve im- tember 2nd. Preparations are
mediately after the fruit course, is no necessity for any one to be caught napping and have being made to take care of a
it was the original rib roast. delinquent fees to pay. squad of 75 candidates.
I :

Walter Walker, Martins Ferry, Clinics Still Growing been called early in the case
The Log Book Ohio.
Alice Burnett, Weiser, Idaho. The summer students have been
and had diagnosed said recently,
"The Massage" is a good thing,
The Official Publication of Bernard Jones, Estherville, Ia. kept extremely busy throughout it has kept up the tissues and
DES MOINES STILL COLLEGE Gerald Beebe, Lawton, Mich. the entire three months of va- they are ready for the return of
OSTEOPATHY Jerry Laucke, Columbus, Ohio. cation. Obstretrical and surgi- the "Motor." Keep it up. He
Mike Hannan, Marietta, Ohio. cal clinics have kept up to their would not say "Osteopathy" for
President ................... S. L. Taylor
Ole Olsen, South Bend, Ind. usual quota and in some cases far the world but it was Osteopathy
Editor -. _-----Dr. Jack Hansel
W. E. Ludwig Y,oungstown, exceeded any number before. pure and simple.
Osteopathy Without Limitation Ohio. The clinical prospects for the As the poet said, "Oh consist-
coming year are most encourag- ency, thou art in deed a jewel.'
Osteopathy is still working and
To Students and Alumni ing. The reputation of all clin-
Billie will soon be a monument
ics at Still College is an envi-
iLADIES G nTS AHO to her works and can be sighted.
September 10th is the first day able one.
as a signal case as to Osteopathy
of registration for the fall term I
working and winning.
-for D. M. S. C. 0. We have heard
I The Observer Says:
from a great many of the old
One of the most trustworthy
students who had returned to That the picture and slogan tests of character is manner.
their homes for the summer va- by Dr. West, of our own ranks,
cation and almost to a man they I
"Medical Watches," "Osteopathy
Without knowing a person, with-
out even speaking to him, we
:are to' return this fall. Works" was brought quite forcib- may pretty fairly estimate his
*The weather has been good at ly to mind when I got home quailties and moral development
Des Moines, some rain, some sun- after school was closed for sum- by watching his intercourse with
shine, some dry weather and dur- mer and found that my little others. Kindness and sympathy
ing it all and through it all, the girl had suffered a most severe cannot help revealing their pres-
office at the college has been case of croup and an aborted ence; heartiness, manliness, up-
busy 'and the correspondence has case of pneumonia. I learned rightness, honesty, may be dis-
been carefully cared for. If any- how our good Osteopathic physi- covered in his bearing if pres-
.one has failed to receive a cata- cian had been on the job for ent in his value.
log or to get an answer to letters three hours at one time and for Manner is the outward sign of
directed to the college, we are I l $ I k,.'m some other periods of nearly equal soul's nature. It is always un-
very sorry for every effort has length and got results in every consciously betraying our defi-
1 have been extremely busy in instance. Is there any wonder
been made to get these letters the past few weeks making prep- ciencies or revealing our better
out post-haste. why I should be "sold" on Os- traits. We cannot get away from
aration for the reception and en-
Not only have we been busy teopathy-Medicine would have it. We cannot falsify or pre-
tertainment of all of you back
.answering mail, but we have been waited and watched, while our tend to be what we are not, for
to- es Moines (The City of Cer-
industriously organizing the fac- estimable Dr. Jessie Johnson the deceitfulness is revealed in
tainties). Complete plans are ot Youngstown, Ohio, worked,
ulty and securing new members not ready for publication but our manner. The'keen observer
;and increasing the efficiency of and worked some more and the will detect the sham, and recog-
confidentially, I can tell you a
the personnel. We feel that we folks at home were spared hours nize the real qualities beneath
few of the things that have been
:have done our work acceptably. of anxiety and fear. You can the exterior.
arranged. "Charley Cain," our
Many new faces will be here just bet it was with a heart full
nationally known Bally-ho dis-
-to greet the student body when of gratitude that I acknowledged Do not try to pass for mo.re
penser will meet each and every
they return and if any of the my debt to the faithful doctor, than you are worth; if you do
,one of you at the train where he
Alumni chance to come this way and how I am more and more your duty, your good qualities of
will pass out Lolly Pops and gum
during the summer year, we hope impressed with the extreme ser- head and heart will be discov-
as a gift from the satisfied pa-
to make them proud they are iousness of the responsibilities ered and appreciated.
tients treated by freshmen Doc-
graduates of Des Moines Still of the profssion I am making
tors during the past semester.
-College. We never like to make preparation for.
The forty piece tin and dish
predictions as to the new class. Another case which has caused
pan band of the Consolidated
Suffice it to say it will be satis- favorable comment on the part
Hash Dispensers Union will ren-
fying. Many new faces will be of prominent medics is that of a
der music at the depot and an
-out for football practice and the lad, 17 years old, who nearly a
address of welcome will be given
Haskell Indians will have to fight year ago suffered an accident by
by the president. His subject
for their reputation. falling, causing complete paraly-
will be "Back to the fold again."
sis and was pronounced by med-
The churches, schools, theatres Following a procession through
and play houses of Des Moines ics as hopeless. "Medicine would
the main streets of the city, in-
wait and watch." But thanks to
will throw their doors wide open cluding Cherry and Center
to the Des Moines Still College the , determination of Billie's
streets, the entire assemblage
student body.
.. folks. They were not content
will march to the New Gymnas-
to wait and watch and now
I thank you one and all for ium and a program of sports
wili be carried out. The foremost through the efforts of the same
your co-operation. May we have Osteopath mentioned above Billie
,a happy and prosperous year. feature of which will be "The
Kentucky Derby." Rumor has it is making a most wonderful re-
S. L. TAYLOR, covery. He has complete use of
that "Angus" will be the dark
President. his hands and arms, sits in and
propels a wheel chair and grad-
The city of your education has ually gaining control of his lower
Students Returning not changed in the past three limbs. He had a Cystitis and
months. The only complaint I Pyelitis which have cleared up.
The following students are ever hear is that "restaurant His muscles and tissues generally
-among the first arrivals to reach service ain't what is used to be." have been built up from state of
Des Moines from their summer We, who are heavy eaters are considerable atrophy to a most
vacation ready to resume their looking for your return. satisfactory condition and get-
studies at Still: Yours for a Big Home Coming, ting better all the while.
Paul Parks, Keosauqua, Iowa JOHN P. SCHWARTZ. A prominent surgeon who had
4 TH
2 i - - - i - - .- - I N . & I - N 0 0. 9 - - v ____ L _ _ C_ _ a

With 150 New Freshmen

Will Be An Entity

Des Mloines Still College

Specializing in Osteopathy 1,I


$5.00 $10.00 $25.00

To the Editor of the Log Book: To the Editor of the Log Book: To the Editor of the Log, Book: 19-
Enroll my name as a member of the Enroll my name as a member of the Enroll my name as a member of the
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To the Editor of the Log Book: To the Editor of the Log Book: To the Editor of the Log Book:
Enroll my name as a member of the Enroll my name as a member of the Enroll my name as a member of the
"Greater Still College Club." I .agree "Greater Still College Club." I agree "Greater Still College Club." I agree II
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Entered as second class
TH E-- Acceptance for mailing at

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at the post office at Des provided for in section 11031
Moines. Iowa, under the act of Oct. 3. 1917. author-
act of August 24th, 1912. ized Feb. 3. 1923.


Volume 2 September 15, 1924 . Number 5

IlI7 I~

COACH Two Good Reasons CAPTAIN Concerning The

With Prof. Frank Sutton as Log Book
coach, and Bob Murphy as cap-
tain, there is no apparent rea- The Log Book is the official
son for not having a champion- mouthpiece of Still College. Like
ship team this fall. Very few all college publications, its pri-
first string men were lost from mary purpose is to boost the
the squad by graduation, and-the school and those. attending the
reported ability of the freshman school,. and, at, no time are its
aspirants, added to the nucleus columns to' be used in criticism
of experienced players from last of. the faculty, student -body or
year's aggregation give the most the profession. One can readily
promising outlook for a winning see the effect such subject mat-
year. Coach Sutton's abi-i-ty has- ter would have upon the minds
been more than proven by the of the seven thousand readers of
meteoric rise in importance of the paper.
,-.till College athletic, teams. Cap- .I..I,.n-order to fulfill the purpose
.tain:-.Murphy is .Ia dependable of the Log Book, we must have
ground gainer, heady in his deci- an inexhaustible supply of mate-
sions and fearless in his 'attack. rial. Articles and items-of stu-
QOnhthe receiving end of a passing dent authorship relative to col-
.'omabination, he is without a peer. lege activities, sports, ideals,
These men are working to put humorous happenings, classroom
D) M. S. C. 0. at the head of the news, personal activities of stu-
list on the gridiron. If you are dents and of the profession, in
a football man, give them your fact any news that is interesting
suppprt on the field; if you are -that will boost D. M. S. C. 0.,
not, give them your support on is more than welcome. Don't
the sidelines. Be one of the two wait until someone comes around
places, and on September 25 the and asks you to prepare an ar-
Haskell Indians will feel as their ticle upon some specific subject,
ancestors did when Buffalo Bill act upon your own initiative.
and the rest of the old timers When you hear a good joke, jot
were on their trail. it down and hand it in, give
The schedule to date follows: some one else a chance to laugh.
Sept. 27 Haskell Indians at Get "The Still' Sirit!" Do your
Lawrence, Kansas. bit towards making the Log
Oct. 10 Buena Vista at Storm Book the best in the field. Let's
Lake. Go!
Oct. 25-Graceland at Des
Moines. :HOMECOMING. Are You Looking
Oct. 31 Central at Des Moines.
-Nov. 21- Western Union at Des For a Location?
Word has been received by the
college that Dr. J. F. Bone, of
:TO THE UPPER CLASSMEN Pontiac, Illinois, is looking for
a competent Osteopath to. either
no buy or temporarily take charge
doubt, since first-! mention was of his office. The Doctor has a
The man who said, "Flattery's pleasant, but if we've very desirable location and an
made thrugh the columns'of the holes in the seats of our trousers we should be told of exceptionally good practice. He
Log Book, what it was;.all about. it-sooner or later we must turn our backs to the audi- is planning on moving to a larger
It's this: Des Moines Still Col- ence," certainly said a mouthful. We- can go through city, and would like to leave
lege is going to have a real, hon- Pontiac by the 15th of Septem-
school kidding ourselves that we may select the: subjects ber if possible. If you should
est-to-goodness Homecoming! A from the curriculum that please us most, disregarding hear of someone desiring such
day when all the old boys are the drier and more difficult ones, and still become ef- an opportunity, have them com-
back. to tell us youig "fellers" ficient Osteopaths. However, the courses of today we municate with the Doctor, direct.
how they did it back in '05, when Dr. E. C. Andrews, of Ottawa,
slight become the holes in our trousers of tomorrow, and Illinois, is planning on being
everyone is happy and full of sooner or later, when out in practice, we will have to away from his office for approxi-
pep, rarin' to go. Saturday, Oc- turn our backs to t:.ihe -audience, and the aforementioned mately a month the latter part
tober 25, 1924, 'is to be the red of September and the first of Oc-
holes will be the-cause -of our downfall.' As the old say- tober,. and is looking for a good
letter day in the history of Still ing goes, "Forewarned-Forearmed," let's tell ourselves
College. There'll be a football doctor to take care of his prac-
game, Still vs. Graceland, big pa- "about it," and go after every subject, whether interest- tice during his absence.
rade, FEED, individual class ing or not, with a determination and thoroughness that
meetings, and surprise stunts will prohibit the possibility of a future downfall of any The Student's Creed
that will be the feature of the nature.
program.::It is the plan to make The following thought by Ste-
the program so interesting that phen Grellet is well worth the
the alumni will want to come if adoption by every. student and
they have:to be carried, dragged
or pushed, in a wheel chair! A
GREEN CAPS physician as well, as a creed to
guide their thoughts and lives
numbertof the alumni will be in through the years to come:
the city attending the Taylor -It is an honored custom of the College for the mem- "I expect to pass through this
,Clinic -Post Graduate course, world but once. Any good thing,
bers of the Freshman Class to wear the prescribed Green therefore, that I can do, or any
-which is to be held October 20-
25, inclusive. {Cap. It is not the intent of the school to dictate the kindness I can show to any fellow
dress of its new students nor to humiliate them. The human being, let me do it now.
The earnest co-operation of ev- Let me not defer nor neglect it,
ery student.is needed to put this Green Cap, the world over, is a recognized symbol of for I shall not pass this way
event across. Your ideas and the the man who is undertaking a course of training to bet- again."
ideas from the profession are ter himself and mankind.
more than welcome, send them The annual Freshman-Sophomore pushball game-de- WOW!
in. Within the next week a defi- This summer while touring the
nite organization for the devel- termines the period the caps are to be worn. If the country for the benefit of Mr.
opment of the program will 'be Freshmen win-NO MORE CAPS. If the Sophomores Chautauqua, Jim Cochran and
announced. In the meantime, win, continue to wear your caps like good sportsmen. Miller happened to attend a pi-
concentrate your thinker on ideas ano recital. Says friend Jim:
that will help make The Home- Uphold the Customs of Your College "What is that lovely thing he is
coming, Saturday, October 25, a playing?" Quoth Miller, "A pi-
- -- 7
Glorious Success!
----- - - - -- - -
Wear the Green Cap! ano, ya darnphool!"

The Log
_ II
Book I know a little flapper,
Fraternity News
The Official Publication of She's dumb beyond compare,
She keeps on asking questions, Just three men spent the sum-
)ES MOTNES STILL COLLEGE Like when? and why? and mer months in the local chapter
OSTEOPATHY where? house, and the "trio" succeeded
quite well in keeping the lawn
President .. ....... S. L. Taylor I told her she was pigeon-toed, cut, also kept up the housework,
Editor_--. . D....Don.
Baylor Then, with her -baby stare- making the place presentabie
She looked at me quite silently. (moos't''of
'the time) .' Th 'thee
Osteopathy ithout Limitation Then calmly queried: "Where?" loyal workers (?) were: Samson
- %

Staples, Olaf Oleson and Tedd'Rei-

To the Freshmen Second Story Sam: "I breaks
into that there Osteopatic doc- The Ifolliing men have. been
tors' fraternity down there th' "on the go: most of the summer
other night, and one of 'em wel- months, and are now "rarin' to
Welcome, Freshmen! The por- comed me with a gat. He advised g'o" at the old books again:
tals of the greatest profession in me to get out."
existence have been..passed-You Safe Crackin' Willie: Huh, you J. C. Cochran is through with
have embarked upon your career got off easy." his Chautauqua schedule and is
as an Osteopathic Physician, an S. S. S.;:- "Easy the deuce! He now somewhere in the east on
charged me twenty-five dollars his way back to Des Moines. Jim
outstanding professional person- is planning on making a short
age to be-at least, you have re-
for expert medical advice."
visit to Dr. J. A. Lydic, D. M. S. The Observer Says:
ceived your passport for the four- C. 0. '23, who is now practicing
year cruise which ends, some- REALLY? in Dayton, Ohio. Sure is good to see
what unceremoniously, at the Soph: "Say, boy, why is an old "Hoss" O'Dell spent the sum- You all back again!
"port of missing men"-State maid like a frozen tomato?" mer at Angola,' Indiana, and
Board.- Frosh: "I fear I must confess states to the gratification of all Hope I0: a8, profitable
my ignorance once again. Why?" that he will return with a few
Soph: "Because it's hard to- "greenbacks" to his credit. Summer. There are tquite
But why talk of such dismal
subjects? After having gone (Don't strike, boys, it's all in Carl Gephart was kept quite A few new faces around
through that triumphal parade fun.) busy taking care of his Dad's The campus this year so
of welcome, in which the consol- bookkeeping - (getting pinched
idated bands of thirty-nine (39) for speeding in his dad's Marmon, You upperclassmen want to
"Isn't that your roommate over so Dr. "Gussie" Weimers, '24,
separate states and old Jul Cae- there kidding that colored writes). Be sure and sell elevator
sar's pet chariot participated, dame?"
you are no doubt tired of hand- "Oh, migosh. I just knew he'd H. B. Poucher spent the hot Rides to the Freshmen and
shaking, bowing, and receiving make a fool outa himself if he months (?) treating in Elgin, Il- Get acquainted with the new
ever went out alone. He's color- linois. It was not reported what
the plaudits of the multitude. I blind, ya know." he treated. Faces on the Faculty, you----
don't blame you!
"Pinkie" Marlow, of the same Might see them again some
In all seriousness, we do most AND SEA-SICKNESS location, has been helping Mr.
heartily welcome you-the facul- Elgin make watches all summer. Place. Angus, the pride and
Coach Sutton (In Chemistry Will probably return with a Joy of our institution has
ty, the student body, and the pro- class): "What does sea water pocket full of ticks or something.
fession as a whole. The fact that contain. besides the sodium chlor- DRAWN THE LINE
men and women of your calibre ide that we have mentioned?" "Doc" Green reported some For Truck Meyer's Penny Tossers
have chosen Osteopathy as their Grove City Freshman: "Fish, time ago that he was working
life's work is mute evidence of sir." (drawing'a salary) in somebody's The Office Force sure cop
garage. the prize for Old Time Loyalty
the forward progress of our sci-
ence. The choice of this college, "Swede" Richardson, of Austin, Many the night this past
in preference to the others is SWER THIS ONE Minnesota. was flirting his sum- Summer they worked while
the highest commendation the mer months with his "Bees."
Fond Parent: "What is worry- You were helping wear out
faculty and personnel of the in- ing you, my son?" Others have written, but they
stitution could rceive. You're Willie: "I was just wondering failed to say what they were do- Dad's Lizzie
how many legs you gotta pull off ing-but, they're all "rarin'" to We take our hats and
here and you've come to stay. a centipede to make him limp." come back.
Caps off to you Mrs. R
On entering upon the first of
your four years of intensive HEY! BOY! PAGE DOC OPENING ODE And Rose Mary
training, bear this thought in STEFFEN! The D. M. S. C. O. Local of the Many of the boys have
Amalgamated Hash-Slingers' Un- Taken a new wife unto
mind-You will get out of Des
Moines Still College just what Love has recently been classi- ion, honorary Osteopathic frater-
fied as a disease-curable only by nity, has announced the formal Themselves during vacation
you bring to it! If you bring Onions and Marriage. How 'bout adoption of the following Open-
ing and Closing Ode, Motto and Don't know if the
only an interest in the athletics, it, Doctor?
that is all you will take away. Funeral Ritual: [nstigating factor was Love
"Clatter and clash-
If you are interested only in the Patient (dashing into the col- Slinga da hash, Or a thirst for more
social phases of college activity, lege holding tightly to his head): Smasha da deesh, an' Knowledge
that is all you will get out of "Give me something for my head, Twirla moustache!
Doc, ouick, give me something Loopa da loop, However Time will Tell
your four years in the institution, for it." Sloppa da soup, Big Bill Russell reports
regardless of rules, regulations, Winka da lady,
faculty or what not. But-if you Dean Johnson: "I wouldn't take No giva da whoop." Working 5% days at
it as a gift." Beautiful thing, sentiment and Miama Florida as a
bring to this school a sincere de-
all, isn't it?
sire to train and equip yourself Second-hand Battleship
as an Osteopathic Physician, you Irate Doctor (shoving up his
window to see who is causing the UNEXCUSABLE, DOCTOR! Salesman
will receive the best that every rapping on the door): "Well?" Frosh: "And did you ever make Which-proves the antiquated
professor and department has to Voice (from below): "No, gol- a serious mistake in diagnosis, Adage
offer! Your future success de- darnit. SICK! Doctor?"
pends upon mental attitude. J. P. S. Yes. Once I treated You can't keep a bad drink
a patient for indigestion when
Make the most of your opportun- Who is this bird ACTION every she could easily have afforded ap- Down
ities. one strips for? pendicitis!" Period



How Would You Like to See the

REAL THING? It's Up to You! I

IIP*4 P I -*4
-e4- I-.*r*
*'* y I e4
e.i- e.- *r**` : - 4- -: e.
ir* r**r* "=*I.
r*Ir -:r- -*T.-,.i M.,.
i :T- *= -: -*..
e.i *r *r*** * r*
t **

Mark This Date on Your Calendar

October 25th
Every Student anc I Alumni are
' Expected to Help Make This Day the
Greatest Event in thI e History of
D. M. S.C. O.
ALUMNI You Bet I'm Coming!
- -I ~
" -- .r-.-l -~ - -- - C - - - -- m
- -L
_- _--- ---- - _
.-i. _-· _I) _--
_I- _--
-- -
_C- -L· -C _-- I
-- -~
-- ··-
----- _ r
IEntered as second class
matter, February 3. 1923, T "HG EOO i Acceptance for mailing at
pecial rates of postage
at the post office at Des
Moines, Iowa. under the
act of August 24th. 1912. LOG BOOK ;; rovided for in section 11034
ct of Oct. 3. 1917, author-
:ed Feb. 3. 1923.
_ .


Volume 2 October 1, 1924 . Number 6

I ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
II . I
HELD SEPT. 19 Read This Notice
Due to' conflicting events, D.
COMING YEAR has been changed to FRIDAY, Here
OCTOBER 24. Every one is ex- Quite an agreeable surprise was
The first assembly of the cur- pected to enter into the spirit of afforded September 18, when Dr.
rent school year was held Friday, this event and help to indelibly S. S. Still, nephew of Andrew
September 19, under the direc- impress the fact upon the minds Taylor Still .and the founder of
tion of the president, Dr. S. L. of returning alumni that D. M. S. C. O., stopped off en
Taylor. Still College Is Awake-Still Col. route to Kirksville, to visit the
A hearty welcome was extend- lege Is Doing Things;That This college.
ed the old and new students by College,! Is-Was and Always It will be remembered by the
the president. New members of Will Be the Best in Existence. older members of the profession'
the faculty were introduced to The following is the tentative that Dr. Still founded the S. S.
the student body, and given an program (for the Homecoming Still College of Osteopathy ifn
opportunity to "speak for them- Day Celebration, D. M. S. C. 0., Des Moines in 1898, erecting the'
selves." Friday, October 24, 1924: present building the following
Dr. "Veirge" Halladay was ex- 8:00 to-b:45 A. M.-Alumni vis- year. Seven years later the-'Doc-
ceedingly complimentary in his iting classes, meeting faculty, tor returned to Kirksville and'
remarks regarding the college as and renewing acquaintances. the name of the college was
a whole. He gave the students 9:45 to 11:30 A. M.-Assembly changed- to the Des Moines Still
an insight into his plans for the Pep Meeting. "Experience Ad- College of Osteopathy.
development of the department vises the Embryos." Dr. Still has always looked up-
of Anatomy.' "Verge" is strong 12:00 to 1:30 P. M.-Fraternity DR. II. V. HIALLADAY
on D. M. S. C. 0. as "his" school,
on the "blow your own horn" meetings. and the tenor of the following
philosophy, and is already busy 2:00 to 3:00 P. M.-Pushball DR. H. V. HALLADAY remarks, made before some of
organizing the "D. M. S. C. 0. game -annual class fight Fresh- the classes visited, leads us to
Silver Cornet 'Band," promising men vs. Sophomores. -. ISSUES CALL- FOR believe that Dr. S. S. still enter-
to direct and to-play sax and
clarinet simultaneously.
3:00 --P.-'I. FOOTBALL. West-
Nine ern League Park. Still Varsity -:.. MUSICIANS--: tains a high opinion of the col-
rahs and a tiger for Verge!
lege: -"Des Moines is the best
vs. Graceland. Remember last year how good it town in the United States for an
Next came Professor "Gawdge" 5:00 to 7:00 P. M. -Class Re-
Hurt, directing the Laboratory unions. Mezzanine floor, Hotel sounded to hear the old band osteopathic school." "Even now
department. The professor em- Fort Des Moines. tootin' away in the assembly they are considering the second
phasized the essential importance room and on the football field? school 'the' first school of osteo-
7:00 to 9:00 P. M.-Home-Com- "Verge" Halladay thinks that a pathy." The Doctor's only boast
of laboratory work and gave a ing Banquet. Hotel Fort Des being that in "thirty years of
definite outline covering his Moines. band is absolutely essential to a
course for the coming year, in progressive school, and the stu- practice I have never learned'to
9:00 P. M.-Dance. Ballroom, dent body should be behind him sign a death certificate."
which the more intensive work Hotel Fort Des Moines.
is to be done along the lines of BOOST, MAKE THIS EVENT in his efforts to organize such
intelligent interpretation, and THE OUTSTANDING ONE IN a group. If a man of such im-
portance is willing to devote his
Sophomores Elect
the significance of laboratory THE HISTORY OF D. M. S. C. 0.
findings. We are confident that valuable time and energy to such Class Officers
under Professor Hurt's direction, a movement, every last one of
this will develop into one of the D. M. S, C. O. Students you who ever played an instru- Class election was held by the
Sophomore B class Monday, Sep-
major departments of the col- to Train Local Athletes ment, who ever thought he could
play, or who ever attempted to tember 22. The following offi-
lege. More power to you, cers were elected:
"Gawdge." Arrangements have just been play, should answer the call and
give your best efforts toward President, L. E. Schaeffer.
Dr. E. S. Grossman, who is to completed by Dr. H. V. Halladay Vice president, C. A. Ward.
be associated with Dr. G. C. Tay- making the band a grand success.
to place D. M. S. C. O. students Here is "Verge's" personal opin- Secretary-treas., Irene Krug.
lor in the Eye, Ear, Nose and in charge of training athletic The outlook for the coming
ion on the question:
Throat department, occupied the teams in ; all local colleges and year is very bright, and the man-
next place on the program. high schools. "What About a Band?" ifest enthusiasm of the members
While we were unsuccessful in Th. boys are now caring for "A gang of wind-jammers is of the class causes the prediction
finding out just what the "E. S." the gridiron aspirants of Drake just as imlportant and necessary of many good times in store for
stood for, the Doctor's size and University, Des Moines Catholic to school life as athletics or oth- the future.
radiating good nature instantly Academy, West, North and East er social activities. At this
placed him on a par with the Des Moines high schools, Roose- s'tage of the game it is impossi-
"old-timers" in the minds of the. velt and Lincoln high schools, ble to tell just what can be made Attention, Fraternities
student body. and the Des Moines Still College out of the fourteen or fifteen In order that all organizations
Coach and Professor Frank squad. band men now in school. In a may have equal representation in
Sutton, Dr. E. E. Steffen, Dr. -The work comprises regular short time, an organization will the columns of the Log Book, the
Pinkie Schwartz, Handsome Dr. osteopathic treatments for first be effected, officers elected and
editor requests that each frater.-
Johnnie Woods (who put in the string men and substitutes when some earnest work done along nity and sorority appoint or elect
summer looking after little necessary, work-outs for the bal- this line. We are going to need an official reporter for the pur-
things around the college, 7 or ance of the squads, complete care something in the treasury, so dopose of supplying the Log Book
8 pounders), and last, but not of all minor injuries 'and minor not be surprised when you hear
least, The Dean, himself, Dr. C. surgery. The students are under an S. 0, S. call signed by the with information relative to his
or her group. All material should
W. Johnson, appearing in person, the direction of the local coaches, Band." be handed in by the 7th and 22d
concluded the program with ap- and their attendance, to hold the Let's Go, Gang! Everybody of each month.
propriate remarks of welcome to appointment, is required daily. Help Verge! Still College can
the returning student body. By having their work approved have a band should have a band
(Continued on page 3) Who you become is nothing-
(Continued on page 3)I -WILL HAVE A BAND!! what you become is evervthing
- - ........ . - ..
/ ...- l:o

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Third Clinical Session the wheels of industry in Niles,

Ohio, turning. Looks none the
fect that they will not be back
this year, but are counting strong
of the
Field Membership of the Taylor worse for it, either. on next fall. They are making
Clinic Announced Steingrabe-Besides tending to greenbacks out of aluminum out
Leading Men of the Profession a concrete mixer and caring for in California.
to Be Here his wife, Steiny danced a coupla It has been intimated around
steps in Des Moines. the house that Tiny Benien is in
It has been definitely an- Pfeiffer Red just showed his love. That explain's the far-
nounced that the Third Clinical colors to Des Moines women folks away look in the big boy's eyes.
Session of the Taylor Clinic will and tried to sell them rugs. Hoss O'Dell forgot to bring a
be held in the Banquet Room, milk bottle back to school with
Morgan-Bob just recovered him this year.
Hotel Fort Des Moines, October from a severe case of "treatitis."
20 to 25, inclusive. Some of the older boys filled
He helped handle the clinic. Little Willie Russell's bed full of
This event is always a red let-
ter day on the school calendar. Howland Gay spent his idle buckshot the other night. Bill
The leading men of the profes- hours gathering eggs and count- vows vengeance.
sion are on the program of these ing his chickens. We wonder After a summer of practice,
meetings, and they always find which kind. Earl Shaw sure blows a mean sax-
time to devote to the students. Conn-"Tornado Kid," so he's ophone. Nothing like blowing
This year, the fact that the col- called in Lorain, Ohio, worked your own horn.
lege Homecoming is to be held with the Lorain Relief Commis- Dr. Jake Wedel, class of '24,
during the session of the Clinic, sion. has opened an office at Winter-
makes it doubly sure that the Cecile Warner-Cease just left set, Iowa.
college will reap benefits from Michigan without a good doctor. Brother Poucher is planning on
the program. Gladieux Russ just couldn't making expenses this year by
College Honored seem to get out of his bed this teaching the children of the elite 51
D. M. S. C. O. is signally hon- summer, due to vaccination. how to ride velocipedes and turn
ored in the coming meeting by Wright Owen worked with summersaults correctly.
selection of one of our faculty the steel trust gang this summer.
members for a prominent place Nicholas -Nick or Angus? DELTA OMEGA
on the program. Dr. H. V. Hal- Which was the shadow? Anyway, The Delta Omega sorority en- Dr. Halladay to Frosh: How
laday, the greatest anatomist in Nick got his 0. B. and treatments tertained the newcomers at a did the funny-bone get its name?
the profession, and, for that mat- off his mind this summer. picnic supper at McHenry Park Frosh: Dunno.
ter, in the world, is to give his Thomas Hummer, while serv- Friday evening, September 18. Dr. Halladay: Because it's
special work on the "Anatomy of ing as Park Commissioner of Le- Despite the rain, the spirits of next to the humerus, of course.
the Spine." The Doctor will roy Minnesota, still had time to none were dampened. A talk by
speak at 11:00 A. M. every day of chase flies in the outfield. Dr. Mary Golden was greatly en- A PLAYLET
the session excepting Home-Com- Rader-Pictorial Review Co. is joyed following the supper. Scene 1. Dean Elsea going
ing Day. on the bottom of Joe's check. Among the guests present were down the hallway with grandfa-
Downing Here Elsea (Moco)-Dean spent his Mrs. Halladay, Jr., and two chil- ther clock on his back.
Dr. C. H. Downing, the fore- idle hours learning just how a dren, Mrs. Halladay, Sr., Mrs. Scatterday: "Say, Dean, why
most technician ever developed plow jockey stands the rigors of George Hurt, Dr. Mary Golden dontcha buy a watch?"
by the profession, is one of the initiation, back in Ohio. and mother, Dr. Ferne Woods and Scene 2: Br-r-r.
outstanding features of the pro- Smith Smitty owns a corner son, the Misses Emma and Irene
gram. A two to four hour period on the real estate market in Krugg, Olive Lenhardt, Helen IN BARN STORMING DAYS
is to be devoted to his work on Youngstown, Ohio. That is, if Moore and Elizabeth Roberts. Agent: I woulidn't 'have
e Pres s
osteopathic technicn, aerv day. he's invested his summer's wag- Dr. Ferne Woods extended an anything to do with that actor;
Eminent Diagnostician es earned there. invitation to all to come to her he's a bad egg.
Another personage on the pro- Call-Doc just saw to it that home, Tuesday, September 23, for Manager: Well, I've known bad
gram is Dr. Robert H. Nichols, the boys got the Des Moines Cap- an informal evening. eggs to make their mark on the
who will speak each day on the ital on the streets ahead of the stage.
subject of Diagnosis. Dr. Nichols Tribune. ATLAS CLUB NOTES
is a recognized authority on this Price Eddie. so they say, built This year promises to be a big Out where the buttons seem
subject ,and it is an honor to up a wonderful clinic practice. one for the Xiphoid chapter of A little tighter;
have him with us. McFall Mac just lay right the Atlas Club. With the addi- Out where the buckle shines
Dr. E. S. Honsinger, and Dr. F. down beside work this summer. tion of eight brothers from A little brighter;
J. Trenery, both graduates of D. He wasn't afraid of it at all. Pa. Kirksville and Chicago, the mem- Out where the girth becomes
M. S. C. 0., are to appear before boys are tough. bership is materially strength- A little longer;
the clinic. Dr. Trenery will talk Lee Peelee has left Paw Paw ened. Out where straining seems
on the subject, "Phvyio-Therapv because all the boys have started Brother Dr. Halladay, our new A little stronger-
for the Doctor in General Prac- to raise their winter crop of hair, field member, has already prom- That's where the Vest begins!
tice," and Dr. Honsinger's sub- now. ised to aid us in our practical
ject will be "Efficient Laboratory Kirksville has sent us new work, which, as usual, will be the MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE
Methods in the Diagnosis and brothers that are fitting in as most important activity of the An old miser in Athens, Geor-
Treatment of Diabetes." Surgi- though they'd always been here. Club this year. gia, hated to part with money,
cal clinic will be held at 7:30 A. Meet Cummings, Cuff and Grei- Dr. J. P. Schwartz, our old re- and to the physician who was just
M., Saturday, the 25th. ner. liable, honored us with'his pres- bringing him around from a long
This work will be of special ence at the first meeting, anc. illness, he said sone day: "Doc-
value and interest to the upper- IOTA TAU SIGMA PICKTTPS tor, we have known each other
classmen, Juniors and Seniors. gave us a short talk.
Iota Tau Sigma wants to ex- The Atlas Club is strongly be- such a long time, I don't intend
We cannot urge too strongly that tend a hearty welcome to the hind the idea of the Homecom- to insult you by settling your ac-
you take advantage of this op- members of the Freshman Class ing Day, and has already got in count in cash, but I have put you
portunity. and to the new members of the touch with several field mem- down for a handsome legacy in
upper classes. The chapter house bers who promise to be on hand. my will."
is always open and you are wel- The doctor looked thoughtful.
Fraternity Notes come. "Allow me," he said, "to look at
A smoker honoring the Fresh- AXIS CLUB NOTES that prescription again. I wish
PHI SIG HOUSE men was held at the chapter Dr. Ella Still of Kirksville was to make a slight alteration in it.'>
Homer Sprague Homer kept house Friday evening, September in the city Tuesday and Wednes-
Lakewood, Ohio, fed up on hot 19. Appropriate talks were giv- day. Members of the local chap- "I say, mama," asked little
dogs last summer . He made the en by Drs. Trenery, Halladay, ter were glad to visit with her. Tommy, "do fairy tales always be-
pussy cat "meow." Grossman and Hurt. Entertain- The Axis Club entertained the gin with 'Once upon a time'?"
Scatterday Scoots was the ment was furnished by "Kid Misses Roberts and Lenhardt at "No, dear, not always," replied
backbone of the Worthington, Hayes," accompanied by Ace a luncheon at Harris-Emery's tea mama; "they sometimes begin
Ohio, bank last summer. King's Melody Boys. Despite the room, Wednesday, Septebmer 17. with 'My love, that is only a pa-
Jacobs-Jake just pushed beans rain, the meeting was well at- Herma Early, a member of the tient of mine.'"
in Dad Jacobs' beanery all sum- tended. June class of '24, left for Minne-
-mer long. Word has been received from apolis September 19, where she Who is this Tommy Rot we
Roy Davis Davey just kept Jim and Dave Burton to the ef- intends to practice. hear about so much?

11HO Tvl E- I I 2N M. M M OC O Ev
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The Log Book For a Location HELD SEPT. 19
The Official Publication of (Continued from page 1)
DES MOINES STILL COLLEGE college Word has been received by the
that Dr. Helen Kelley A definite program of peppy,
OSTEOPATHY Groff, Mason City, Iowa, desires interesting assemblies has been
planned for every Friday morn-
President .................... S. L. Taylor someone to take over her prac-
tice during November and De- ing at 9:45 for the coming year.
Editor----___________ Don Baylor cember. To quote from the Doc- The following list gives the dates
tor's and conductors of assemblies to
(Osteopathy Without Limitation lady letter: "Do you know of any
in the profession or that is and including December 19th. To

now in the senior class that could expedite matters and to assure
Aim at the stars, though take my practice during Novem- full time for programs the stu-
ber and December? I would pre- dents are urged to go to the as-
you hit the fence. For if you sembly room immediately after
aim at the fence you may fer someone that has practiced
for a while, if it will be possible the gong sounds at the end of
hit the ground. third hour.
to find such a party."
Anyone desiring further infor- Assembly Conductors
Something for Nothing mation can communicate with Sept. 26 Dr. E. E. Steffen.
the Doctor direct or through the Oct. 3 Dr. J. P. Schwartz.
There is no such animal. The college. Oct. 10-Dr. J. M. Woods.
Oct. 17-Dr. Mary Golden.
law of compensation, slow in op- An exceptional opportunity for Oct. 24-Dr. H. V. Halladay.
.eration and clouded with many a hustler is open at Afton, Iowa. Oct. 31-Dr. C. F. Spring.
.pparent false leads, still oper- Dr. Thomas G. Burt, D. M. S. C. The Observer Says: i ""Nov.-7- Dr. R. B. Bachman.
ates, and you must give some- 0. graduate, would like to get out Nov. 14- r. G. C. Taylor.
thing, either of good or evil, in of practice for a period of six Nov. 21-Prof. F. R. Sutton.
exchange for any good or evil or eight months, and wants a Sure looks good
given you, but there is a big per- good, live man to take over his Dec. 5-Dr. Lola Taylor'.
To see three Dec. 12-Dr. A. B. Taylor.
centage of us who go through life practice for that period. The Full teams out Dec. 19-Dr. C. W. Johnson.
always hoping that the magic Doctor expects no income from
-wand will lay in our lap all the the practice. Every night for Directors of Music, Cochran
things that our imagination con- Foot Ball Practice and Miller.
ceives as pleasurable or advan- There is an opening at St. Looks bad for our Accompanist, F. A. Hoffman.
,tageous. James, Minnesota, for a wide-
awake osteopath. Communicate Opponents
This is the idea that actuates with Dr. H. W. Beckstrom of that The other day when D. M. S. C. O. Students
gamblers, and it has its bad ef- city.
-fect in every walk of life, for it Somebody nominated to Train Local Athletes
continuously preaches to us that A wonderful opportunity pre- Irene Krugg
-we can slight our work, can wave sents itself in the practice in a For Secretary of the (Continued from page 1)
aside our moral obligations, and Nebraska county seat town that at definite intervals by the coach
Sophomore Class Irene in charge, the men will receive
some "lucky" day make a big is available at this time. The
-winning without corresponding Doctor has a fine new modern Says, "I resign," treatemnt credit in general clin-
effort. There are just enough ex- house -that would be included. Ludwig says. "You're not ic. In addition to the above du-
amples of the apparent success For particulars, write the Log Elected yet" but ties, they must attend once a
-of this idea to befuddle the minds Book. i week, special classes for special
Irene got all the votes instruction in the care of minor
of millions more. Any one interested in the south Every speaker in injuries arising from athletics.
There seems to be a "foolish" will be glad to hear of an opening Special work is also being given
period in the lives of most of us at Hattiesburg, Mississippi, a Assembly has remarked
About the Atmosphere in minor surgery.
wherein we place some depend- town of approximately twenty Dr. Halladay met with every
ence on this idea, but those who thousand, with two colleges, no Prevalent in the School courtesy from the officials of
get over this attack the earliest other osteopath in the city. The This year. Sure was each school, and is more than op-
are the "luckiest." The "luck" practice is for sale or lease, with timistic as to the final outcome
idea leads only into time wast- or without equipment. Great the day the steam
of the plan.
age and shiftlessness, and unless Loosened up the paint This is D. M. S. C. O.'s big op-
it is overcome, it goes on into its On the pipes portunity to show the citizens of
-more cowardly companion, fail- Old Stupph! The Freshman Des Moines what Osteopathy is-
ure. what it can do and the type of
He is "lucky," indeed, who ear- That thought I got
The following items are taken men the local school is turning
ly eliminates "luck" as a factor from Harper's Weekly, July 21, The Gold in my teeth out through the medium of their
In life. 1877. Appearing under the head From masticating children.
of Foreign Gossip: 5 dollar gold pieces It is the first time in the his-
Former Faculty Member "Red Clover Tea is said to be a Wasn't dumb- tory of the college that there has
cure for cancer-the red top is been a direct inroad to the stu-
Visits School boiled in water and drunk freely, Just dumber dent bodies of the local high
using it also as *a wash. This But anyways fellers schools. The RESULTS will be
Miss Ava Johnson. formerly a supposed remedy is easily tried." We've got a apparent in next year's Fresh-
member of D. M. S. C. 0. faculty, While under the heading of HU- Good bunch of man Class!
and daughter of the Dean, visited MOR we found: "Doctors never
the college for a short time Sep- allow DUCKS on their premises, Freshmen this year
tember 19th. The following note they make such personal re- So let's be Worry
-was addressed to Dr. S. L. Tay- marks." Proud of 'em Our old friend and shining ex-
lor: The above, being of such a Trick Pants ample for little boys to pattern
"I'm sorry not to see you af- complicated nature, led us to after is given credit for having
ter missing you at the college, make the following selection Prince of Wales'
dropped in here hoping to con- from under the head of Scientific Hats and all delivered himself of the follow-
gratulate you on the splendid at- Intelligence: ing mouthful of wisdom. Read it
Period. -let it sink in-and then read it
mosphere at the college now, I "Different ways of putting it: -- again:
-feel I should add the same re- This is the scientific way, 'If a "Do not worry, eat three square
garding the new offices. They man falls asleep in the sitting begins to vibrate.' And this is meals a day, say your prayers, be
are lovely. I leave for New York posture with his mouth open, his the popular form: 'If a man does-
Sunday, so shall not see you jaw drops; the tongue not being courteous to your creditors, keep
n't keep his mouth shut, when your digestion good, exercise;; go
again. Best wishes for the year. in contact with the hard palate, asleep, he will snore.'" And fifty
"Ava L. Johnson." slow, and go easy. Maybe there-
the suctorial space is obliterated; years later, we might take it up- are other things that your special
Praise from one who has made the soft palate no longer adheres on ourselves to add the current case requires to make you happy;
such gigantic strides in her chos- to the roof of the tongue; and if version: "The bozo who pulls a
e-n field as Miss Johnson, is of respiration be carried on through but, my friend, these, ,I reckon,
Rip Van Winkle with his trap will give you a lift."-Abraham
double value. the mouth, the muscular curtain open plays sheet music." Lincoln.
E1 - v _ _ _ _,
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4 Ia ~THEiii-· LOGBOOK--P~i· I.--'-
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It~ Will eu r

Steel, Stone, Brick, Cement, Wood, and

ago * ** *+*+ *,^^^^^^^»^^^1»^ ^^*^**t^*^ *»**»^e$«t ^^«%e
.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +~f* ** *+;**;** ~*r~~ .* ~~~~.~** *~


this year than ever before. DMSCO will have the best team in
the history of the College---ifevery student attends every home game!

Sept. 27-Haskell Indians, at Lawrence, Kan- Oct. 24-Graceland at Des Moines - Home-
sas. coming.
Oct. 3-Knox 'Tentative).
Oct. 3-Knox (Tentative). Oct. 31-Central at Des Moines.
Oct. 10-Buena Vista at Storm Lake.
Oct. 17-Trinity College at Des Moines. Nov. 21-Western Union at Des Moines.
N \ Y
.~~i~AA h h NI
. .

BOOST YOUR TEAM!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1

: _,__ iT
,~ .·"--C-'' _-l~(~)
-F~ - - .___- w _-
Elntered as second class
TH E-- Acceptance for mailing at
matter, February 3. 1923. special rates of postage

at the post office at Des provided for in section 110Q3
Moines. Iowa, under the act of Oct. 3. 1917. author-
act of August 24th, 1912, ized Feb. 3. 1923.


Volume 2 October 15, 1924 Number 7



1% Much Enthusiasm Annual Freshman Interesting Assemblies

K for Homecoming Reception Held Held at D. M. S C. O.

ON SOGGY FIELD Only a brief interval remains

before the curtain rises on the
First Annual Still College Home-
The annual freshmen recep-
tion was held at the college Sat-
urday evening, October 4th. The
On September 27th, a pep
meeting, conducted by the emi-
nent physician, Pinkie Schwartz,
student body and faculty turned was held, to give the team a rous-
Myers, Walker Star Coming. The student body is on out en masse for the first social ing send-off for the Haskell
edge-the alumni interviewed event of the year, and the hall game. The student body exer-
are impatiently waiting "The was packed to its capacity. cised their vocal cords to their
Outweighed, and with only two The Doctors S. L. and Lola Tay- hearts' content, and the Fresh-
weeks' training behind them, D. Day," and the committee are men were invited to the plat-
lor, assisted by the faculty and
M. S. C. O.'s gridiron warriors dashing around feverishly trying their ladies, received. Dr. J. P. form, where, under the guidance
invaded the Indian stronghold not to forget some important de- Schwartz acted as master of cere- of Jim Cochran, they were taught
tail. monies. Everyone was present- the college song.
and held them to a 12 to 0 score. ed, on arrival, with a tag bear- A "three-legged quartet" com-
The markers being made in the This is going to be the great-
ing their name and home town, posed of Cochran, Miller, and
first and last periods df the est event in the history of Still thereby immediately creating a Swanson, rendered a group of
game. The field was just slip- College. Its success depends up- spirit of goodfellowship. excellent songs, to the accompa-
pery enough to make open field on the hearty, active co-opera- A trio of young ladies from the niment of "Jazz" Hoffman.
tion of every student and facul- Orpheum Circuit entertained the Swanson's baritone solo, "The
work impossible. The Indians crowd with a group of selected Barefoot Trail," was a "knock-
perfected a stone wall defense, ty member. out."
songs and imitations. Ray Har-
and Still had to revert to a kick- Extensive plans are being made rison, accompanied by his "jazz Brief talks were given by Dr.
ing and defensive game. forl the-- Banquet and Dance, hounds," provided the necessary Taylor, Dean Johnson, and the
It is a difficult matter to state which is to be held at the Sa- impetus for those who worshiped Coach.
very III Hotel. The freshmen the Goddess Terpsichore. Tables Tentative program for Home-
who starred in the game, as every for cards were formed on. the coming was outlined by Dr. J. P.
man on the team gave everything are busy working up stunts to first floor.
enliven the "inter-course" period, Schwartz, which met with the
he had and then a little more. The college rooms were taste- enthusiastic approval of the stu-
Newspapers mentioned Myers and and the services of the best af- fully decorated in seasonable dent body.
ter dinner speakers available colors, and true autumnal re- Assembly the following week
Wallie Walker as the outstand- have been secured. Music that freshments of cider, apples, and was under the supervision of Dr.
ing players on the Still aggrega- will make the young feel young- doughnuts were served. E. E. Steffen. The program con-
tion. er and the cld die happy-will Everyone who was present re- sisted of short talks by faculty
hold sway from 7 P. M. on. Bet- ported the "best time ever," and members, and musical selection
Still O--Buena Vista 0 ter bring two pairs of shoes with the unprecedented success of by Dr. Verge Halladay.
you to eliminate any possible this event sponsors the predic- The Freshmen all attended Dr.
With a team composed of loss of time. tion that all future college func-
cripples, so to speak, Still jour- John Woods' assembly, October
Make your plans. now to spend tions will be held at the school. 10th, bedecked in green crepe
neyed to Storm Lake and battled the entire day celebrating!
Buena Vista to a 0-0 tie. The paper ties, bearing the placard:
Storm Lake report on the game Still-0 Millard Lauds "Not ST. PATRICK'S DAY, JUST
FROSH." We can't understand
follows: Platt _'__-L. E. Anatomy Department why they should select such a
Storm Lake, Ia., Oct. 11.-The Sheets--------. _---- L. T. quiet color as green.
Still College football team, al- Myers --- .___L. G. In a letter to one of the mem- Following a brief discourse on
though outplayed during most of Graham -- _--- ______ 'C. bers of the sophomore B class, the subject "Why do they do it,"
its game here Friday, managed Jones .- -.-.-
____-- R. G. Dr. F. P. Millard, of Toronto, by the Dean, the following mu-
to hold the Beavers to a score- Walker ---__ ________ R. T. Ontario, Candada, gave unstint- sical program was presented:
less tie. Nicholas -.-- - R. E. ing praise to the D. M. S, C. 0. Violin Solo, Miss Helen Moore,
Buena Vista gained consider- Buirge -------.-. _-__L. H. department of Anatomy. accompanied by Miss Mildred
able more ground than the invad- Murphy _---__---_- .- R. H. Dr. Millard is one of the trus- Trimble.
ers, and several times got close Thomas -.-__.__---.- Q. B. tees of the American Osteopathic Vocal Solo, Miss Dora Diet,
enough to try for field goals. In Schneider ---.- _-._..--- F. B. Association, and one of the fore- accompanied by the Misses Trim-
the first period Still was on the BUENA VISTA-0 most practitioners in the coun- ble and Moore.
defensive tduring most of the Coulson -- _ ____ L. E. try. Prominently known, and Saxophone Solo, Earl B. Shaw,
play, but the locals lacked the DeLong -_-_._-----__- L. T. with an enviable reputation of accompanied by F. A. Hoffman.
punch to make a score when they Crissey ---.---________ L. G. excellence in specialized lines, Piano Selections, "Jazz Hoff-
got near the goal line. Hagedorn -- _-_-_______ C. his praise is of double value. The man.
Cowan -_-.--- _--- _-- R. G. following is taken verbatim from The added interest on the part
The Beavers attempted three Bradford _ ____R. T.
field goals during the game, and his letter: of both the student body and the
Saggau --- _____ R. E. "I am very much interested in faculty, in the holding of regu-
all were failures. Christie -- _ ------- L. H. your school work and in your spe- lar, organized assemblies, has
The locals had a strong de- Hemingway ----- _,____R. H. cial course in anatomy. You are done more toward promoting that
fense, and Still had trouble in Rollins -,_--_,-_________-Q. B. to be congratulated on having real "college spirit" than any-
gaining ground. Murphy was the Gaffin ------- __--_____F. B. Dr. Virgil Halladay as your chief thing heretofore attempted. Tal-
only Still player who could make Official referee-Pete Welsh of instructor. We consider him one ent of undreamed-of merit has
headway against the locals. Drake University. Continued on page 3
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Jack Woolsey, Harry Ritz, T. R. Ohio, was a gu

Them Freshmen of Our'n Joslin, R. G. Shorninghouse and day, October 5
Pledge A. J. Blair.
D. M. S. C. 0. can certainly be ATLAS C
proud of its Freshman Class! Fraternity brothers who ac-
companied the football team to The Atlas C
Such a gang of clear minded, pep- semi-annual P1
py, enthusiastic youngsters nev- the Haskell Indian game were:
Joe Rader, Ralph Davis and former hall,
er before matriculated in any Friday, Octobe:
Palace of Wisdom. Clyde Conn.
Xiphoid Cha
Last year it was thought that Joe Flasco of the freshman Club takes ple
the incumbents of the green class has been taken care of at ing the pledgir
cap, were without peer, but they the frat house during his recent Montezuma, I
cannot hold a candle to the pres- illness. Bryson, of Iowa Falls, Iowa. It A farmer boy spent a sultry
ent aggregation. Have you noticed the new pic- might be added that the Goat half-hour, hauling and driving a
The lofty minded sophomores tures in the waiting rooms? They has been put on a starvation diet. new calf toward the barn. A
handed down the traditional were donated to the school in Brothers McCurdy and Early, steer dashed by, headed for the
Freshman Rules, and the bunch the name of the Class of '26 by of the Axis Chapter at Kirks- pasture, and the calf followed.
have responded in a manner that A. E. Smith. ville, visited the local chapter "Go to thunder, you darn fool!"
is adequate proof that the seed Who says we won't have a new last Saturday and Sunday. muttered the boy. "You'll know
of the "Still Spirit" has been school soon? The best sign of We are in receipt of letters the difference when supper time
sown in fertile ground. The Fol- prosperity is Angus's (our hon- from Brothers Dr. Van De Grift comes."
lowing are the rules for the guid- ored Custodian) Cadillac in the of Austin, Minnesota, and Dr.
ance of the Neophytes: back yard. (South side of the Kuchera of Albert Lea, Minneso- (Headline in Des Moines Regis-
1. All freshmen must wear CAMPUS.) ta, and are pleased to learn that ter)
the prescribed Green Cap. Peri- We are all regretting that H. both are enjoying very success- FARMER DISAPPEARS; BE-
od of adornment to be deter- J. Hurst is leaving us, and sin- ful practice. Both expressed a LIEVED TO HAVE LEFT
mined by the annual freshman- cerely hope his health will per- desire to be remembered to local Perhaps he just went away.
sophomore pushball game, Home- mit him to join us again in the friends.
coming day. If the freshmen mid-year class. Brother Phil Bryson journeyed (Ad in Chicago Tribune)
win, no more caps. If the soph- Anyone interested in guaran- home to Iowa Falls this week BIRD'S EYE TWIN BEDS,
omores win be a good sport. teed feline exterminators, should end. Is there an attraction, dresser, chairs, desk, Book of
2. Freshmen are not permit- see Cecile Warner at the P. S. G. Phil? Knowledge; cheap. 214 E. 46th
ted to smoke on the south side house. The Atlas Club honored the St.
of Locust street, between Four- freshmen and new students with Complete outfit.
teenth and Fifteenth. IOTA TAU SIGMA a smoker held at their old club
3. In the assembly room, all Beta Chapter, Iota Tau Sigma, rooms, Thursday, September 25. HEARD AT THE RECEPTION
freshmen will remain standing announces the pledging of the Interesting talks were made by Sweet One "Are you from the
until upper classmen are seated. following students of D. M. S. Brother field members, Drs. Hal- far north?"
4. For a period of three weeks, C. O. to the fraternity. lacay, Schwartz, Soule, and Camp- Ole "No, why do you ask?"
all freshmen must wear, promi- Noble Atterbury, Atlanta, Mis- bell. Refreshments were served, S. O. "You dance as if you had
nently displayed, a tag bearing souri. and an enjoyable evening was snowshoes on."
their name and home town. Ellridge Brown, Boulder Colo- had by all.
5. Twice a month, for the bal- rado. We regret to announce that HEARD IN P'EDI TRICS
^1ar_ Movis, uerroi n,
iucnigan. Tr_on___ _ 0 1_-1
u _ _i T;_4-_1_._-
ance of the first semester, the ClarK uetroit, iMichigan. bro;ner tir. Goui misat ritzsim- Dr. Mary Golden-"Dr. Smith,
freshmen must put on a "stunt Cecil Jones, Worthington, Ohio. mons. Colorado, on account of his what do vou think of rubber
daiy. A committee to be ap- Lawrence Laghry, Bergen, New health. pants for infants?"
pointed from the class to confer York A. E. Smith-"I never use
with the undersigned to formu- Robert Ross, Elgin, Illinois. ALPHA PSI IOTA SIGMA them."
late said stunts Sherwood Nye, Mt. Clemens, Nee Axis Club
'Those not conforming to the MVichigan. At the last national conven- HIS PREFERENCE
above rules nuf said! Arrangements are in the mak- tion of the Axis Club, held May A young lady sat next to a dis-
The Frosh, with a possible ex- ing at this time for entertaining 26-30, 1924, at Kirksville, Missou- tinguished bishop at a church
ception of two or three, have en- the alumni of Beta Chapter who ri, it was voted to change the dinner. She was somewhat mod-
tered into the spirit of the move- will attend the Taylor Clinic con- name of the Axis' Club to the est and diffident, and was rather
ment heart and soul, and are get- vention and the college "Home- Greek letters for the word Axis. awed in the bishop's presence.
ting as much kick out of com- coming" the week of Oct. 20th. The organization is to be offi- For some time she hesitated to
pliance with the rules as the up- Luncheon will be served at noon cially known as the Alpha Psi speak to him, waiting for what
per classes get out of watching Friday the 24th ,at the chapter Iota Sigma Sorority. All neces- she considered to be a favorable
their antics. The freshman com- house. 2007 Grand Ave., to all sary steps are being taken for opportunity. Finally, seeing
mittee, composed of Jone, Regan, Iota Tau Sigma actives, alumni entrance into the national Pan some bananas passed, she turned
Havis and Miss Lenhart, are hard and their wives, followed by a Hellenic organization. to him and said:
at work, and have adopted the meeting of the Alumni associa- Mrs. Bertha Messerschmidt "I beg your pardon, but are you
following slogan, "Watch the tion of Beta Chapter. gave a luncheon at her home, fond of bananas?"
Freshmen." Saturday night, October 25th, Sunday, September 28, in honor The bishop was slightly deaf,
a Homecoming Dance, honoring of the Misses Irene and Nina and leaning forward be replied:
the alumni and the new pledges, Krug. "What did you say?"
Fraternity Notes will be held at the chapter house. Mrs. Grace DeWalt was called "I said," repeated the young
Special music and favors promise to her home, Chadron, Nebraska, lady, blushing, "are you fond of
PHI SIG HOUSE to make this one of the gala on account of the illness and bananas?"
The freshman smoker was held times of the Homecoming cele- death of her brother. The bishop thought for a mo-
at the fraternity house, Wednes- bration for the "field men." A six o'clock dinner was served ment, and then said:
day evening, September 24, and The following "Its" took in in the South Crystal room of "If you want my honest opin-
,a hearty welcome accorded to the Still-Buena Vista game at Harris-Emery's September 30th, ion, I have always preferred the
our newcomers Storm Lake, Iowa, on Friday, Oc- in honor of the Misses Irene and old-fashioned nightshirt."
After music, rendered by some tober 10th: Staples, Russell, Be- Nina Krug, Lenhardt, and Rob-
·of the freshmen, and a good chat nien, Poucher, Dave Skidmore, erts. Interesting talks were giv- Chickens in the car have
*and get-acquainted session, the Cochran Marlow, Platt, Richard- en by Dr. Florence Morris and wrecked more autos than chick-
guests were ushered into the son and Pledges Jones and Ross. others. ens in the road.
:mysteries of hypnotism. Harry Wetzel, of Pittsburgh, On Friday evening, September
At a late hour, refreshments Pa., trumpet soloist with the U. 26, a theater party, after which The man who can ccnquer the
w-ere served by the pledges. S. S. Leviathan Orchestra, play- refreshments were served at worst in himself has met and
We were glad to see new faces ing at the Orpheum theatre, week "The Shops," was given in hon- solved the biggest problem he
around the house Sunday. Some of September 28th, was a guest or of our new students. will ever face.
of; our Brothers from Kirksville of the fraternity at dinner Sat- Mrs. Messerschmidt entertained
paid a week-end visit. Come urday evening, October 24th. at luncheon at her home in hon- Every day something is being
-again Brothers, W. M. Walrod ''ax Bridgemann, of Columbus, I~~
Continuled -on page 3 done that- couldn't be done.
I - : -

I I I- - - - .

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The T BDook At Storm Lake Interesti

ne 0oDoo The attitude of the student (Continue
The Official Publication of body to the visiting students of been unear
IDES MOINES STILL COLLEGE Still College who attended the bprogramy in the
OSTEOPATHY game at Storm Lake on Friday programs,
___STE______PAT______Y _ afternoon was of such a friendly future dates,
President S. L. Taylr:
...... nature that all D. M. S. C. O. is an indefin
_ Don Baylor should know of it .meating the
Editor halls and in
When the Still team came on
Osteopathy Without Limitation the field, Buena Vista's cheer has never
leader had his following give the Fellows, we'
team a series of "Welcome lege, real fa
Push good to the body, and a
Oftenfails cheers that sounded
the man IT! Our pos
-Often the man who fails in handful of local supporters that
practice makes this complaint: were there. ited.
"The world is unfair. Its honors Again when Capt. Murphy and
and riches go to him who impu- "Race" Myers were temporarily Annum
dently pushes himself ahead- incapacitated, thetheopportunity ort (Continue
ratherthantothemanwithrlleader of the
rather than to the m-nfwithore oxiving an encouraging cheer ofthe best
ability." In these very words he t Still team. .- foist in 1 the world who ow an go
can The Observer Says:
has told the cause of his failures The "good sportsmanship at- ohead of him. He has always
great student and is a Again
and has suggested, at the same mosphere was further strength- een We have the
time, the only remedy. ened by the business men of genius along several lines. I
unless it is haled Storm Lake, who displayed cards think that he is going to show Green Caps
For ability,
For ability,
unin their shop windows with "Wel- Des Moines how to put the school
£forth, harnessed and put to work, come Still" printed thereon; the on the map as never before. Ral- In our midst
what Welcome
mnust forever remain nothing manager of the theater extend- ly round him and listen to worth Several loyal supporters
thannoremere probability ed the privileges of his theater he says. His lectures are
the while. In fact, his instructions Accompanied the team
Things which cannot be seen
Things whichcantb to the team
sengame; the night
the people of before
the town are s ne." To Lawrence
or felt by the people of the met the "visitors" with a word __..* Anyone desiring
Instruction on the
world, have no reality-no exist- of welcome, and it all tended. too Proper technique to
ence. make
"T~ trip ^11
the th'a? bl ToS oneraernty
an enjoyable re 6 (Continued from page 2)
Use in addressing the
The light ~~~~The beneath a and one that
hidden lighmembered will be who
by everyone long wasre- or of Miss Roberts page
(ConMinuedRfbom and 2) Miss President see
bushel casts no radiance, and, in present. Bledsoe, October 6th. Dave S
Let us all remember next Miss Lois Irwin is assisting Dr. Wallie Walker's only
the sight of the world, is dark- Thought after the
Jiess. vear, if BuenaVistaplaysushere, a Tain th e Gyecologi Game was how
· Gold is valueless until labor how well we were received, and . m. Did the Pioneers
digs it up and put it sto useful endeavor to return the courtesy DELTA MildredOMEGA Trimble Stand it
in every way we can so that The Misses Concerning the Cadillac
purposes. when they leave us they will ar- and Mabelle Moore were joint Angus says
The diamond is worthless so ry with them the same impres- hostesses at a party for the new She may be an old model
tong as it is hidden in its native sions of i Still as have been"in- sses
given at at
a party
the latter's new
for thehome,
long a's it is hidden its native sin
sgirls, But, Oh Lady, How
'Clay, i3408 lean Cottage Grove Avenue, Sat- She do go
fw t h is te p l l For that matter, we can learn urday evening, September 28th. Wonder what would have
Of what worth is the pearl ly- from their treatment what it Besides the Misses Elizabeth Happened had one of the
ing on the ocean bed or enclosed means. to extend every courtesy Roberts, Emma Krug, Helen Fare Sex peeked into
Within the mollusk's shell? possible to the visiting team, so Moore, Olive Lenhardt, and Irene The Vats
And so it is with merit: if in- that when they have Krug, the guests included Messrs. In the
active, it has no place in the nothing but commendation for Doyle Richardson, Don Weir, Dissection Room
world's work. D. M. S. C. 0. Marvin Greene, Dr. Charles R. The Night of the
MORAL: Do a little pushing Next week it is TRINITY COL- Bean Dick Gordon, Isaac J. Now- Freshman Reception
on your own account. Follow the LEGE--HERE! Show your stuff! linThe and Homer Sprague. Have you noticed the new
example of him who "impudently . first part of the evening Floor covering
-pushes himself ahead" if you Are You Looking was spent in games and music, On the platform
-would share in the world's honors For a Location after which light refreshments In the
and riches. were served and then all tripped Assembly Room
For the world must know what the light fantastic to the tune Pretty Slick Stuff
you are and what you can do be- Word has been received from of the old Victrola. If the assembly room
-fore it can avail itself of your Dr. E. D. Spurrier, of Fort Smith, The Woodlawn was the scene Gets too
abilities. And the world is very Arkansas, to the effect that he of a pretty banquet for the Del- Warm
apt to take you at your own rat- is considering taking over the ta Omegas Wednesday evening, We can always
i-ng. practice of another physician, October 8th, in which the field Open the east
and that he would like to dispose members joined the actives in Windows and see the
Anyone can catch a bouquet, of his own. Here is a real op- entertaining the new girls. Fire escape
but it takes a good man to stop portunity for an enterprising Os- Toasts, spelling the name "Del- Don't shoot Boys
brick. teopath to obtain a well estab- ta," were given by Dora Dietz, It's no
lished practice very reasonable. Dr. Della B. Caldwell, Dr. Mary Crime'
The saddest sight-a one-armed Golden, Olive Matthews, and Dr. To be poor but it's
fisherman trying to describe the Freshmen Elect Katherine B. Wainscott, over An' awful
size of the big one that got away. which Dr. Irma Vogel-Townsend Mistake
-__________ C. .lass Officers presided as toastmistress. Period
The best place to have a boil The sorority colors of green
is in the tea kettle. The Freshman B class recently and gold were carried out in Olive Lenhardt, Helen Moore and
elected the following officers to place cards, nut cups and floral Emma Krug, while among the
The first board of health we guide their ship through the tur- decorations. Favors, in the field members present were Mrs.
can remember was about three bulent times of the first semes- form of dainty individual colo- H. V. Halladay, Mrs. C F. Spring,
feet long. ter: nial bouquets, were received by Dr. Katherine B. Wainscott, Dr.
President, C. M. Jones. each participant. Mossie Lovegrove, Dr. Irma Vo-
Vice president, Watson Havis. The guests included the Misses gel-Townsend, and Dr. Mary
"Vial stuff," muttered Prof.
Hurt, as he poured out the acid.' Secretary, Olive Lenhart. Elizabeth Roberts, Irene Krug, Golden.

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Entered as second
matter, February 3,
--- LOG--T HE .OOK Acceptance for mailing at
special rates of .postage
at the post office at Des
Moines, Iowa, under
act of August 24th,
LO C BOOK provided for in section 11034
act of Oct. 3. 1917, author-
ized Feb. 3. 1923.


Volume 2 November 1, 1924

I No. 8
Score 20 to 7 in Still's First FHIGWH -LZIGHTI Loyal Alumni Flock in for
Victory of Season Annual Reunion
With Jim Regan leading the D. M. S. C. O.'s first annual
way with two touchdowns in the Homecoming Day went over and
first half, the Still college foot- went over big. Enthusiasm was
ball team won from the Grace- C~et c~ci7cy NQ~hr.T T-Drtficbc the keynote of the day, and hi-
land eleven in a game at the or larity marked the evening's en-
Western league park by a 20 to xfvT YEA;-W \ tertainment.
7 score. The contest marked the A5-0 Q~o

usteopatns nomecomini
--o-~~~2cŽ To begin at the beginning, the
celebration opened with one of
and was the first victor the best assemblies of the year
season, following one de at 9:45. Music, short talks and
two scoreless ties. pep were the background for the
Regan battered and ri address delivered by Dr. Robert
way through the Lamor H. Nichols. The noon hour was
defense, being ably ass taken up with meetings and
Don Sheets and Captain luncheons held at the various
during the first two peri various fraternities and sorori-
scored two markers, one ties. The crowd then migrated
of the two opening peri to Western League ball park,
gave Still a lead which G where the Freshmen and Sopho-
was unable to overcome. mores staged their annual battle
In the first half and royal over a huge push ball. It
the third period, the loc was a grand battle, both classes
pletely outplayed their fighting "tooth and toe-nail," but
rivals. Aglain in the thi after the smoke had cleared
za Leeka, Graceland's saf away and the dead and wounded
fumbled a punt, and had been removed, it was discov-
grabbed the bounding ered that the Sophs had come
give Stlil its third coun out with the big end of the score,
The remainder of ti thereby forcing the Freshmen to
quarter and all of the fi: wear the cute little green caps
od was Graceland's, for some time to come.
Not only did they hold t] Football was next on the pro-
in check, but they crosse gram for the day, and Coach Sut-
cal goal line, the first m ton's Warriors responded in true
be scored against Coach Still College manner, walloping
team since the Haskel Graceland to the tune of 20 to 7.
The counter came as a r The game was full of thrills and
a pass, Leeka to Wells, ^ action, something happening ev-
ball in play on Still's ery minute. (Complete report is
line. given in this issue.)
Wells grabbed the bal Food was the next thought in
the air, dodged two "Bon the minds of the celebrators, and
players and planted the consequently fifty more than were
behind the local goal pos
j expected gathered in the Vene-
final quarter was score] tian room of the Savery III Ho-
both teams. Regan, Mur tel to partake of the fatted calf,
Ye /e Cmrc4e"avde; l~ri-bl~
c I`~~3
Sheets were Still's main, which is supposed to be the
lugging the ball for ga proper viand to offer the return-
the line, however, Nichol ._.._. ing prodigals, but which in this
ham, O'Keefe and H. Thon instance turned out to be stuffed
the outstanding perform pork tenderloin. However, by
While the Lamoni tear some unknown means, the man-
<n4-. pe1
-. .4--.r - n
-1-, 1^n
eu;llti llt un ;iuocal cIense agement was able to feed the
for consequential gains, Butter- hungry horde, and none were
worth and Kelly made the most turned away hungry. One of the
yardage. Wells, however, was Freshmen became violently ill
the real visiting star, with his
defensive and offensive playing. kLzY during the first course, and for a
brief 'interval it was thought that
Dr.,S. L. Taylor would have to
Concerning Auditorium - Ni -c -tr)Le
operate, but through the influ-
ence of the patient's classmates,
After the great success of the the operation was performed to
Freshman Reception, which was the amusement of the diners by
held in the college auditorium the members of the Freshman
some time ago, it is quite evi-- class. Many wierd and unheard-
dent that it will be the scene of I LOVE HER of structures and organs were
She stays out all night discovered, which will no doubt
many of the school functions in She cusses, too
the time to come. prove a great help to the profes-
She smokes She eats lobsters at midnight sion in
Foreseeing the above condi- the years to come.
She paints She does lots of things she- Dr. F. J. Trenery acted as
tions, the Board of Trustees She powders ought not to
have m'ade the following rulings toastmaster, and a series of af-
She reads La Vie Parisienne But she's my grandma and I ter-dinner speeches were deliv-
(Continued on page 3) She drinks my liquor love her. (Continued on page 3)
2 THE'(p;__.LOG
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:"Fritz" Regan, Lancaster, 0... Brother O'Dell dhad Robert

Trinity Holds D. M. S. A' Price Warthman, lDettit, Streitler of West :i:giFootball
i Q.;:.0to Scoreless Tie Mich;i : ! Squad, as hisi'diinner giest on
Wallace C. Walker, B. SI. Woos- Thursday evening, October 16th.
The Still college football team ter College, Martinsferry, Ohio. The members of the Fraternity
opened its home season by bat- Albert Graham, Martinsferry, are deeply indebted to Brother
tling the Trinity college eleven Ohio. Downing for the instruction in
to a 0 to 0 tie, in a game at B. P. Evans, B. Sc., O. S. U. Technic that he so kindly and
Western League park. This was Sidney, Ohio willingly gave during the week
the second time this season that In honor of the alumni, the At- he was a guest at the Fraternity
the Osteopaths engaged in a las Club gave a luncheon .at the Huse. Brother Downing in his
scoreless contest. Jewett Tea Room October 24th. talks and demonstrations gave an
While Still had the ball in Dr. J. P. Schwartz presided as added impetus to every man pre-
Trinity's territory during the toastmaster. sent to perfect his technic and -SUPER SALESMANSHIP
major part of the second, third There has been some rumor of become a better Osteopath. His A young man called at the
and fourth periods, the Locust a local alumni chapter being talk to the Fraternity after the house of a celebrated diagnosti-
streeters threatened to score on formed in Des Moines. We have regular meet on Monday evening, cian and asked to see the doctor.
only one occasion. This came in in the city a number of Atlas October 20th, dealing as it did "Have you an appointment, the
office nurse asked.
the third quarter, when the Os- alumni who are real fraternity with the profession that we have
teopaths took the ball from their men. We hope to announce soon chosen, left with every man a "No. I haven't," the young man
40-yard mark to Trinity's 10-yard that the rumor has become a re- clearer realization of the unlim- replied.
chalk line. After three attempts ality. ited possibilities of good that can The nurse consulted the doc-
to pierce the line failed to net be done by a GOOD Osteopath, as tor's appointment list.
the remaining distance to the Delta Omega well as the certain ending of one "I think I can work you in af-
go-al line, Jean McIntosh drop The regular business meeting who does not know his profes- ter the next patient leaves," she
kicked, but the boot went wide. of the Deltas was held Friday sion. said, "so please go inside that
The Locust streeters did not evening, October 17, at the Y. room and take your clothes off."
seriously threaten after that, al- W. C. A., at which time one of Phi Sigma Gamma "Take my clothes ff!" the
though they were never in any the chief topics for discussion Delta Chapter of Phi Sigma young man exclaimed. "What
great danger of being scored up- was Homecoming Day. Deltas of Gamma will be in its new home, for?"
on by the Sioux City aggrega- the field-if we fail to recognize 1423 Center street. after Novem- "The doctor has made it an ab-
tion. The loss, by injury, of Don you, make yourself known. We ber 1st. The new place is quite solute rule not to see anybody
Sheets in the third stanza seri- want to meet you. a stride forward, and is much unless that is done," the nurse
ously hampered the backfield Oh ho! Have you seen Zoa closer to the college. About thir- said firmly.
work of the Still eleven. Sheets Munger, Dora Dietz and Avis ty men are giong to live in the "But I don't want to take my
was responsible for Still's gains Payne? Bobbed hair, did you house. clothe off," the young man in-
in bringing the ball within scor- say? Oh. My, yes. Tut, tut girls, A fine program is being pre- sisted.
ing distance on the occasion pre- vot next? Let's go, Hoorah! pared for the winter months. "Then I'm sorry, but you can't
viously mentioned. The Deltas and friends have These lectures and entertain- see the doctor," the nurse said.
Jim Regan, who did the punt- been extended an invitation to ments should prove very inter- "Well, if that's the case, I'm
ing for Still while he was in the spend next week end in Melcher, esting as well as instructive to game," the young man said.
contest, had the better of the Iowa, at the home of John Wil- our brothers. A few moments later the doc-
booting argument with Sauter, son, who is the father of our own Have you noticed Owen tnr entered the room and found
wvhQ did the. kicking for Trinity. Dr. Neva Moss, so we are antici- Wright's mustache? (It's on his the young man awaiting him.
Regan's well-placed kicks proved pating a real good time. Wear upper lip.) stark naked.
a factor in keeping the Sioux your knickers, 'neverything. Peelee has gone back to Paw "Well, sir," the doctor said,
Citians out of scoring distance. Paw to hone his razors and "What seems to be your trouble?"
In the forward passing depart- Iotla Tau Signma sharpen his scissors in anticipa- "Doctor," the young man re-
ment. both teams failed to gain Beta Chapter of Iota Tau Sig- tion of a large spring crop of plied, "I called to see if you
any appreciable yardage. Trin- ma welcomed the following mem- Michigan whiskers and hair. Will would renew your wife's subscrip-
ity, however, made more ground bers of Iota Tau Sigma to the say we miss Pelee and hope to tion to the Ladies' Home Jour-
on these forward heaves, partic- chapter house during the past hear his melodious morning war- nal."
ularly in t'he final quarter, when week: bles next semester.
the visitors opened up a barrage Dr. C. H. Downing, Bowling McFall still insists that the CAN'T BE FOOLED -
of aerial tosses. Breen, Mo.; Dr. B. M1. Gottshall, other fellow'got the worst of it. Two colored gents were con-
The entire Still line played Waterloo. Iowa; Dr. Robert M. Spencer: "Was that beer you versing when one of them be-
well, :with the work of Myers, King, Minneapolis, Minn.; Dr. E. had last night hot stuff?" came annoyed by the pergistenit
Walker, O'Keefe, Staples, and the O'Connor Chappell, Nebr.; Dr. W. Thomas: "Oh, Boy! Just a attention of a large fly.
wingmen, Thomas and Nicholas. A. Craig, Story City, Iowa; Dr. drop on a rose would change it "Sam, what kind of a fly am
outstanding. The 'backfield'failed H. D. Wright, Iowa Falls, Iowa; to a tiger lily." dis?"
to take advantage of many open- Dr. W. K. Stefen, Wahoo, Nebr.; Sprague is a conscientious "Dat am a hoss fly."
ings made for it, but MIurphy, Re- Dr. R. E. Brooker, Grinnell, Ia.; practitioner. He sits -up all "What am a hoss fly?"
gan, SStafford and Russell gained Dr. A. W. Clow, Washington, Ia.; night with some of his patients. "Its de 'kind of fly what buzzes
'the 'most ground for Still. Frank Dr. C R. Bean, Des Vloines, Ia.; Leonard Jacobs has opinions of 'round cows, bosses and jack-
Thomas also performed in good Dr. M. D. Cramer, Des Moines, his own about banquets. When asses."
fashion. Ia.; Dr. A. G. Prather, Des it came time for the speeches at "You ain't makin' out to call
'FoxlTrinity, Sauter, Armbuster vioines, Ia; Dr. F. J. Trenery, Homecoming, Jacobs still had a me no jackass, is you?"
and Joint proved the ball lug- Des Moines. Ia.; Dr. C. C. We'ael, few articles of silver he had not "No, I ain't. but you can't fool
ging stars, while Kahoe's 'work Winterset, Ia.; Dr. E. E. Steffen, used. Judging from his actions dem hoss flies."
in backing up the line on defense Des loines, Ia. he thought he was supposed to
was one of the features of the About thirty-five couples en- bring them home.
contest. enjoyed the Homecoming Dance The Brothers wish big Deane Man is like a tack useful if
at the fraternity house on Sat- Elsea would get some longer he has a good head and is pointed
urday night, October 25th. The night shirts. Those he wears now in the right direction.
Frarternities uance served the additional pur- fit him like a cold on the chest.
Atlas Club pose of a reception dance to the Gerald Beebe says he doesn't OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF
The .Atlas 'Club "held their pledges to the fraternity, and know whether to start a harem -BABES
semi-annual pledge dance Octo- was carried out along lines of a or open a cafe when he gets Small Girl-"Why doesn't baby
ber t17th. The guests 'included: Hallowe'en festival party. through his four years at D. M. talk, father?"
G. E. 'Hurt, F. 'Cummi.ns, 'C. Craw- Dr. Robert M. Nichols, Boston. S. C. O. Father "He can't talk yet,
fo'rd. Pledges 'to the Club, Field Mass.; Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Pra- Cecile Warner says he's just dear."
Dcbtors G. C. Taylor, 'A B. Tay- ther, Des Moines; Dr. C. H. Down- gonna pack a few clothes in a Small Girl.-"Oh, yes'they do.
lor, J. A. Wood, H. V. Hallacay, ing, Bowling Green, Mo.; Dr. F. traveling bag, as he leaves us for Job did. Nurse read me out of
Fred 'Campbe'll and members en- J. Trenery, Des Moines, Iowa; Dr. good in January, and he just can't the Bible. how Job cursed 'the
joyed:thle evening The Serenad- E. O'Connor, Chappell, Nebr.. Dr. seem to get settled until we 'day he was born."
ers 'furriishdd the music. Robert M. King, Minneapolis, move again.
The Atlas 'Club announces 'the vinn.; Dr. E. E. Steffen, Des
Alpha lChi Iota Siglma BLUE PENCI:L, PLPEASE
pldldging df 'the following 'men: M'oines, Iowa; Dr. C. C. Wedel,
Dr. 'Richard Shannon, ;Pbodiattist Winterset, Iowa. Alpha Chi Iota Sigma announc- Teacher-"John, can you use
Grad. 'University df Mass., home Brother Richardson 'had Johr es the pledging of Miss Olive the word pencil in a sentence?"
Boston, Massachusetts; Voss as his dinner guest at the Lenhart of Des Mointes, Iowa, to Johnny "Yes, madam. If I
tDon ;Sheetz, 'WMiddletown, Ohio ' dhptir'hotlse 'on 'Friday evening the sorority. don't wear suspenders my pencil
Herscheil 'Wise, Evans CCity,
:a October 17th. (Continued on paige 3) fall down."
. \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
TH'.E., L .G; .O.K-.3
0 3

* LThq^3g ) oI articular rheumatism also, and HOMECOMII

-/ feI TL
' ":~i:!
this was treated by the embryo
the lady walks
in several (Contin
The Official Publication of years. eredbDr
ered by Drs.
DES MOTNES STILL COLLEGE Immediately after starting Ps- Halladay, Hi
OSTEOPA'THY tient told her "faithful H"M. D." Taylor
that she was receiving some at- After a b'
President ...... L. Tailor tention at the hands of a stu-
S............. which the t!
'Editor_ -Don Baylor dent osteopath, and the M. D. the Homecon
replied: "That is fine, it will do swing. The <
O.Rteopathy Without Limitation your muscles a lot of good, that Aliber's orch
_______________________- is not in my line; keep it up." of his drumi
INTIATiTVE le sa.id he had a lot of faith in bered for so-
osteopathy but that he would Considerinj
"The world bestows its big not ecommend it, d course. was the first
prizeg, both i'n mon'ey --And :hon- Once more the poet Was rightof the colleg
ors, for but one thing. And that 'Yea, verily, Consitstency, thou meeting, th{
is Initiative. What is initiative? art indeed a jewel." has a much
I'll tell you: It is doing the Like Christr
right thing without being told. Bunting Publications once a year,
'But next to doing the thing with- Ronr pntid THre till next yea
out being told is to do .it when A.. . Sih TeOsr r:...............
you are told once. That is to say, A. E. Smith, '26, is the official The Observer ays:
carry the message to Garcia. Still College representative ofrom t e elDid you ever
Those who can carry a message the Bunting Publications, pub- See such a -
get high honors, but their pay is lishers of the Osteopathic Phy- It is evident, from correspon- Still College gang
not always in proportion. Next, sician, Osteopathic Health, and dence received, that the Alumni Congregated in one
there are those who never do a numerous other pieces of Osteo- who were able to attend. the first Place as there was
thing until they are told twice; pathic literature. Homecoming are not the only At Homecoming Dance
such get no honors and small pay. Copies of that famous picture, ones who were interested. Nu- Angus is sure
Next, there are those who do the "Medicine Watches-Osteopathy merous letters from all sections Conscientious
right thing only when necessity Works," such as presented by the of the country have been re' In manicuring the
kicks. them -from behind, and class of '26 to the college, may ceived from loyal Still Alumni, Campus
these get indifference instead of be procured from Smith at a who were unable to be with us A member of the
honors and a pittance for pay. nominal price. This one picture on that "gran', glorious day," all Junior Class-
This kind spends most of its time alone does more to depict the ad- carrying the thought that they Has discovered that
polishing a bench with a hard- vantages of Osteopathy over oth- were here in spirit, if not in The dulcet strains
lUck story. Then, still lower er methods of practice than all body. Of his melodious
down the scale than this, we have the books and theses ever writ- The following letters are in- Tenor Voice
the fellow who will not do the ten. He also has a few copies of dicative of the Field attitude to- Are useful as a
right- thing even when some one "Osteopathy's 50th Anniversary, wards D. M. S. C. 0., and to her Specific in
goes along to show him how and a complete review of the recent functions: Certain cases he has
stays. to see that he does it. He national convention of the A. 0. Treated
is always out of a job, and re- A. held last June in Kirksville. From Dr. J. G. Follett, President Which is almost
ceives the contempt he deserves, This gives the students who were South Dakota Osteopathic As- As good as
unless he happens to have a rich unable to attend the convention sociation, Watertown, S. Dak.: Hoss O'Dell
Pa, in which case Destiny pa- an excellent opportunity to se- Dear Doctor:- Asking S. L. if it
tiently awaits !around the corner: cure the high points of the-meet- Have been living in hopes that Was difficult to
with a "stulTed club. To which ing in a more condensed and I might be able to be in Des Diagnose
class do You belong?" Elbert economical form. Special sub- Moines Oct. 24th for Homecom- Gangrene on a
Hubbard. scription rates are made to stu- ing Day. Find now that it .will Negro Paitent
carries a dents on all Bunting publica- be out of the question to be
paragraph carries~a~t
above paragraph
The above However
^The . there.pThe knowledge gained
there. The knowledge gained
deepest consideration worth
that is well of D. 1tions.
everythe However, my heart and Relative to
M. S.tC. 0. student. The jewel of FRATERNITY NOTES thoughts will be with the old Red Headed Women
(Continued from page 2) school on that day, above all oth- In assembly the
the idea is not represented in so
many characters of the alphabet, Members of the local chapter ers. I hope that you will make Other morning
placed in a definite position, but arranged a Homecoming lunch- hap this an annual
some's affair,
timeT:Iwill then
be- ableper-
to Dbu»bte of
Will be Vluce
ii the underlying thought which eon at Younkers' Tea Room, Oc- haps some time I will be able to ouble value
prompted the writing. By care- tober 24th. The following field be there. To some
fill analysis, You can receive the members were in attendance: As a memebr of the January, And did you
same inspiration as Hubbard, and Dr. Georgia Chalfont. Pella, 1905 Class, I send greetings and Notice
you will have obtained some- Pella, Iowa; Dr. Andrews, Perry, good wishes to D. M. S. C. . How some students
thing -that will be of the great- Iowa; Dr. Gertrude Collard, ,Coon May the old school grow so fast ere cautiously
est value to you in your profes- Rapids, Iowa; Dr. Nellie Davis, you will have a hard time keep- Examinig their neighbors
sional life to come. Oskaloosa, Iowa; Dr. Whalen, St. ing up with 'it In regard to
Paul, Minnesota; Dr. Ruth Hazel- acial oncavities
-rigg Willard. Dr. Ellen Phenecie, From Dr. A. E. Byerly, Guelph, Convexities
What Did You See? Dr. Irene Bachman and Dr. Flor- Ontario, Canada: Length of nose
ence Morris, of Des Moines.
'__ Dear Friends-etween eyes
An Observer says that he saw Mrs. Grace DeWalt has re- It has been three years since I Anyhoo
a case of a lady, 73, who was run sumed her studies in D. M. S. C.; was privileged to visit good old It all goes to
down by an auto, no bones brok- 0. after a few weeks' visit with, Still College, :and .now that I no- yo
en, bad cut on head, attended, home folks in Comstock, Nebr. tice by the Log Book that you Shouldn't let your girl
conscientiously and consistently are going to have a Homecoming Know whose hand
by M. ID.for four weeks, daily .'CONCERINING't AUDITOItIsUM Day. I wish to ,be remembered 'to Is feeding you
some days 'twice. Never able to (Continued from page 1) | the 'College and to let you know Period.
raise her head from pillow, much relative to the use of the audito- that I am always with it in spir- ________
less sit up. The patient inquitred rium by the student body: it, and I .am only sorry that Ir
of an undergraduate osteopathic Permission must be secured cannot be there.
student, a sophomore, to be ex- through the Secretary of the col- I trust that the program will Have we a Freshman A class?
act, whether he thought his sys- lege for the use of the audito- be in- every way a success, and Yea, Bo!!
tem of treatment would help her. rium. here is to the continued growth Are they organized? Absotive-
She knew nothing of osteopathy. ,Parties ,must be:properly .chap- and prosperity.of D. M. S. C. 0. ly!.
Student said he 'felt' sure she eroned, list of Faculty members Who are their officers?
could be benefitted and treated acting in that capacity to be There will be another Home- President, Mabelle E. Moore.
her every second day, and after submitted for approval when coming Day next year, and an- Vice president, Preston Howe.
fourth treatment the patient sat, permission to use hall is re-i 'ouncement of the date will 'be Secretary-treasurer, John Thel-
up, the second week she wvas oute qiested. · made early enough to permit ev- man.
in a chair, and at the b'end aef 'te -ircumstances demand a Strict ety living alumntus of the col- Though we are. small in num-
third week she was down stairs. compliance with the above rul- lege to make necessary arrange- ber, we are very much alive, so
The patient had suffered with. ings. ments to attend. don't overlook us entirely!
4 Ta H E.L:O G .:.BO 0 K




No One Has
Claimed the Reward to Date 3C
1Crr r? ?l` r5\5'7CCC?
r)' 73' C r7Pr 3?7~rCC7~7. .,7~~CC~77?

^^^^N^^EMAI^^NN^^^^N^^^^^N^bL3GN S a UNFOUNDtLN^NGL^^JL~~J

And his able corps of trusty

sleuths were put on the case
) after the eleventh hour in-
volvement of Luke McGluke
-- the notorious cradle snatcher
s n
·:ssL xL)L
qL 11AJ
riAVuIJ cT7IQp;lrlT7VII
¥.VllVlA ia

Exciting developments are expected to break at

any minute.

The most dastardly crime in the annals of

· ·

Osteopathy has been committed! The perpetra-

0 ,1
,' 1 I1P ,j& A 1 A 7, F ,IP - 1,JP , I ,J , I P , IP Af ,I j I1,,,
IP AI l 1P 1P tP,1 11 ,1 t
,,1 %P%P P 1.1AP1P,0t 1 1, P,, P ,1 ,.? t? 1G1 I 1P APAPf

tor goes unpunished! Sherlocko vows to "get"

the miscreant on or before November 15th. I

Watch the Next Issue! ::

-- - ---- -I I -L -_ I _IC -_ -- - -C -·_-I __ _ ..---. -I _ -----T ---L -·- - I _ __ - --
Bntered as second class Acceptance for mailing at
matter, February 3. 1923, special rates of postage

at the post office at Des provided for in section 1103,
Moines, Iowa. under the act of Oct. 3. 1917. author-
act of August 24th, 1912. ized Feb. 3. 1923.


Volume 2 November 15, 1924 Number 9


Still Wallops Obstetrical Clinic

Pella Dutchmen
Pella, Ia., Oct. 31.-Still col-
lege outclassed Central in a game
here today in which the locals The world grants all opportun-
fought futilely to the end. The ities to' him who can use them,
Osteopaths' heavy line and hard Power and Fortune are hidden
hitting backs mowed the Dutch- away in the hours and moments
men down, 41 to 0. Still car- as they pass, awaiting the eye
ried the ball consistently for that can see-the ear that can
gains. Central was able only oc- hear-the hand that can do!i
casionally to hold its heavy oppo-
nents, once taking the ball on the To review and place before you
3-yard line on downs. the progress, to which we may
The charging and plunging of well point with pride, that D. M.
Shetz, Hannon, Regn, Stafford S. C. 0., has made in this par-
and Murphy were responsible for ticular field, is the purpose of
six touchdowns. Myers place- this article.
kicked five points, missing the DR. LOLA TAYLOR That we have met with opposi- DR. ROBERT BACHMAN
1st. Shetz scored a touchdown Founder of Clinic tion in this great specialty which Present Clinician
-» ^1 - 1-
4-,1 4-- --
0 1. t
- *
- -
in the first quarter. Regan two ia^e n Uesu oI a man's Drains
in the second quarter. Stafford and courage is known to the pro- face of such opposition and dis-
two in the third quarter and Re- Freshmen-Sophomore fession. trust is easily explained by a
The D. M. S. C. 0. Obstetrical
gan one in the fourth quarter.
Still had the ball throughout
Hallowe'en Party department has existed since the
careful perusal of the charts giv-
ing clinical statistics, which are
most of the first half, the locals organization of the College but far better than those of any med-
The Freshmen and Sophomore not in its present status. In
being unable to make any head- classes gave a masquerade dance ical institution, in regard to
way at all and being forced to 1903, this important subject was mortality and injury. Opposition
in the College auditorium Hallo- taught only one semester and
punt. Still played straight foot- we'en evening. The party was can not stand up before such re-
ball throughout, few forward during that time only one case sults.
chaperoned by Dr. and Mrs. H. before the clinic, and up until
,passes being attempted. V. Halladay and Dr. and Mrs. The service which has produced
For the visitors Jimmy Regan, 1909 no accurate records of the these results is as follows:
George Hurt. clinic ctivities were kept.
Murphy and Sheets in the back- The auditorium was tastefully The expectant mother is exam-
field, and Johnny Jones, Myers, Dr. Lola Taylor took charge of ined as soon as the case is re-
decorated in appropriate colors the clinic and the 0. B. depart-
Graham and Thomas in the line, and carnival favors added great- ported in clinic and laboratory
played splendid ball. ment at this time and was very examinations are made at fre-
ly to the pep and fun of the successful from the start. In
event. Dancing interspersed quent intervals to prevent any
the three and one-half years, possible toxic conditions from
Gloves of Varnish with novelty and specialty dances under her supervision, over three
filled the evening program. passing by unnoticed. When the
Skin varnish completely cover- hundred and fifty cases were patient is ready for delivery the
Many attractive and amusing taken care of by the clinic.
ing the hands is used by some costumes were in evidence and call is sent direct to the college
surgeons instead of rubber gloves But early, the task was a hard and is answered by four students
every one seemed to be having a one. Distrust and opposition
'during surgical operations. So gran' good time. and the Obstetrical Supervisor
cleverly is the varnish made that were met on every hand. Pa- who attends all cases. The stu-
it cannot be washed off with wa- tients, knowing the beneficial ef- dents act in the following capac-
ter or any liquid likely to be met Student Activities fect of Osteopathic treatment, ities: Accoucher, who makes the
in the course of an operation; nor All students on 0. B. call reg- would be treated until time for delivery and generally super-
can it be scraped off except by ister are requested to interview confinement and then turn the vises the case; the Consulting
scraping off the skin itself, and Dr. Geo. Hurt in regards to the case over to some one else for Physician who gives the anaes-
yet it is about as pliable as very correct attire for such occasions. delivery. Not so now. thetic and cares for the child
thin rubber. The purpose in us- It has been rumored around the By careful organization, care- after birth; the First Assistant
ing it instead of rubber gloves university that "Gawdge" is a ful instruction, superior hospital who directly aids the Accoucher
is to preserve the sensitiveness strong "Fresh Air" man, believ- facilities and by having at its and the Second Assistant who is
of the touch and make it easier ing in adequate ventilation of all disposal the best Obstetrician of in charge of the preparation and
to handle materials such as cat- areas. any osteopathic school, the "0. sterilization of instruments,
.gut. The varnish looks like Deane Elsea has taken to sleep- B." Clinic has achieved an envi- gloves, etc. After delivery the
honey. It is rubbd on the hands ing in class with his Dolly now. able record for itself and for the mother and child are carefully
after they have been washed as See Doctor Steffen for further college. cared for by nine "after calls"
thoroughly as possible and quick- particulars. Following Dr. Lola Taylor, Dr. made by the students assigned to
ly dries. To remove it the hands Slim Irwin and Punk Marlow E. C. Dymond was Obstetrician the case. Should complication
are washed in another chemical were greatly relieved to find that for a period of two years and Dr. arise such men as Dr. Bachman,
solution.-Saturday Evening Post. their picture had not been pub- Woodward took over the work for Dr. J. P. Schwartz and Dr. John
lished in the last issue of The another year. Then it came into R. Woods are at the command of
Log Book. However, said publi- the hands of our present and the Clinic. In the event the case
At the Hospital cation has not gone out of exist- highly efficient obstetrician. should require hospital care the
After the clinic the other day ence as yet. Plenty of time! Dr. Robert Bachman assumed Des Moines General Hospital, one
at the hospital, one of the young Won't be long now before the these duties in 1917. To say that of the finest Osteopathic Institu-
.rosy cheeked, curly haired in- Basket Tossers are entertaining he is a man who knows his work tions in the country, is available.
ternes was endeavoring to ease the multitudes again. Still's pros- is putting it mildly. The stu- This is not book experience
an old lady and was entreating pects for a winning aggregation dents call him a "wonder" and that the student at D. M. S. C. 0.
her to "grit her teeth" and help are better than they have been they may well do so for his lec- receives in his course in Obstet-
him out. "But, doctor," the old for years. tures, practical demonstrations rics but pure unadulterated prac-
lady said, "I can't grit my teeth." and unlimited fund of sound ex- tical experience, the kind that
"What, you can't grit your "When I'm getting ready for perience makes him a man of few every man in the field recog-
teeth?" .exclaimed the young D. an argument with a man, I spend superiors. This clinic has grown nizes and wished 'that he had
O. "Why not?" "Because they're one-third of my time thinking until D. M. S. C. 0. has the larg- had. Since 1917 over 900 cases
over on the dresser in a glass of about myself and what I'm go- est Free Obstetrical Clinic in a have been delivered by the clinic
water!" explained the old lady ing to say, and two-thirds think- city of 150,000 inhabitants. of which the average per student
and the "cokes" were on the in- ing about him and what he is go- The facts behind this remark- is 3.5, the greatest ndmber of
terne. ing to say."-Abraham Lincoln. able growth and progress in the (Continued on page .3)
- lll-
I __

0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i I Ima~e~ Y ~ -- _ I

*NewExamination Fraternity Notes Summers of the West High schoo

Room Authorized football squad.
Bro. Olsen, who was confined tc
ATLAS CLUB the Des Moines general hospital
The college authorities have re- The Atlas Club held its first
cently authorized the installation with trouble arising from the
degree of the initiation of the vertebrae fractured in football
and equipment of a special ex- pledges to the club, Thursday
amination room and clinical lab- while he was at Springfield,
November 6th. Eleven men were Mass., is able to be back with us
oratory. The addition of these there to take the work.
features will and to attend his classes regular-
greatly increase The first of the Atlas Club's ly, we are happy to state. Bro.
the present high efficiency of "Practical Work" nights will be
D. M. S. C. O.'s genral clinics. Olsen will be required to wear
held Thursday, November. 13th for sometime to come, the same
The special examination room with Dr. Mary Golden as the collar for support. of the neck
is to be equipped with all neces- speaker of the evening. The that he wore when first injured
sary diagnostic equipment and is meeting will be held at 1511 at Springfield. "SH VER' DIFFICUL'
to be used by the Clinician and High street. This program will "Zat choo, Bill?"
the student assigned the case for Announcement has been re- "Yep."
be followed throughout the year
the purpose-- of further examina- ceived by the Chapter of the
at two week intervals. marriage of Brother James L. "Well, shay, tell me where I
tion after the patient has been Brother Frank R. Spencer vis- am."
before the clinic. This will en- Craig, '22, an'd IVyiss Tulsa Ship-
ited Kirksville, Mo., last week- "Why, you're right in front of
able the student to secure more end. He was the guest of Noble man of Cresco, Iowa, which took your own house."
detail information regarding place at Cresco, Iowa, on Satur-
Skull, Earl Congdon at a lunch- day, Oct. 25th. They will make "Sufferin' catfish! Thash th'
the particular case under his eon held in the Atlas Club din- place I been tryin' to get away
care and will also tend to in- their home at Cresco where Bro.
ing room cn Saturday. He reports Craig is practicing. from all evenin'."
crease the diagnostic efficiency everything fine in Kirksville.
of the clinic as a whole. The football game between
The Clinical Laboratory is to Ohio State and Michigan U. at . IXED DIRECTIONS
be equipped with necessary in- DELTA OMEGA Columbus, Ohio, this month will First Freshmen (putting up
struments for the making of A number of the Deltas and be the occasion for the reunion pictures): "I can't find a single
thorough Blood, Urine and Gas- their friends spent Hallowe'en of several of the brothers of this pin. Where do they all go to,
tric analyses. The Clinical Lab- week-end at Melchor, Iowa, as Chapter who have graduated re- anyway?"
oratory Supervisor will be in full the guests of Dr. Neva Moss and cently. Those attending will be Second Freshmen: "It's hard
charge of the Laboratory and it her sister. It is rumored that Bro. Lydic of Dayton, Ohio; Bro. to tell, because they're pointed in
will be open to the students at those not attending "missed out" Weimers of Marietta, Ohio; Bro. one direction and headed in an-
all times. Under this plan the oen heaps of fun for a jolly good Sechrist and Bro. Laird of De- other."
student will receive much more time was certainly had by all troit, Mich.; Bro. Higlemire of
practical work in Laboratory attending. Hoorah for Neva! Alma, Mich. Bro. Huddle- of
The Delta Omegas announce ABSOLUTELY!.
Diagnosis than has been avail- Washington Court House, Ohio.,
able here-to-fore. the pledging of the Misses Emma and Bros. Eske, Clybourne and An old-time negro preacher
The additions of these two new and Irene Krug. was reading and commenting up-
Mertens, of Columbus, Ohio. on a chapter in the Bible which
departments is symbolical of the The Deltas present on Friday December 18th has been cho-
progress D. M. S. C. 0. clinics evening, November 7th, were dealt with genealogy. When he
favored by a most enjoyable talk sen as the date for Beta Chap- came to the passage. "And seven
are making. The student body ter's Annual Christmas Formal,
and faculty are not satisfied to by their field member, Dr. Della sons did Milca bear." he paused
B. Caldwell. After her talk she to be held at Hoyt Sherman and explained as follows:
rest on the laurels already won Place with Ray Harrison's orches-
but are constantly striving to at- answered many questions, thus "Now, bredren and sisters, dis
making the evening very profit- tra furnishing the music for the jes' means dat dey run out o'
tain greater efficiency and to de- evening. Several of the field
velop a better clinical service to eabl to the students who hope milk at dat house-de cows had
they may again be so favored. members of the chapter have al- went dry, or didn't come up or
the patients that will eventually ready expressed their intentions
place Osteopathy at the head of somethin', and de boys went out
of attending this year's Formal, and cotch 'a bar an' milked her.
the Healing Arts. IOTA TAU SIGM1A NOTES and a number more are expected Dem boys could milk anythin'!"
Beta Chapter of the Iota Tau to be present, from whom re-
Are You Looking Sigma will entertain at an in- plies have not as yet been re-
formal house dance at the Chap- O-H-H!
For a Location? ter house on Friday evening, Nov.
"Didn't you hear about it?"
21st with music to be furnished PHI SIG HOUSE "No."
The college has received word by Al Levich and his Serenaders. "But it happened right in your
from Dr. C. Rasmussen of Ma- Montgomery- Monty merely
The "Extermination Contest" pushed a truck all over Grove neighborhood."
quoketa, Iowa, a county seat town as carried on by the pledges to "I know but my wife's been
of approximately four thousand City, Pennsylvania. They say
the fraternity, throughout the that with favorable winds he can away."
inhabitants, that his practice is past week, proved to be one of
for sale. spit over his chin, now.
the most exciting "contests" that ON THEIR WAY
Osteopathy is very well known has been promoted for some time Weir "The Wop." He's added
in this community and as the volumes and volumes to his bed- Speaking of white mule, two
past. Pledge Ross emerged win- rustic sports were uncertainly'
Doctor is the only "D. O." in the ner with a high score of over 300 time stories since his trip abroad.
county, it should prove the gold- Beebe Snap says Pictorial Re- flivvering their way home from
points which caused him to be the country seat.
en opportunity for some enter- eligible for honors that were be- view just has to shift for itself,
prising, hard-working Osteopath. now. "Bill," said Henry, "I wancha
stowed upon all contestants. to be very careful. First thing
Further information may be had Great stress was laid upon the Spencer Leland says there was
by writing The Log Book. no market for his pickles this y'know you'll have us in- the
prizes as they were distributed ditch."
to the several pledges, and appre- summer, 'as the vines wore the
'HOW 'BOUT IT D. O.'S. warts off dragging them around. "Me?" said Bill in astonish-
ciation was displayed upon the ment. "Why, I thought you was
The national income has in- part of each pledge, being evi- That was in Michigan.
creased from thirty-four to fifty Davis-Ralph sold more Picto- driving."
denced by their hearty approval
billion dollars; savings deposits and thanks for the methods em- rials than all the rest of the boys
in national banks from six to sev- ployed. put together. He's seeing New FAR FROM IT
enteen billion dollars and agri- Congratulations were extended York now in honor of his sum- The Shenandoah wasn't the
cultural production from four in a fitting manner by each of mer's work, at the company's ex- only gas-bag that toured the
and a half to five and a quarter the pledges to the other pledges pense. country.
billion dollars. Every possible after the actives had instructed Friend Max is along with Da-
source of wealth has grown enor- them as to the methods em- vey. We just hope the large city
mously. Factory production has ployed. doesn't corrupt his morals. Ouch!
increased ninety-five per cent, It is to be hoped that similar Thellman He's a Pictorial
mine production one hundred and I
"contests" may be carried on booster, too, but that little girl Dr. George Hurt was telling
twenty-eight per cent and per throughout the winter, as it cre- at home couldn't be neglected, the mother of a couple youthful
*capita earnings have increased ates warmer feelings among all so he hasn't returned yet. clinic patients that she must
*one hundred and seventy-five per those who participate. Gordon Went to Valentino's have her children eat porridge,
,cent in the past ten years. Bro. 'Jiggs" Breese visited homeland this summer to learn milk, fruit and vegetables. In
with the Chapter on Tuesday, shieking from the ground up. response to the objection that
EVIL TO HIM Nov. 11th, stopping in the city on Girls, beware. the children disliked these par-
He "Is my face dirty, or is his return to Nebraska City, Much excitement was evident ticular foods, our "Gawdge"
it my, imagination?" Neb., from a trip to his home at among our Ohio brbthers over calmly informed the mother that
She "I don't know anything Marion, Ohio. the Ohio-Iowa football game. he had been raised on them.
about your imagination, but your Bro. Cochran had as his guest Side-door pullmans to points "Well," said the mother, "you
face is clean." for dinner last Sunday Mr. Roy east were at a premium. ain't no~~ ad ~~~~~~v
^ _ for themv @~~~
_.--.-- -L · na -SIa--~-ss-
l 9e
· -- *--pL--. I·CPB- I P-

Obstetrical Clinic HOW TO FIND THE COMET

- 00oo There is a new comet in the
~i~ 0 Unsurpassed sky, but the astronomers are
The Official Publication of keeping it dark. They are pre-
(Continued from Page One) tending to let us in on the secret
DES MOINES STILL COLLEGE and telling us just where to look
OSTEOPATHY cases assisted by one student is for the visitor. It is, they said,
34 and the greatest number of "in the right ascension, fourteen
S. L. Tavlor deliveries is 8. The students are
P'resident . .................. hours and nine minutes, north
Editor__ ___- _ Baylor confronted by such complications
D___-Don declination, eight and a half de-
as aclampsia, post presentation, grees." Then they probably went
IOsteopathy Without Limitation placenta previa, asphyxia livida around the corner and had a good
and pallida, breech extractions, laugh.
Help! and such operations as caesarian That method of putting a comet
section, ..podalic version, forceps on the map may be all right for
delivery, etc. a professional, but the right as-
The Log Book is strictly the In the previously outlined care cension and north declination are
;student publication of: D. M. S. the patient receives the best too deep for the rest of us. It's
like telling a. patient he has
at a total cost
,C. 0. and the subject matter con- service'attainable symptoms of gastroenteralgia,
of $1.50 which is for the purchase
tained. therein is supposed to of the Maternity Kit containing when there isn't a thing the mat-
come from the students. How- necessaries for mother and babe. ter with him but old-fashioned
ever, it has recently become as To revert to the student in the belly ache . The comet is liable
to be gone before we find out
D. M.
:scarce as the proverbial "hen's Obstetrical, department of where the reference points are. The Observer Says
S. C. O., he is instructed not only
-teeth." Loosen up a bit! 'Hand frorm books from the clinical ex- What we want in a case like Now
-in some of those jokes Dean perience of a man who has de- this is a description of its posi- That the Bank
Johnson, John Woods, Doc Stef- livered over two thousands cases tion as six inches west of the Went broke
fen and others of our notorious in the city of Des Moines and Episcopal church steeple or two And
who gives not only the detailed feet over the top of Bill Jones's LaFollette
Qfaculty have been pulling off for description of treatment for var- garage. A person who hans't Lost the electon
years! Give the Field men an ious cases arising in "O. B." but learned to call all the stars by We can again
opportunity to live again their also the Osteopathic concept of their first names might go out Delve into the mysteries
"college days" through the col- the case. and stare north declination right Of Simon-Pure
Thus, when a student graduates in the face and never know it. Ten Fingered
umns of The Log Book. No wonder astronomy isn't any Osteopathy
from D. M. S. C. O., he is equip-
Don't confine your activity to ped with an enviable knowledge more popular than it is. All visitors and
the faculty alone. The students of Obstetrics backed by priceless Freshmen
themselves have been known to practical experience gained first- YOUR LEAD Are requested to
and to pull hand in the Free Clinic. And with "Deacon White," said Parson Padlock
make wise cracks, Their pockets when
such training, practice can only Jackson softly, "will you lead us
:boners when not basking in the bring true success. in prayer?" Visiting the
*arms of Morpheus in the big pit. There was no answer. Dissection Room
Jot it down in your note book The above article is the first "Deacon White, this time in a As several choice
a series on the various clinics little 1 ouder voice, "will you Muscles have been reported
while it's fresh in your mind and of Missing.
-hand it in. Those of you of a maintainedand operated by D. M. lead?" Students specialiiing
more serious turn of mind can S. C. 0., which are without peer Still no response. Evidently
In some of the Higher
-surely turn out a good piece of in the entire profession. We are the deacon was slumbering. Par- Branches of our noble
*some practical value to the rest justly .proud of thedepartment progress son Jackson made a third appeal
and raised his voice to a high Calling may be seen.
of the students. "My First Pa- made by the Clinical Practicing
-tient." "My First O. B. Case," and want to "tell the world" pitch that succeded in arousing
Articles from any the drowsy man. "Deacon White, Co-ordination of
,"Hash Slinging a la Mode" and about it. Hand and Eye on
'kindred topics are mere sugges- alumni, relative to the clinics in will you lead?" in bewilderment, The North East Corner
-tions to be ingested by your fer- their day, would be greatly ap- The deacon,
of the Campus
-tile brain. Any of you alumni preciated. The material for this rubbed his heavy eyes and blurt- just Daily between
-who have anything on your chest article was prepared by Frank ed: "Lead yourself-I
dealt!" 12:45 and ,1:15
-you want to be relieved of (colds R. Spencer. I _--- _JOll ll -IIIL I With the advent of
*and bronchitis excepted) write L· Red Flannels
it down and mail it now! Exper- The daily attendance
ience the thrill of seeing your
-name in print-
Now, Be Yourself, Gang, and
At the regular
Breakfast period
Is beginning
.come across with some good dope To dwindle
for the next issue! For the best
article written by a student, The
Second Semester Registration Dates One member of the
Junior A class
-Log Book offers as a prize, one The following dates have been set by the College authorities Has absorbed so much
guaranteed, non-leakable, rust for Second Semester, year of 1924-25. Field men-mark these Knowledge
proof, patent leather thermome- Since entering our
tert dates on your calendar and let's have the largest mid-year class in Palace of learning
DO YOUR STUFF! the history of the school. That he has to wear
Mid-year graduation-January 22. A Brace
THE WONDERFUL HORSE Mid-year Registartion-January 23-24. To hold his
0 horse, you are a wonderful Classes begin-January 26. Head up
thing; no buttons to push, no In view of the fact
horns to honk; you start your- That it's only
self, no clutch to slip; no spark PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS who'receive the Log Boog regularly 5 weeks till
to miss, no gears to strip; no li- are requested to fill in and mail the following coupon if they wish Xmas
cense buying every year, with Any Upper Classman
plates to screw on front and to continue receiving the paper. In the event the coupon is not Caught
rear; no gas bills climbing up returned by the mailing date of December First issue, your Telling a Freshman
.each day, stealing the joy of life name will be taken from the list. There ain't no
-away; no speed cops chugging in Santy Claus
your rear, yelling summons in Will be expelled
your ear. Your inner tubes are From the
Please continue mailing The Log. Book to University
all O. K. and, thank the Lord,
they stay that way; your spark Period
-plugs never miss and fuss; your Name ,_- _-- _-----------------------
motor never makes us cuss. Your ADMISSION FREE
frame is good for many a mile; Address ___---------- Four babies have been born in
your body never changes style. the British Empire Exhibition.
Your wants are few and easy It is remarkable what people will
met you've something on the . f~~~~~~~~~~~~-
do to get in without paying.-
---- - vet.
j - --
44 THE
I - I- -a -' -- _- - jI T0Z0 - --- - -- --- r-'iL - - C

I Ira I 0 >0 I oo Is 1, .u 0

i .

HROUGH the untiring efforts of
thP ~ Poffir-int ,qh lrlr ri
LIL - IL .- I.-I IIL kJI I %.1 %.J-LX.1 i-
rnlr LA I
X_%-i Ip

and Campus (complete) have once more

returned to the honored position with-
in the goldn frame.
How Long--Oh, Gosh--How Long before this
beautiful edifice and spacious Lawns will become
a realty and not a mere block of wood-a plate of
brass and minute scratches, to be lost in the corner
of a printer's apron pocket?
Do We Want a New Buildin?
I-1C ---- h I - --
L -CI -L - -I __ -I - -)- --- - ICI --
, _
Entered as second class
THE- Acceptance for mailing at
matter. February 3. 1923, special rates of postage

at the post office at Des provided for in section 11038
Moines, Iowa, under the act of Oct. 3. 1917, author-
act of August 24th, 1912, ized Feb. 3. 1923.


Volume 2 December 1, 1924 Number -10

-- -- -.--- I -


WITH 27 TO 7 Basket TossersAnswer Call General Clinic

Without Peer
VICTORY With the most successful foot-
ball season in the history of
Any practicing physician rec-
ognizes the. vast . importance of
clinical experience-he: realizes
Still College completed, Coach
Murphy Winds Up Grid Sutton is now directing his at- the value of thecareful analysis
of actual. cases in preference to
tention'to the next athletic card
Career With 98 Yd. to be faced by his players-bas- imiaginary ones. It is for- that
ketball.' reason that this series of articles
Run For Touchdown. Cage .prospects, are unusually dealing with the various Clinics
bright this season, if prelimin- iof D. M. S. C. '0. is being pre-
(By W. D. Fletcher.) ary practice sessions held during pared. : .
The btill college football team the latter part of the football One of' 'the largest 'and most
endet' its lb24 grid seaon at the season, iand advance dope are important departments in', the
Western league park by defeat- any indications. Only'one letter college' is the 'General Clinic.
ing the Ellsworth college eleven, man was lost to the squad after Students in the upper Junior and
O27to 7. The locals scored three the 19123-24 season-this being the' Senior 'classes are required
of their four markers in the Gus Weimers. to attend clinics on Monday,
opening hailf, adding the final During the past three weeks Wednesday -and Friday Iafter-
counter in the third period, while some 10 basketball candidates noons. Dr. H. V. Halladay, one
the Iowa Falls gridders garnered have been drilling at the Coli- of the best known men in the JLt.!, OM. V. ·.Al!LADAYX
profession, is the Clinician and 1,k1.V. IALJI
seven points just at the close of seum armory with Capt. Roy
Davis. It was Coach Sutton's has complete charge of all lac-
the first half.
intention to have any candidates tivities of the department. His D.M.S.CO. Student In-
Coach Frank Sutton's players,
in annexing their fourth straight for positions on this year's team corps of assistants is drawn from jured in Auto Crash
victory of the season, took an who were not out for',football the'faculty and' upper senior
early lead, scoring- during the round into condition while foot- class. Harold Devine, sopohomore,
first five minutes of play. Twice ball was in progress. Now that All clinic patients: are examin- was seriously injured, Saturday
they planted the oval behind the the grid season has,ended', those ed before the clinic between 2 morning, November ,22, when the
visiting goal posts in the next players should be on .an equal and 3 o'clock, Mondays, Wednes- motorcycle on which: he was rid-
period, a ninety-eight :yard run, condition basis, as those who days and Fridays. On Monday, ing was struck by an auto at
return of a kickoff for a touch- have completed the strenuous the examinations are made by West 28th and High streets.
down by Captain Robert Murphy football' campaign. Dr. Halladay and Dr. J. P. 'Devine was riding on the rear
featuring this stanza. In addition to Capt. Roy Davis Schwartz, the latter being the seat of the machine and received
Scoring honors, as well as the the following letter. men of last head of the department of Urol- the full force of'the crash. Both
premier laurels of victory, were year's quintet are.still..in school:ogy and Proctology. Both are bones ' of his right limb were
equally shared by Jim Regan and Myers, Nicholas, Thomas and men of high calibre" and' by broken in two places and were
his captain, Murphy. Regan, de- Hannon. Players .not out .last drawing on their' vast fund of badly splintered and Ihe mus-
spite the fact that he was a year who have been. showing practical experience, are able to clature badly torn.and lacerated.
marked performer in the contest, promise are: Friend, Harold demonstrate' the outstanding The ' authorities ..of; ,,the Des
lugged the ball for gains of vary- Davis, Spencer, Thelman and features of the case t'-' the !stu- Moines ' General. Hospi'at, where
dents in the most lucid manner. '
he was: takien;; from .,the
ing length through the Ells- Ortale. scene of
worth defense and also played I On Wednesdays,- Dr.' C. W.
. '. =;=~~:l Johnson thee8accid'ent; stated ' that it::is
brilliantly on the defense. and "Dr. John: ly. Wooids one of the worst fracture: ;.ases
of Ellsworth kicked off to Mur-' have charge of'the clinic. 'Dr. on the records of the institution
Murphy Stars. :'
phy, who stood but two yards Johnson is :Dean of the;College Devine's chum, who was driving-
Murphy, playing his last con- from the goal line when he wrap- and also head of the department the motorcycle and the occupants
test .in a' Still college uniform, ped his arm around: the oval. " of Neurology. With twenty-five of the automobile escaped with-
closed his local gridiron career Ellsworth ScoPes. years of practice beind him, the out injury. , ' .... . .. ; '
in a most fitting manner. From From this point ;he went Dean gives -the student informa- The entire :student :body.' ancd
the sitlart of the game he was a straight up the field for twenty tion' relative to the cases that faculty extend their deepest sym-
consistent ground gainer and aid- yards and-then suddenly darted proves invaluable in` the ulti- pathy to. Devine and wish him a
ed his mate, Regan by.his deadly toward the right side4line. Bril- mate treatment. . speedy and complete recovery.
and hard blocking when running liant interference' and blocking Dr. Woods is the Technician .. -' . . ·-:
interference. He was responsible by his teammates soon enabled and is very thorough in his ex- HOCSPITAL BLUES
for the most sensational run of him to get into the open. After amin:ations, giving complete and
the game in the third quarter. (No Particular Tune)
he crossed Ellsworth's 40-yard clean-cut diagnoses. "I'm feelin' kinder lonely,
Still scored its initial touch- line, however, two Iowa Falls On Friday, Dr. S. L. Taylor Feelin' kinder low,
down by indulging in a parade tacklers became a menace, but and Dr. E. E. Steffen are Something seems to bother me,
through the visiting defense fol- Jean McIntosh, with a crashing charge of .the clinic. Dr. Taylor in But just what I don't know.
lowing the kickoff: Regan' land block, spilled both Ellsworth is a surgeon of repute and en- Maybe it's the scarlet fever
Murphy were responsible for players and Murphy romped the joys quite a reputation as a That I've had all week,
most of these gains, although remaining distance to the goal diagnostician. Dr. Siteffen, head The smallpox, mumps and prickly
Hannan also tore through, when line. of the department of Pathology, heat
yardage was needed. After ad- A series of forward passes en- is also quite competent in put- That makes me feel so weak.
vancing to the Ellsworth 7-yard :abled Ellsworth to score in the ting the facts of the case before Chorus:
line, Regan plowed through and third period.' Two long heaves, the student. I got them scarlet-fever blues,
crossed the goal line, Myers add- Walrath to Tresmer, placed the Before being brought before I got them yellow-jaundice blues,
ing the extra point. oval on Still's 2-yard line and the clinic for examination, the I got the mumps and the pip and
Shortly after the second period Northcraft plunged over on third new patient -is registered and as- housemaid's knee,
opened, Still. counted again, Re- down. Northeraft added the ex- signed to a 'tudent doctor. The That's why I'm as blue as blue
gan: crashing fifteen yards for tra point with a pretty, drop first duty of the student is to can be,
the six points and Myers' toe kick. Still's final touchdown take a complete case history, I got the blues,
giving Still the added point. Fol- came in the third period. Mur- considerable stress is placed up- I got the blues. '
lowing this marker, Northeraft (Continued on page 3) Three cheers for the red, white
(Continued on page 3) and blues."
s III I~~ ..... FIUUlt~P·--

"Newsy" Fraternity Notes little dance

after Thanksgi
'Has anyone noticed a new col- P. S. G.. HOUSE Brother Roy
legiate appearing person on the , Open house was very well at- Thanksgiving a
campus? tended Wednesday evening, Nov. boldt, Ia.
Well, in the first place, the 20th and every one was quite en- Bro. F. R. '
campus isn't yet and. the colle- thused over our new home. Over Thanksgiving_
giate chap is none other than two hundred persons entered the souri.
our Dr. Stone with a pair of new portals of Phi Sigma Gamma in Brother Ross
tan shoes! . .. the hours before- midnight. ed a very bad]
on November '
Music was furnished by. the
We might suggest that Olsen Fraternity members and pledges
turn his leather collar over to throughout the evening. Harold IOTA TAU
Gephart when he is thru with it. Sifling responded to several.en- Beta Chapter had the pleasure HiELtVP!
Fellow class mates are greatly cores. He surely wields a wick- of having Brother E. G. Horn- Mr. Marion Churchman, while
concerned and fear that Gep ed bow. beck of Rocky Mount, N. C., driving home from the State
might break his neck when he To Field Members and all out- with them at their regular meet- Farm, on. the Sproule..Road, Sat-
falls asleep in class some day. siders, we extend an invitation ing on Nov. 17th. Following the urday afternoon, was run into by
to call at anytime. Every Sun- business session Brother Horn- another automobile. Mr. Church-
We've heard that Maxwell Jen- day afternoon is: open house now, beck favored the chapter with a man suffered a broken front
nings has a: "little heart stimu- so come and bring your friends. most interesting talk on his wheel and had his front mud-
lator" that makes him bum home Bring your cake and we'll cut it "Experiences in the Field" guard badly bent.-From the
Thanksgiving. which he illustrated with dem- Springfield Township (Pa.) Citi-
and make you feel at home. zen.
onstrations in Technic. It is to
THE COURTSHIP OF MILES Leland Morgan has accepted a be hoped that Brother Hornbeck
; . STANDISH pledge and he can be seen most will make repeated visits to the Porter-This'train goes to Buf-
(Twentieth Century Edition) anytime pushing a broom, wield- Chapter house during his sojourn falo and points east.
.Scene: The veranda of a Cape ing a fire shovel or pulling a in Des Moines for the practical Old Lady-Well, I want a train
Cpd hotel. Priscilla sits on the rake around the yard. suggestions from an alumnus that get sto Syracuse, and I don't
r1iling.sh'oking a cigarette. She The Phi Sigs are now starting with the experience that is his, care which way it points.-
is dressed: in a, one-piece bathing an orchestra which has the is of inestimable value to stu-
suit and her:ha/ir is bobbed and hopes of knocking them cold in dents.
waved. Enter John Alden. Beads of perspiration stood
the near future. ;Beta Chapter entertained at out on the forehead of the shoe
PWiscilla: H e 1 lo, Johnny! The contribution box is being the second of the series of house
Whaddya know? clerk as he rose to his feet after
passed around nightly to furnish dances of the semester at the trying on practically every No. 5
John:. Ain't tellin', kid. Want Chapter house on Friday even-
a word with you, that's all! the 'where-with-all" to purchase shoe in the store.
Priscilla: Shoot, honey, I'm a basket ball suits for our P. S. G. ing, Nov..21st. Music was fur- "Shall I wrap up a pair for
sweet target! team. These boys are going to nished by the "Serenaders" and you, lady?" asked the exhausted
John: Well, you see, it's like bring home the bacon for morn- Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Schwartz clerk.
this, Pris.: I just been talkin ing meals through the long cold were the chaperones of the "No, thanks," replied the lady
with Miles Standish. You know, winter months. party. shopper. I was just trying them
he ain't such a bad skate. The chapter wishes to take Bob Sayre of Drake was a on for a friend."-Houston Post.
Priscilla: Uh-huh! this means of thanking Mrs. Fin- guest of Bros. Poucher and Mar-
John: He's got an awful lot of nell and Mrs. Lawyer for the low at dinner at the Chapter Modern Girl (telephoning
jack. I seen him cashin' a check wonderful work they have done house on Sunday, Nov. 16th. home at 3 a. m.)-Don't worry
for a thousand beans yesterday. in fitting our new curtains and "Dutch" Worrell of the Wor- about me, Mother, I'm all right.
Priscilla: Yeh? drapes. rell Jewelry Company of Mexico, I'm in jail.-Harvard Lampoon.
John: I hear he's got a sum- Friday evening the chapter en- Mo., was a guest of the Chapter
mer home and a limousine. Some tertained and honored its at dinner on Saturday evening,
class, what? pledges with a dance in the .Nov. 22nd. Mother had come in from the
Priscilla: Oh, I dunno. chapter house. The dance broke Bro. Green spent the Thanks- farm to visit her daughter in the
John: All the girls around up at a late hour with refresh- giving vacation at his home at city. After the kiss of greeting,
this dump has gone cuckoo over ments and general expressions Sac City, Iowa. she noticed her daughter's bob-
him. Valentino couldn't get a of "a wonderful time." Brother Wadkins spent his bed hair.. Her eyes opened wide
job shining shoes if that baby We wish to congratulate Dean Thanksgiving vacation at his in astonishment.
was around. And he's the swell- Elsea, Max Friend and John home at Aurora, Ill. "Well, fer pity's sake, Lizzy,"
est dancerT Thellman for the wonderful way Pledge Atterberry spent his she exclaimed, "you never even
Priscilla: Well, what's all this Thanksgiving at his home at At- writ me you had the typohid."-
in which they stood their initia- Life.
to me? You tryin' to get me to tion and now introduce them as lantic, Mo.
trail along with' the has-been? "Brothers."' Brothers Poucher and Marlow,
You want he should be my sweet Anyone desiring an advanced accompanied Bro. Richardson to The teacher, prompted by su-
daddy? Not while I got my course in profanity should see the latter's home at Austin, perior authority, had asked per-
strength! Gerald Beebe. Beeb informs us Minn., for the Thanksgiving va- mission, by letter, of a girl's
John: You could do worse, that what he can't teach you, cation. parents to have her take the
kid. you can think of, after you Bro. Cochran had Jack Barnes, Schick mentality test. The per-
Priscilla: Be yourself, boy! I halfback on the West High foot- mission was refused by the child's
tread a tack strewn' dormitory mother in a letter which ran
ain't gonna run no old soldiers' floor. ball squad, as his guest for din-
home at my time of life. No, as follows:
Joe Rader's touring car's (U. S. ner on Sunday, Nov. 23d and for "I received your letter asking
Johnny. your boy friend may be S. Oklahoma), likeness again Thanksgiving dinner.
the crab's curls, but when I want to have my girl take the Sheek
adorns our walls. This time we The Chapter is indebted to test. I will not have my girl
an antique I'm gonna pick on made him take it from the front Bro. T. T. Jones of Wayne, Neb.,
King Tut. take no Sheek test. I have seen
John: Well, I gotta be goin'. room to the second floor. Rader for a material :addition to its li- that Sheek at the theatre, and
I done all I can, but I see it's still maintains "she's a great old brary in the form of 22 text I will have nothing to do with
no use. So long, Pris; don't grab boat." books on Osteopathy and Medi- no test of his."-Boston Tran-
no rubber dimes. Clyde Conn is taking a bum- cine. It is also indebted to Bro. script.
Priscilla (quickly): What's ming trip to Lorain, Ohio, for Parish, '22, for a set of six vol-
the rush, John? You ain't work- Thanksgiving. All that can be umes on Anatomy. HEY! BROCK!
in' for nobody. said is that it is a long walk The actives and pledges' of
and we hope he gets there. Beta Chapter were delightfully WANTED-Room and board in
John: I know, but a gotta private family near Vgn.. Ry., for
check, Pippip. sweet one! Davis, Friend, Thelleman and surprised by the actives and
Rader hope to retire when they pledges of Delta Omega Soror- my wife; no children, for about
Priscilla: Just a minute, John! 6 months. Reference Vgn. Ry.
John: What? get through taking Pictorial Re- ity on last Mondlay evening, yard office.-Classified Adv. in
Priscilla: Why doncha put in view orders during the holidays. when the D. O.'s brought their the Roanoke (Va.) Times.
a good word for yourself, kid? pledges up to the Chapter house,
John: Whaddya mean? You ATLAS CLUB on an errand ,of initiation. The
mean you like my style? Say it Dr. Mary Golden gave'the At- D. 0. pledges disposed of some EXPERIENCE, AT USUAL
quick, cuteness! las men a very interestink talk novelties with some rapid fire . - . RATES
Priscilla: Don't mean nothin' November 13th. It was very in- sales talk and then entertained Another racing season is clos-
,but! You're a whiz! Be brave structive and the men certain- with some specialty dances, aft- ing:and the usual number of men
and kiss me! ly obtained much valuable in- er which they were given a rous- have, learned once again that the
John (embracing her); Hot formation from the lecture, ing send-off by the members of only people who make any money
*dog! thanks to our Doctor. Beta Chapter. following the horses are the
(Curtain) Atlas Club is going to have a (Continued on page 3) teamsters.-New York ..Amrerican
-. *.
THE 3-
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Fraternity Notes a private examination may be

The Lo Book (Continued from page 2)
had for $5.00.
Ample opportunity is provided
The Official Publication of Members of the Chapter were for the student to test out and
guests of Phi Sigma Gamma put to practical use all theories
DES MOINES STILL COLLEGE Fraternity on Wednseday even- propigated in the lecture rooms.
OSTEOPATHY ing, Nov. 19th at the opening of Every student is required to
the latter's new home. Phi Sig- give a minimum of five hundred
President ....................S. L. Taylor ma Gamma is to be congratulat- treatments and to write up and
E:ditor__ Don Baylor ed upon the homelike and com- discuss two cases per semester
fortably arranged home they for graduation.
Osteopathy Without Limitation now occupy. It is one more step Such is- the conduct of the
forward for Osteopathy in Des General Clinic of D. M. S. C. .O
Moines. It is plainly seen by the forego-
Power of Personality Bro. Don Baylor and wife are ing that the student is carefully
the proud parents of a baby boy, trained in the practical appli-
Personality is one of those fre- "Billy Rowe Baylor," born on cation of his knowledge. It is
Sunday, Nov. 16th at the Des the consensus of opinion that'D.
.quently used words which are Moines General. M. S. C. 0. has the best clinic of
too large to be contained in de- any osteopathic school, and such
an opinion is well founded as
finition. It can only be thought D. M. S. C. C. O. Clinics the statistics will show that
*ofas a man's complete life, what there is not only a large num-
he has achieved through' the use (Continued from page 1) ber of patients treated but that
on the taking of the case history there is also an exceptionally
of that great power of construc-
as. it often proves a deciding great variety of cases. The Observer Says:
tive thought .and action. 'It, is factor in arriving at 'a diagnosis.
the product of his mental :pro- When the student of Osteop-
After the examination, the case athy avails himself of his clini- Tuff Luck
cesses. and attitude, for person- is turned over to the student for cal opportunities, when he ob- Rosie
Qality is made or destroyed by the treatment. In order to facili- tains his knowledge from actual
tate the work, a Clinical Labor- experience in the application of We all are here
mind. atory is maintained under the the theories instead of from To gain
Personality is that force which direction of a skilled laboratory hearsay and book knowledge Wisdom
gives one command over himself technician where the student alone, he is bound to be a more If only in the
in any circumstances, which en- may make complete urine, blood capable physician, and is far bet-
and gastric analyses. In this ter fitted to cope with the prob- Form of
ables him to master his feelings way the student receives careful lems of professional life than if Teeth
and impulses, as well is his voice, and valuable instruction in lab- such experience were not to be Many embyro
his gestures and his looks. This oratory diagnosis in direct rela- had. Osteopaths were
is the type of man who is a real tion to his patient. In conjunc- With the careful training he
tion with the laboratory, a spe- gets in the General Clinic. the Victims of that
power. cial examination room is main- Departmental Clinics and the Insidious
That which we call a strong tained under the direcion of an unexcelled didactic work he Thing called
personality is not a gift limited asssistant clinician where the cannot but know that his was Gastroenteralgia
to ;a fortunate few, but a goal in student is permitted to take the preparation for SUCCESS.
more delicate and specific ex- Thursday 11-27
the reach of all who will pay the Only
amination.. This department is
price. The foundation for a fully equipped with the latest Osteopaths End Season FIFTEEN
strong personality should be laid diagnostic instruments and the
student is again able to secure
With 27-7 Victory Days till Xmas
in character, just, sincere and Vacation
good. It, is the result of the invaluable practical instruction. (Continued from page 1)
Following examination and diag- Think you can
constant use of judgment, pru- nosis, careful treatment is out- phy lugging the pigskin over Wait
dence, diplomacy, tact, and the lined and followed. After the from the 8-yard line, after he Has anyone noticed
consideration of the rights and first week, a complete report of and his teammates, Regan and
privileges of others. It is devel- progress made, is required and McIntosh, brought the ball with- Pinkie Schwartz's
each two weeks thereafter until in striking distance. Post-seasonal coat of
oped through clean living and discharge. The result of this In addition to Murphy and Re-
Sun Burn
noble thought. plan gives the student first gan, McIntosh and Mike Hannon It is rumored
hand information as to the re- also performed in good fashionline in
CONTROL. sult and the effect of Osteoplath- Still's backfield. In theWalker Round the
There are silent depths in the ic treatment in actual condi- "Race" Myers, Wallie Campus
tions. "Abner" Graham and Paul
My- That our old
ocean which the storms that lash During treating hours, the O'Keefe played brilliantly.in par- College
the surface into fury never reach. clinician and assistants make ers, Graham andbulwarks OtKeefe
"rounds" examining patients and ticular proved on de-; Chum Santy Claus
People who have learned to con-
trol themselves, who do not live if necessar,y advising changes in fense and opened up huge holes Is to furnish the
treatment. Thus the patient re- in Ellsworth's line. Pit seats with
on the surface'of their being, but ceives the maximum of service Northcraft was Coach Roberts'
who reach down into the depths, for the minimum of cost. Clini- outstanding performer, being Velour upholstery,
where, in the stillness, the voice cal exiamination and a course of ably assisted by Evans, Hardcas- Wake up boy
of God is heard, where they ab- ten treatments costing $3.00, or tie, Thorpe and Wlalrath. Your dreaming
sorb the great principles of life, Ain't it funny
are not affected by the thousand How worried
and one storms and tempests- A fellow
domestic, financial, social, politi- APOLOGIES! Gets when
cal, which cause so much suffer- A girl
ing and unhappiness, and mar so From his
many lives. In the depths of The Log Book wishes to offer
their being they find the divine its apologies to Dr. Woods for Home Town
stabilizing power whih carries having pulled the "boner" of Who has been
them poised, and serene even printing his middle initial as Visiting in this
through a hurricane of difficul- City
ties. O. S. M. "R". The Doctor proudly asserts
that it should be "M" and that a Leaves for Home
famous English poet was named However
-is like air in a tire. There after him. Three guesses as to Love
really doesn't seem to be much "Handsome Johnnie's" middle Must have its
to it, but it makes the going name! Worries or it
easier and happier for everybody. Would grow stale
The rougher the road the more Period
you need it.
4 4 TH
E LOOG BOOK_ _ I__~~__~__ _ _~_- II I~ L - L _~I
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, . .. _ :. .

The Log Book again calls the attention of the student
body and all prospective students to the matter of regi-
stration for the Second Semester. The regular day for
beginning registration is January 23. Class work will
begin January 26. New rules and regulation are now
in effect and there is no necessity for any one to be
caught napping and have delinquent fees to pay.

Mid-Year Gradution January 22nd

Freshman B. ;. Sophomore B. Junior B. Senior B.
Biology Chemistry Symptomatology Obstetrics
Anatomy Theory ----Pathology III Diet. H. & San.
Pathologyi':.'.' Anatomy Nervous and Mental
Physiology' ;<.: : t Pathology Laboratory Applied Osteopathy
Chemistry Anatomy - i -: -
:'?; a Ost. Technic Surgery
Bacteriology Chem. Lab. Friday Gynecology E. E. N. & T.
Chem. Lab. Tues. Thurs. Path. Lab. Tues.-Fri.: Laboratory Diagnosis Clinic
:.:. . · -... '. :

Senior A.
Freshman A. Sophomore A. Junior A. Optional
Anatomy Pathology II Pediatrics Diet. P. H. & San.
Histology Nervous Physiology T Obstetrics Nervous and Mental
Chemistry Principles . Nervous and Mental Proctology
Physiology Anatomy ... ' Applied Osteopathy Surgery
Bacteriology Orthopedics Gynecology E. E. N. T.
Chem. Lab. Mon.-Wed. Path. Lab. Mon.-Thurs. Clinic Clinic
I -- --- - -- I-'I ` -- - - -- --- - -- -- - --i - - -L·-- ----
-- -- -- - -- -- _ I I C . C
_ _ _1__1 --1111-----
1- I__ _ __ · ~Y·CL
I -r
IU U U -

Entered as second class

I M - .. Acceptance for mailing
matter, February 3, 1923. at special rates of postage
at the post office at Des provided for in section 1103,
Moines, Io0aa, under the act of October 3, 1917, au-
act of August 24th, 1912. thorized February 3, 1923.


Volume 2 December 15,1924 Number 11

" ----c-- , :
----^'11--'1" .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

.41- . 1, Aw 4F All
From the Field 41&4* i 11 W-V I Football Feed andi Dance
ORO t x 11 PI,/ M -
In recognition of faithful ser-
The Log. Book is always glad vice, at the close of the most
to receive letters for publication successful football season in the
from the Field. It not only history of the college, Coach
keeps the Field Doctor in touch Frank Sutton and the entire
squad were entertained at the
with the old gang and keeps the Annual Football Banquet, held at
old college spirit percolating but the Savery Hotel, Saturday, De-
also gives the present "genera- cember 6th.
tion" an insight into the atti- After satisfying the inner man,
the squad were treated to a series
tude and conditions existent in of well diversified after-dinner
the Field. speeches, under the guidance of
The following are excerpts the Athletic iManager, Dr. Pinkie
from a letter received from Dr. Schwartz, Toastmaster.
W. J. Laird, January '24, at pres- The dance was held in the ball
ent Publicity Director of the De- room of the Savery, immediately
troit Osteopathic Association. following the banquet, and was
given under the auspices of the
The Detroit Osteopathic Asso- Masonic Club of the college. The
ciation has been a little slow in Bankers Life Radio Orchestra
getting its winter program of broadcasted some mean music,
affairs started, but has shown and the large crowd had a glori-
greater activity during the ous time.
month of November. At the No- The feature event of the eve-
vember meeting, held at the De- ning was a Balloon Dance. in
troit Osteopathic Hospital, the which Deane Elsea came out vic-
largest turnout in months was tor. Due to his excessive "reach"
on deck to enjoy a real lecture he was able to protect his "fair
by a real Osteopath. Dr. W. R. one's 'balloons long after all oth-
Gregg, of Oberlin, Ohio, and ers were demolished.
formerly Professor of Histology SOME PARTY!
at D. M. S.C. O., delivered a
lengthy and interesting discourse
on the "Scope and Practice of The Senior "A"s
Osteopathy at Present." Dr.
Gregg has had opportunity to The Senior A class has been
study the opinions, methods and solidly organized since their first
attainments of the profession as week within the college walls.
a whole, over the entire country, The class was small, consisting
and every D. O. present that of nine members, of which eight
evening received a valuable ad- will be graduated in January.
dition to his knowledge of na- 'h&~E'e~ikr~nm New members have been added
tional affairs. We are confident
17 ~-rx 112)i- ive 5V he 7iLn-L)CcY~ns-r to the "happy family" which
that Dr. Gregg has few peers as have swelled the enrollment to
a lecturer, and we hope to hear
him again in the near future.
ps h\c - :T;le~mrnm 3exc n - {'a ,P dlce CC~nOA
A genuine spirit of loyalty and
The monthly meetings of the
J{lls O-~JfL- ~1~-__ _ helpfulness has ever been mani-
local association are being I 's - -I-· ----11------
--- - ---· 111------ fest. The individual members
11-·111 look forward to entering the
planned with care, and some the Mississippi for a game in the field of practice with high hopes,
lively and instructive times are near future, - it would boost NOTICE but it is with a feeling of re-
anticipated. your student-boly in numbers, gret at having to sever our close
Prospects of a general Osteo- and the advertising in other Heretofore the college has been associations.
pathic clinic with surgical, den- ways would be invaluable. Keep put to the expense of filling out The class has realized the
tal and special adjuncts are look- up the good work,-and add a application blanks and making value of well correlated knowl-
ing brighter than in several good season of basketball to the transcripts of grades in comply- edge along certain lines. To bet-
years. The question of a build- old dope-book. ing with the request for Board ter prepare the members in La-
ing and equipment is the big ob- Wishing you luck and a merry Applications. The amount is not boratory Diagnosis, Prof. Geo.
stacle at the present,date, but we Xmas at D. M. S. C. 0.- much in any single case, but Hurt, has been leading the group
hope that the next few months Fraternally, when it occurs from five to ten in practical laboratory work
will bring a solution. A clinic DR. W. J. LAIRD. times a month it means that the where each man can clear up any
would do wonders in this city, funds are being dispersed at the faulty ideas and bolster up his
and its absence is deplorable, in
view of the facilities which De-
Comparative Figures rate of from ten to twenty dol- technique under direct supervi-
lars a month, which in the course sion. Dr. Virg Halladay is on
troit offers for such an institu- of a year amounts to consider- deck regularly to help us teach
tion. A comparison of our tonsilect- able and it can be easily seen each other what we have learned
We wish to congratulate Still omy clinic with the City Hospi- that it does not go to the ad- in Osteopathic Technique.
College on the phenomenal suc- tal Clinic is very interesting. vancement of the school. There- We are not only ambitious,
cess of its football team this Records show that during the fore, no application or trans- but are systematically working
year, and assure you that your month of September there were cript will be sent out unless it to establish the January, 1925,
season has been a success. Com- seventeen tonsilectomys per- is accompanied by a fee of $2.50 Class as one of the best trained
petition of the caliber of Has- formed at the City Hospital. payable to the college. classes that was ever graduated
kell Indians is worth obtaining, Our clinic records show 272 op- from D. M. S. C. O.
and it is with pride that the D. erations on tonsils during the The Class officers are as fol-
O.'s in this vicinity pointed to same period. Such figures are IPORH TROUBLE TE FOR PARENTS lows:
the score of that battle with the indeed gratifying and are in- The first essential in training R. T. Lustig, President.
yipping redskins. Still college dicative of a steady march of a child is to have more sense Ray Price, Vice Pres.
would do well to come east of Iprogress. than the child.-Vincennes Sun. Geo. W. Rastede, Sec.-Treas.
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The Prodigal Fraternity Notes Barnum Was Right

The prodigal's mind departed Atlas Club Notes. Dr. Raymond Staples, Senior B,
hence The Atlas club held their sec- and proprietor of the "Book
And wandered away far off, ond degree initiation at the Uni- Store," was married, Saturday,
He threw discretion to the very tarian Church, December 4th. December 13th, at the home of
wind The paddles brought varied from Rev. M. V. Higbee, Boone, Iowa,
Then one day thought of the corrugated paper to hard wood to Miss Adelaide Ruth Munder
prof. padded with cotton. Field Doc- of Des Moines. We wish you all
tors, J. M. Woods and Campbell the success in the world, Stapes,
The professor saw him from were present to help the pledges and sincerely hope the price of
afar along in some of their work. books does not go up.
And took off his spec's and cried, After the initiation was com- While in this solemn vein of
Make room for the wayward stu- pleted, lunch was served and it thought, there are several ro- On A Toot
dent, might be said an enjoyable time mances within the college walls
Do not cast thy brother aside. was had by all present, especi- that have about reached the point
where announcements and con- "Jazz" Hoffman, noted pianist,
ally the regular members. Senior, and official accompanist
The Atlas club holds their an- gratulations are in order. Nuf
Mow those students had stayed Sed! of D. M. S. C. 0., was out the
at school and worked nual Christmas Dance at the other night playing around with
Lorenz Studio, December 12th. favorite speech is when she talks
Had planned and sowed and in her sleep. that old bov named Bacchus.
The Serenaders will furnish the While wandering up Locust street
· reaped, music. This is one of the social
-- - s -s I at a fairly early hour, "Jazz" was
They studied their chemistry Phi Sigma Gamma
most every night, affairs that members always look accosted by one of the famous
forward to for a wonderful time Joe Rader is still trying to fig-
They hardly had time to sleep. ure out the difference between Des Moines Police Force, who
is always enjoyed. said (quite forcibly): "See here,
Dr. M. E. Bachman will be the mashed potatoes and pea soup.
To their dismay the brother bold
sir, you'll have to accompany me!"
speaker for the Atlas Club Prac- Gay Howland, we are glad to Whereupon, Dr. Hoffman replies:
From devious paths beyond tical Work night, Thursday, De- announce, is going to follow in "Allri', whas ya goin' ta shing?"
Had come to gather some Laur- cember 18th. His lecture will the footsteps of our much hon-
el's in be on "Blood Pressure." This ored and thought of "0. B.st" in
And like as not abscond. the near future, and there'll be A reunion of the Rumney fam-
will be a very instructive and Aug. 18th at the
interesting topic because of Dr. other "babies" crying for him. ily was held
More power to you, Gay. home of John Finch. Mrs. Mar-
Alas! poor students in deep dis- Bachman's years of experience. tha Finch was the only one liv-
may Brother Royal Nelson was R. B. Gordon (King George) ing that was present.-(Dwight,
They had to dispatch their class, called home suddenly by the fa- has left us for Spokane, Wash., Ill., Star and Herald.)
To feed the gluttony of worthless tal accident of his little niece. where he is spending the Christ- Must have been a very stiff af-
kin. She was run over and killed by mas holidays with his relatives. fair.
They sure were handed the a large bus. We all extend our To such a renowned traveler, such
"gaff" hearty sympathy to Brother Nel- a trip is a mere jaunt.
son in this time of sadness. Anyone wishing to know the and hand wringer. 254 West
And the worst of it all to this We received interesting letters number of boards in any fence or 10th Place. (Calumet Index.)
very day from Brothers in the field. Drs. stadium in Des Moines can re- What a rainy summer we've
The teacher's delight to tell Tom Van DeGrift, Emmet Shaef- ceive some information from any been having!
About the young chap who re- fer and Bro. Gould. They all ask pledge, as they are enjoying
turned to class to be remembered to their "Hell Week" now. The jam became so severe that
And with his poor classmates friends in school. We are al- The Des Moines Street Railway a number of womens uffered slight
raised L- ways glad to hear from our field Co. has made Pledge Cavanaugh a bruises in the lobby.-(Gary
brothers and their experiences. wonderful offer for acting as Post.)
And when he mentioned the stu- overseer of the Fort Des Moines Ouch!
dents at all, Alpha Xi Iota Sigma. branch. Cavanaugh spent "Hell
He actually called them a grouch The Alpha Xi Iota Sigma en- Week" looking the branch over, A dinner was given in New
Because they kicked on wasting tertained the faculty ladies at but from proper authorities in- York, at which a well-known ac-
-their time, the Y. W. C. A., November 19th, formation has been gathered tor sat at the guest table. When
.To coddle the lazy slouch. at 8:30 in the evening. Miss Pal- which leads us to believe he'll the hour for starting the feast
Ion gave an interesting and il- stick to osteopathy. arrived the toastmaster, a very
D. B. Weir is passing candy and religious man, discovered that
Albeit the world wags on that lustrated lecture on her trip no minister of the Gospel was
thru the Orient. She had a cigarettes around this week. Too
way, present, though several had been
;The same as in days of vore, number of beautiful things she late now, though,, boys, don't hur-
ry. It only lasted a week, and invited. In this emergency he
The cuss who tears off the wid- had brought from her trip and he got them from the pledges. turned to the actor and asked
; est strip her lecture was very interesting. him to say grace.
The eminent Doctor Leland
Is marked with the highest Later in the evening a lunch was Spencer has been confined to the The actor rose, bowed his head,
score. served and the little party broke and in thee midst of a deep hush
up. frat house with a severe case of
Dr. Irene Rachman, '23, of this la grippe. The poor' innocent one said fervently:
"There being no clergyman
'We hope some day the tide will citv attended chapel-last Friday. is out again now.
turn present, let us thank God!"-Ex-
Nov. 21st. It seemed like old All of the brothers are greatly change.
When STUDENTS will all be ex- times to have her with us again. concerned about Lon Scatterday's
empt Her sister. Miss Pauline was the moustache. You'll surely have to Sensible men settle disputes,
And they will sit at the helm of pianist for the musical program. hand it to him, though. He's fools litigate.
affairs Dr. Nellie Davis, '23, of Oska- surely sticking to it. - --- -Ir,- - -
_ - ----- -
And view the laggard with con- loosa. was the guest of Mrs. Mes-Say, Boy! Didja see the keen their mail. These boys, judging
tempt serschmidt on Sunday, November woman Russ Gladieux took to the from the post marks, were with
"Jaw." 16th. hop? Nope? It's his wife back the world flyers.
Dr. Wealthie Pearson, "22 ofin Des Moines. Johnny Jones sure does believe
Knoxville, Iowa. was recently A. E. Smith is aspiring to reach in performing his duties, even if
Are You Looking for a married to Mr. Harvey of Har- O'Connor fame. He's wrecking it does necessitate breaking down
Location? vey, Iowa. The club extends more dishes than all the rest of the house doors.
hearty congratulations. the help put together. Commo- "Moco" missed his calling.
Drs. Augur and Aumur. '23, dore next. More power to you, Didja ever see such a loosely con-
Dr. J. A. Nowlin of Fprmer who went to Honolulu following Smitty. . We admire your won- structed person having such a
'City, Illinois ,is looking for a graduation have returned to the ,derful ambitions. massive frame and such a small
competent Osteopath, licensed to state of Washington and will lo- Anyone craving an explanation dancing partner. Elsea shoulda
'practice in the state of Illinois, cate there. or definition of "Brotherly Love" been a contrtionist.
to act as his assistant for a per- Dr. Raffenberge, grad" ate of should see Bob Morgan break John Thellman wonders why his
Iod of 3 or 4 months. Further 1906, attended chapel. Wednes- paddles on "The Kid." girl married another man when
information mav be had bv writ- day, November 26th. The doctor The one wonderful inspiration she cared so much for her John-
ing either the Doctor or the Log was a member of the Pocahontas of the fraternity is Roy Davis. ny.
Book. We're so glad he didn't join a
club while in school, which was
the forerunner of the present Al- sorority. Iota Tau Sigma
The same heart beats in every phi Xi Iota Sigma. Pledges Long and Reese surely Beta chapter was host to
human breast. Ask Gertrude Jones what her keep Uncle Sam busy sorting (Continued on page 3)
! _ I
-- _ r i- m i' ----r ·-
. ..

number of the students at some Brother Olsen will spend his

The Log Book future date. vacation time at his home in
South Bend, Indiana, as will also
Beta Chapter entertains with Brother Staples.
The Official Publication of its annual Christmas Formal at Brother Richardson will enjoy
IDES MOINES STILL COLLEGE Hoyt Sherman Place on Thurs- his vacation at his home at Aus-
OSTEOPATHY day evening, December 18, with tin, Minnesota.
Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Johnston, Dr. Pledge Atterberry will spend
President ...........-. S. L. Taylor and Mrs. J. P. Schwartz and Dr. his vacation at his home at At-
,Editor--_-------- DDon Baylor and Mrs. E. S. Grossman acting lanta, Missouri.
in the capacity of chaperons for Pledge Hovis will go to De-
Osteopathy Without Limitation the evening. troit, Michigan, to spend his
Ray Harrison's orchestra will Christmas vacation in Henry
furnish the music for dancing, Ford's home town.
MOTIVE and special favor dances will be Brother Belf also goes to De-
interspersed throughout the pro- troit, Michigan, for his vacation
gram. time.
I saw a picture the other day At intermission, favors carry- Brothers Odell, Shaw, Platt,
of a group of children with nos- ng the crest of the fraternity, Benien, Cochran, and Reiter will
es flattened against the window which up to that time have stay in Des Moines during the
of a toy shop-nothing could be graced the Christmas tree, will holiday vacation, and "keep the
more emblematic of Christmas- be presented to the lady guests. home fires burning" at the Chap-
tide. Following the intermission, a ter House. A cordial invitation
Nothing could be more em- Grand March, to be led by Dean is extended to all students:of the
blematic of a phrase that inter- and Mrs. Johnson, will be one of college who will be in the city The Observer Says
prets every great success, that the features of the evening's en- during that time to drop in at
motivates every effort, that leads tertainment. The grand march the house whenever they have Well Well
to every great achievement, and will culminate in a jockey race, some spare time to kill. Two weeks
that insures the fullest use of with favors in keeping with the
race. Born: to Dr. and Mrs. C.' C. Vacation
personal resources, than this
whimsical, kindly, heart-under- Wedel, at the Des Moines Gen- Staring us in
.standing conceit of the artist. Dr. L. G. Huddle, of Washing- eral hospital, a son, "Jack War- The Face
Any man who gets anywhere in ton Court House, Ohio, will spend ren." Mrs. Wedel was formerly Again Many varied.
;any field at any time builds his ;he Christmas vacation in Des Miss Irene Foster, of this city, Plans for spending
:achievement on the foundation of Moines, making his headquarters while Dr. Dedel graduated from
)his great desire. it the Chapter House. D. M. S. C. 0. with the class of The same have been
If you could have the longing 1923 and is now practicing at Rumored around the
-for recognition in your heart, Brothers Poucher and Marlow Winterset, Iowa Halls of Learning
:akin to the longing of the little and Pledge Ross will spend the But all center 'round
'ten-year-old has for an upright holiday vacation at their homes Delta Omega
isteam engine or that his little The Universal
in Elgin, Illinois. The Krug sisters, Misses Irene Indoor Sport
sister has for the toy dishes and Brother Nowlin will spend his Emma, were given the mock
doll furniture. If you were filled vacation at his home in Decatur, and
initiation at the house of Miss
Grabbing Off The Shekel
with a great desire for a definite Illinois. The Senior A's
thing, you could visualize and Maybelle Moore, 3408 Cottage
'work for it. If, figuratively Brother Gephart will visit with Grove avenue, Monday evening, Are hoping to find
speaking, you yourself always his parents and other (!) at his November 10th. The initiates The answers to the
kept your nose flattened against home at Marietta, Ohio, during endured the rigors of the ordeal State Board questions
the show window of the object of the Christmas vacation. in a fitting manner and report a In their stockings on
:your ambition, then disaster Pledge Nye starts on a long very enjoyable evening. After
trip to Michigan to spend his va- all was said and done, "light" re- Xmas Morning
could not discourage you, and
neither men nor circumstances cation with his parents and freshments were served. The Dean
would have power enough to stop friends. It was indeed gratifying to find Remarked the other
you. Brother Watkins will spend the the function so well attended by Morning that
The motive is the thing. The holiday time enjoying the high field members. You never heard
right motive makes men win lights of his home town, Aurora, On Friday, November 21st, the
football games and high profes- Illinois. Of any clothes lines
formal initiation of the Misses Breaking
:sional honors. The right motive Pledge Loghry has left for Irene and Emma Krug took place
makes men brave desert wastes Geneva and Bergen, N. Y., where at the home of Mrs. Margaret Under the kind of
:and unknown lands, to build will spend his vacation with his Halladay, 3511 Kingman Blvd. Wash
'homes and commonwealths. The parents. On completion of the impressive
right motive makes men presi- The modern Girl
dents and executives of great Pledge Jones goes to his home ceremonies, in which the field Hangs out
in Worthington, Ohio, to spend members took active part,
corporations, leaders in business his vacation time. delightful refreshments were Sorta makes us
enterprises, go-getters in com- Brother Green goes to his home served. Each attending received Wonder what
merce and industry as well as in at Sac City, Iowa, for his vaca- a large yellow chrysanthemum, Authority
professional fields. tion. the sorority flower. He quotes
The great desire can take away ----- I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ However
your doubts and make you lion- We have one thing
hearted; the right motive can
take your will and turn it into
steel. The great desire can make
a super-man of any individual,
Cross Word Puzzle
For, It
Sure keeps some
Owing to the great number of coupons that were returned it
and point to him the way to any was deemed advisable to insert the following notice for those who Students awake
goal. desire to continue receiving the Log Book and who failed to return Thefe's been some
a coupon from the previous issue. Funny sights around
Fraternity Notes Since the
PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS who receive the Log Book regularly Sophomores started
are requested to fill in and mail the following coupon if they wish Gastric Analysis
(Continued from page 2) to continue receiving the paper. In the event the coupon is not Ask Jones
about fifty men of the student returned by the mailing date of January 15 issue, your name will Unless several
body at the chapter house on be taken from the list. Expected checks
Tuesday evening, December 9th. Fail to arrive
Judge McHenry was the honor _ __
-------- There will be an
guest of the evening, and deliv- Please continue mailing The Log Book to Exodus from our
ered a most interesting address Fair Institution
on "The Constitution of the The 19th
United States." Following the Name - ------------------ --- ----- ------- Not equalled since
lecture, smokes and cards occu- Mike Mahomet
pied the time for the visitors Address ---------.---------------- ----------------- Grabbed a clean shirt
:and actives until a late hour. And beat it from Mecca
Beta hopes to have the privilege Merry Xmas Gang
V1 iLLVLUU1&s11
flan even.wn laraer
vrLIAd -·-.
_,__ Period.
4 4
THE LOG: B 0 0 K
a I - - _ I 8- - -_ - m 0 v ,- _
- - _ --C -- ---- l- L_ _0C


The Log Book again calls the attention of the student
body and all prospective students to the matter of regi-
stration for the Second Semester. The regular day for
beginning registration is January 23. Class work will
begin January 26. New rules and regulation are now
in effect and there is no necessity for any one to be
caught napping and have delinquent fees to pay.

Mid-Year Graduation January 22nd

Freshman B. Sophomore B. Junior B. Senior B.
Biology Chemistry Symptomatology Obstetrics
Anatomy Theory Pathology III Diet. H. & San.
Pathology I Anatomy Nervous and Mental
Physiology Pathology Laboratory Applied Osteopathy
Chemistry Anatomy Ost. Technic Surgery
Bacteriology Chem. Lab. Friday Gynecology EE. . N. & T.
Chem. Lab. Tues. Thurs. Path. Lab. Tues.-Fri. Laboratory Diagnosis Clinic
Senior A.
Freshman A. Sophomore A. Junior A. Optional
Anatomy Pathology II Pediatrics Diet. P. H. & San.
Histology Nervous Physiology Obstetrics Nervous and Mental
Chemistry Principles Nervous and Mental Proctology
Physiology Anatomy Applied Osteopathy Surgery
Bacteriology Orthopedics Gynecology E. E. N. T.
Chem. Lab. Mon.-Wed. Path. Lab. Mon.-Thurs. Clinic Clinic
r a s P- · rl r r-0a-0· 1l1 " a Ims W I - -- lar-----r--·-
Entered as second class
TH E Acceptance for mailing
matter, February 3, 1923, at special rates of postage
at the post office at Des provided for in section 1103,
Moines, Iowa, under the act of October 3, 1917, au-
act of August 24th, 1912. thorized February 3, 1923.
LOG . , M


Volume 2 January 1, 1925 Number 12

· · 'a - : ' ' ' . _ '

'Round the Campus . O. S.

It.is sure a dead ol' hole with
New e rttring
Again we are confronted by
everyone at home with their feet Ithat much-used, variously inter-
Whatever your trade, your profession, your call-
under Ma's table. Ipreted, cryptic line, S. O. S. In
The few upperclassmen who ing, be sure that it is clean, useful, and honorable. Ithe crossword puzzle it stands
Ifor "a steam ship distress sig-
have stayed over have been Choose a business that has expansiveness in it; an nal." in modern slanguage it,
swamped in the general clinic. occupation that will develop you, elevate you, "same old stuff," in the gran' and
Gettin' in lots of good treat- which will give you a chance for: self-improvement, glorious days when everybody
Iwon the war it represented the
which will make you more of a man. "Thy life," Iunderestimated Service of Sup-
Old Doc Stork evidently does-
says Carlyle, "is all thou hast to comfort eternity Iply, and today, in Osteopathic
n't appreciate the fact that there collegiate circles, it stands for
is such a thing as a Christmas va- with." the harrying thought, "Where
cation, when he pulls off twelve 41 are our Freshmen coming from?"
0. B. cases during the first week I -I - lsl Alumni, Field men-this para-
of the aforesaid intermission in graph is directed to you! Your
our scholastic battle with suc- NOTICE Makes Cancer Study part in the propagation of the
cess. profession is to supply the vari-
Friend Angus has been doing Heretofore the college has been The Metropolitan Life has is- ous educational institutions with
considerable manicuring about the "raw materials!" It sounds
of filling out sued a report on its study of can- like a rather broad, bold state-
the palace of learning during put to the expense cer, in which it brings out the
your absence. Don't slip on the application blanks and making
fact that cancer is so often asso- ment but nevertheless it is a
polished floors, George! transcripts of grades in comply- ciated with adult life that most true one. You are the men in di-
Those who have been forced to ing with the request for Board persons do not know that a con- rect contact, of personal ac-
spend the holidays in the city Applications. The amount is not siderable number of deaths occur quaintance, with prospective stu-
have reported various and sundry much in any single case, but among children and adolescents, dents you are the examples of
occupations, from holding down when it occurs from five to ten and that, in certain parts of the our profession in their respective
seven jobs to looking after three times a month it means that the body, cancer actually 'appears communities, and it is to you
fellows' girls. One misguided funds are being dispersed at the almost as frequently in children that these men and women are
youth even admitted the iein- rate of from ten to twenty dol- and adolescents as in adults. In looking for guidance in the mat-
ous crime of studying. lars a month, which in the course a study of 90,175 deaths from ter of deciding whether or. not
to enter this profession and
The Office Force have been of a year amounts to consider- cancer among Metropolitan in- which institution to select for
kept busy since the body/of the able and it can be easily seen dustrial policyholders, over a pe- their preparation. Do not pro-
latest Des Moines thrill producer that it does not go to the ad- riod of 12 years, it was discovered crastinate and wait for them to
has been awarded the school for vancement of the school. There- that 1,910 were those of persons make inquiries of you. Broach
dissection purposes, telling curi- fore, no application or trans- under 25 years. The organs and the subject, make an earnest en-
osity bugs that D. M. S. C. O. is cript will 'be sent out unless it parts of the body most frequent- deavor to send some promising
a professional school and not a is accompanied by a fee of $2.50 ly attacked by malignant growths young man or woman from your
dime museum. payable to the college.
in early life were the brain, the community to enter every class.
Won't be long before the 1925 bones, the kidneys and supra- You are well aware, by now, of
cage season is on in full force. Did you ever realize that by renals, and the lung and pleura. the unlimited opportunities open
Dr. Schwartz promises an excep- yielding instead of resisting, by One-third of all brain cancers to a progressive man or woman
tional schedule, so prepare to use giving in instead of being stub- appeared among persons under in the field of Osteopathy. What
the old athletic card to your born of being a stickler for an 25; of bone cancers and those of greater service could you render
heart's content. apology, you disarm the resent- the kidneys 'and supra-renals, 25 the coming generation than to
We've another year before us ment 'and awaken the better na- per cent were under 25; and of influence some of its members to
in which to further promulgate ture of the one who has injured the lungs and pleura, 12 per cent, enter the profession?
the glory of D. M. S. C. 0. We you? Many people have thus D. M. S. C. 0. asks a fair con-
are fully aware that our athletic gained the good will of one Danger for Adults
per- sideration in your mind in aiding
teams have been the best yet, we whom they had regarded as an It is a surprise to most
these young people in selecting a
are proud of our clinic records, enemy.-O. S. Marden. sons to know that at the pres- college. Our faculty is without
we bow to the superior quality of ent time a man or woman is more peer, our clinical facilities enjoy
our faculty, we are saturated likely to die of cancer than of an enviable reputation and the
with an impregnable loyalty to I If we work upon marble, it will tuberculosis, in spite of the fact athletic and social phase of our
our school, and above all we are perish if on brass, time wvill that the death rate from tuber- life at D. M. S. C. O. is on a par
more firmly convinced that there I I efface it; if we rear.temples, they
dust; but if culosis is, as yet, a little higher with any like institution in the
is no calling on the face of the I I will crumble into
we work upon immortal minds, than that for cancer. In 1922, country.
earth that will compare to Os- for example, the tuberculosis Let us urge that you "look
teopathy. During the coming and imbue them with principles,
with the just fear of God and death rate was 97 per 100,000, over" the promising prospects in
year, 1925, may we raise the
fellow-men, we en- while that from cancer was 87. your community with the thought,

standing of our profession and love of our

something Nevertheless, it is true that a in mind of seeing them embarked.
our college to the Nth degree of grave on those tablets
superiority! that will brighten to all eternity. child, having once reached 10 upon their career in the January
-Daniel Webster. years of age, is, according to Class, 1925, at the Des Moines
present indications, in greater Still College of Osteopathy.
Everywhere, in high life or in I BOTH WRONG danger of dying ultimately from
low, in real history or in the fic- "So you and Dick are to be cancer than from tuberculosis. THE FRESIDMAN'S PRAYE-
tions of men, in the. myths of I married? I thought it was a The explanation of this lies in
young nations or in the legends mere flirtation." God bless my parents and my
the fact that tuberculos claims home. Bless my brothers, sis-
of the old, in the religions of the 11
"So did he!"-Life. its victims heavily in early adult ters, friends and relatives. And
worshipful or in the skepticisms 3 life, whereas cancer ,does not be- good-bye, God, I'm ,going to
of the Godless, the outer physi- gin to do its most deadly work college.
cal manifestation, consciously or I Dub-"I'm going to marry E until middle life.
unconsciously is accepted as the I1 girl who can take a joke."
product of the inner life.-H. L. Kay-"Don't worry; that's the In an actual population, tu- Hope is a good breakfast, but
Piner. ..I
only kind of a girl you'd get." (Continued on page 3) it is a bad supper.
2 . - .-. THE LOG BOOK
_-1 - I rn t - -T 1r E _r
speak l.at word Now Transfer of Disease by tions. This
,-<control of ut
I used to know a flint hearted Travel and drinking
old codger in a small Iowa towr and water on
who was as guilty of murder as Much of our disease is import- tect them .fr
Loeb and Leopold. But he didn't ed. This applies not so much to "It is certa
pay for his crime; nor suffer any the foreign immigrant as to the terstate tra
careless to-and-fro motion of our equals, in vol
loss of esteem in the community ,(
own citizens, who will not stop
He just worked his wife to death el by railway
moving even when they are ill. sible to prev
Then he put a stone slab at Michigan may thus infect Minne-
the head of her grave on which fected pers(
sota, antd North Carolina, New of first im
was appropriately carved this im- 1E Jersey. Dr. Walker M. Dickie, of health office]
mortal phrase, "Rest in Peace.' ntheuaiftornia Board of Health.s reporting cases of cammunicable
I' remember her frail and RUBBING IT IN
wracked figure as she used tc tTrPfficin a paper on "Interstate disease. "There's one fellow in this
in Communicable Disease- "Persons in the early stages of town that certainly gets on my
hurry about her work-much too res, read at a recent conference measles, scarlet-fever, and other nerves."
strenuous for the herculean sav- C )f Pacific Coast health officers, diseases, may complete their jour-
age who ruled her destiny. She
"Who's that?"
iand printed in the Weekly Bulle- nevs while in an infective stage. "The osteopath."
used to stumble sometimes, but II
t;tin of his Board (Sacramento), before anyone, the patients them-
she always hurried on toward her tthat geographical barriers in the selves included, knows that they A 'high school teacher wrote
rest! And in all those years not cUnited States have been almost are ill. Absolute restriction of "please wash" on the blackboard
one word of praise, not one tiny 13ompletely broken down by im-
c travel of sick persons is not to and the janitor took his bath be-
word of thanks ever issued from proved methods of transporta- be desired; in fact, it often hap- fore Saturday.
the raucous throat of him who t ioen. Interstate travel has in- pens that persons suffering from
drove her. I:reased. he says, during recent
c communicable diseases should be oH-H-H-H'
A mother wrote me a letter years, beyond all expectations. nermitted to travel in order that He had fallen for her. They
the other day which has lingered )n the Pacific Coast alone, auto- better control measures may be were in classes together, but she
in my mind ever since. She' told nobile travel is continuous
put into force. The travel of didn't speak to him. By desper-
about the long, hard struggle to trThroughout the year with greatly such persons should be under su- ate means he finally met her at
win a home and clothe and edu- i increased volume during the sum-
pervision, in order that the di.- a Y. W, C. A. social evening.
cate' her daughters. ner months. He proceeds: ease may be kept under control. They were alone. His dream had
' "But," she added, a bit wistful- "With this increased volume of Surreptitious travel of infected come true.
ly, I thought, "all has been.easy t;raffic there has naturally come persons is often responsible for "How's your Chem.?" she
because -of the little words of ain increased transference of cas- extensive spread of communica- asked.
praise 'which have come! No eis of communicable disease. Ty- ble diseases. "Good," 'he replied. "How's
matter how hard I work making )hoid and malaria are more eas- "It goes without saying that your Anatomy?'
a dress, when my girls say, 'Oh, ily transported from country to )ersons suffering from any of the "I think you're horrid," she
C*ity, and there is an increased five major ouarantinable diseases exclaimed.
mother, how truly wonderful!' I d
am more than repaid. No mat- p)revalence of both of these dis- -plague, cholera, yellow fever, And again she doesn't speak to
ter how hard the day has been in n*ases of country origin in most
e typhus. and smallpox-are abso- him.
oif the larger cities of the coast. lutely forbidden to travel. There
kitchen or garden, when husband The only difference
or neighbors say, 'how_ nice this Smallpox, diphtheria, scarlet- are enormous possibilities for the between
ff*ever and other diseases of the spread of these diseases, and the woolen underwear and a mosqui-
is!' I just straighten up a bit and to bite is that you need only two
all the load falls off. I think a r espiratory system have recently transportation of persons suffer-
t)een transported increasingly be- any f the hands for .a mosquito bite.
little word like this is the most is always
important secret of happiness!" tween states. Whole communi-
tiies, in many instances, have been "Traffic
is ini smallpox
"Traffic smallpox is aa con-s
con-. Would a Movie Fan Do?-Wo-
The mother is right. Words a man went into a radio store and
are little bombs which may ex- t]a nffected by this wide-spread dis- stant menace, because o the ai
semination of these infectious that many of our large commu- said: "I want to buy one of them
plode indefinitely. And, some- £ lnitesen
dLiseases. t ties are. almost entirely unvaccin- radio fans I read so much about.
how, we seem to have a set desire _ ated. Furthermore, smallpox of
F] "How extensive has been this a virulent type is more prevalent My room is awfully stuffy."-New
eternally to use the wrong kind. York American.
We are still half savage, and we sIpread of disease between states in the United States at the pres-
% ve have no definite means of ent time than for many years.
continue to use the hard words knowing. For the most part this. Slim Trousseau.-"Ah's gwine
far too generously. o
laack of information is due to the A negro went into a bank down to go to de pahty t'night, but
A' soft word! A little word of fEailure of health officers to noti- south to get a check cashed. He fust Ah's gotta go home an'
appreciation! Ah, how fine it f:y each other reciprocally of cas- stood in line a long time, finally change mah clothes."
would be if we could but sprinkle eE s of communicable diseases that his turn'came. Just.as he goti to "Change you" clothes? Boy,
them about each day! How'many nacay'have been brouht into each the window the teller put up a when yo' buttons yo' coat, yo'
burdens. grievous to be borne ol "thers tjurisdiction from outsideig "an i ted trunk am locked." Selected.
would be lifted from weary IIs Jraf
fthe staer . has naturally come personssign:
he state. "Bank is Busted."
backs; how many care-lined' faces :Ta mal
m ao The Negro-"What yo' 11f mean "Now children," said the teach-
"In California during ,1923 the bank am busted?'
would break into. ripples of hap- tthere were at least sixty-four Teller "Well it is, that's all;' er, "write down all you have
piness; how manvy
' .'nervelfess fin- ceases of typhoid infected outside it's busted-didn't you eer hear learned about King Alfred, but
!gers 'would quicken and throb off California. These cases came efa bankbeing busted?" don't say anything about the
with a desire to do more! fr.om as far east as Ohio, Tenneos- The nero "assi, t ah burning of the cakes; I want to
Speak that little word now! seee. and Middle-W estern states. find out what else you know."'
It will lift the clouds and :stem T[he Minneso0ta Boardeof Health trnevah had one bust right in mah Half an hour later wee Jeanie
the tides. It will surmount the h,as reported that from 1913 to face befo."K. C. Southern Bul- handed in her effort:
insurmountable,, and how close it 921 there were 364 typhoid cases letin. "King Alfred visited a lady at
draws us together!-Selected. ifected outside of Minnesota. a cottage. but the less said about
he available statistical data up- Wear a large hat instead of a it the better."-Tit-bits (Lon-
THAT'S DIFFERENT T.I a interstate traffic in typhoid cap. A hat protects your ears as don).
feever, 'meager as itwis, indicates vou go through the windshield.
. Head of the House (in angry
tones)-"Who told you to put t}he need fo rthe development of, Tom Sims Newspaper. We live in deeds, not years- in
that paper on the wall?" a thorough -and continuous sys- thoughts, not breaths-
Decorator-"Your wife, sir." teem of reciprocal notification be- A .corn sirup manufacturing In feelings, not in figures on a
"Pretty, isn't it?"-The Con- tvween state health officers. company received the following dial;
gregationalist (Boston). TIhere is even less statistical data letter: We should count time by heart-
p,ertaining to interstate traffic Dear Sirs I have ate three throbs.
ONE FOR TWO in ftransmissible diseases other cans of your corn sirup and it has He most lives
Friend- "I suppose you find tIhan typhoid. In fact, this lack not helped my corns one bit." Who thinks most, feels the nob-
yo.ur wife can live on your in- off data hinders the establishment Farm and Home (Vancouver, B. lest, acts the best.
come all right?" off adequate interstate quarantine C.) -Bailey.
Newlywed: "Oh, yes, indeed; rEegulations.
but it's up to me now to make "To be sure, about half of the AT THE SERVANTS' BALL TERRIBLE!
another one for myself."-The States have adopted the sanitary Mistress of the House-"No, Missionary: "During the three
Etude. reailway sanitation code approved really not another, Thompson; ,years we were on the island, my
b:y the U. S. Public Health Ser- I'm getting danced out." wife saw only one white face.
juuty makes us do things wel. viice. The most important fea- Thompson "Not darned stout, That was mine."
but love makes us do them beau- ures have been incorporated in ma'am, just a trifle plump."- Mrs. Guild: "How she must
tifully.-Phillips Brooks. t]he interstate quarantine
tt regula- London Mail. have suffered."-Sydney Bulletin.
seven out of 100, will die from
The Log Book tuberculosis. The cancer prob-
ability for males was 'therefore

The Official Publication of 22 per cent in excess of that for

DES MOINES STILL COLLEGE For females at age 10, the
OSTEOPATHY measure of cancer probability

was .1132, and for tuberculosis,

President .................... S. L. Tayloi .0606. Here the cancer probabil-
Editor-_______ _ Don Baylot ity was 87 per cent in excess of
Osteopathy Withoult
the chance of- eventual· death
Limitatiow from tuberculosis. The excess

of the probability measure for

cancer over that of tuberculosis
The Game of Life increases decidedly with advance
in age.
It is a rather difficult task tc With a rising cancer death
sit around during vacation. over- rate, and a falling tuberculosis
ly filled with customary Christ- death rate, as a prospect for the
mas dinner delicacies and in immediate future, we may ex-
eager anticipation of what New pect a greater disparity in the
'Year's Eve holds in store, to figures for' cancer and tubercu-
-pound out' an editorial on the losis probability. The control of V LI
I4 I I q_ 4X. lv- tI111116 x -

old Corona that will prove soul- I.learnt you.

tuberculosis has engaged public : The ; Observer Says
inspiring, et'c., etc. e
Well, y'u can't kiss me no-more.
attention for. many years. At'
The following poem from the present, provisions for cancer re- re-I'
pen of 'Ida M. Thomas, is the Y'u 'don't want to,' huh?:
search, diagnosis' and treatments *'i, r· not :s re:
-most appropriate and, complete are meagre in comparison with
.expression of an age-old truth Like her better'n y'u do I just can't
the magnitude of the task and
-that could be found. There's Me, huh?
the importance of cancer as a Understand
-wisdom -in- every line of it, not Oscar, come here, come to y'ur
source; of diminishing longevity Some fellows go thru
only for the fellow students who and of intense suffering. Sweetheart, kiss me Oscar Life like
graduate next month, but for Like y'u useta
-those who are just entering col- That's it put them big strong Soup
lege and also for that old bunch A working-man got a job at a Bonesetter arms aroun' me an Thru a Fish net
*of reliable standbys, the Alumni. coal-mine siding, running wag- Kiss me-kiss me so hard They get to go
ons down an incline. There was Y'u bust the arches a Home
"It's a wonderful game if you only a sleeper at the bottom to Ve feet. For vacation
play it right, stop the wagons, so the boss told Their Sleeve
'If you use every ,one of your him to be careful and keep the The religion of the future will Lining
teammates white, brake on. On the third day four not be gloomy, ascetic or male- Never wears out
If you never cheat, and are fair wagons went down at a terrific dictory. It will not deal chiefly Their girls don't
and square speed and jumped over the sleep- with sorrow and death, but with Eat
And learn the lesson of bear and er into the canal below. joy and life. It will not care so They can make two aces
forbear. The boss saw all that happened much to account for the evil and And a King
from his office window, and came the ugly in the world as to inter- Play like an
"If you meet with a failure now rushing out with wrathful face. pret the good and the beautiful. Aeolian Vocalian
and then, The man forestalled the remarks It will believe in no malignant Taxi drivers
To never give up, but to try it of the enraged employer: powers neither in Satan nor in Don't take them the
again, "You needn't come grumbling the witches, neither in the evil Long way round
And through it all to keep smil- at me," he announced. " I ain't eve nor in the malign suggestion. They can always
ing and sweet, working for you." When its disciple encounters a Get checks
Though looking straight in the wrong or evil in the world-his Cashed
face of defeat. NO USE impulse will be to search out its They always cut
Mrs. X-"Why have you never origin, source or cause, that he The day the Dr.
"If you stick to the rules of the sued any of your ,divorced hus- may attack it at its starting Don't come
game, my friend, bands for alimony?" . point.-Charles W. Eliot.
Mrs. 'V "By the time I'm Life for me -
You are sure of a victory in the Is a Terrbible
end. ready to leave a man, he's al-
In life, as in a football game, Disappointment
While some are unfair, be it said wavs bankrupt."--Boston Tran-
to their shame, script. the principle to follow is "Don't I'm not sore
If you play it right, it's a won- cry, don't shirk; but hit the line
derful game." In buying houses and taking a iard."--Theodore :Roosevelt. I just don't
wife,. shut your eyes and com- . .- .:. . ..i - - . : Understand
Makes Cancer Study mend yourself to. God.-Italian Be so true to yourself that you But all ain't
Proverb. cannot be false to others. Darkness. here
A guy
(Continued from page 1). Wanted to know
berculosis has relatively,. more Down to the
material to work on than cancer,
and the, proportion of the ,two
death rates does not represent
The other day
If the
the "betting odds" that a child Owing to the great number of coupons that were returned it Kristmas Karols
of ten, for example, will eventu- was deemed advisable to insert the following notice for. those who Sung by
ally die of tuberculosis, or of desire to continue receiving the Log Book and who failed to return Ku Klux Koirs
cancer, as the case may be. a coupon from the previous issue. Were
These odds can be calculated by Sheet music
the construction of a life table, PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS who receive the Log Book regularly But then you know
and by then segregating the tu- are requested to fill in and mail the following coupon if they wish A wise man
berculosis and cancer deaths to continue. receiving the paper. In the event the coupon is not Never
from all deaths, and construct- returned Blows
ing truncated life tables with be taken by the mailing date of January 15 issue, your name will His
the remainder. from the list. Knows
At age ten, for males, the prob-
ability of dying eventually from Please continue mailing The Log Book to
cancer was .0837. That is to say, WHILE THERE'S LIFE
of 100 males at that age, more Name __.____ _..._- Farmer-"An' 'ow be. Lawyer
than eight will eventually die of Barnes doin' doctor?"
cancer. The probability of even- Address -- ---- Doctor-"Poor fellow! He's ly-
- ------ ing at death's door."
tual death from tuberculosis, on Farmer-"There's grit for 'ee
the other hand, was. only. .0684, -at death's door an' still lyin'!"
which indicates that less than .-

-London Humorist." ^' .




t* :.4

t *4.p

tS *34,

t:., $




: The Log Book again calls the attention of the student
body and all prospective students to the matter of regi-
:| stration for the Second Semester. The regular day for 44

beginning registration is January 23. Class work will 4$,

begin January 26. New rules and regulation are now

in effect and there is no necessity for any one to be
caught napping and have delinquent fees to pay.

Mid-Year Graduation January 22nd

;S; Freshman B. Sophomore B. Junior B. Senior B.
4 Biology Chemistry Symptomatology Obstetrics
I. Theory Pathology III Diet. H. & San.
Pathology I Anatomy Nervous and Mental
Histology Pathology Laboratory Applied Osteopathy
t Chemistry Anatomy Ost. Technic Surgery
Bacteriology Chem. Lab. Friday Gynecology E. E. N. & T.
Chem. Lab. Tues. Thurs. Path. Lab. Tues.-Fri. Laboratory Diagnosis Clinic

Senior A.
*: Freshman A. Sophomore A. Junior A.Optional Optional
4'. ;$
*. Anatomy Pathology II Pediatrics Diet. P. H. & San.
*: Histology Nervous Physiology Obstetrics Nervous and Mental I$~
*: Chemistry Principles Nervous and Mental Proctology
Physiology Anatomy Applied Osteopathy Surgery ·· *
454 Bacteriology Orthopedics Gynecology E. E. N. T. S:
Chem. Lab. Mon.-Wed. Path. Lab. Mon.-Thurs. Clinic Clinic $

:^ # s· e.4-e.
* : 4 0 * oe-m-OX. * ** ** * - ~ *";'· T-- ·
rT L__ r _

Entered as second class I -i L

matter, February 3, 1923,
Acceptance for mailing
at the post office at Des at special rates of postage

Moines, Iowa, under the
provided for in section 1103,
act of October 3, 1917, au-
act of August 24th, 1912. thorized February 3, 1923.

- -- - --

Volume 2 January 15, 1925 Number 13

I . l
BONESETTERS LOSE Assembly Schedule D. M. S. C. O. Students MID YEAR CLASS
FIRST CAGE GAME As a result of the outstanding
Mortally Wounded EXPECTED TO BEAT
success of the supervised weekly PREVIOUS RECORDS
Teams Battle Hard in See-Saw assembly program, in effect dur- One of the most heinous crimes
ing the past semester, the col- in the history of the institution
Contest has been committed and the per- From all indications, the mid-
The Southern Surety quintet lege authorities have formulated
petrator goes unpunished. With year enrollment this year will
defeated Still College 20 to 17 in the following schedule for the
no warning, no mitigating cir- surpass all previous records.
a closely played contest which coming term. cumstances, no motive, rhyme or Letters from the field, from the
was a curtain-raiser to the Kan- In view of the exceptional pro- reason whatsoever, this time- prospective students, and verbal
sas-Drake game at the Coliseum. grams arranged in the past, the hardened criminal, masquerading interviews are-responsible for the
The game was a nip and tuck studentgreat body will look forward in the role of a god, and no office force planning to work
affair all the way, with neither with anticipation to the clothing, crept into the friend- nights, if necessary, to handle
five having more than a point or coming events. ship of his unsuspecting victims the new students.
two advantage until the last few Assembly Conductors and shot them both through the All loyal alumni of D. M. S. C.
minutes, when the Surety quintet Jan. 9-Dr. E. E. Steffen. heart in the most hot-blooded O. should be constantly on the
forged to the front with a 20 to Jan. 16 Senior A Class. manner known to mankind. The lookout for prospective material.
15 lead. Still, fighting desper- Jan. 30-Dr. S. L. Taylor. following clipping from the Ev- Without a doubt, there are young
ately, counted one basket, but Feb. 6 Dr. J. P. Schwartz. ans City, Pa., Daily Bugle, tells men and women in your locality
could not overtake its opponents. Feb. 13 Dr. J. M. Woods. the heart rendering tale. who would be interested -in the
Feb. 20-Dr. Mary Golden. Engagement Announced work if some one were to give
Although the half ended 11 to
10 favoring the ultimate victors, Feb. 27-James C. Cochran. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Irwin of Ev- them detailed information re-
the Osteopaths outpassed and Mar. 6-Dr. C. F. Spring. ans City announce the engage- garding the school, curriculum,
outplayed the insurance five in Mar. 13 Prof. F. R. Sutton. ment of their daughter, Miss Lois and such matters. Forward their
that period, but failed to make Mar. 20-Dr. H. V. Halladay. Naomi Irwin, to Mr. Doyle A. namesprospective
to the secretary, or have
good on its shots. Mar. 27 Dr. Lola V. Taylor. Richardson of Austin, Minnesota. the student write
Simpson, McKinley and Fin-
Apr. 3-Dr. E. S. Grossman. In other words, Cupid's done personally and the office will be
glad to do all in their power to
Apr. 10-Dr. A. B. Taylor. his stuff!
layson played best for the vic- Apr. 17 Dr. R. B. Bachman. supply the desired information.
tos, iMyers, Friend and Smith A;pr. 24-Dean, Dr. C. W. John- The following letter is a good
doing the best work for the Oste- son. NOTICE example of the letters we receive
opaths. May 1-Pan-Hellenic Day- almost daily from the field:
Lineup and summary: Men. Heretofore the college has been D. M. S. C. O.
STILL-17 May 8 Pan-Hellenic Day- put to the expense of filling out Des Moines, Ia.
G. FT. F. Women. application blanks and making Dear Doctors:
Friend, rf _- _-- 3 1 2 May 15-Dr. S. L. Taylor. transcripts of grades in comply- I enjoy the Log Book very
Nicholas, lf _--.-,--- 0 1 1 May 22-Senior A Class. ing with the request for Board much and note that you have let-
Smith, rf --- _----- 2 1 4 Friday at 9:45 each college Applications. The amount is not ters from the field. I can speak
Snyder, c -- .- _ 0 0 0 week. much in any single case, but in the highest praise of the fine
Hannan, c 1___-------1
1 0 Director--The Dean. when it occurs from five to ten training I received at Still Col-
Davis, rg __- _----0 1 2 times a month it means that the lege and especially the training
Myers, lg -- _______ -0 0 1 The Democracy of Death funds are being dispersed at the I had in the surgical department
rate of from ten to twenty dol- under Dr. Taylor, who taught me
Totals ----- -__-- 6 5 10 lars a month, which in the course how to administer anesthetics.
In the democracy of the dead, of a year amounts to consider- While in the army with the
all men 'are at last equal. There able and it can be easily seen 168th Field Hospital, Rainbow
SOUTHERN SURETY-20 is neither rank nor station nor
G. FT. F. that it does not go to the ad- Div., I was anesthetist for the
prerogative in the republic of vancement of the school. There- operating team and since, prac-
Eilers, rf -------- 2 0 2 the grave. At this fatal thresh- fore, no application or trans- ticing in Worthington, Minne-
lVilani, rf ---------- 1 1 0 old the philosopher ceases to be cript will be sent out unless it sota, I am anesthetist for two lo-
Simpson, If _----__,___0- 3 0 wise, and the song of the poet is is accompanied -by a fee of $2.50 cal hospitals and a dentist, and
Manske, c ------------ 2 0 2 silent. Dives relinquishes his
Twombley, lg ----- 1 1 4 payable to the college. all comes from the splendid
millions, and Lazarus his rags. training at Still, and of course
McKinley, rg __---_____-0 0 3 The poor man is as rich as the
Finlayson, lg-c _____--- -1 1 0 richest, and the rich man is as Service-Real Service the Osteopathy I learned is the
best ever. Hoping I may secure
poor as the pauper. The creditor some new students for you, I am,
Totals -------- _ 7 6 11 loses his usury, and the debtor is A local hotel proprietor was
Summary Free throws missed, acquitted 'of his obligation. There Fraternally
host to a dozen of the unfortu- D. J. DUNN, D. O.,
Snyder 2, Nicholas, Hannan 2, the proud man surrenders his nates who were in the city jail
Davis, Myers 2, Eilers 5, Milani dignities, the politician his hon- and paroled for Christmas day Worthington, Minn.
5, Simpson, Twombley. ors, the worldling his pleasures, without any prospects of a din-- Every man should so carry him-
the invalid needs no physician, ner of any kind. self before the world that he
and the laborer rests from unre- A D. M. S. C. 0. student was will show in his very face and
Whatever his vocation or sta- quited toil.
tion in life, the thing each should detailed to serve the guests, and manner that there is something
Here at last is nature's final after the first course was set be- within him not for sale some-
strive for most earnestly is the decree in equity. The wrongs of
unqualified approval of his own fore them, one of the ltnumber thing so sacred that he would re-
time are redressed, injustice is suggested it would be, fine if gard the slightest attempt to de-
soul. This will outweigh all hon- expiated, the irony of fate is re-
ors, all riches, all fame, and will some one should say grace. None bauch it as an unpardonable in-
futed, the unequal distribution around the board volunteered, sult. He should so carry himself
give him that power and courage of wealth, honor, capacity, pleas- and the embryo D. O. stepped over that no one would even dare to
which will enable him to outride ure and opportunity which makes and said, "If you really want it, suggest that he could be bought
in safety all the storms which life so cruel and inexplicable
may assail him 'on lifes voyage. I can do it." "Yes, go ahead," or bribed.
ceases in the realm of death. said about half the men, so the
The mightiest captain succumbs student put it over. The wish may be the father 'to
What this country needs is not to that invincible adversary, "Be Prepared" is the Scouts' the thought, but the Child will
'a job for every man, but a real who disarms alike the victor and watchword, and would not _be die in infancy if it is not also
man for every job. the vanquished.-John J. Ingalls. amiss for all of us to observe. mothered by the will. i'
2 __ __ I
Are You Looking for a Fraternity Notes ther is much better. Glad to
hear it, Jack.
Location Iota Tau Sigma Brother Ross Richardson took
The annual I. T. S. formal, held a nice trip during the holidays.
Dr. Wm. C. Harper, of Waldo, December 18 at Hoyt Sherman He visited his parents in Calgary,
Arkansas, writes that Arkansas Place, was a complete success, Alberta. He reports the temper-
laws are as good as any other with Doctors Grossman and ature varied from 25 to 50 de-
state for Osteopathy and that he Schwartz as chaperons, following grees below zero, Fahrenheit.
is moving to Salt Lake City, which the party transferred its Nice cold visit, we think.
Utah, as soon as he can lease or activities to the fraternity house
sell his practice. Some of the brothers visited
for a luncheon. Brother Tom Vandergrift, who is
The Log Book would be pleased The fraternity enjoyed smokes
to furnish any other information practicing in Austin, Minnesota.
on Ray Staples December 15, the They report he is doing very
any interested D. O. might wish. occasion being the announcement WHAT POSTERITY MISSED
A Doctor in Long Beach, Cali- nicely. Glad to hear it, Tom.
of his marriage to Miss Adelaide If the confession magazines
fornia, who wishes to retire, in- Munger of Des Moines.
forms us that his exceptionally Axis Club had been printed in the long ago,
The boys remaining over the December 1 the Alpha Xi Iota we might have had:
good practice is for sale to one holidays enjoyed a Christmas
who c'an furnish proof of respon- Sigma initiated Miss Olive Len- Why I Took My Celebrated
sibility. The Log Book has fur- tree at the house, each man hav- hart at the home of Mrs. Bertha Ride-by Lady Godiva.
ing hung his sock the night be- Miesserschmidt. Doctor Irene Three Nights in a Fish-by
ther information for those inter- fore. By all reports there were Jonah.
ested. Bachman and Dr. Morris were
very appropriate gifts given. A field members present. The rugs My Twelve Stenogiaphers-by
Drs. B. K. and Gladys Powell, New Year's party was also en- Julius Caesar.
of Clarksville, have written the were rolled back and the girls Outwitting a Wolf-by Red
joyed at the house. danced until a rather late hour,
Secretary asking that their let- After a much needed and, by Ridinghood.
ter be brought to the attention when Mrs. Messerschmidt and Should They be Told Any-
all reports, a most enjoyable Miss Irwin served a lunch, and
of the graduating class. The Christmas holiday, the boys ,are thing?--a symposium by Solo-
Doctors are desirous of moving the party broke up. mon, Brigham Young and Henry
trying to settle down into the
north, and feel that it is only routine of school work once The members of the Alpha Xi VIII.
fair to their many patients to more. Iota Sigma gave a cabin party Knocking Out Goliath-by Dav-
locate a competent successor. The following men, Odell, Shaw, at Greenwood Park last Wednes- id.
They describe Clarksville as be- Platt, Russell, Benien, Cochran day evening. The guests were Was I to Blame?-by Rip Van
ing "'a beautiful southern town and Olsen kept 2007 Grand alive Rosemary and Mrs. Robinson, 01 Winkle.
of 10,000 population, a rich to- while the rest scattered to the Oleson, Doyle Richardson, Gerald Who Was My Husband?-by
bacco center, our patients being four winds with the idea of mak- Myers, Vernon Casey, Donald The Old Woman Who Lives in a
the very best people here." This ing someone happy. Wier, Ira DeWalt and Doctor Shoe.
should prove an exceptional op- Kipp. All club members were Pearls and Vinegar for Reduc-
portunity for some enterprising present except Amorette. Miss ing-by Cleopatra.
Delta Omega -Roy H. Fricken.
young D. O. Jones, Miss Lenhart and Mrs. De-
Vacation! Vacation! Walt, ably assisted by Donald
Leota Grosgean had a rare one, Wier and Vernon Casey, decorat- Dr. X. hired O'Brien to clean
Big Brothers' Club since "her flock" took turns at ed the cabin, cooked the steaks off the walk from the house to
the Flu-however she did have and made the coffee. Everyone the front gate. At the close of
The Big Brothers Club of the time to take a few bob rides, had a good time, in spite of ex- the day, when he examined Pat's
University Christian church is an even so. ams the next day. work, he was dissatisfied with it.
organized class 'in Bible study. Mabel Runyon spent the holi- "O'Brien," he said, "the whole
Organized nearly six years ago, days at her home in Nebraska, Miss Anna Doyle spent her
Christmas vacation with home walk is covered with gravel and
it has grown till today it is the while Mildred Trimble was at dirt. In my estimation, its a bad
largest class of young men in her home in Montezuma, Iowa. folks.
Miss Lois Irwin spent part of job." Pat loooked at him in sur-
Des Moines. Just now we are The Krug sisters, Emma and prise for a moment and replied:
holding a membership contest Irene, report a lively time in her Christmas vacation with
friends in Austin, Minnesota(?). "Shure, doctor, there's many a
with the Central church, which Montana, while Bee Fowler, after bad job of yours covered with
boasts of the oldest class. repulsing an attack of Flu, spent Several of the remaining Axis
girls took their friends and went gravel and dirt."
The club wants the college man. a few delightful days at Chari-
Lots of fellows who attend col- ton, Iowa. to Donald McRae park for a
wiener roast. Everyone enjoyed Six-year-old Dorothy was used
lege break away from religious Seen!! Dr. Neva Moss and Lil- to hearing more ior less sho.p talk
work because they don't know la Davidson "listening in" on Otis it except Casey. He fell on his
left eye while skating, and con- at home, both her parents being,
where to go. Skinner in his production of "San- at one time, in the advertising
The B. B. C. welcomes all stu- cho Panzo." It is understood sequently did not feel very hu-
morous. business.
dents. Last year we had quite that Dr. Neva spent a whole Last Sunday she brought home
a number of Still students. We week visiting in Des Moines. Miss Amorette Bledsoe enter-
tained several friends for Christ- from Sunday school a Golden
want more this year. How about Avis, Pat, Zoa. Dee and Mabelle Text. Her mother, seeing some-
it, fellows? Meet with us next kept the "home" fires burning in mas dinner. Everyone reported
thing in her hand, asked what
Sunday morning at nine-thirty in good old Des Moines and watched a good time, and were loud in she had. Dorothy immediately
the auditorium at Drake Univer- over Still College while others praising Amorette's cooking. replied, with a little shrug of
sity. made merry. Believe as much her shoulders, "Oh! only an ad
of that as you wish-anyhow, Phi Sigma Gamma Notes
about God."
they remained in the city. The fraternity bungalow is
Where Time Goes more of a home than ever Sunday Two colored men were stand-
Atlas Club afternoons when the boys and ing on the corner discussing fam-
People are always complaining A banquet is to be held next their lady friends gather 'round ily trees.
about the length of time that Friday night in honor of the At- the frat fireside and tell droll "Yes, suh, man," said Ambrose,
they work as though there was las men who are graduating. stories. Last Sunday DuBois' "I can trace my relations back
nothing in life but work. They are Dr. Robert Lustig, Doc- orchestra, "The Famous Sex- to a family tree."
A person at 70 has slept 23 tor Albert Lewis and Dr. George tette," captivated the crowd with "Chase 'em back to a family
years; worked 19 years, given 9 Rastede. their harmony and pep and so tree?" said Mose.
years to amusement, to eating 6 The Atlas men who resided in made the social hour more popu- "Naw, man, trace 'em, trace
years, to traveling 6 years, to ill- Des Moines during the holidays lar than ever. 'em-get me?"
ness four years, to dressing 2 were kept busy on O. B. work, The fraters assembled on the "Well, they ain't but two kinds
years and to religious devotion getting called even on Christmas evening of January 7 to enjoy an of things dat live in trees-birds
1I year. These figures are scien- day. address by a former faculty and monkeys, and you sho' ain't
-tifically arrived at, and of course, It has reached our ears that member, Dr. M. E. Bachman. The got no feathers on you."
:approximately correct, provided Brother "Steve" Smith is step- brothers found his talk on "Blood
-the- work item is not carried ping out-yes, he is really taking Pressure" was instructive beyond Judge-Is there any reason
iome in the 'form of worry to dancing lessons. that of ordinary classroom expe- why this young lady shouldn't
cheat the sleep item and the Brother Louis Miller journeyed rience, in that certain "tricks of testify concerning your charac-
amusement item. to Martland, Missouri, during the the trade" were demonstrated. ter, disposition, past behavior,
The work item will not be so holidays. What is the attraction, The goodfellowship emanating reliability--
oppressive if we take the atti- "Loui?" from the presence of "Daddy" Prisoner-Lord, yes, Your Hon-
tude that day by day, hour by Brother John Voss, who was Bachman made the spirit of the or! She used to be my wife.
hour, and moment by moment, I called home before the holidays party more than a mere profes-
grow stronger, healthier, happier on account of the serious illness sional one. The fraternity plans How can you make a hit if you
and younger. of his father, reports that his fa- (Continued on page 3) have no aim in life?
- - __ I

The Logs
- - -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Some time ago attention was

(Continued from page 2)

The Official Publication of called to the coinage of this word
to be used in the future to desig- to have a return engagement of
nate methyl alcohol, commonly
OSTEOPATHY called wood alcohol. The pur- Although Christmas vacation
I pose was not to obtain a shorter terminated a good while ago,
President .................... S. L. Taylor many of the boys who were home
word for this important material
Editor_____- ___ __- Don Baylor nor to dignify it with a high- over the holidays still have
sounding title, but to provide a dreamy moods-if observations
Osteopathy Without Limitation are true. Several of the boys lost
trade designation which would
not involve the word "alcohol" their jeweled pins, perhaps that's
and consequently detract from why. Stew Greiner heads the
UP! the use of this material as a bev- list, but Monty, Mack Friend,
erage by the uninformed. In one Don Wier et al follow closely.
First get up! Then think up! year in one of our larger cities And yet, springtime, according
It is the only method by which there were fifty-four deaths to the poets, is more appropriate
you can work up. Also it is the traceable to the internal use of for such thoughts.
only method by which you are wood alcohol. As soon as the The fraternity semi-annual
able to look up, to climb up, or word methanol had been accept- banquet honoring their three
to wake up or to help up. So- ed by the trade and users, the graduating members, was held
Think up! number of deaths in the same Saturday, January 17. Thoughts
Then look up! It'won't matter locality dropped to less than of the past, present and future
if you occasionally stub your toe. twenty in a year. It is believed of each of the honored graduates The Observer Says
You will be able to adjust your- that a great deal more has been were expressed by them in choice
self, and it's so much more won- accomplished by this ingenious words-words of "wisdom" to the
derful to look up than to look brothers still deep in classroom Our 'attention
down. So- device than would have been Is now attracted
possible by any campaign of edu- entanglement. Many of the alum- To the Bright
Look up! cation or legal enforcements.- ni were in from the field with
Climb up! Nobody is ever go- their professionalism, kit and all. Young men
ing to give you a boost unless Scientific American. Who can be seen
Later in the evening the mem- Tearing through
you start by boosting yourself. bers enjoyed the fraternity dance
Somehow or other it's a natural The following is an application at Hoyt Sherman Place. The hall
desire, born in the human race, by a Chinese clerk for a post in Among the members expected Answering to that
to help a man who helps himself. England: back to school this semester are Salubrious title
So- Pee Lee Lee from Paw Paw, Mich, Doctor
Dear Sir: Who are supposed
Climb up! igan, and Walter MacWilliams
Wake up! The world is full of I am Wang. It is for my per- To graduate
sonal benefit that I write for a from Columbus Junction, Iowa. Before next issue
potential leaders - temporarily We've missed them this semester,
dead asleep. If you are one of position in your honorable house. Goes to press
I have a flexible brain that will and now that they are to return A young lady
them, wake up! Always the work we have planned a nice little
of the world is in direct focus adapt itself to your business and Said to one of this
in consequence will bring good party for them. Species
upon you-and it expects you to If New Year's resolutions are
help it out. So- results to yourselves. The other day
My education was impressed popular-McFall is no back num- Ohhh I'm dying
Wake up! ber, for his new leaf is full of
Help up! Those who climb upon me in the Peking Univer- He said
sity, in which I graduated num- them. Ask the young doctor Can I help you
highest are those who take with what these fads are.
them to their height the largest ber one. And another
I can drive 'a typewriter with Guests at the house during the Pulled this one
number of people in their ascent. holidays included many brothers
That life is longest in its day good noise, and my English is Just because
great. My references are of good from other chapters. Bumgard- The girls laugh
which has led and helped and ner and Gross from Alpha are
served the largest number of and should you hope to see me At your remarks
they will be read by you with perhaps the two who were with Is no proof
people who were needing help. us most.
So in all your up-thoughts today, great pleasure. That you'r witty
My last job has left itself from Moco Elsea studies hard these Perhaps they have
do not forget to- cold nights. His meanest diver-
Help up! me for the good reason that the Pretty teeth
large man is dead. sion is gazing into the fireplace While George Hurt
It was on account of no fault and writing poetry. Casually remarks
A Morning Prayer Gordon is back from Spokane.
of mine. That early
The day returns and brings us So honorable sirs, what about He reports that the rhubarb crop To bed and
the petty round of irritating con- it? If I can be of big use to you was not so good the past year. Early to rise
cerns and duties. Help us to play I will arrive on some date that Impairs
the man, help us to perform you should guess. the digestion and
them with laughter 'and kind He has not learned the lesson
Yours faithfully, of life who does not every day Ruins
faces, let cheerfulness abound S. L. Wang. surmount a fear.-Emerson. The eyes
with industry. Give us to go
blithely on our business 'all this But
day, bring us to our resting beds Rastede, our
Fiddling wrestler
weary and content and undishon-
ered, and grant us in the end the
gift of sleep.-Robert Louis Ste-
IMPORTANT NOTICE! Who quells the savage
Ire of his antagonists
By the dulcet strains
venson. Owing to the great number of coupons that were returned it Of his old
was deemed advisable to insert the following notice for those who Stradilongissimus
The law can touch us here and desire to continue receiving the Log Book and who failed to return Cops the cookies
there, now and then, but manners When he addressed
are of more importance than the a coupon from the previous issue.
laws. VManners are what vex or His playmate as
soothe, corrupt or purify, exalt PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS who receive the Log Book regularly Follows
or debase, barbarize or refine by are requested to fill in and mail the following coupon if they wish Boy
a constant, steady, uniform, in- to continue receiving the paper. In the event the coupon is not You're so low
sensible operation like that of returned by the mailing date of January 15 issue, your name will You could use
the air we breathe.-Edmund be taken from the list. Corn plasters
Burke. For headaches
We sympathize with
Those who refuse the long Please continue mailing The Log Book to You fellers
drudgery of thought, and think Going out into the
with the heart rather than the Cold cruel world
Name -- _-- ----- -.--
.- ....... To Battle for existence
head, are ever the most fiercely And the Observer
dogmatic in tone.-Bayne. Address - ----------------- Wishes every one
Of you
"Great men have purposes; oth- All the success available,
ers have wishes." -e - -- Period. \
V V. ***e I~n ~ **
~i*'~'+~'?~J~'**'k'*c'**'~'~*-~c~** i~~ * * ~ ~
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~ *~~9*
**~ **-*--+
%o-;6-:--.* *.


*i ;$
*t .5.

* *:..


S: ;$
Si $
The Log Book again calls the attention of the student
S body and all prospective students to the matter of regi- *t
stration for the Second Semester. The regular day for S

beginning registration is January 23. Class work will
Si begin January 26. New rules and regulation are now *
in effect and there is no necessity for any one to be $·

caught napping and have delinquent fees to pay. *:


Mid-Year Graduation January 22nd


't Freshman B. Sophomore B. Junior B. Senior B.

' Biology Chemistry S:ymptomatology Obstetrics
athology !II Diet. H. & San.
4 Anatomy Th y
I A.natomy Nervous and Mental
lo HistlogyPathology
. Histology
~ Histology~ Physiology P 'athology Laboratory Applied Osteopathy
* Chemistry Anatomy O)st. Technic Surgery
's Bacteriology Chem. Lab. Friday G;ynecology E. E. N. & T.
Chem. Lab. Tues. Thurs, Path. Lab. Tues.-Fri. Llaboratory Diagnosis Clinic
Senior A.
:t: Freshman A. Sophomore A. Junior A. Optional
s Anatomy Pathology II FPediatrics Diet. P. H. & San.
i Histology Nervous Physiology C)bstetrics Nervous and Mental
:: Chemistry Principles I Tervous and Mental Proctology
Y!Physiology Anatomy Pkpplied Osteopathy Surgery
. Bacteriology Orthopedics CGynecology E. E. N. T. S

Path. Lab. Mon.-Thurs. C]linic Clinic

: Chem. Lab. Mon.-Wed.
1*-4:.1-;* ..· ^ "o....... "................................ ~**r*ct~*f****bfi ~ ,,i*~'~~~~~l*~ ~jO Li~ ~ rYk
Entered as second class THIE
. Acceptance for mailing
matter, February 3, 1923,
at the post office at Des OO K BX XBH X
at special rates of postage

* provided for in section 1103.
Moines, Iowa, under the act of October 3, 1917, au-
act of August 24th, 1912. thorized February 3. 1923.
. .


Volume 2 : February 1, 1925

2"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Number 14
- -- I
Impressive Ceremony
Marks Graduation of
su R G ICA t
J CLINICS Senior A Assembly
.l.L% . Ibl JL l ass-
_I JL J. The recent Senior A class was
given a treat in being permitted
Third in the series of articles to "see themselves as others see
Commencement exercises foi them" during the recent stunt
on the various D. M. S. C. O.
the Class of January, 1925, were day program. Each class had a
Clinics, is the Surgical Clinic.
held in the auditorium, Thursday prominent place on the program
Everyone realizes and admits the and gave the sweet young (?)
evening, January 22nd. The hal
vast importance of surgery as an graduates ample opportunity to
was tastefully decorated, and the
Osteopathic adjunct and the ab- learn their college rating. Per-
platform was banked with fern, sonalities were cast to the four
solute necessity of a profound
and palms. knowledge of the science to be- winds and all known and hidden
The Class entered, to the mu come efficient Osteopaths. attributes of the aforesaid Sen-
iors were subjected to the pierc-
i;- of the march played by Mil It is the consensus of opinion ing ray of public scrutiny.
,dred Trimble, '27, accompanie( that the Department of Surgery,
directed by Dr. S. L. Taylor, is The "Killer Kure Klinik," as
by the President, the Dean, Dr put on by the Senior B class, por-
Robert Bachmann and Dr. D. W without peer in the profession.
trayed the activities of the grad-
Morehouse, the President o: The subject appears in the cur- uates twenty years from now.
Drake University. Immediatel3 riculum for the senior year. The
didactic phase of the work is giv- Mugs Fletcher's interpretation of
following Convocation by Dr the role of office girl was ex-
Bachman, Roy Trimble, '28, ren en by Dr. Taylor and covers the ceedingly good. Louie Miller's
dered a vocal solo, accompanie( principles of surgery, anaesthet- impersonation of Mary Jane Por-
by Miss Mildred Trimble. ics, antiseptics and their uses, ter, a prospective patient, creat-
Dr. D. W.e Morehouse gave the bandaging, and post operative
treatment. ed an uproar, as did Joe Ko-
alidre.. -of thI rvnil1 y -re nd , shack's feminine impersonation
must be said that it was one of DR. S. L. TAYLOR In conjunction with the didac- of a patient of Dr. Brockmeier.
the finest that has ever been giv- Surgeon in Chief tic, the practical phases are giv-
en the student through the me- The Junior Class' thrust came
en at D. M. S. C.O. He chose for next, in the form of the new na-
his subject "The More Material dium of the Surgical Clinics, ma-
jor and minor. which nI. hlI .a tional pastime, that of cross-
Results of Science," anrdiWen~fT-n
to some detail explaining the
With the Cage Artists the Des Moines General hospital. word puzzling. Some special
good point or fallacy of each
four methods of obtaining an ed- The hospital, a 75 bed institu- member of the graduating class
ucation, to wit, The Method of With several new players add- tion, is one of the most complete-
ed to the squad, Coach Frank forming the necessary definitions
Tenacity, The Method of Author- lv equipped in the state. X-ray, for the various ups and downs of
ity, The Method of Reason, and Sutton is now drilling his basket- Radium, Physio Therapy and an
ball team daily in preparation the game.
The Method of Science. Dr. extensive laboratory are features
Morehouse's talk carried a mes- for the remaining games on the The Sophomores took the cake
of invaluable assistance to the
sage of inestimable value to the schedule. Despite the fact that with numerous verses to the tune
Des Moines university called off student in his clinical work. In-
graduating class and to all with- stead of merely knowing, for in- of "It Ain't Goin' to Rain No
in the sound of his voice. Truths the two contests scheduled with More," depicting varied faux
stance, that radium treatment is
were brought home in a light the Purple and White hoopsters, pas of the honored recipients of
Manager J. P. (Pinkey) Schwartz indicated in this particular case,
never heretofore recognized by he can actually see the treatment all this talented humor. Walter
many of us. expects to have a schedule that Damm's impersonation of Dr.
administered and derive knowl-
will provide plenty of opposition George Rastede rendering the
Following the address, Roy for Coach Sutton's team. edge from that experience that
Trimble rendered another excel- few of the older men in the field "Traumerei" on the stately vio-
Last week one new player have. lin was by far the best on the en-
lent vocal selection, immediately tire
from the entering Freshman A At.^.nrv i-e
,4- - __ i
'/r_ program and- his occasional
after which Dean C. W. Johnson _ t. _ _ Z .- .....

presented the class to President class joined the ranks on the Ar- - P.~cliu atJiues
population ivioines has a
of 150,000, so it can
reierence to "Fritz Kreisler and
mory floor, this performer being Me" was quite appropriate. The
Taylor for the conferring of the readily be seen there is no lack
J. Schaeffer from Jefferson, Iowa. "Enema Scene from the Third
degrees. Dr. Bachman gave the of clinical material. Tuesdays Day," while slightly out of har-
benediction, and the exercises Previously, Greiner also made
his first appearance in court togs and Saturdays are operative days mony with the general trend of
were closed with the march by for the clinic patients, the lists college amusesments, was by far
Miss Trimble. and some 10 to 12 players have
participated in the daily scrim- of students to report for duty on the greatest laugh producer of
The class reception was held mages in the Coliseum building. that particular day is posted. the morning's entertainment.
immediately afterward in the La- However, that does not mean During the various and intimate
dies' room of the college. Following the early season set- that all others are excluded. The
back at the hands of the strong steps in the process, the audience
D. M. S. C. 0. takes great pleas- clinics are always open to ca- was thrown into paroxysms of
Southern Surety five, which also pacity to the upper classes, and
ure in introducing the following scored a triumph over the Simp- mirth, and when the final light
"new" Doctors to the profession, it may be said that not a clinic was extinguished, it was some
son College quintet on the lat- day goes by but what the amphi-
and joins in wishing them all ter's floor, Coach Sutton's team minutes until the gales of laugh-
possible success in the years to theatre is filled to overflowing. ter subsided to an extent that
scored wins over the Valley "V"
come in the practice of their club and Grand View college in In the minor Surgical Clinic, the performance could continue.
chosen profession: turn. alone, last year, 2561 cases were The Freshmen A's offered a
Donald Beebe The Purple and White mentor operated. Tonsilectomy circum- variation by presenting Kather-
J. R. Beveridge is optimistic over the team's cisions and adenectomy com- ine King's youthful followers of
C. L. Brockmeier prospects, and only expresses re- prised the greater portion of the the Goddess Terpsichore. The lit-
C. A. Call gret over the fact that it has total. As many as 90 patients tle tots tripped the light fantas-
John D. Hall been impossible to slate more have been operated on in one day tic in quite a professional man-
G. E. Hurt college games. The players who at this clinic, and as many as ner, and came in for their share
Albert Lewis have been used in games so far four surgeons may be seen work- of the applause.
Robert Lustig this season are: Mike Hannan, Or- ing at one time. Dr. Taylor is The Freshmen B's gave an ex-
Avis Payne lando Smith, Mac Friend, Cap- assisted by Drs. J. P. Schwartz cellent showing of State Board
W. R. Price tain Roy Davis, "Race" Myers, and A. B. Taylor of the hospital procedure. Deke Jones enacted
George Rastede Ernie Schneider, Russell Nichol- staff. These men are all experi- the examiner, and the members
Mabel Runyon as, Jim Regan, Johnnie Thelman, enced, clean-cut, conservative op- of the class the various, candi-
Cecil Warner and Spencer. (Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 3)

Spinal Curvature Week Fraternity Notes Gay Howland has been home,
owing to the serious illness of
F. P. Millard, D. 0. IOTA TAU SIGMA his father.
Settled for another semester- Spencer has turned down a
It is every Osteopath's WEEK, wonderful offer as coach, but he
and of value just to the extent that's the attitude of the boys at
2007 Grand. is giving his entire life to oste-
that it is observed. opathy.
Supposing every D. 0., practic- Don Baylor and Bill Russell
ing, should let it be known that were appointed to act on the In-
ter-Fraternity social committee. AXIS CLUB
for one hour a day, during that
Rumors for something doing Dr. Myrtle Augur is again in
WEEK, children will be exam-
ined, the sum total would be soon. the States, according to Casey-
thousands, and what a splendid Noble E. Atterbury has the Jones Syndicate.
piece of publicity, along with the sympathy of the fraternity in Monday night, January 26, the
great amount of good done. the recent sadness of his father's Alpha Xi Iota Sigma tendered a
death. farewell party to Mrs. Grace Ie- Alice: "Why the happy look,
Suppose fifty new clinics are Mugs?"
established, we would have just We are sorry to state that Walt, who is leaving for her
that many more to add to the Buck will not be in school this home in Comstock, Nebraska Mue-s F.: "We're celebrating
number Dr. Josephine Peirce has next semester. Glad to hear that Dr. Josephine our diamond jubilee."
on her record sheets. Once more the gang gathers Russell is located in Minneapolis Alice: "Diamond jubilee?
Once we prove to the laity around the table for a real feed; and doing so prosperously. Why, you haven't been married
that we are really interested in almost as good as mother's. Dr. Florence Morris, of the but a few years."
children's welfare, to the extent Young Bill Baylor visited the city, visited at D. M. S. C. O. on
boys Sunday, the 19th, having as Mugs: "Oh, but Alice, don't
that we are willing to sacrifice Stunt Day. vou understand? Rusty just
a little time and labor, at least a bodyguard Ma, Pa and Grand- Reports from Albert Lea are
ma. made the last payment on my
once a week, a year, we will have fine for Doctor Hermia Early. engagement ring?"
the parents and teachers back of Saturday morning, the 24th, We welcome our new sister,
us. was designated as general house- Miss Alma Robins, from Boston.
We can eliminate curvature, cleaning day, every man having She has matriculated in the Sen- Farmer: "Well, son, what are
eventually, only by the early de- his share to do. ior A class. you doing up that tree?"
tection of scoliosis, and correct- Sunday, the 25th, the frat had Word has been received of the Son: "Just got a letter frozm
ive work while the vertebrae are as guests Drabing, a sophomore marriage of Dr. Wealthie Pear- the sophomores in the corre-
yet in the process of ossification. from A. S. 0. who is matriculat- son, of Knoxville, Iowa, to Mr. spondence school telling me to
THE NATIONAL LEAGUE ing at D. M. S. C. O. this semes- Harvey, Harvey, Iowa. haze myself.' '
FOR THE PREVENTION OF ter, Swang of Ames, and two East The club verifies the Weir',l re-
SPINAL CURVATURE is now a High graduates, Sheets and Cal-
lison. The latter two enter- port concerning Olive Lenhart. Deane Elsea was talking about
national factor, and known every- his many shieking duties and ex-
where as an Osteopathic organi- tained the fellows with some fine
music, piano and sax combina- DELTA OMEGA claimed, "Can vou imagine any-
zation. One object is to reach one in my shoes?"
the layman, and through them tion. The Deltas were recently priv-
Pink Marlow claims to have ileged to have Dr. J. L. Schwartz His listeners looked at the
the chi'dren. The slogan-"EV- aforementioned canal boats and
ERY CHILD'S SPINE EXAiVM- the best treatment for post vac- explain to them the uses and
cination. See him for particu- show different apparatuses for answered, "Yes sir."
be in the mind of all Osteopaths. lars. using the Ultra-Violet Ray. This
Preparations for SPINAL CUR- evening proved not only interest- Punk Marlow, at basketball
VATURE WEEK should be start- Phi Sigmia Gamma ing, but very instructive. game: "Al'right now. let's have a
ed months in advance of THE A. E. Smith has been working Tuesday evening, January 20, siren for the team."
WEEK. Speakers should be se- in the Dutch room at the Kirk- the Deltas gave their farewell Max Friend: "Hey, make it a
lected to visit adjacent cities wood for so long that he has ac- banquet at the Woodlawn, honor- blonde, will you?"
and towns, and give popular lec- ing their graduating members,
quired the accent and is wearing
tures on health subjects, and on wooden soles on his shoes. He now Dr. Avis Payne and Dr. Ma-
bel Runyon. It was a prettily Neighbor: "Your son just
the prevention of scoliosis. This has been reading a book, "Bell- threw a stone at me!"
takes a bit of time, but it surely hop to Manager," we would im- arranged affair, and all hands
were on deck, including Drs. Dr. Spring: "Did he hit you?"
means much for Osteopathy. We agine. Neighbor: "No."
should make ourselves more wide- Harry Elston is paying the Katherine Wainscott, Neva Moss,
Ferne Woods and Mary Golden, Dr. Snring: "Then it wasn't
ly known as SPINAL SPECIAL- brothers a visit while in Des my son."
ISTS, and in what better way can Moines and can't resist "the call from the field, and Mrs. H. V.
we do it than through a week of of the wild," as he took charge of Halladay and "Mother" Halladay.
work, that will bring press com- Dr. Mary surprised everyone In Coach Sutton's recent chem.
a little obstetrical work during
ment, at least on the addresses, present by having the lights exams, one belated soph was
his short stay. heard to remark, sotto voce:
given by Osteopaths accustomed turned out (but individual and
We wish to explain that the center table candle lights light- "How far are you from the cor-
to speak at conventions and be- Police Gazette is not a fraterni-
fore clubs. ed), and then, by the candle rect answer?" Which drew the
ty subscription, but goes to "Pu- glow, each was to relate a dream reply of "Two seats."
The women of our profession lee's Barber Shop." Down the
should be in the lead, and lay- desired or realized. In some in-
steips and to the right, please. stances the tongues refused to
women will work if given a Bill Reese is not rehearsing Casev: "How do you know
chance. Write to that little ma- for an Al Jolson production. He's wag, and all present were wom- you'll be faithful?"
gician, Dr. E. Clair Jones, in en, too! Jones: "I have been to oth-
shining shoes in Pulee's Tonsorial
Pennsylvania, and he will tell you Parlor. ers."
what the laywomen of his town The two Wops are back in the ATLAS CLUB
have done for Osteopathy. house again. We will have to The semi-annual banquet of the Frosh: "What's the meaning
We feel better satisfied with p-lt up with Weir's revised bed- Xiphoid Chapter was held at of the word 'pedestrian'?"
life when we reach out and help time stories again now. Anyone Younkers' on January 16th, in Dr. Steffen: "It is defined as
someone. Here is the golden op- contemplating a European trip honor of brothers Lustig, Ras- 'raw material for an accident.'"
portunity to make the most of can secure detailed information tede and Lewis, who became full-
.one week. by calling Market 4264 and ask- fledged D. O.'s this month. Dr.
MARCH 15-21 IS SPINAL CUR- ing for Gordon or Weir. Halladay acted as toastmaster, DOING IT RIGHT
VATURE WEEK. The new chair in the front while Dr. Bachman and Dr. Mar- "What on earth are you wear-
lroom is not a fraternity affair. shall gave the principal talks of ing all those coats for?" asked
the evening. Among the other the neighbor.
Are You Looking for a It is Spencer's easy chair. Since
he's become an upper classman field members present were Drs. "Well," was the reply. "I'm go-
Location? he has become so passive he Honsinger, Cam;pbell, McMullen ing to paint my barn, and the di-
won't eat; just high toning his and Woods. During the eats the rections on the paint-can say,
Dr. R. E. Brooker, Grinnell, inferiors. boys enjoyed opera by Ray Har- 'For the best results, put on
Iowa, informs us that he knows Pledge Long's moods are regu- rison and Jazz Hoffman. Life three coats."-The Watchword
of two very good locations in the lated by the mail he receives. Membership Certificates were (Dayton, O.)
state of Iowa. Any one desiring The reason he is so happy most presented to the graduating
more definite information is re- of the time is because of the fact members by Noble Skull Ko- THE GOOD OLD DAYS
ferred to the doctor. he receives twelve letters a day. schalk and retiring Noble Skull DOCTORS OPERATE ON BOY'S
Dr. Fern M. M.arsh, Muncie, In- Less than that calls for a period Eades was presented the Atlas HEAD TO MAKE BETTER
,diana, writes that there is a very of depression. Club crest as an appreciation of BOY OF HIM
good opening for a rising young Joe Rader is taking nurse's his good work. -Newspaper Headline.
Osteopath in Muncie. Dr. Marsh training, so we take it. More It is interesting to note that That isn't where our dads op-
will give full particulars upon in- power to you, Miss Triand. He's the Atlas Club is well represent- erated to make better boys of us.
quiry. never been caught yet. (Continued on page 4) -Pitt Panther.
- - __

Dr. Spring Entertains Figures Don't Lie

The Log Book Friday night, January 23, Doc-
"From the 'land of perpetual
The Official Publication of sunshine' comes an epistle extra-
tor Spring entertained his Symp- ordinary over the signature of
DES MOINES STILL COLLEGE tomology class in his home. A the medical examiner of the Y.
OSTEOPATHY whole evening in Doctor Spring's W. C. A., of Pasadena, Calif.
"This letter forms a scathing
President .......... ...... S. L. Taylor home is but as a blink. Cross- indictment of the present ethi-
Editor--___--_- _Don Baylor word puzzles with the faculty in-
_--- cal silence of the fraternity, it
volved - limericks foretelling seems to us, rather than a criti-
Osteopathii Without Limitation grave tragedies christening with cism of physicians-it uncovers a
fault in our ethics rather than
wonderful names (ask M. Conn) a weakness in our methods.
Drake Relays radio entertainment one good "Alice S. Cutler, M. D., states
canine act by "Peps"-all these that in her capacity as medical
There has been considerable were instrumental in making examiner of the Y. W. C. A., she
has examined over 1200 women
talk around school recently con- this party one that will never be and girls for gymnasium work,
cerning entries in the Drake Re- forgotten. Really, the only time and, being interested in their
lay Meet from D. M. S. C. 0., and each fellow was quiet was when outside medical attendants, she
he had his buccal cavity filled asked each one of them who their
not without foundation. with the sumptuous refresh- family physicians were. Here is
With the wealth of material ments. Did the gang enjoy them? the list, and as Dr. Cutler says,
available, Still college should be -foolish question when Still Col-
lege is concerned. it surely is a sore reflection on The Observer Says
able to produce at least two re- We certainly do appreciate Dr. the medical profession:
relay teams that could show a Spring's interest in us, and we 772 go to Osteopaths, Gosh
120 go to Chiropractors,
clean pair of heels to anything in feel we have a friend in him out- 183 go to Christian Scientists, Ain't Love Grand
+he-college section of this mid- After side of school as well as in class. 125 go to the regular medical If you don't
all is said and done, there profession.
dle west classic. is really only one, one honest-to- Believe it
"It doesn't seem possible and Just watch our
From another standpoint, if the goodness Dr. Spring. we do not believe that this av-
college should enter the meet, Three bona fide
erage obtains throughout the
the resultant publicity the school If I were asked to define sales- country, yet the figures shall Engaged couples
would derive would more than manship in one sentence, I would stand forever as a flashing, warn- So
say it was nothing more nor less ing signal to materia medica et Marry in haste
compensate for the additional than making the other fellow al."-R. & C. Medical Quarterly.
outlay of finance. feel as you do about the goods And
Repeat at leisure
As every student knows, the you have to sell. Senior A Assembly a When we get that
college has recently completed Scream New college building
one of the greatest football sea- a Some men move through life as
band of music moves down the And campus our
sons in the history of the school. thoroughfare flinging out melody (Continued from page 1) Suggestion
Also, you all realize the vast ex- and harmony through the air to dates. The best part of this act For an appropriate
pense of maintaining and equip- everyone far and near who lis- was Slim Smith's take-off on Dr. Over the front
ping a modern football squad. tens.-Henry Ward Beecher. Gawdge Hurt's walk.
Door saying
Heretofore, track has not been During the entire performance,
Good Idea.-A little girl see- the graduating seniors were en- Would be
included in the athletic schedule ing a one-armed man on the
sconced on the very front row, Abandon ye all
of the college, and as a result, street said to her mother: "Mam- so that they could not miss a sin- Dope
the athletic management does ma, will his arm ever grow gle thing. Judging from the ex- Who enter here
not, at this time, have funds again?" pressions on their faces, their Everyone in the
available for the backing of a "No, darling, replied her moth- emotions were varied, but all
relay team. er. enjoyed the event to the fullest Institution
The child thought for a mo- meaning of the word. It is need- Is backing Angus'
Plans are under way for the ment and then said: "Well, mam- less to say that they learned of Red demons to
raising of funds to place Still ma, if the Lord made us, I think many little characteristics that
had heretofore escaped their at- Come out first
College in the Relays, and ev- He ought to keep us in repair,
tention. In the little
ery loyal student is expected to don't you?"-Boston Transcript.
The under classes are already Wooden barrel
do his share. Co-operation on
Many a fellow who has been concentrating on the present in- Contest
the part of everyone will put it cumbents of the Senior A classi-
over! Don't sit back and wait been guided by appearances has later Don't know what
counted among the disap- fication, and from all indications, The occasion is
for the other fellow to do the pearances. May 22 will be- another red let-
work. When the plans are an- ter day in the list of D. M. S. C. But Pinkie Schwartz
nunced, give them your hearty O. chapel meetings, minus enema And S. L. are
It is something to have dis- scenes. Daily practicing
support! Do your share towards covered the shadow of reality if
entering a team from Still Col- one has wit enough to seek the If there is a sacrifice of the Hand ball
lege in the Drake Relays! substance which casts it. rights and comforts of others in There's something
it, if there is a stain of dishonor Underhanded
Progress undoubtedly requires on your stocks and bonds, do not Goin' on-some
From the Field motion, but a lot of folks make boast of your success, for you Place
the mistake of thinking that have failed. Making money by
dirty work is bad business, gild At a recent
Some time ago an article was commotion is an effective substi-
it how we will. Fraternity Dance
published inviting the alumni tute. A fair damsel
and friends of D. M. S. C. O. to
Was heard to remark
write in to the Log Book. Now, ALUMNI, ATTENTION! I :always did like
we want to express our apprecia- The Alumni Association of Still College are making plans for Doctors
tion for your response. Letters a reunion to be held at the Toronto meeting next June. The enter-
They are so jolly
from the field, such as we have tainment and program for this meeting will be in charge of R. M.
And they take life
received, prove an asset of un- Forrister, G. G. Elliott and W. O. Hillary. It is hoped that all the
SO '
told value in this work, and it is alumni will make an effort to attend this meeting, as the commit- Easy
hoped that they will continue to tee will arrange a very good program, which will be published in But anywho
come in. Don't hesitate to criti- a later issue of the Log Book. I am, Did ya ever hear
cize conscientious constructive Fraternally, Of a hen
That mislaid
criticism is the thing a publica- F. B. McTIGUE, An egg
tion of this nature can receive. President, Still College Alumni. Period
_· · _ · -
-- .1 I

"What People Think of The Surgical Clinic Fraternity Notes From the Field
the Doctors" (Continued from page 1) (Continued from page 2) The January meeting of the
ed at the Big Brothers' Club of Detroit Osteopathic Association
erators, and the student receiv-
(From Literary Digest, Sept. 22, ing his surgical instruction under Drake, at which time the boys was held at the hospital on Janu-
1923) these men is indeed fortunate. ary 21st, and another large audi-
study the mysteries of the Bi-
"Replies were grouped under In addition to the minor sur- ence was present to enjoy a pro-
gical clinic, in which the student ble.
general heads from 5,719 persons Brother Spencer gets two spe- gram of first class material.
in Chicago, from 1,053 persons assists with anesthetics and care The position of honor on the
out of Chicago-a total of 6,772. of the patient, the major clinic cial delivery letters every Sun-
is equally as well supplied with program of the evening was held
From this totatl only 931, or day morning regularly, and it is
13-5/16 per cent, had never dab- material. And while not actual- by Dr. T. M. Patrick of Norwalk,
also known that he is going to
bled in any cult (Note: To the ly participating in this work, the Ohio-well known to many in the
student is in constant "contact" Kirksville this coming Friday.
Allopath, all other schools of Des Moines and Kirksville
therapy are known as "cults"). with each step throughout the Royal Nelson was promoted to
course of the "op" and obtains the vegetable counter at the caf- schools. Dr. Patrick was for-
Of 931 with a perfect record, on- merly an instructor in D. M. S.
ly 384, or 5-11/17 per cent, had more firsthand information than eteria. He used to be floor girl.
no curiosity about any of said could be derived from hours of The coming Thursday is prac- C. O., and will be long remem-
cults and no intention of experi- classroom work. tical work night and Frank Spen- bered for his thorough work
menting just a bit with them. Operative obstetrics from the cer assures us he has something while in that capacity.
"Of the 5,841 who were direct- 0. B. Clinic, such as Caesarian good. The topic for the evening was
section, version, etc., are also hos- Harold Sifling, who comes from "Problems of Practice," and
ly against the physicians, direct- Chicago, has been transferred to made several of the old-timers
ly for the other fellow, which is pitalized, and the student again the Xiphoid Chapter. We wel-
witnesses and assists in the prac- and more youthful practitioners
quite a different matter, or who come Brother Sifling. of this city prick up their ears.
had at some time or other been tical application of his class-
room theories. No speaker is a success unless he
interested in the other fellow to STRIKING A BALANCE can make his audience take ex-
the extent of investing money in With the instruction and expe- A certain canny Scotsman had ception to some of his views, and
his healing methods only 7 per rience derived from the Depart- carried on a courtship of long this lecture certainly did oeep
cent of them were directly op- ment of Surgery, the graduating duration without definitely com- everybody awake, to say the
posed to the physician on student is capable of doing a ma-
mitting himself. The girl, if least. Dr. Patrick always brings
count of some fault of his jor portion of his minor surgery
own; she worried herself at the long a wealth of detail into his sub-
that is, malpractice, either -he can recognize surgical cases
real probation, gave no sign until one ject, and we are indebted to him
or imagined, or his failure as immediately, and is able to se-
an morning her tardy lover, thumb- for a very sincere and thought-
individual to adapt himself to lect capable men to do his major
a ing a small notebook, said: "Mag- arousing talk. Dr. Patrick, or
situation. surgical work. He is thoroughly gie, I have been weighing up your "Pat," as he is known to his clos-
"As I said, we have all classes trained in post operative treat- guid points, and I hae already er friends, always carried a
represented here, from day labor- ment, can readily distinguish be- got to ten. When I get a dozen goodly supply of so-called sto-
ers to society leaders, with just tween good and bad surgery, and I'm goin' tae ask ye the fatal ries, and we are happy to report
about a 50-50 break between as a result will be more able to fuestion." that it is still growing.
those above and those below mid- retain his patients than the man "Weel, I wish ye luck, Jock," The Detroit Association is con-
dle class in property-holding. with the mediocre training in this answered the maiden. "I hae also gratulating itself upon obtaining:
And we found what to us was a branch of our work. gotten a wee book, and I've been lecturers of the caliber of Dr.
rather interesting fact-that the We students appreciate greatly puttin' doon your bad points. Patrick and Dr. Gregg, also a
semi-foreign communities on the these privileges and advantages, There are nineteen in it already, Des Moines man, and have appre-
west side of Chicago showed a and feel that ours is the best and when it reaches the score ciated their work tremendously.
smaller per cent experimenting clinic and staff in the country in I'm goin' tae accept the black- Fraternally,
with doubtful healing practices this branch of Osteopathic train- smith!"-Western Christian Ad- DR. W. J. LAIRD,
than the exclusive Hyde Park ing. It is the combination of our vocate. Detroit Osteopathic Assn.
and North Shore residential dis- various clinics, we feel sure, com--...
tricts."-Buda Carroll Keller, in bined with unexcelled classroom "I hear you gave a delightful Mistress-"You say you under-
The Illinois Medical Journal. work, that enables D. M. S. C: O. party last night, old chap. What stand all about babies. What ex-
to "turn out" real doctors that was it to celebrate? perience have you had?"
will help to lift the profesison "It was for my wife. It's the Applicant for Job as Nurse:-
Success is usually due to hold- to the position it deserves in the 10th anniversary of her 30th "Why, I was a baby once myself,
ing on, and failure to letting go. eyes of the scientific world. birthday."- The Pathfinder. ma'am.'"-American Legion.

- I I
Entered as second class THE-- Acceptance for mailing
matter, February 3. 1923. at special rates of postage
at the post office at Des providedfor in section 1103,
Moines, Iowa, under the
act of August 24th, 1912.
LOG BOOK act of October 3, 1917. au-
thorized February 3, 1923.


Volume 2 February 15, 1925 Number 15

.-".- " .......
:",' .... ' ' .. . '. - ', .. :'.. .

Still's Cagers D. M. S. C. O.
Invade "Swedeland" Didja Ever--
Coach Frank Sutton's Purple
-· - · ·-·-
. ..
;-·· -· Laboratories
and White basketball team in-
vaded Minnseota late last month, The students, as well as the
playing two games with the Her- Osteopathic profession as a
mel. Independents at Austin, whole, have been glad to note the
Minnesota, Thursday and Friday. marked improvement in the lab-
oratories of the Des Moines Still
January 29 and 30. Both con-
tests were dropped to the Goph- College of Osteopathy this year.
This work, 'we feel, has been
er independent five. placed in competent hands who
Thursday night the Purple and have been reorganizing the work
White quintet gave the Austin- into orderly routine procedures
ites more than a battle, losing according to the latest and best
by a score of 23 to 18. Coach approved laboratory methods. For
Sutton's team took -an early lead, 'this work, we must particularly
Smith and Friend scoring before commend the following instruc-
the Packing company aggrega- tors:
tion registered. Soon afterward, Dr. Lola Taylor, Gynecology
however, the Packers jumped in- Laboratory.
to the lead and were never again Dr. G. E. Hurt, Head of Chem-
headed. istry, Bacteriology and Pathol-
Throughout the contest the ogy laboratories.
Austin players were baffled by
Coach Sutton's five-man defense. Dr. J. M. Woods, Head of Ana-
tomical laboratory and instruc-
They.found it impossible to pen- tor of Anatomy for the past five
etrate the local defense and years at D. M. S. C. 0.
made- many of their hoopers Dr. Honsinger, Instructor of
front beyond the free-throw line. Laboratory Diagnosis and Labora-
The 'contest was close through- tory Technician at the Des
out and only in the final minu- Moines General Hospital.
tes of play did the Minnesotans L. B. Hurt, Laboratory Assist-
draw away to a lead that finally ant.
clinched the victory. We cannot be amazed at the
The second game was the re- results if we but stop to con-
verse of the opening battle-the sider that these instructors have
Purple -and- White five going made this branch of the work
down to a 38-16 defeat. In spite their specialty, and some of them,
of the -one-sided score and not their life's work, but we can feel
detracting from the fact that ourselves fortunate in being able
the win was well-earned. it must to secure this class of instruc-
be said that during this contest, tion.
the Packers "were hot" as far The best testimony offered as
as basket work was concerned. an appreciation of this work
In fact the Austin players
seemed unable to miss any shots.
Regardless of the position or
] came about recently when the
students of Des Moines Still
College of Osteopathy placed .a
angle on the court, when a think of the similarity between a married man trying to get single order for $1000.00 worth
Packer shot in the general di- away with the ol' weekly pay check and the sweet young of laboratory equipment to bet-
rection of the hoop, the ball de- graduate trying to start practice on a diploma alone! ter facilitate their work and as
scended through for a brace of an embryonic start for a future
points. Still, on the other hand laboratory when they have estab-
aJso took numerous shots but Helen Keller Still College Day lished themselves in practice.
Lady Luck was absent on many The school has also purchased[
of these heaves and the result and Osteopathy at Drake U. several thousand dollars' worth
of the contest was never in any of new equipment, consisting of-
doubt from the middle of the During her brief visit to Des latest model Spencer micro--
first half until the final whistle. Sunday, March 8, promises to scopes, glassware, and other lab-
The Purple and White team Moines, Helen Keller, the world be a big day for Still College.
The Big Brothers Club of the oratory essentials. Altogether:
was extended a most cordial known deaf, dumb and blind we would say there was "some""
welcome by the followers of the woman gave the following inter- University Church of Christ has improvement.
Austin team. In addition it set aside this date for our day.
view to a D. M. S. C. O. student We had a splendid day last yera, The addition of a Senior Lab-
must be said that the members oratory has proven'tobe
of the Packer aggregation con- following her address at ' the as a great number will remem- a very"
Hoyt Sherman place. ber. Let us be still better rep- gratifying experiment. This neat,.
ducted themselves as true sports- compact little laboratory, com-
men both on and off the floor. Miss Keller is well acquainted resented this year.
with the merits of Osteopathy plete in every detail, was de-
Dr; Tom Van de Grift, alumnus Dean Johnson is going to be vised .so that the senior studentg
of the Still College of Osteopa- having been under an Osteopath's present !and give us one of his
care during an illness in Kirks- of D. M. . C. 0. could assist ma-
thy, was also very instrumental right-to-the-point talks. terially in diagnosis of clinical
in providing enjoyable enter- ville and in Des' Moines, so that Why not make it an inter-fra- cases by performing the neces-
tainment for the members of it may be readily seen that the ternity contest, and see which sary routine · procedures, and to
Coach Sutton's quintet. remarks in her- interview -are organization can have the great- relieve congestion 'in the under-
Following the first' contest based in actual experience' and est number of men out? class laboratories by.. making it
the local 'eam was invited to not upon heaisay. unnecessary for the-senior stu-
attend a dance by the "Forty Remember the time and place.
As' the words came through Drake :University auditorium, dents to use their' equipment.
Clubb" of f which .Dr. Van de Grift the hands of her interpreter ask-, March' 8th, at nine-thirty A.· M. The laboratory containe com-
(Continued on page 3) (Continued on' page 4) Let's go! (Continued on page 4)
__ _ __I_____ _I I _ ___ I - ----
Class Elections Fraternity Notes stays up all night answering
calls, anyway.
This diverting indoor sport has Iota Tan Sigma Everyone is astonished to see
been entertaining those so in- Earl Shaw spent a few days of the extreme change in Weir. He
clined for the past week. Some last week entertaining a pain in
were successful in getting "their no longer tells bed time stories
the side. A little too much use
man" in and some were not. of the saxophone was attributed to the fairer sex, but spends his
However, such is life. However, the cause. evenings, after he leaves Olive,
all the classes are to be congrat- Jim Coehran also took a few listening to the bed time stories
ulated upon the officiaries they days off with a touch of the flu.
have selected. The following are on his new radio.
Attended by much pomp and
'all that have been reported to mystery, the Muck Divers Ball Dick Gordon has a new Taplin I
date: was held at the house Friday, table in the house now, and has
Senior Class February 6th. Al Levich's or- been working it overtime.
chestra produced sufficient music The Great American Question
President, Eades. Ralph Davis is a member of
to appease all the Divers. At in- -"Blonde or Brunette?"
Vice President, Miss Matthews. termission, in keeping with the the "Woman-Haters' Club" since
Secretary, Murphy. teachings of the pawn shop his last refusal. Poor boy!
Treasurer, Miller. prophets, His Satanic Majesty (Lucky dog!) Medicine Showman: "One bot-
President Eades then appoint- appeared and informed all the Moco (our battling Eskimo) tle of this elixir and you will be
ed the following senior commit- ladies that the "end had came," 20 years younger; two bottles
and proceeded to lead them has been neglecting training and you will be 30 years young-
tees: For the selection of class through the Chamber of Horrors. rules, as his health and slim er; three bottles and-"
color and flower, Alice Burnett, (All survived.) At the end of frame won't stand up under it. Aged Voice: "Gimme a case
Mary Fletcher and Zoa Munger. the route they were rejoined by More power to you, Elsea. and a teething ring!"
For invitations and programs, the better halves in the notori-
ous resort known to the under. Relieved But Uncured
Dickenson, Fletcher and Gordon. world as "Nigger Mike's Dance Delta Omega
all and Saloon." All partook of "Let me kiss those tears away,
Sophomore A Miss Tracy, the new freshman
sweetheart," he begged.
the variously colored pops and student, was the honored guest
President, C. A. Ward. departed to dance again another She fell into his arms and he
Vice President, W. A. Ghost. day. at a Chili supper given by the was very busy for a few minu-
Secretary, Mary Jane Porter. Lois Irwin and Margaret Delta Omegas Wednesday eve- tes. But the tears flowed -on.
French were dinner guests Sun- "Can nothing stop them " he
ning, February 4th, at the Green- asked
Treasurer, W. B. Damm. day. breathlessly.
Les Greenhill, Elgin, Illinois, wood Park log cabin. All ac- "No," she murmured. "It's hay
Sopholmore B
spent a few days at the house tives attended the affair, and the fever, but go on wiah the treat-
President, Stanley Evans. visiting the Elgin Trio. following field and honorary ment.
Vice President, Harmon Kra- The Honor Roll is still flour- members: "Mother" Halladay,
mer. ishing. All the brothers attend- Had It With Him :
ing church and Sunday school Mrs. H. V. Halladay, Dr. Ferne
Secretary-Treasurer, M..abelle Doctor: "My friend, you are
E. Moore. receive a gold star on the honor Woods, Dr. Mary Golden, Dr. suffering:-from a chronic com-
This class, always small, is' in- roll. Five successive Sundays, a Katherine Wainscott, Dr. Ken- plaint."
button. Isn't it strange, what worthy, Dr. Lovegrove, Dr. Neva Patient: "I know it, but please;
creasing in number materially. things a woman can make a man Moss, Mrs. Sara Schwartz, Mrs. lower your voice, she's in the
and is now almost twice as large do? next room. . .
as it was. a year ago, which is Mildred Hurt.
very encouraging to its members. Phi Sigma Gamma The Krug sisters added to the Foreign Stuph
A hard times dance was held hilarity of the occasion by bring- He: "That American flapper
at the chapter house on Friday ing their portable Victrola and a at the hotel went out today,
Are You Looking evening. Everyone enjoyed the number of live wire records. Pat tried to climb a mountain, and
for a Location? evening, the early part of which Matthews fell from a glacier."
was spent at the basketball game. proved her culinary
She: "No one accompanied
Music was furnished by the Blue skill to the delight of all. Ev- her?"
Dr. A. F. Francis, Oroville, Cal- Diamond orchestra. eryone declared they had a jolly He: "No, she's accusomed to
ifornia, is retiring from active Open house is being taken ad- good time. letting her conscience be her
practice after a quarter of a vantage of by all the brothers Oh Yes! You should have seen guide."
century of Osteopathic work. He and other students of the col-
has developed the Francis Sani- lege. Come on fellows, and en- the new Delta. She's a regular. Prescribe Listerine
tarium, an institution using hy- joy Sunday afternoons, and bring Who is she? Dr. J. L. Schwartz.
drotherapy, electrotherapy, me- your ladies. Max Friend is there Uh-huh, and he liked being a "I'sh 'fraid t'go home. Wife'll
chanotherapy and thermotherapy, with his joy makers, and they Delta, so he said. Anyhow the shmel me breath."
which is now for sale or lease surely are a warm crowd. "Hold ya breath."
chatter and clatter and result- "Can't. 'stoo strong."
with his practice. Anyone inter- Bob Morgan thinks he made an ant eats seemed to have a sooth-
ested, write to the Log Book for awful mistake in taking up Oste- ing effect. Hoorah for Dr. Joe!
further information. opathy. This thought was occa- Oh-h-h-h!
Through the Log Book, the
Dr. C. Rasmussen, of Maquoke- sioned by the garage bill he re- Deltas wish to extend their sym- Weir: "Do you want to marry
ta, Iowa, is moving to a larger ceived for repairs to his car in pathy to Dr. Avis Payne in her a one-eyed man "
city and has quite a lucrative a recent smash-up. recent bereavebent. Olive: "No; why?"
practice for sale. Maquoketa is Bill Reese says he can't get Weir: "Then let me carry the
a county seat town of 4000 in- used to Des Moines people. Back CHEAP LUCK umbrella."
habitants.; he is the only osteo- in his home town everybody
path in town. Good opportunity "I was advised if I wished to OBSTINATE
turns out for fires. be lucky," remarked the Elgin
for someone. Mother-"Now. children, don't
Pledge Cavanaugh has been man, "to throw a penny over the quarrel. What's the matter?"
confined to the chapter house bridge the first time the train Harold-"We're playin' shin-
the past week with an infected crossed running water. I did it, wreck, an' Susie won't go in the
:Still Five Beats upper lip. but the string nearly got en- bathroom Pn' drown herself."-
Beebe just can't seem to get tangled when I was pulling it up
Graceland 23-17 the candy and sugar case going. again."
American Legion Weekly.
We might suggest that he stay A quack doctor was praising
The Still College basketball in once in a while and see if it MORE OF THE SAME his "medicines" to a rural audi-
team defeated the Graceland won't function. A bishop relates the following ence.
College cagers by a score of 23 Howland and Montgomery are experience: After the service "Yes. ladies and gentlemen," he
contemplating the purchase of a one Sunday morning he was ap- sai,d, "I have sold these pills for
to 17. The contest was played on small fleet of Yellow Cabs to proached by an old lady who ex- over twenty years, and never
the Drake University floor. The make those 0. B. calls. Can't pressed great appreciation of his have I heard one word of com-
game was close throughout, with seem to get everyone out there discourse. "Why, bishop," she plaint about them. What does
in time for the curtain raiser. said, "you can never know what that prove?"
the locals holding the upper hand Bill Reese has applied for the your service meant to me. It From a voice in the crowd
during the major portion of the position of cab driver of one of was just like water to a drown- came this reply: "Dead men tell
battle. the aforenrentioned cabs, as he ing man."-Boston Transcript. no tales."
I I ,

Masonic Club Fron

The Log Book
Throwing Dance A number
The Official Publication of letters hav
DES MOINES STILL COLLEGE 'The Osteoapathic Masonic Club
cently and'
OSTEOPATHY met Friday morning, with Presi-
that we do
- dent Eades presiding. Discusion
President ..... .......... S. L. Taylor of Masonic Club dance. It was space to pr
Editor-__ ,____
---.- Don Baylor decided to hold the dance Fri- Dr. C. I
1 I
Ark.: We'r
Osteopathy Without'' Limitation day night, the 29th, at the Rose are enjoying
Lorenz Studio, with Jimmie Cal-
lison's Jazz Boys furnishing the you continu
HOPE music. Committee in- charge, Dr. M. M
Poucher, chairman, Robertson, Nebraska:
Hope is the bridge that car- Richardson, Voss. and Davis. iors about N
ries us over. Over all the trials, This.is. the first of the strictly the letter.
tribulations, tedious spots and Masonic: Club dances. those in Dr. Herm
setbacks that are prone to litter :the past being college affairs Louis. Mo.:
the onward paths of us humans. sponsored by the Club. your 'letter,
Hope is that ever impelling; rived some good ideas from 'the
incessantly urging; constantly Fraternity Notes: same. Let's heiar from you. again. The Observer Says:
calling; 'never faltering cause of Alpha Xi Iota Sigma
causes. which lifts us out of: the Sunday, February 1, .'Anna The Healing of the Sick The' other morning " '
depths' of. dejection and despair; Doyle and Amorette Bledsoe en- :"h"en Dean Johnson
which again forces us on, away, tertained Miss Tracey at' a Chop Medicine :is- not .complete. Remarked - ..
away on the route toward the Suey dinner. Neither is Osteopathy complete,- ':Ignorance .- ..'-' . '
goal of our desires. Dr. Dora Morgan visited. us but the : two,- with .suggestive
therapeutics, make: a: complete s Biss :i: ,
last week and incidentally. saw.
Hope is the shimmering, shin- R;obert. Come againj Dora:, we whole.:. For example',after you .:But' let's not .' ..
ing, guiding light, ever gleaming are always glad to see you. talk operation to'a patient, the Have so much
faithfully through the dark, Tuesday, February 3, the Axis subject .of the operation gives Bliss
the patient a mental shock, the
dank night coaxing us to venture Club girls enjoyed a luncheon at anaesthetic produces a shock, Must have been
out in new ways, with new Harris Emery's in honor of Miss and the severance of the tissues Referring to the
Tracey, who. entered school this gives a shock, so there are
means; offering new courage to semester. Senior A's
capably. cope with the lowering three distinct shocks. So in heal- In the class
From present symptoms, Anna ing the sick, the three - med-
clouds that seem about to swal- Doyle will soon be keeping step ical, mental- and physical:.. must go Notice that
low us' in our pitiful plights.. : in ethe ranks -of "The Engaged"' .togeth. f:Theheale of th ' g i-ck Several of the 'IBoys
company;''!:. '....:.. :.'.'::' .: must:'be :'capable' of e:verything -'Had New-
It. carries courage, :'-.dispels
:hatis:ifecegssary to:'the, healing ::' W hite Girls: . ':.
gloom; routs doubt; ren'ews. a.:de-
othe sick. : . . . . At' the' .recent
:"':' '
sire to live; revamps'ende:avor
enthusiasm and tenaciity'.' Town Topics _:.Post E/xam Jubilee
Hope defies all precedent. It : D ance .'; ' :::
'-: .. -:''
: The? .'am weather--
removes fear. It knows- no :ob sios'.Amot:- ': .'-'leds anno-nc-
* ' She .s w':ell known here, anidher
stacle. It brooks no defeat.:.: .:;:,: that ;afteri- two years' sojourne at friends'witl be surprised to learnf :ust ave'::recalled 'the'
of. her' marriage.- (Rdck'. Island
Hope animates-rejuvenat es. 821 19th street, se hasmovied bUnion.) -- :
to 915 40th ' :Ihnspring.
the, :"
It perpetually prods us into posi- :Sure, we never thought she'd
:'But Jo Bowman takes the A youngaman:s fancy
tion. It beats down the barriers. prize when it comes to moving. catch any one.
It beckons unti lwe' enter endur- Her latest i's from 1312 High ' to Hugh Poland returned Satur- 'Etc '-'X-
ing eternity. 1508 high. We hope she will like day from Bangor and passed the 'It' has- been rumored
her new home as well as all the week-end in bath with his fam- : Round the campus
When misfortune changes our ily.-(Kennebec Journal.) That one
course, hope sets us: aright. The 'Reviving an ancient Saturday Of'
hopeful hearttransforms trouble Atias Club night rite. The new Freshmen
into triumphs. Field member Dr. Marshall Had- his; picture
Hope is our only hope., gave a talk on business admini- TROUSERS-LOST IN RES- Taken in front of
stration Thursday evening Feb. TAURANT on Cicero and Chica-
go-av., Sat., 5 p. m. Finder call The State Historical Building
5th. His talk included care of Austin 7700. Reward $5.-(Chi- And sent it home
Start Them Right the office and equipment, and cago News.) Labeled
ethically carrying on financial
And he never knew till the Cross marks Me
Elizabeth Ann, age 23 month, problems. Some excellent points
were set- forth as to financial waiter made him stop eating.
In front of
had a slight cold. One evening transactions with patients, the
waim being to remain a Science Hall
recently -after having finished ultimate STILL'S CAGERS
Wonder if this
her prayer, she asked her moth- professional man in the eyes of INVADE "SWEDELAND"
the patient and not a Shylock. Masonic Dance
er, "What do I say now?" Brother Van Ness, formerly of (Continued from page 1) Is going to be
"I should ask Jesus to make the Axis Chapter, is now an ac- On the Square
member of of Xiphoid
Xiphoi,d chapter. is a member and through whose
your cold better," was her moth- tive member chaipter. efforts the Still players were in- Those recent rumbling
er's suggestion. Brother Dr. Lustig and wife vited to attend the dance. The Sounds have been the
have ventured to Michigan to Still team was accorded a most
Elizabeth Ann thought a mo- seek a location. Bob is consid- Galloping Dominoes
hospitable reception, but the
ment and then came back with ering either Grand Rapids or members of the dancing club Hard at work down
this, "I guess I'll ask Dr. Jesssie Detroit as possibilities. We wish were well repaid for their cour- In Angus' domain
Johnson" (her osteopath). him lots of luck, which he will tesy by being permitted to see As Apollo said
need before he gets there in his Mac Friend in action doing a To Diogenes on old
We would say that is well di- Lizzie. mean "Vernon Castle" with a Mt. Olympus
rected training, also a truly fine The boys are planning on 100 number of the women fantastic Never make love in
compliment to the Doctor. per cent attendance on Still Col- hoppers present. In fact many A chariot
lege day at the B. B. Club Sun- Austinites will attest to the fact Cause
The love of a little child is a day, March 8th, University Chris- that Mac's performance was well Horses carry tales
thing to be coveted. tian Church. worth the nrice of admission. Period.
I .--- --- ---- X-- -- - -- - --- -----
--. I
. . . . .
. ... ..

100 per cent greater, or, in oth- Helen Keller

D. M. S. C. O. er words, about 60 per cent of
Laboratories the cases were diagnosed correct- and Osteopathy
ly. This experiment, one of
(Continued from page 1) many that might be elaborated, (Continued from page one)
plete equipment for the making has pointed out the absolute ne- ing her to say something about
of: cessity of laboratory work in Osteopathy, her face lighted up
Urine analyses; connection with the work of the with a brillant smile and she
Gastric analyses; physician. Practically all schools said so volubly that her inter-
Renal function tests; instructing in the art of healing preter's efforts to keep up with
Blood, red and white count and have recognized the deficiency her were really interruptions:
differential. and have pushed their laboratory "'It, (Osteopathy),. is the only
Bacteriological examinations work forward. Iscience of healing. But: we are
of sputum, smears, etc. Still. h Colle o b n steadily approaching the time
It has been used as a model by push .this work.forward, al s when there will be no more pain
many students and field men for ,ush. h.s , wok o,
,%evi- or hopeless suffering or disease.
denced by the courses offered Osteopathy
eles s heing reat-
the planning and equipping of this year in laboratory technique. And Osteopathy ishelping great-
their private laboratories. provenyven
pr by the fact tha bthfa approx-
that 'ly to- accomplish
for humanity, and thisthat.is
great work
The senior lab has proven well slow to take advantage might be touch of God's hand upon the
worth while from the viewpoint DR. GEORGE HURT proven by the fact htat approx- world"'"
with which it was originally con- irmately 210 laboratory examina-
structed, and now .many of the Director o.f Laboratories tions have been performed each Miss Keller then printed her
students are using. it to better on patients Within and'near signature to the interview stead-
ared autopsies were performed, week
. , - . , . . . . _~~~~~~~~-

the diagnosis on clinic cases. ied by the hand of her com-

The students are particularly 250 of which were patients whose the city of Des Moines.
condition had 'been diagnosed Each year will see a marked panion.
well pleased because everything
is within arm's reach, and in con- without the aid of the laboratory. improvement in the laboratories The interviewer then remarked.
ducting an examination doesn't Their diagnosis proved correct in of the Des Moines Still College, that he hoped some day she
require a prolonged search for only about 30 per cent of the until they have reached a per- might visit the college and talk
the necessary reagents and ves- cases, which is astoundingly high fection excelled by none. to the student body so that they
sels. when it is considered that phys- Visiting field doctors are urged might receive an added inspira-
An interesting experiment per- ical means only were used as an to investigate our laboratories, tion for their work from her.
formed recently in Germany of- aid in diagnosis. In the last 250 and inquire into all branches of Again her face beamed as she
fers substantial proof in support cases, in which both physical and the work. Any suggestions for replied that she, too, hoped she
of the laboratory as a means and laboratory methods were used, an the betterment of the work will might speak to' D. M. S. C. 0.
as an aid in diagnosis. Five hun- estimated correct diagnosis was be gratefully received, student body.

Even tually
Why Not Now?
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Volume 2 March 1, 1925

- c- --
Number 16
-- I·
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Ford's Surgeon-in-Chief

Noted Sociologist
Boosts Osteopathy Clinically Speaking- Speaks in Assembly
- ---- - ---- -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dr. McClure, surgeon-in-chief
Dr. Alva Taylor, well known
of Henry Ford's Detroit, Michi-
sociologist and welfare worker,
gan, hospital, while addressing a
was the speaker at the special
group of Des Moines medical men
assembly last Thursday morning.
.emphasized the need of the av-
His work being the advancement
er.age practitioner to pay atten-
of closer relationship between
tion to all ills. rather than let
every-day life and the applica-
those of minor injury pass by.
tion of elementary godliness and
In making his point he cited fundamental righteousness.
the case of a man who had suf-
fered from pain in his back foi The past week was set aside as
a number of years and who hac "Religious Emphasis Week" for
received no relief from his med- the purpose of bringing before
ical physician. As a last resort the city, through the schools and
the patient turned to Osteopathy churches, the connection or rela-
ultimately securing the relief he tion of every-day problems with
was searching for, thereby, Dr. religion.
iMcClure stated, dethroning med- Dr. Taylor spoke of the rapid
icine and crowning Osteopathy. advance of civilization and the
According to his reasoning it adjustments that must be made
would be infinitely better for the to cope with the situations aris-
M. D.'s to endeavor to assimilate ing. "The application of the Ten
some of the knowledge of the Commandments itself is not
other systems of healing and enough-we must look farther
bring it into their own field than self. We must articulate
&-atherthan knock the "competi- our personal piety in a general
tor." He also mentioned that for relationship to the surrounding
several years some of the larger environment," according to Dr.
schools, as Harvard and Johns Taylor. Numerous examples of
Hopkins, as having taught Me- the places where such an appli-
chano-Therapy as a major sub- cation could be made were cited,
ject. Showing the realization of among which were our banks and
the merits of Osteopathy and the Child Labor problems.
endeavor to protect themselves He pointed out a number of
by the incorporation of it with factors that are a fundamental
their medical principles. necessity to good living that the
people need, such as justice,
democracy, equality, representa-
Des Moines Selected for tive thought and fraternalism
which are constantly being bro-
Central States Meeting ken by the disregard of the mon-
ey makers.
According to Secretary, In closing, Dr. Taylor stated
Dr. that "to be .a Christian
r W>»J AA -L*
CU . ix--wi.- x/ .C ity, : D est-dJby
- man
Moines has been chosen as the must be right with his fellow
convention city for the meeting men and that the outstanding
of the Central States Osteopathic need was not money, but techni-
Society to be held May 27, 28 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ... ._ . .
cians to readjust the social and
political customs of the present;

and 29.
The program planned will be
Devine Leaves Hospital D. M. S. C. 0. to Be Rep- time. These practice to cure ill,
not to collect bills."
second only to the national meet-
ing to be held later in the sum- Word has been received that
resented at Toronto
mer at Toronto. In fact, a num-
ber of the men appearing in Des
Harold Devine, sophomore, who
D. M.. S.C. 0. will attend the
Rather Late than Never
was seriously injured in an auto
Moines will occupy prominent national convention of the A. 0.
positions on the A. 0. A. pro- accident last November, is to be In order to substantiate the
A. next July at Toronto, with claims and to prove the veracity
gram. discharged from University Hos-
colors flying. Exhibit space has of statements made by Jerry
Coming as it does, on the last pital, Iowa City, the latter part
days of school, the meeting will already been reserved and plans Lauck, relative to his entry into
of this week.
for an unparalleled display are the Most Noble Order of Bene-
afford the students an exception- under way. Let's show the pro- dicts, the following statement is
al opportunity to convince the published:
visiting D. O.'s of the sterling A civilization or a society fession that D. M. S. C. 0. is the
-qualities of D. M. S. C. 0. Ap-
which treats the universe as dead livest, most up-to-date college of "Married, Mary Grace Slaugh-
proximately 800 are expected to cannot maintain itself for long, Osteopathy in existence. ter, of Tipton, Iowa, to Dr. Ger-
attend the convention. but is bound to go down sooner ald Lauck, Des Moines, Iowa, this
or later under the impact of the I read lately that there are 30th day of April 1924, at Adel
eternal laws it is unconsciously two classes of people in the Iowa. Rev. R. R. Moser."
Nowhere will you see the cre- violating. world. There are the people who
ative mind-which is another can learn only what they are
name for genius-more active Genius is the great miracle-
Every man's life is an acted taught by
today than in the field of edu- philosophy of one kind or an- there are thesomebody else; and
people who are in-
worker. Genius is the power
cation. which does things that ordinary
other. cessantly learning for themselves. Deoole imrxon
think *L4lVbHi, *Hal
Do-V1--- v--'C'Isx
2 _- _
BOOK : __
I I .

Fraternity Notes other night they found their

Letters of a Freshman sleeping accommodations in vari-
ous and sundry positions and
Phi Sigma Gamma places. Kangaroo Kourt fol-
Dere Folks: A. E. Smith now captains the lowed, which brought out some
Phi Sigma Gamma sleeping team. new methods of swearing. Imag-
Well at last I am at college Joe Rader is being called Com- ine taking the oath before the
but I would kinda like to be modore, as he now puts in every solemn Judge Utterback and
home. The Doctors are takin' evening as desk clerk at the making the response. "I betcha."
Commodore hotel. Handsome Tiny Benien, august
good care of me but I aint had
"Gay" Howland has been called chairman of the house commit-
nothing the matter with me yet. to Story City, Iowa, owing to the tee, was presented with a beau-
They told me some good advice death of his father. The frater- tiful, glowing bow tie as a Valen-
not to get the ruf of my mouth nity offers Brother Howland its tine gift from his Fairy Queen.
sunburned cause if I did I might heartfelt sympathy in his be- A Month or So Ago
(Willie Russell has to tie it for
get run over. I don't see why reavement. him.) Slim: "Oh, I wish the Lord
that could be. But I am being Delta Chapter wishes to take had made me a man."
careful and taking their knowl- Dr. Verge Halladay gave the
this means of thanking Alpha for Brothers a very interesting and Doyle (bashfully): "He did.
ege. I got to have another dol- the invitation to the Big Hobo I'm the man."
lar for a freshman hat one of the instructive talk after chapter
Dance, and trust some of the meeting February 23. His sub-
boys that is a sophmor said he brothens will be there.
needed it for his room. I guess ject was Andrew Taylor Still, Mistress: "You will lave a very
Steingrabe - is surely well and Osteopathy. Many intimate easy time of it here. We have no
they have to use them in ther trained and house-broke, 'cause
work. All of the doctors smoke points in the life of the found- children."
his wife's leaving the city has er of our science and in the his-
in the school. I asked why an not kept him from staying in Mandy: "Don't restrict yo' se'f
they said it was to kill the smell tory of Osteopathy were brought on mah account, ma'am, bekase
in the dissecting place. nights. forth to the edification of the
They iNicholas found the baskets at I'se very fond of children, I is."
must be dissecting all over the Brothers. Especially those points
building. Most of the doctors Lameni hypertrophied to a relative to Bill Smith's monthly
come to school at 8 o'clock, but marked degree. Something is trips to Chicago in connection George and Len Hurt had been
some of them don't come until wrong when one man gets nine with dissection material. unsuccessfully duck hunting for
time for the roll to be called. baskets in a single basketball Punk Marlow is the original two days when George suddenly
Some of them show much intel- game. hard luck king. Broke off a tooth spied a mallard taking wing
ligence in thet way they are Brother Montgomery has cer- sprained an ankle, had an attack about twenty feet away. Becom-
most always ther when rol is tainly had his hands full during of appendicitis, accused of being ing excited, George threw his
called. Most of the doctors work the past two weeks. He has been "tight" (not financially, spiritu- gun to his shoulder as Len cried:
at night at least I think they do on every reception committee ally) by his girl, and recovered- "Hey, don't shoot. That gun
becam se they are always sleepy (O. B.) since Gay has been out all in two days. Beat that if you isn't loaded."
in the c'ay time. I got a job for of the city. can. George: "Can't help it. The
my meals I work a hour for each Spencer received a special de- bird won't wait."
livery New Year's card from The freshmen put on a tubbing
one. I dont get all I want to party the other night for the
eat but when i get my stand-in Brother MacDonald of Kirksville,
on Washington's birthday. Sure benefit of "Love-sick" Nye. Re- A Permanent Guest
with the cook I will. like old iac to be so prompt. sult was reactionary, and every- "I have a new baby brother."
Send me some mor money when Homer Thomas, Spencer and one involved experienced the "Is he going to stay?"
you can. i lent my roommate MicWilliams have the latest in shock of cooling waters.
$5.00 to buy a nickel-plated Eu- "I think so. He's got all his
:pring styles in line of cervical Puss Richardson is a staunch things off."
stachian tube and it makes me adornment. They may be seen supporter of our friend Omar
pretty nigh busted. He said hed wealing a flowing red tie, which !thayam. As far as the "loaf of
cotgh up when his ship come, i is the result of pooling their bread, a jug of wine and Thou" Senior (on the event of his
guess he lives down on the Rac- savings. goes, Puss starts out each eve- first attendance at Saturday clin-
co n river, caus that's the only ning with the "toute ensemble," ic): "Are you the trained nurse?"
place boats cud come in ther aint Atlas Club but substitutes a glass of jelly T. N.: "Yes."
no ocean here. I got some sodi- Dr. J. L. Schwartz gave the for the jug of wine.
phene the other day and the box S.: "Well then, let's see some
boxs a talk Thursday evening, It is rumored 'round the house of your tricks.
was sent to Dr. Adam. i gues February 12th. that Deke Jones is developing
this world aint so big afte rall His pointers
were mainly on the subject of quite a practice.
someone is getting wise to my technique. Her Shift Off
ambition. It sure made me feel Everyone present The chapter extends its deep-
went away with something more "I hear you are working in a
like I was gettin right along. est sympathy to Gay Howland, factory."
Well i tol you bout enuf for this 'up his sleeve," and we hope to P. S. G. house, in his recent be-
have Dr. "Joe" with us again. reavement. "That's right."
time I aint gonna seal this let- Bro. Syphling has given up the
ter cause i only gott.a lc stamp "What do you make?"
for the postage. Augustan suite at the Savery and "Shirts."
Your son
moved to the college dormitory. Dissection Room Notes 'Then why aren't you working
Dr. Halladay is back after a
Adam. few cays' confinement, and will today?" - ..- -
Dissection has started with "Because we're making night-
be the lecturer Thursday, Febru- full force.
ary 26th. We don't know his shirts this week."
From the Field subject, but it will be good, any- A. E. Smith's green apron is an "While we're at it, why aren't
how. outstanding feature. you at work?"
Rumor has it that Dr. W. J. Someone told Brother Nelson The police were up to take fin- "Well, you know I work at a
Laird, '24, of Detroit, Michigan, that the grass over the fence ger prints of Gates, the world's domino manufacturing plant. I
.was married to an unknown par- was better, so he went to Ames champion high diver. Everyone paint on the spots."
ty Wednesday, February 25- to get a girl for the Masonic had their rubber gloves on, so "Yes?"
we're patiently awaiting verifi- Dance. We don't know about the they didn't get anything on us. "Uhuh. They're making blanks
cation. grass, but Nels says its the ber- Cadaver No. 5 has been named today."
An interesting letter was re- ries concerning the girls. Adalyah in memory of A. P.
ceived from Dr. John Rogers, '24, Brother Shannon was back at Warthman. They are both mo-
his old trade a couple of weeks A young doctor in a country
who is now practicing in Osh- tionless. Warthman came to dis- district was called one night to
ago and held clinic in the Ortho- section the first day and tried to his first case. The patient was
kosh, Wisconsin. pedic class. Some artistic foot tell the old timers how to scrub the farmer's son, who was lying
Dr. J. R. McMillen, of Twin casts were made and explained. the subiect and cut him. Serves
Falls, Idaho, writes that there is Humphrey, Sophomore A, has on the bed in much pain. The
him right. young Ostco threw out his chest
an excellent opportunity for a been pledged to Xiphoid Chap-
good Osteopath in that city. Any- and said: "This should cause you,._
ter. We welcome him, and Dr. There is a language of action no .alarm. It is nothing but a
one intersted may write to the Steffen has prescribed a shred-
Doctor direct. as well as a language of words; corrusticated exegesis antispas-
ded wheat diet for the goat. and of the two the language of modically emanating from the
action is more telling, the more physical refrigerator, producing
In the last analysis there are Iota Tau Sigma intelligible, the more unmistak- a prolific source of irritability in
only two possible doctrines, or The spirit of playfulness has able, and in the deepest sense the pericranial epidermis."
philosophies, as to the nature of again permeated the atmosphere the more eloquent. Some of the The farmer looked at him and
this mighty universe. The one at 2007 Grand, with the result profoundest truths ever revealed replied: "Just what I said, but
holds it to be alive and the other that when some of the Brothers to mankind have been conveyed his mother thought it was the
holds it to be dead. returned home from courtin' the through the language of action. stomach-ache."

__I __~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ~~ ~ ~
Don't Be a Knocker ucation for chiropractic are not
The Log Book If there is any practice in the
on a par with those of osteopathy
and, in this connection, it would
be well to drive home the fact
Tlle Official Publication of world that will rebound against that osteopathy iss on a par with
DES MOINES STILL COLLEGE its propagator it is that of the standards of the "old school"
OSTEOPATHY "knocking." There is every de- in regard to education. Osteo-
gree of truth in the old adage, paths are necessarily skilled phy-
S. L. Taylor "Every knock is a boost." Re-
President .-......-.-....-...- sicians in all that the term im-
member that "knocking" is one plies. You know it. I know it,
Editor-__-_-________Don Baylor of the factors that has placed os-
and every person who has had
Osteopathy Without Limitation teopathy on the pedestal where osteopathic treatment knows it.
it stands today. Impress on your prospective pa-
I have heard many osteopaths tients that osteopathy requires
"EDDY-ISM"V "knock" chiropractors unmerci- four years of study with nine
fully, and I know that human months to the year, while medi-
nature is so constituted, so con- cine requires four years also, but
During Sherwood Eddy's recent trary, as it were, that every with eight months to the year.
talk in assembly, the idea oc- time a "knock" is handed out Osteopathy has won its place in
curred to me of the excellent against the chiropractors, their the arts of healing by merit as
adaptation that might be made strength is increased to a certain the prime factor, and by the
of his formula for "Personal Ex- degree. The "dopsters" knocked "knocking" of its enemies as an-
amination" right here in our own us and have lost ground by so do- other strong factor.
college. Not from the same ing. Isn't there a lesson here for Don't tell patients that chiro-
standpoint Mr. Eddy took, to be us to learn? I believe there is, practic is "bastard osteopathy."
sure, but from the standpoint of and I think that, after careful Try to acquaint yourselves with The Observer Says
our personal relations to, and consideration, thinking osteo- chiropractic, and then, without
ideas concerning our chosen pro- paths will agree with me. the element of "knocking" enter- Now that we
fession. On many occasions I have been ing into the discussion, show the
To work out the idea-"Arewe asked by patients outright, or Have learned that
,difference between the two Dean Johnson's
honest?" Not in the sense of in- their statements have implied schools and let the patient choose
trinsic honesty, as thought of in the request for a differentiation for himself which he would con- Car
connection with dollars and between osteopathy and chiro- sider the better system. Is attending
cents, but the type of honesty practic. I have not "knocked" In conclusion, let me reiterate, Iowa State College
that causes us to admit the lack the system. On the other hand, "Every knock is a boost," so
of conviction in regard to differ- I have stated that, under skill- To obtain a
don't boost chiropractic.
ent points in our science. Are ful hands, chiropractic has ac- Earl B. Townsend, D. O. Higher education
YOU honest? Do you admit that complished many good results Our attention
there are certain phases of, and and I have even gone so far as to May be diverted to the
theories concerning, Osteopathy quote some of these results. D M. . S. C. 0. Graduate Commander of the
that you are not completely "sold This may be called heresy by
on;" or do you go blatantly on some of my brother osteopaths, Passes On Jeffersonian
your way telling the world that but, after agreeing that chiro- Hlarem
Osteopathy is the greatest sci- practic has done good work and Intense anxiety was spread
ence under the sun? Are you will continue to tdo good work, I Yes Rusty gets to
over the Belgrade community
honest? Are you square with clearly and forcefully present my early last Friday morning over College
your competitors from other sys- clinching statement relative to the sudden and serious illness of Every morning at
tems of therapy? Do you admit osteopathy, quoting one of the Dr. H. N. Hartung, who was Eight
and recognize their merits or are best chiropractors in the country stricken with paralysis due to
you out with your hammer belit- as my authority. With his hair all
cerebral abcess. Several weeks
tling their efforts because of a In discussing the merits of os- ago Dr. Hartung Suffered a Slicked down
lack of co-ordination with your teopathy and chiropractic with slight stroke, but recovered rap- N'everything
beliefs? Are you honest? this practitioner of the latter idly, and it was thought by ev- Doc Spring
"Are you Clean?" Not in the school, I asked him: "In your eryone that he was almost com- Pulled a good one
sense of soap and water cleanli- opinion can osteopathy do all pletely recovered from the ef- T'other day
ness, but a mental cleanliness that chiropractic can accom- fects, as he was up and about Ask him about those
that completes your equipage to plish?" His answer was, "Yes, it with his usual good nature and Echo Pains
attend the ushering In, and Out, can." Then I asked him if the a smile for everyone. He resumed Shannon
of Life? Are you making the reverse iis true, namely that chi- his practice, responding to calls Has been carrying
most of your opportunities or are ropractic can do all that osteop- and attending to office work. On some very
you sloughing over some of the athy can accomplish. This man Feeling indisposed Thursday Interesting
apparently less important phases was truthful enough to answer in evening, the doctor engaged a Experiments lately
of our work with the thought of the negative. If you were a lay- room at the Electric hotel and Regarding the velocity
putting it off till some later man, wouldn't such a statement retired early. Some time dur- At which
date? Are there any cob-webs in bear weight with you? I think it ing the night he was stricken, Sound travels
your mental storehouse? Sooner would. and was found in an unconscious Someone
or later you will be confronted Another point of explanation, condition Friday morning by Created quite
with this problem-it will be without the element of "knock- Mrs. J. A. Bessette, owner of the A sensation
your test of cleanliness-"Can I ing," is that the standards of ed- hostelry. By appearing
cope with this problem, save this I Friends hastily conveyed him In Doc Schwartz'
life; or had I better turn the conviction that Osteopathy is the to the Deaconess hospital, where Proctology class
case over to Dr. X?" The CLEAN peer of all systems of Healing- everything possible was done for With the latest
man will recognize his position dead in earnest in the donation him, while good friends kept Shade of
at once and will act accordingly, of your energy and ability to the constant vigil at his bedside. He Passionate Pink
and incidentally will never be furtherance and development of never regained consciousness, and Draped around the
confronted with such a problem Osteopathy-OR-did you choose passed away at 9:45 Friday eve- Region of
again, while the UN-Clean will Osteopathy as a means to an end ning, February 6. His seventh
be tempted to take the chance, of affluence with reservations as It can truly be said of Dr. Cervical
to overlook his shortcomings, will to time and extent of service to Hartung that he possessed a But
be prone to slip around and be rendered-wavering in your beautiful, rich life, a lovable John Woods says
evade the issue, regardless of the convictions and only too willing character and a high standard of A man who's
outcome, only to have it bob up to let the other fellow do the integrity. He was a kind hus- Wrapped up in
in front of him every day there- work while you bask in the sun- band, and his little children were Himself
after. Are you Clean? light resultant from his labors? the pride of his life. Often we Makes a
"Are we Dead in Earnest?" Are you dead in Earnest? have seen him on the streets of Heckuva
Are you dead in earnest in your Andrew T. Still, and the men Belgrade, the companion of his Looking Bundle
study and practice of your cho- who have placed our profession little kiddie, the very soul of his Gotta take
sen profession or are you only in its present enviable position life.-Belgrade Journal. The Gold Fish
lukewarm? Are you in dead and who are continuing the pro- For a trip
earnest to the extent that you gressive work today, have all The faculty and student body Round the Globe
are willing to dedicate your life made this "Personal Examina- of D. M. S. C. 0. extend their So that'll be
to the care of your fellow-men, tion" early in their careers and deepest sympathy to Mrs. Har- All
forsaking all thought of material did not find themselves wanting tung and two kiddies in their For now
gain-dead in earnest in your CAN YOU? hour of sorrow. Period.
4 i~_
I- --
S S0
0f 0
I :

The Lamp of Aladdin The First "Op" Growing Children Dr. L. .A. Crew Locates
W. E. Farbstein In January, 1474, the church- They need two kinds of food; L. A. Crew, recent graduate
You've heard of Aladdin, the one for growth and one for en- from the Still College of Osteop-
yard of St. Severin, Paris, was athy at Des Moines, Iowa, and a
fortunate lad, who the magical ergy.
lamp of the genii had. Some the scene of one of the first sur- The first essential is milk, be- Gallatin valley citizen, purchased
friction applied to the base of gical operations done in France. cause it is a complete mineral the office fixtures of the late Dr.
the same, and he got any wish At that time the physicians rep- ration with the exception of iron. H. N. Hartung, Tuesday, and be-
that he troubled to name. A ban- It supplies casien in association gan the practice of his profession
resented to Louis XI that as per- Tuesday morning.
quet complete, or a bangle of with calcium and phosphorus.
pearl, a palace of gold or a beau- sons of consideration were then Bread is another. It contains Mr. Crew, who was born and
tiful girl, a bushel of jewels, the suffering from stone and other protein reinforced by milk pow- reared in the Salesville commun-
egg of a roc-all it required was internal maladies, it would be of der now used by bakers. ity, needs no introduction to
some friction and talk. Sugar is another. The craving many in this community, who
great benefit if in order to trace of a child for sweets is natural. have known him many years. He
If ever I find such a lamp, then
indeed, for banquets and jewels the disease and discover a cure, It shields the proteins. is highly recommended as a man
I never will plead-or beautiful the said physicians and surgeons Fats are the coal in your bin. of sterling worth and integrity,
maiden or fabulous wealth. But were permitted to operate on a They furnish energy and heat, and the people of the community
I'll wish for a superabundance of living man. The request was and may be drawn on for nerve welcome him.-Belgrade Journal.
health. But as chances for find- granted and the prisons were and brain cell repair. Fats burn
ing such lamps are not strong, searched, until an archer was only when a certain amount of
my wish's fulfillment I'll hurry found suffering from the re- sugar is burning.
along by living correctly, evad- quired malady, and condemned to Gel-atine (Knox) is an elegant
be hanged for theft, as well. He Disease, the inevitable penalty
ing ill's wrath, and visiting often energy food, containing lysine es-- for violation of the law of na-
my Osteopath. was taken to the churchyard, and, sential to growth.
with a flat tombstone for an op- ture, stalks through the land
The tomato is supposed to con- blighting the life of every mem-
erating table, amid a large con- tain all the vitamines.
Life and immortality, not course of people, the surgeons ber of the race. It marks with
The muscles of the under-nour- the stain and sin of deficiency,
death and mechanism, are the set to work. Contrary to their ished child lose their protein, it
keywords of the real universe, expectations, the patient not on- young .and old alike.
being replaced by water. The un- And yet disease is not an en-
and so far as you and I are true ly survived, but was pronounced der-nourished child is usually
sons of the universe, so far as cured in fifteen days' time. In tity, not a thing, but a lack, and
permanently marked. It may a deficiency. It is nothing but
we reproduce its nature in our- consideration of the service he fill out, but it never possesses
selves, life and immortality are was pardoned.-Medical Journal the forbidding hideousness of de-
the sturdy look of the normal nied function, perverted, distort-
the keywords to our reality also. and Record. child.
-- ::: :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ed, distraught.
_ ,, __ _
I ri- --- · __ -

In All That Is Good---

Still Affords The Best

r I __ __ _
Entered as second class
.---........ THE - Acceptance for mailing
matter, February 3, 1923, at special rates of postage

at the post office at Des provided for in section 1103,

Moines, Iowa, under the act of October 3, 1917, au-
act of August 24th, 1912. thorized February 3, 1923.


Volume 2 : March 15, 1925 Number 17

;-·---- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Plans Made for D. M.S. C.0. Breaks
Still Year Book HI-LITES- ~~ ~~
Another Record
_ - ._ ,Ll- _..

At a meeting of the Seniors A Another feather was added to
and B and Juniors A and B the already heavily plumed hat
classes following Assembly on
February 27th, plans were for- of D. M. S. C. 0. when the stu-
mulated for the promoting of a dent body turned out en masse
Year Book for Des Moines Still for Still College Day, sponsored
College for the current year, and by the Big Brothers Club of
committees were appointed by
the pressidents of the respective Drake University.
classes represented, to meet-with Dean Johnson was the princi-
Dr. J. P. Schwartz and complete pal speaker of the morning, and
plans and submit same to the
student body. the student body was more than
As a result, this committee of elated to demonstrate to the city
students, with Dr. J. P. Schwartz and to the Drake student body
as chairman, obtained bids from the high type of men that are at
the different printing companies the head of our school and pro-
of the city, and estimated as fession is. The subject chosen by
closely as possible the cost of the Dean was "Justice," ,and al-
such a publication as desired, and though limited as to time, suc-
reported back to the student ceeded in putting over some
body at assembly on March 6. points that made the entire
Short talks were made by stu- group think a bit.
dents and alumni relative to the Immediately preceding the
value of a year book to the col- Dean's address, the devotional
lege and to the profession in gen- services were held, under the di-
eral. A general air of optimism rection of Jack Voss, 26. Sen-
on the part of everyone was no- tence prayers were given by A.
ticeable, and the response to the E. Smith, Harold Belf, Van Ness,
appeal for subscriptions was very and a Drake student. Jim Coch-
encouraging, nearly the required ran, '25, was in charge of the mu-
number of subscriptions to make sic, and Ross Richardson, '27, con-
the book a financial success being ducted the program.
received from the first appeal. To stimulate interest, a friend-
D. M. S. C. O. is in a position ly contest was staged between
to put out a very attractive and
imposing year book thiis year, for the three fraternities on the ba-
its victories on football field and sis of 100% on time attendance,
basketball floor have been note- the winner to receive a beautiful
worthy events, and with its pres- purple and white banner, which
ent faculty and facilities for Os- was displayed in chapel the pre-
teopathic instruction, it has ceding Friday morning. All three
enough material to compose a organizations turned out so near
book that will appeal to every Finger-Print Expert Freshmen A's Elect 100 per cent as was physically
possible, that it is thought three
Osteopath, regardless of his col-
lege affiliations, and to prospect- Speaks at Chapel Class Officers banners will have to be presented.
ive students a"s well',- -together That is-- the wa-y thle student
with being a reminder to the ."Protection, not Detection," In meeting, February 27th, the body of D.. M S.:C. 0. backs
alumni of D. M. S. C. 0. that was the subject chosen by MIr. H. following members of the Fresh- -their school, .and it is a true indi-
their Alma Mater is up and com- J. Passno, head of the Iowa State man A class were chosen to guide cation: of the "STILL SPIRIT."
ing. Bureau of Identification, in a re- their ship of state through the When you are able to rout be-
While an editorial staff has not cent address in chapel. This was shoals of the current semester. tween one hundred and fifty and
been chosen as yet, the name of one of th most interesting' and Jack Stafford, President. two hundred college students out
the publication will most likely instructive lectures that has been Johnny Jones, Vice President. of bed, and have them at church
be "The Stillonian," and un- given in chapel this year, and to Helen Moore, Secy.-Treas. by 9:30, you've accomplished a
der such caption, will be the sec- show hhe appreciation of.the stu- noteworthy task.
ond such put out by D M. . C. dent body, Mr. Passno was invit-
O., the first having been pub- ed to return in two weeks and "Jazz" Hoffman Is Junior-Senior Prom
lished in 1921. give more of a detailed insight
On another page. of .this issue into the marvelous workings of Sweet Papa Now
of the Log Book will be found a his department.
Goes Over Big
subscription coupon for the use Mr. Passno developed his sub- Dr. "Jazz" Hoffman, Senior A,
of Alumni and all other Osteo- ject from the very beginning, is the proud father of an eight- The first Junior-Senior Promi
paths in the field. ,The student quoting the immortal phrase of pound girl, born March 1st at 7 was held Thursday eveninig' at
body looks forward to a hearty Iviark Twain in "Puddinhead p. m. The young lady answers the Grant Club and. was One of
response from the field, in order Wilson" to the effect that "every to the name of lMary Betty, and the best parties of the year. :Con
to make this year'book .a finan- human being carries with him is fully equipped with black hair siderable interest was manifested
cial success and so insure its from the cradle to the grave ... and blue' eyes, according to the throughout the school in the "af-
publication in future years.: a physiological autograph,". the Doctor. Congratulations, Jazz!" fair, and a- one hundred per; cent
The price has been set by the ultimate work of Scotland Yard, attendance by both ..classes put
student body, arid tlhe committee who are considered the real pic- The deepest truths of the uni- the party over in fine shape. The
arranging for the publication neers in this phase of identifica- verse are acted rather than spo- committee in charge are to be
stayed within the limit, expect tion, up to the present day meth- ken.- What impresses me is the congratulated up the complete
ing the number of copies sub- ods whereby a duplicate set of deep silence of the universe, arrangements. Al Levich's or-
scribed for by the Profession at prints may be selected from a coupled with its unimaginable chestra furnished the necessary
(Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 3) activity. music.
: .. _._L-I....., .....
- -. -._. ______

Letters of a Freshman Fraternity Notes If Olive won't let Weir get

more sleep, we suggest that he
Atlas Club learn to sleep faster, so he can
keep awake in class.
Dear Pa: On February 26, Dr. Virg. Hal-
laday gave a most interesting Could you imagine:
I got your letter with the $5.00 history of Dr. A. T. Still and his Roy Davis bald-headed;
check. I hed a little trouble struggle to put Osteopathy on a Leland Spencer being serious;
gettin it cashed. the guy locked secure footing. He took us McFall being real tall,
through the periods covering the Weir aiding charity;
up in the cage asked me if i Homer Sprague without a
"Old Doctor's" first conception
could identify myself. I said of our science up to the present date;
sure i got a mole On my right day. After hearing of the very Bill Reese a minister;
hip but i got the money with- numerous methods resorted to in or Clyde Conn without his
out showin him. I .am sending grip? "Joe" Bowman says (looking
obtaining dissection material, straight at Bill Russell), "I guess
back $4.00 change cause i only our university should encounter We can't.
askedi for one you know. Some The little village of Lorain, I'm not the only curly headed
no obstacles in orocuring same. co-ed in school." And she's from
swell lookin girls was entertain- H. J. Brown and Frank Irwin Ohio is quite awake these days.
in us the other Friday with According to reports of some of his home town, too.
have demitted from Axis to Xi-
some songs. One of them sang phoid Chapter. We welcome the our brothers from that city, one
suprana with red hair. one of day .a short time ago the night Dean Elssea, in Principles, giv-
brothers to our chapter. ing the six diagnostic points of
the -- sang lady base just now i Durard Wire of Columbus, watchman of the postoffice while
cant think of the word you would cleaning aa gun shot a child, and a true sub luxation, created the
Montana, G. A. Dutt of Portland, following: "-patient lying on a
call it. I dont want to forget Oregon, and I. E. Shaeffer of robbers robbed the postoffice and
about the one that played the a train killed the robbers. This, table-bend him up-and he has
Grove City, Pennsylvania, have a pain."
fiddle. Gee Pop you ought to see been added to the pledges of Xi- according to Joe Rader, is an
that .fiddle. It was about ten phoid Chapter. Welcome, boys, every-day occurrence there.
times as big as granddads, only Geo. Chritchritch, captain of FORE
and keep Friday, March 20, open
it had four strings on it. It had for our pledge dance. the Grinnell football team, has Nurse: "Whom are they oper-
a long spike on the end of it. I Bro. Damm is now selling gon- been a visitor at the chapter ating on today?"
was expectin it to go clean oscopes. One order has been tak- house this past week -as guest of Orderly: "A fellow who had
thru her neck when she started en already. Max Friend. a golf ball knocked down his
playin but it was so heavy she Bro. Woofenden is now in ca- Everett Johnson, leader of the throat at the links."
didnent lift it off the floor. She hoots with the oil syndicate. He Chicago Cadet Band, has been "And who's the man waiting so
plaved some solos sittin on the has accepted and now holds a po- spending leisure hours at the nervously in the hall? A rela-
spike. The lady that played the sition (same one most of the house during his stay in Des tive?"
piano was a south paw in both time, centering on the ischial Moines, as guest of Bro. McWil- "No, that's the golfer. He's
hances she made more hits out of tuberosity) as manager of the oil liams. He has proven a royal en- waiting for his ball."
that instrument than Babe Ruth dispensary at 10th and High. tertainer, and we are looking
ever made. Were going to have forward to the time when he
an Annual down to schodol dont
Woof wishes to announce that he
is on duty from 4 p. m. to 9 p. plays a return engagement. Dissection Notes
mistake3 it for a bath this is a m., and requests all friends and The PSG's have been knocking
book. One might think it were the sox off Drake fraternities in Reggie Platt has discovered
relatives to please get their gas the original cigarette stand-he
a ]ba h the way some of doubt- before 4 p. m. or go Ianywhere attendance contests at the Uni-
ers shied at the idea. You know versity church. Kinda showing uses the cadaver's mouth so no
else, as it breaks up his siesta. one will swipe the butts on him.,
those whistling ties well i got He. wore out the gluteal regions the Drake boys what Still college
one of them. Well i wrote about of two suits tile first week. spirit is, and what fraternity A. E. Smith has to admit he is
all i know this time. If you dont Xiphoid Chapter extends its spirit is within said institution. not the shining light in his green
get this letter let me know and sincere sympathy to J. Howland Manny Strand, formerly of the apron since Warthman showed up
i will try and rake up two more in his recent bereavement. Orpheum circuit, has been giving with a very bright red one. A
cents and send another. Bro. Warthm-an has secured a the boys a real treat in form of leather medal will be given to
Your son new position for his wife. Our piano solos. He is also a guest anyone who can beat bright red.
brother is very fond of his wife, and ne.aar relatve of McWilliams. Contest closes when all cadavers
Adam. are skinned.
and tries to make it as easy as We hope to hear him in assem-
P. S. I aint homesick but i aint bly soon.
got those cookies yet. possible for her to work his way Bro. Gates, cadaver No. 6, still
through college. We think that gets quite a bit of publicity. Two
is Baloney as he can be seen al- Iota Tau Sigma women were in to see him, but
Brother Earl Shaw was host at didn't know him. Punk Marlow
From the Field most any time trying to get the
girls to have the Mirs. marcell 'n "Appendecteal Party" at the washed his face, but it didn't
their hair. Some one must have Des iVoines General last week, help any. (The cadaver's face.)
Dr. A: E. Gibson, 528 Bradbury told him that to become a suc- with Dr. Pinkie Schwartz offici- The police were up and sawed off
Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif., advises cessful Osteopath he must be qting. Approximately fifteen of gates' finger tips to be sent to
us that he is contemplating clos- able to sell his services, so he is the brothers attended the func- Washington for comparison with
ing his practice, twenty years practicing on his wife. tion and, though .-some were .army records. The boys no.w de-
standing, in order that he might forced to leave early, a good mand a partial refund of fees
travel. Anyone interested may time was enjoyed by all. The paid for dissection material-
write the Doctor direct, or the Phi Sigma Gamma chapter feels greatly indebted to which is O. K. Stick up for your
Lot; Book. The lecture given by Dr. A. B. Brother Shaw for the whole- rights, boys, but cut fast, before
A very highly complimentary Taylor on work night was well hearted manner in which he gave he is wholly identified.
letter was received from Dr. L. attended and the brothers re- himself and his valuable time The seniors who have volun-
S. Keyes, of Minneapolis. The ceived much valuable informa- that the brothers might become teered for prosecting are greatly
feature of the Doctor's letter tion and practice in applying va- better and more efficient Osteo- appreciated. There is a big de-
that pleased us most was a direc- rious types of bandages. A regu- paths. Earl is coming along fine, mand for more who can remind
tory of Minnesota Osteopaths, in lar smoker followed, and music as would be expected consider- the students of details which
which all corrections of address and cards provided entertainment ing the care he is receiving, and went by unnoticed in anatomy
had been noted. It will sure help for the remainder of the eve- we are all looking forward to studies.
to get our mailing lists straight- ning. having him back in the house
The brothers are all greatly within the next few days. We still contend that a surgi-
ened out. As a Doctor seldom Beta chapter, Iota Tau Sigma, oal gown can't make a lightning
thinks to advise us of a change concerned in Joe Rader and his
Ford. It's a regular cross word wishes to take this opportunity quick and graceful surgeon out
of address or a move from town of Maxwell Jennings.
to town, we would appreciate re- to know whether he's a junk deal- to announce the pledging of Mr.
er or a mechanic. Watson E. Haviis of Ohio and Mr. Carl Beeman Gephart acquired
ceiving any information relative a new cognomen the other day-
to change of address, etc., at any Scatterday's recent expression, MacFarlan of Des Moines. Wel-
"Oh, balls!" originated in the bil- come to the fold, boys. "A. B." Ask Gep for an explana-t
time. Brother Reginald Platt, Alpha tion.
liard room of the Grant Club,
Dr. C. C. Wedel, Wintenset, where he tends tables. chapter, was formally affiliated Two young boys were guests at
was in the city last Saturday and We understand an effort is be- with Beta chapter, Monday eve- the dissection room recently, and
visited some of the boys. Jake ing made to get green covers for ning, March 2nd. after being introduced to several
says practice is sure going fine. the tables in the restaurant, so Beta turned out 100% for the sights-some unseemly--hurried-
Dr. Mike Prather was at as- he will feel more at ease while annual Still College Day at the ly left. (Someone said they
sembly last Friday in the inter- eating his beans. Big Brothers Club of the Univer- weren't going to supper, either.)
est of the Cardiograph of 1925. The house is quiet now only sity Christian church. We feel We still contend that the initiat-
Mike edited the issue published when McWilliams is in school or that this is quite an accomplish- ed will develop anarexia when
in '21. working. w
I . -I on
- page 3)
J. -- -
offered a human ham for supper.
__ I ~ ~ · ~ ~ ~ - __
Finger-Print Expert Fraternity Notes
The Log Book Speaks at Chapel
(Continued from page 2)
The Official Publication of (Continued from page 1) ment for the boys, considering
DES MOINES STILL COLLEGE file containing seven million spec- the fact that every man in the
imens in the incredible time of chapter was at Twenty-fifth and
OSTEOPATHY University by 9:15 a. m., on a
thirty seconds. He also stated
President- S. L. Taylor
........-.... that the possible chance for a du- SUNDAY.
plication of prints in two differ- Les Greenhill, Elgin, Illinois,
Editor_.__--- _----Don Baylor ent individuals was once in thir- spent the week end with the
O)steopathy Without Limitation ey thousand times the population "Three Watch Makers."
· , · .
of the world. Brother Cochran is the proud
Through tne means of relating owner of :a new Dressing Robe
now. Some Class!
Osteopathic Crusade actual incidents from his per-
sonal experiences, Mr. Passno John Watkins was the victim
of Wide Importance brought out the use of finger of a severe case of depression the
past week end when he didn't re-
prints as a means of "protection,
rather than detection." From ceive his promised "special."
The world wide importance of this viewpoint, "in this modern Odell got his, so Birdie thinks
the "Triple Purpose Osteopathic day of lies and deceit, one ounce Gephart did him dirt by not
Crusade," to take place immedi- of circumstantial evidence is mailing his part of the bargain.
ately following the A. O. A. con- worth many pounds of oral evi- True love never runs smooth in
vention at Toronto in July, is the dence." As a further demonstra- a fraternity house.
emphasized point in a recent tion of his subject he recalled the .During Earl Shaw's enforced
folder published by Dr. Hubert case of a young girl who was re- absence, Runt Russell has been The Observer Says
Pocock, chairman of the tour cently found in the wash room acting as fireman. The boy evi-
committee, of Toronto. of a Chicago depot suffering dently thinks we have a Christian No
The complete tour of Europe from loss of memory. The case Science furnace.
Little Sister
will start from Toronto July 13, was profusely advertised through-
the day following the close of out the country without any suc- Delta Omega The postage stamps
the convention, and will end Aug- ceiss until finally it was decided A number of the Deltas and For the
ust 29. The three great objects to have the young lady broad- their friends are enjoying lec- Air mail
of the tour are, "the carrying cast over one of the Chicago sta- tures by Mrs. Morgan on Charac-
abroad of the torch of the teach- tions, and it was through this Are not
ter Analysis." Those who have Made of
ing of Osteopathy, profit by ob- means that her relativess in St. been unable to attend any of
servation of the best European Louis were able to recognize her these lecturess feel that they are Fly paper
practice, and the pleasure derived and return her to her parents. missing a lot. However
from a wonderfully complete tour The connection between this case The Deltas wish to announce
of Europe. Since we are
and the finger print system of the pledging of one of the Fresh-
The party will leave Toronto identification from the stand- To have an
man A girls, Helen C. Moore.
by rail for Montreal, where it point of protection lies in the They are especially pleased to Annual
will embark on the S. S. Meta- fact that over 5,000 inquiries have her one of them, on account Everybody
gama for Glasgow, Scotland. The were received regarding this of her fine arts ability, she hav- Should drag
itinerary includes ample time for young aldy alone, which means ing studied violin under the di-
that somewhere there are at least Out the old
the visiting of points of historic rection of Arcule Sheasby at the
and classic interest en route five thousand more missing girls, Drake Conservatory of Music. Family album
through Scotland and England to five thousand heartbroken rela- And help decorate
London, where the week of July tives. Conditions such as these The blank
30th and August 8th will be spent would be greatly alleviated by Are You Looking Pages
in sightseeing and attending the common registration of fin-
clinics. Following London, elev- ger rpints of all children in the for a Location With the advent
en days will be spent in Paris National Bureau of Identification Ob sprig
and important cities of France, at Washington, D. C. Very few Dr. A. P. Kottler of Chicago is
forced to give up his practice on We are
interspersed with side trips to people have ever heard of this Confronted
the battlefields and other points department of our national gov- account of his health, and is of-
of interest. ernment and know even less of fering it for sale at a great sacri- With the
its activities. fice. Anyone interested in this Customary outburst
Every Osteopath and student exceptional opportunity may
who can possibly do so should Mr. Passno was unable to com- Of
plete his talk on account of lack write to the Doctor or the Log
embrace this opportunity. It is of time, and everyone is anxious- Book. Red neckties
extremely doubtful if such a pro- An Osteopath at Willmar, Yellow shoes
gram will ever -again be duplicat- ly awaiting his "return engage-
ment" next week, at which time Minnesota, is also on the sick list Short dresses
ed, especially at this price. As he promised to give a demonstra-- and is endeavoring to dispose of
-Doctor Pocock says " it will pro- And
vide a maximum of satisfaction, tion of the method of taking and his practice in the above city. Bare knees
instruction, recreation and pleas- comparing the prints and the This is a real chance to locate in
systems in use at this time for a prosperous growing community. How do you
ure at a minimum of expense- Stand it Harry
an ideal trip for Osteopathic phy- tracing individuals through this
method. The Senior A's
sicians who desire to see the best Around the Campus
known clinics of London and Are already
Paris." Plans for Year Book All the boys are striving to Worrying
raise a mustache now, owing to About their
Faculty Wise Cracks (Continued from page 1) the wonderful success of Dean Commencement
large to swell the total and make Grewell with his. (Investigate.) Little do they
Dean Johnson calmly remarks it, financially, a success. Anyone wishing to see a "rapid
It was decided by the student dissection" quartet should come Realize the
"You con't make a whistle out of
a pig's tail." body that no one connected with to the dissection room between True meaning
John Woods dropped the follow- the publication should receive three and five and watch McWil- Of that word
ing bit of wisdom the other day: remuneration for his or her ser- liams, Conn, Thomas and Schnei- They're under
vices, but that all money received der.
"People who like olives, should Dr. Mary Golden's class en- The impression
be anxious to dissect the brain." be expended toward making the
year book a larger and better is- joyed a trip through the city Tu- That it signifies
Doc Spring in Dietetics spout- sue than would otherwise be pos- berculosis Camp for children. The end of four years'
ed forth the following bit of sible. The trip proved very interesting, Labor
choice news the other day: "Beans With this end in view, a pub- and proved what this city needs When it really
shot my ideas of digestion all to lished statement of money re- is Osteopathy in such institu- Opens the gate
pieces." ceived and paid out will be forth- tions. To a lifetime
While A. B. Taylor's pet ex- coming following the publication Of toil
pression is "Exquisite Tender- of the book, and any surplus will Teacher-George, who defeated Sleep on, fair one
ness." be turned into the athletic treas- the Philistines? Father has the
Jot down the bright sayings of ury or disposed of in some man- George-Aw, I don't know. I Ether handy
your favorite profs and hand ner satisfactory to the student don't follow those bush league Period
th.m. in.-
itri:o: body. teams.-Minnea.nolis Journal. Period
4lvtfgVtI V
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of Osteopathy Year Book will be off the

press on or before May 25, 1925. The book,

as planned, will be a worthy menorial to
*t our college. C:.


"The Stillonian will be printed on India Tint paper with a special sepia ink.
The Binding will be a special two tone Malloy cover. ~-·
,t Subscriptions from the Field will be taken up to May 1, 1925, after which date we $r

cannot promise delivery, because of the limited number of copies to be published.


Do Nsot Procrastinate!f
* Clip the Coupon Below. Send it with Your Check for $5.00 and Get the
Greatest Yearbook Ever Published by Des Moines Still College of Osteopathy
I ~ ~ ~ ~ · - - ~ -· - -- I
*· I 14

* I
I 4

I 1

Enclosed find five dollars ($5.00) for which I am to re-


9$ I
ceive one (1): copy of the "Stiilonian" 1925 as de-

I i


scribed:by the Log Book of Des Moines Still College of



Name _ - :_...._.................
. -.-

Address_--- ------------.--
_ - - ----

* I
I ,t,
e 4I .Date----- ---- -
* I
Please PRINT name and address clearly
a e t
4 i .:.
I -- - LI--------P-Y-I I-· YIY
-· I ---- ----- :. ' *.

a~loL~hdrLBW*~sl~%~l~(*R I~ -.- - - . I . I ~"t~Blf~Ba~-PaP*-,- I I

? :ta

O.1 -l"- ----------- ------- -------- !-: --- -- ---

a ~~ ~ ~
* C
* C C C C
]Entered as second class
THE Acceptance for mailing
matter, February 3, 1923, Adomhl
at special rates of postage
at the post office at Des provided for in section 1103.
Moines, Iowa, under the act of October 3. 1917, au-
act of August 24th, 1912. thorized February 3. 1923.


Volume 2 April 1, 1925 Number 18


Cause of Curved Success of Stillonian

Spine Explained PATIENTS Is Now Assured

1 #

Dr. H. V. Halladay of the Des Since the last issue, progress

Moines colleeg of Osteopathy on the development of the D.
IM. S. C. 0. year book, "The Stil-
lectured to members of the vari- lonian,"
I has broken all records.
ous parent-teacher asssociations Under the leadership of Edi-
of the city Wednesday afternoon tor-in-Chief S. B. Dickinsn, the

in the high school auditorium. book has rounded into shape, and
at the termination of two weeks

The osteopath stressed the need all classes have been photo-

of education regarding the caus- Igraphed, write-ups secured, and

es .andresults of spinal diseases a major portion of the above ma-

and stated that such training terial turned in to the printer.

should be incorporated in the IConsidering the brief time avail-
health program in the public able, the task of publishing a

schools. volume that will do justice to

"The idea in this work," Dr. the College and be a monument
Halladay explained, "is to make in its memory is a gigantic one.
children comfortable and to Nevertheless, the Stillonian will
cause their parents to realize be off the press and in the hands
that treatment of spinal trouble
of the subscribers at least one
is as essential as proper care of week before school is out.
the teeth and other health points The student body is supporting
taught in the schools." the publioatin in nearly a 100%
manner from the standpoint of
The physician quoted figures subscriptions. On March 23d,
which showed that in eastern over two hundred paid subscrip-
schools where considerable in- tions were in the hands of the
vestigation has been done, about treasurer. Advertising space is
4 per cent of all children have going like "hot cakes," and sup-
faulty spines. This condition, port from the Field is beginning
while not often fatal, affects the to come in. All Doctors are
posture and general usefulness urged to fill in the coupon on
of the patient. He cites many page four and mail it at once.
causes of curved spines, such as This issue of The Stillonian is
fracture, dislocations of joints, going to be the biggest, best and
and infantile paralysis. most attractive book ever put
Talked in Clear Lake out by Still College. No gradu-
Dr. Halladay made several talks ate's office table can be without
at various schools Wednesday, it. REMEMBER, MAIL YOUR
including the high school at SUBSCRIPTION TODAY!
Clear Lake, the local high school,
Catholic school. This morning,
vrhe b-eo,,.,+%t
D. M. S. C. 0. Student
demonstrations were held at the - ' %I k Uiau"-Ao
Chamber of Commerce, together -V--'oppeo v0i* 'K.Yew ,6\te --
*q6(Aay+ La+ a~.
Leads Double Life
with a free clinic. The physician a 'i ery --
is assisted in the demonstrations bA'uGckQav+ ,Ž~eNe One of the most peculiar cases
by his 11-year-old daughter, of Double Life on record-1,*---
Frances. ! local department was uncovered
I . ..
the past week end when it was
Hope to Aid Children
learned that L. A. Reiter, junior
Dr. Halladay is holding the - -

student at the Des Moines Still

clinic and demonstrations here
as a feature of "Normal Spine Faculty Man Makes Sophomore "B" Party College, has been playing two
roles since last May. A portion
Week," during which time the Startling Discovery of the time Reiter, as he was
spines of school children are be- The Sophomore "B" class held known by his fellow students,,
ing examined. It is felt that played the part of a hard work-
many backward children, labor- The Sophomore A anatomy
ing under the handicap of a de- class was startled out of its wits
their class party at the home of
Mabelle Moore, Saturday night, Iing, paper carrying student,
struggling for existence; the
fective spine, will be ultimately the other day when after having March 28. The house was hand- balance of the time "Teddy," as
restored to health. read a lengthy sales letter from somely decorated with the class he was called by the woman in
some Western organization re- colons, for the occasion. Every- the case, played the role of
The above clipping, taken from garding a correspondence course body came early and stayed late. "Sweet Papa."
a Mason City, Iowa, daily, is self- in a guaranteed cure-all treat- In plain English, that even a
Music, games, and dancing were Freshman can understand-Mr.
explanatory. Some weeks ago, ment for enteroptosis and pto- greatly enjoyed throughout the
through the columns of the Log sis of the stomach, Handsome and Mrs. Ted Reiter were mar-
Book, announcement was made of Johnny Woods, the popular anat- evening, by all. A tempting two- ried May 31st, 1924, it became
the above mentioned "Normal omy instructor, bared his soul course lunch was served by the known at a dinner party given
Spine Week," and from all over and announced in a quavering hostess, and aids. Shortly be- by the sister of the bride, Mrs.
the country, reports have been voice that he had a secret. That fore the dawn of the Sabbath, Oren Eittrem.
received regarding the success it had been his plan to retain all departed, declaring our sec- Congratulations, Ted, don't
of the event. D. M. S. C. 0. is this astounding discovery until retary and treasurer a delightful hold out on us next time!"
proud to have a faculty mem- his dying day, and then on his hostess. Dr. and Mrs. Halladay
ber with the ability and willing- death bed, to give it to the pro- were the faculty gueists, the Dr. Another student has fallen by
ness to devote his time to such fession. but due to financial du- performing quite ably on . his the wayside during the past two
(ff\^-'I .-1-,, A a-" in n a WI Hawaiian guitar.
a worthy cause. I I kuonuiinueuL on page j, (Continued on page 2)
------- ·I------ - ,I-,;._,
·--- _
a I I------ ~ -~-,, ---------·------------------ ------ ---
-- - ·

Letters of a Freshman Fraternity Notes lin the night he and George Ras-
tede were going to broadcast, so
-- - ---- -_-I _I_ Iota Tau Sigma Walter did his part on a fish
Dear Pa: Now that Brother Cupid has horn.
I got the box of cookies this slickered the chapter out of two "Daddy" Bachman is scheduled
morning. And i want to thank star boarders, the brothers are to lecture on "Goiter," March
you for the box. You will never expecting a boost in the room 27th.
know how much they weer ap- rent. The racing season is near, and
preciated cause all of the boys There have been two outstand- our pledges are expected to ride
cant afford to write. The next ing events on this year's calen- the goats hard.
time you send one put in some dar for the "ITS". One Sunday We hear that Smith is able to
cracklins. We bin havin lots of morning when all the brothers pick 'em up anywhere now-
front page space lately at first Sweet Daddy!
turned out for church, and then
they thot it was cause by a emp- again, same year, the entire WHAT'S YOUR DEFINITION?
ty space but later on it was chapter, fully clothed, was pres- Delta Omegas The teacher was explaining to
found that it was only a space ent for the Stillonian picture Tuesday, March 24th, the mem- a class of small boys and girls
of time and distance. One of before dinner. Something's bers were favored with a talk the meaning of the word "colli-
the boys got himself lost but he wrong. given by Dr. A. B. Taylor. It sion."
finaly found himself. The Big was most interesting and en- "A collision," she said, "is
Brothers club of our university The two coats of paint, al- when two things come together
ready put on, sure make some lightening.
won the contest but there was Tuesday, March 31st, Mrs. Mor- unexpectedly. Now can anyone
about ten other fellows there who difference in the external ap- give me an example of a colli-
pearance of 2007 Grand. gan will give the last lecture to
were in the contest also. It has the Deltas. Prior to the lecture, sion?"
bin pretty warm lately and i Runt Russell started for Flor- the girls will enjoy a picnic sup- "Twins!" said the Class Idiot.
wonder if yu would ask Ma if i ida the other evening, but
changed his mind. per at Greenwood Park log cabin.
could take off my flannels. I am The Misses Krug and Helen The first day of school a little
sending home my garters as i The chapter is expecting to Moore will be in charge of the girl presented herself who looked
don't need them 'any more i thot see Gep blossom forth in a new very much like a true daughter
spring isuit, now that he is EATS, so all the girls plan on a
Pa might use them with his "horn of plenty." of Italy.
youngest suit. The boys up here treasurer of The Stillonian. "You're an Italian?" asked the
buy their clothes big just like Brother Nye has broken all teacher.
Pa does i guess they want to get records and establisheh a prece- Phi Sigma Gamma "No'm," was the astonishing
their money's worth. I saw a dent by dating twice in two The Fraters gratefully received reply.
good one down on third st. i weeks. 'Bout time some one was the wonderful demonstration of "But wasn't your father born
mean a suit, you pay two dollars writing to Detroit. technique as given by the emi- in Italy?"
down and the rest later. So i Brother Nowlin has been nent Dr. Klein of Des Moines. "Yes'mt." ;
will need $2 to get the suit. placed in the Hall of Fame His technique is quite a wonder- "And wasn't your mother born
Must close and study about 10 along with Old Man Hoyle, the ful achievement for any one doc- in Italy?"
minutes before i go to bed. boy who knows so much about tor to acquire, and all the broth- "Yes'in."f
Your Lovin Son poker, since his invention of the ers surely got a lot of new ideas "Well, you must be an Ital-
parlor game known around the 1hiT VV'kLVJIIUI ian." -
ADAM L. from
A. oIAs s11Z xnnrlta-rfvll lrtn4-i-.Lt
C. W
VV ,, I

"No'm," she answered. "I'm


P. S. I had a chance to buy a house as "Snorting." Brother only hope that the Doctor can
chance on a plow i was jus won- Platt holds the championship to spare us -a few moments of his Irish. I was born in Boston."-
dering if you would be inter- date. Open Road.
time again in the near future,
ested? Tooter Shaw has left school so we can assimilate a little bit
for the balance of the semester. WHERE ANYTHING GOES
more knowledge along this line. "So you have given up writing
Are You Looking Certainly leaves an empty place Bill Reese will have quite a novels."
around the house. time when he goes home explain- "Yes-the publishers said my
For a Location? The chapter enjoyed an infor- ing just how it is that the "cow- imagination was too lively-plots
mal dance at the house, Friday boys" out here wear dress suits lacked probability but I'm do-
A letter was received the oth- evening, March 20th. Roy Walt's even to have their pictures ing very well writing advertise-
er day from Dr. Helena R. Ry- orchestra furnished the music. taken. ments."
dell, Ellendale, North Dakota, Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Schwartz acted The House Dance was a huge
advising that her practice in as chaperons. success and there was 100% at- Slim Irwin, in Orthopedics,
that city was for sale and that Deke Jones is still making tendance. The Blue Diamond when asked what you could offer
she would like to see some D. nightly trips to the country. Orchestra under the direction of a patient who came in with tor-
M. S. C. O. product there. In Peel Loghry, Valentino's only Max Friend was a big factor in ticollis, shouted out, "Rye."
the Doctor's letter she mentions: rival, has changed his field of the wonderful time that every- Kind-hearted Slim.
"I have been here eighteen years operations to a point closer body enjoyed. These parties are Jo Bowman's description of the
and haven't starved yet." That home. Saves car fare, he says. just so gosh darned much fun gait in TB of the spine is "Pale
should be recommendation enough that we can hardly wait for the and anemic."
for anyone. Atlas Club next one. Red Maxfield says that the
Cavanaugh has acquired the Medulla Oblongata extends from
.L. E. Hillman of Garden A very enjoyable time was had habit of jumping now whenever the Foramen Magnum to the
City, Kansas, a progressive town by all at the pledge dance March he hears anyone say, "Oh, boy!",
20th. first or second Lumbar. What
of 4500, writes that after June as he is now serving as desk do you think of that, Mr. Cun-
first he is going to locate in On March 18th, Dean Johnson clerk every other night at the
gave a very interesting dis- ningham?
Colorado and that his practice Hotel Commodore.
will be available. The doctor course on ethics of handling del- Roy Davis has been the recip-
icate problems in practice. In- No Place for Humor.-"Lost
writes that he enjoys the com- ient of many presents lately, your job as a caddy?" asked one
plete co-operation of the local formation acquired only through Among them is a sample from
years of experience. We sin- boy.
M. D.'s, and is admitted to the one of the downtown drug stores. "Yep," replied the other, "I
hospitals. This should prove an cerely appreciate this talk, and Davis says that the samples were
hope to have the Dean with us could do the work, all right, but
exceptional opportunity for some intended for the other sex, and I couldn't learn not to laugh."-
Senior student. again. can't just figure it all out.
During Monty's recent illness Dean Elsea was greatly em- Watchman-Examiner.
Dr. Payson W. Hoyt of Hoopes- a very white lily was left at the
town, Illinois, has suffered a barrassed the evening of the
nervous breakdown and is desir- door by a Drake co-ed. Append-
ed was a note as follows: "Sin-
dance when one of the young la-
dies present accused him of hav-
D. M. S. C. 0. Student
ous of securing someone to take
his practice for the next two or cere regrets." Premature stuff ing a bottle. Poor Dean. It Leads Double Life
three months. -eh, Monty? was just a case of misunderstand-
Nelson has lost another mem- ing again. (Continued from page 1)
ber of his harem. Latest reports Judging from the way the boys weeks. Leroy, one of the fam-
Great minds, who are the state that another of his sweet- are migrating we would judge ous Skidmore twins, was united
agents of culture, do not try to ies has entered into a contract that "Spring has came." Surely in the Holy Bonds of Matrimony
keep the little minds down; they of which Nels was not even the is peculiar what pranks this (?) Saturday March 21st.
try to lift them up to their own 2nd part. Tuf luck, Nels, you warm weather will play. The If this continues, the college
level. can't only use one girl at a time. freshmen just play the part of will have to build and equip a
Red Groves, for some uncanny the thinker, and it iis almost im- waiting and play room for the
What is duty? I answer that reason, has taken up the study possible to get any work out of wives and children of students.
the wisest man among us will of the banjo. .We haven't heard them whatsoever. Gordon says The formation of a young mar-
never understand what Duty is him yet, but it must be good. he is going to Chicago for his ried couples' club has been ru-
until he does it. Someone hid Walter's mando- cure. mored round the campus lately.
, -
-. · ---- I I-- I i --
- - -·IL .___
- e i -, I,

but in the dissecting lab upon From the Field

The Log Book the Hasher's work table.
another individual whose earthly
Earl Curtiss
clay was doing its last bit for
The Official Publication of the world through science that R. F. D. No. 2
Thus it Lowell, Mich.
;:,JES MOINES STILL COLLEGE others might profit.
brings home to us the thought The Log Book,
OSTEOPATHY of how indefinite life really is- D. M. S. C. 0.,
President ...-.....-... S. L. Taylor what a chance it is, after all. Des Moines, Iowa.
iditor ___---- Don Baylor
..--- Dear Editor:
Dissection Notes I have been jumping around
)steopathy Without Limitation over Michigan prospecting for a
Some visitors were in the oth- location. During the various so-
er day and thought that the fire- journs I have met and talked
Concerning Students department was there, but it was with a number of practitioners,
just some studetns trying out some of whom are guilty of
about thirty feet of intestines 'most anything, even to an indul-
The recent activities of the to see if they leaked or not. gence in the humorous. One re-
Staff of the Stillonian have un- A Meckles Diverticulum was lateis the following:
earthed and brought to light discovered in Cadaver Gates.
some very interesting facts re- A certain buxom girl, one of
We think those girls from the individuals
garding the student body of D. 4 C's must have .advertised the those unfortunate
:X. S. C. 0. who happened to be burdened
sights they saw up here, because with surplus avoirdupois, was at-
Approximately fifty per cent there have been so many lady tending a class in ancient his-
of the total enrollment has had visitors recently. Dr. Woods ac- tory. The Prof, pointing her out, The Observer Says
at least one year's college work cordingly has put a ban on vis- asked:
prior to matriculation in this itors, because said flappers dis-
Institution. Stop a moment and tract the dissectors in their re- "What made the tower of Pisa The Advent
think back in the early days of search work. lean?" Of Spring
Osteopathy. What percentage of There is a rumor around that "I don't know," she replied, Has been doubly
students, in those days, had such a certain student is dissecting a "I'd certainly take some if I did."
a foundation for their profes- man he used to feed in a neigh- That patients are prone to mis- Guaranteed
sional training? borhood beanery. According to interpret a diagnosis is common By the
It is not the aim of this para- that we are taking big chances knowledge, but this one might be Appearance of
graph to deride or to belittle eating in said joints. chalked up against the ambigu- Angus
the individuals who place O:ste- Marlow: "Say, Doc. what ity of the English language: Manicuring
opathy in the exalted position makes the muscles in this ca- A Jewish lady suffering some
now held, but to point out, as daver so rotten?" discomfort in the abdominal re- The North Campus
forcibly as possible, the gigantic Dr. Woods: "On account of gion made a visit to the doctor. No Oswald
strides forward Osteopathy has being in such bad company." On returning home the lady The black boxes
taken. Ouch! excitedly informed her husband
The student body of D. M. S. The students have
Chevalier: "What makes the that she was going to have twins.
C. O. is drawn from thirty-five intestines in Gates so con- The husband, displaying no less Been carrying around
states and the Dominion of Can- stricted?" excitement, wanted to know just Lately aren't
ada. From Canada on the north Dr. Woods: "I guess he was what the doctor had said. Blood Pressure outfits
to Texas, Georgia and Mississip- scared on the way down." "Well," she made reply, "He They're
pi on the south; from Maine and examined me thoroughly and fin- Glossy Print's
the District of Columbia on the ally said, 'You have too little gas- Snap Shot Brigade
east to Washington on the west. Faculty Man Makes tric juice in you.'" Of the Stillonian
Our reach is far, and in compar- However
ison, D. M. S. C. 0. is as large Startling Discovery At a recent banquet a few sto- The fur lined Bath
as the profession. ries were related which could Goes to the
(Continued from page one) hardly be classified as "appetis- Bozo
ress he was forced to change his ers"-to wit Who deposited
The commonplace happenings plans and give up his secret at
of our everyday life are not al- once. According to the Doctor, Two young fellows were eating 2c
ways given a great deal of con- 99 women out of every hundred raw oysters eating in a restaurant. In the Stillonian
sideration as matters of real in- were afflicted and 94 men from Jack finished the room his in a hur- Contribution Box'
terest. It is not necessary to a like group. Every case treat- ry and left to tele- We fear that if
leave our own everyday sur- ed would be worth at least phone. Upon his return he no- The above were made
roundings to experience such $200.00, and just figure it out for ticed that Roy had one large oys- Public
things. A man by the name of yourselves, 10 patients a month ter still on his plate. Jack won- Every student would
M. Polo traveled a great deal at 200 per-. "I am only going dered why the delay in finishing Hang out
while the world was still in its to charge you students $25.00 the lunch, whereupon Roy in- A box marked
teens. In his way, he was a very for this marvelous secret," quoth formed him that he could not eat
good stick, such -as his sporting John, "$12.50 payable now and it. Jack immediatelyinproceeded question, The veil of
name suggests. His tales of ad- the other 12.50 thirty days from to devour the article Mystery
venture were listened to and ac- now. The course consists of only saying, "That's the way to eat Surrounding
cepted with a great deal of in- one lesson. It is for the treat- 'em up." "Yes," said Roy,"Well, "but
can you hold it down?" The charred blackened
terest by the majority of the ment of ENTEROPTOSIS. Give Object to be
people. Now Mark had the I can't see any reason why I Seen intermittently
chance to enlarge upon his sto- the patient one glass of pure can't," retorted Jack. "Maybe
cow's milk in which has been came the consoling reply, Protruding from the
ries, but in this case no such placed 3 ounces of steel filings, not," thing Mouth of manly
elaboration is needed, nor ex- and then suspend a heavily mag- "but I swallowed the dam'keep Mike Hannan
tensive travel. Right here in netized bar of iron around the three times and couldn't it
down." Reliable information
our midst one man has had an Says its a
experience that not one man patient's neck. Leave your Being somewhat under the in-
with Gehman as you pass fluence of the fermented juice, a Pipe
in ten thousand will ever go $12.50 Some of the fairer
through. Hashing is a necessity out-That's all." man was partaking of a full- Sex
and can be considered as nothing course dinner. The salad was From the far untrammeled
else. This particular man shoved Heads Up, Students! laid down to him and was be- Wilds are still
out grub to a customer for two decked with the conventional Camera Shy
years the same way that numer- Our youngest subscriber to thousand island dressing. With It won't hurt
ous men have done; then the old the Revolving Fund doubles her a critical gaze the inebriate Girls
customer failed to appear one subcsription this year. The lit- looked it over and finally quer- All students are
day for his usual portion of tle lady is less than three years ied: "Food to eat, or food I have Requested to
beans. Now this is not unusual, old and already .aspires to be an eaten?" Refrain from walking
nor was it considered as such. A Osteopathic Physician. She gives I have not received a Log Book On the grass
few weeks later the hasher dis- treatments and gets the money. since I left school. If such is In crossing the
covered his old friend in a very How's that, you "Student Physi- not contrary to Hoyle, please put Campus
pickled state. No, it was not al- cians?" me on the mailing list, and While returning from the
cohol that had created this con- oblige Morning
dition; it was formaldehyde. Nor Man is a creative being-that Yours of recent date, Breakfast hour
di4 the hasher find him in jail, is, a conqueror of the impossible.
, ,,,
Bob Lustig. -- Period.
4 31
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4,$ 1925 S"ILLONIAN $

S d.4

The Biggest and Best Year Book .4.

Ever Published by D. M. S. C. 0. . 4.
C* t


Every Field octor and Allumni Should *te -
fi I

Have a Copy in His Office .4.



Fill in the Coupon and mail today before it is

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Received Later than May 1st.
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ceive one (1) copy of the "Stillonian" 1925 as de- ::a

scribed by the Log Book of Des Moines Still Colleg eof t
$: Osteopathy.

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Volume 2 April 15, 1925 Number 19

I I ---
Stillonian Is Now Honorary Frat to
on the Press :: LESIONS - : Be Installed Here
All copy is in-forms closed,
and press run begun on the 1925
Stillonian-D. M. S. C. O.'s great-
· · i g ·- -- Through the influence of Dr.
H. V. Halladay and Dr. George
est year book.
The hearty co-operation of
..... ..:9g2 9 No.2Z
. Hurt, a chapter of Sigma Sigma
Phi, honorary Osteopathic fra-
the student body and faculty in ternity, is to be installed in D.
the matters of photographs and M. S. C. O., Friday, April 24th.
copy has enabled the staff to pre- Installation will be made by of-
pare the book in record-break- ficers from the chapter at Kirks
ing time. Every department has 0
PAY T O/5O_~ e
been handled in a thorough and The purpose of the Fraternity
efficient manner, and when de- is to inspire the student body to
livered the book will become one higher scholarship, and to work
of the most coveted of student for the betterment of Osteopathy
possessions. and our college.
Barring all accidents, the Stil- As a nucleus for the founda-
lonian should be ready for de-
livery some time between May
1st and 15th. And in view of FALSEE tion of the local chapter five
men were elected from Iota Tau
Sigma, Phi Sigma Gamma and
the fact that this is the first Ver'y rmare Atlas Club respectively, and five
book published for a number of men from the student body. Af-
years, it has been suggested that ter organization, members will be
the day delivery is made be elected by the fraternity, from
called "Stillonian Day," and ap-
propriate observance (no classes)
be made of the same. However,
at this time the suggestion has
P;c if-y cor',r ok-
the student body as a whole, re-
gardless of other affiliations, to
fill vacancies on the roll created
by graduation. The membership
not been acted upon. will be confined to the Junior
en two heare s and Senior classes and will be
General Clinic based upon high scholarship at-
Breaks Records c5
s A/ve- tainment and service to D. M.
S. C. 0. and the Profession.
In a previous issue of the Log The advent of such an organi-
Book an article appeared, de- zation as Sigma Sigma Phi into
scriptive of the work conducted our school is indicative of the
in the General Clinic. The fol-
lowing will give a small amount
of concrete evidence of the actu-
al Work done during the past
TRUE progress the institution is mak-
ing, and is indeed an honor. It
is predicted that in the years to
come this organization will de-
velop into one of the strongest
year. /1os5't rvo -iceab/e
During this period approxi- factors in student life at D. M.
mately 15,725 patients were ex- S. C. . Now there will be a
/vear' ervd o F morni)h. worth-while reward for high
amined in General Clinic. Over
one hundred and eighty cases re- scholastic standing-recognition
C o rr to, - yCe. for service rendered and, of
ceived the services of the Obstet-
rical clinic; sixty-five cases were equal importance, a stimulus for
treated in the Gynecological the development of a stronger
clinic; thirty-five proctological school spirit than has heretofore
cases; sixty-five "Nervous and
- _ ---
been manifested.
Mental " cases and ninety in the The men chosen to compose
I · · I the first
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat sec- r . . . .... _

chapter of Sigma Sigma

tion. The above figures, while
not including General Treat-
Iowa Board Exam Freshmen A's Phi in D. M. S. C. 0. are: Mont-
gomery, Howland, Homer Sprague,
ment, will give a fairly compre- Dates Announced Have Gala Time Joe Rader, Homer Thomas, H. B.
hensible idea of the vast extent Poucher, M. E. Green, Carl Gep-
of the D. M. S. C. O. clinics. Dr. R. B. Gilmour, Secretary April Fools? No, indeed! Al- hart, 0. H. Olson, Don Baylor,
Consider the service rendered of the State of Iowa Board of though some of us had so much Louis Miller, Bob Murphy, Leon-
the patient in the specialized fun that we felt foolish. ard, Nelson, Koschack, Hoffman,
clinics and the cost to the pa- Osteopathy, announces that the F. 0. Harrald, Butcher, Milton
The music that drifted out to
tient! Is it not amazing? Few Iowa State Board of Osteopathy the world that evening more than Conn and Ross Robertson.
students or Field men fully real- will hold its next examination satisfied passersby as to how the Officers elected were Baylor,
ize the vast work being carried May 18th, 19th and 20th at the class of '28 can enjoy themselves President; Rader, Secretary;
on by this department of the outside of classrooms. Montgomery, Treasurer; and Ko-
college. Capitol Building, Des Moines.
Who suggested it in the first schack, Sergeant at Arms.
The clinical work required of The fees for examination will be place, we can't remember. At
all students is one of the most $20.00 for Osteopathic Physician any rate, the vote in its favor
important phases of their train- was so nearly unanimous that
ing as Osteopathic Physicians.
and $25.00 for Osteopathic Physi-
the committee started things
It is in the clinic that the em- cian and Surgeon. Beginnilng July 1st, 1925, all
rolling at once. That memorable
bryo Doctor gains that degree of Requests for applications to night, April third, found us all holders of Iowa certificates to
self confidence so esential to the State Board should be ad- there, ready for .one. of the best practice Osteopathy will be
success in actual practice-it is times of our lives. required to pay an annual re-
here that he learns to meet pa- dressed to Dr. R. B. Gilmour, newal fee of $1.00 to maintain
In a short time, some of the
tients, to detect and judge per- 407 Security Bldg., Sioux City, boys began to warm up to the their license in force.
(Continued on page 2) Iowa. (Continued on page 2) -I I
-- - . = -s- -- __-
1 : . _. :1 :. . : . #_ i i !
.....;;,,_,...-1__; ;----

Fraternity Notes The car has a healthy appetite

Letters of a Freshman and eats up much gas, oil and
Alpha Xi Iota Sigma H20 but not much road. He has
On a recent sunny Sunday invited several friends out for a
Dear Pa:- ride but they couldn't get it
Things have been mortisem- morning we hiked to Greenwood
Park. Olive officiating at the started. Ross has asked advice,
blant around here of late and i and several brothers have figured
will try and make some news. I stove, the bacon and eggs proved
eatable. out that he will get about 5
have bin kind of nervous lately miles per gallon on gas, 2 miles
some of the frat men have bin Lois was absent from our midst
last week. We understand she per gallon on water, 10 miles per
watchin me an i dont get the quart on oil and 25 miles per
drift. One of them said to an- was looking over the "Land of
other that i was kind of silky. the In-Laws." tire on wheels, which equals
In spring a young man's fan- about 500 miles per car. Now if
The other one sais yes corn silk. Detroit is 700 miles from Des
Any how i aint got a button yet. cy"-You know the old tale- Health Hint: Eat greens to
Well, if you don't, please inquire Moines, he will have to walk the avoid having the blues.
These frat boys sure are bashful last 200 miles.
i dont see why they dont pop the -Casey Jones.
question. If the car cost him $30 and One of the student obstetri-
I aint herd from M for Delta Omega will only carry him 500 miles, cians reports the following ver-
quite a spell maybe my letters Surprise! Un-huh! and on and his train fare would be only sion of the universally known
Mother Halladay. All the girls $25.00, he would be just as far child prayer, heard while "on du-
have bin too much in the words. ahead if he gave someone $5 to
Sometimes I get that way. Ast of the school are planning on ty" in "Little Ethopia":
her the next time you see her gathering at the home of Mabelle take it out and lose it. Cards
of sympathy will please be sent "Now I lays ya daown to sleep
why she dont writ. You can Moore and proceeding en masse An' doan' yo let me hear yo peep.
save me the trouble and stamp. to the home of Dr. H. V. Halla- to the fraternity house.
Yo runs me crazy when awake;
In a week or so the town is go- day on Wednesday evening, April Now go to sleep, fo' de good
ing to runnin wild. The relays 15. On that day, Mother Halla- Iota Tau Signla Lawd's sake."
are comin off. I just cant hardly day becomes another year young- With the advent of spring and
wait. Send me five dollars cause er, and all the girls want to help housecleaning, a number of the
I got to get a new percussion her celebrate and wish her well. more prosperous brothers have Messerschmidt thinks her Ford
hammer i have wore the other Monday evening, April 13, the blossomed forth in Easter re- has that "gas consumption" she
one out. Be sure an write be- active Delta's met at the home galia. has read about-it coughs so
fore the relays. We got some of Dr. Ferne Woods and initiated much.
Helen C. Moore. It had been Beta Chapter takes pleasure in
new clocks down at school yep announcing the pledging of Del-
the school is gettin right along quite a while since "the girls had mer Stanninger, '28, to Iota TaL Butcher says that courtship
it is right up to the times. been at Ferne's home, so it was Sigma. consists in a fellow running af-
Thanks for the cake it did not a real get-together. Dr. John ter a girl until she has caught
last until Easter some of the managed to get home in time to Puss Richardson entertained him.
boys were afraid it would not get a hand-out, gaining admit- the "chosen one" at his home in
keep so they helped me eat it. tance through the kitchen door Austin, Minnesota, last week end.
while Dr. Bean inadvertently With the closing of the Home- A. B. Taylor says the most con-
Just the same I am a ready cus- firmed pessimist he knows, not
tomer. Leave the rest of the drove up just as refreshments stea,d cafeteria, some of the
were being served, and likewise brothers are lacking a feasible only wears a belt and suspend-
trimmin til i get home i got to ers, but carries a card of safety
get in practice of trimmin was invited to join 'em for the excuse for leaving A. B.'s eleven
"eats." The two men tried to o'clock Orthopedic class early. pins in his pocket.
Your son talk, but finally sat back and "Monkey" Nye has selected as
Adam L. had to listen. Ain't it awful? an avocation training of wild Pinkie Schwartz defines a park-
animals. ing space as a place where you
P. S. Am sending heavy quilts leave your car to have the fend-
home. Atlas Club Deke Jones essayed to raise a
moustache, but in deference to ers crumpled.
Thursday, March 26, "Daddy" the wishes of some of the older
Bachman gave a very good lec- When asked why he slept in
Are You Looking ture on goitre. "Daddy's" lec- men, desisted.
The chapter is looking forward class so much, Hibbard replied
tures are always looked forward that a great medical authority
for a Location to by the boys. with great anticipation to the once said that when "the eyes
Several pledges took first de- coming Relay Dance, to be held
at the chapter house April 25th. are closed the hearing becomes
Dr. R. D. Hardie, who has been gree work April 2. The riding more acute" and that he was ex-
practicing at Galena, Illinois, for was rather easy, but no shock ab- Dr. Jake Wedel of Winterset perimenting to determine wheth-
the past eleven years, is forced sorbers will be available next visited the house Sunday, April er the doctor's theory was true
to give 'it up on account of ill time. 5th. or not.
health, and is desirous of secur- Dr. Woods favored us with a Brothers Odell and Watkins
ing a competent D. O. to take lecture on Physical Diagnosis on spent the past week end at their
April 9. Handsome Johnny is Albert: "Ma, kin I go out in
over the practice. Galena is a respective homes getting some of the street. Pa says there is go-
good town, located in a prosper- very practical in his work. His Ma's good cooking. ing to be an eclipse of the sun."
ous community where osteopathy subjects are intensely interest- Ma: "Yes, but don't get too
is well known. This should prove ing and valuable.
an excellent opportunity for The pledges look worried, but Freshmen A's
some one. there is no necessity for same,
as they cannot possibly imagine Have Gala Time Doctor: Have you taken every
Dr. V. B. Smith of Boone, Ia., what will happen to them second precaution to prevent spread of
wants someone to take over his degree night. (Continued from page 1) contagion in the family?"
practice for a period of at least Bro. Bob Lustig, January, '25, Rastus: "Abs'lutely, doctah.
six months. Anyone interested situation. Who could help it, We eben bought a santary cup
reports that he is located in with such music as the Blue Dia- an' we all drink out of it."
may secure full particulars by Grand Rapids, Mich., and expects
writing the school. monds furnished us? Warmer
to do everything, even 0. B. and warmer, and then our Virge First Little Girl: "Do you be-
work. to the rescue. Does he know lieve there's a devil?"
Bro. Richardson has an antique summer styles? Well, we guess,
General Clinic Ford. He bought it for better Second: "No! It's like Santa
for after that the boys danced Claus. It's your father."
or worse. The motor was warm calmly and coolly, sans coats.
Breaks Records when he got it, but when it During intermission, we were
cooled off he couldn't start it. Some Money
He was advised to get a hot-shot entertained with a group of songs
by Mr. and Mrs. Kroll, friends of I am twenty-five cents.
Continued from page 1) battery for it and did so. When I am not on speaking terms
sonal peculiarities and idiosyn- aur classmates, also, Virge Halla-
he went to install it he found day and his syncopators played with the butcher.
crasies-to apply the fund of one under the back seat already I am too small to buy a quart
theoretical knowledge he has for us.
connected up. Upon close exam- {of ice cream.
been accumulating. ination he found Lizzie entirely Our chaperons were: Dr. and I am not large enough to pur-
D. M. S. C. O. is justly proud devoid of all pep. The skull was Mrs. H. V. Halladay and Dr. chase a box of candy.
of the record her clinics have also fractured, and the nervous George Hurt. I am too small to buy a ticket
made, and is confident that there system lacked irritability. The Yes. It was certainly a huge to a movie.
is not an Osteopathic school in lungs are 0. K., but there is a success. Everyone there assured I am hardly fit for a tip, but
the country that can surpass death rattle with each cough. It those who missed that it was, -believe me, when I go to
them in either Quality or Quan- has leakage of the valves, radi- and all are hoping that we may church on Sunday, I am considc
tity. ator and carburetor. soon have another big time. ered SOME MONEY!
: : ::
i I I I I I- I I
;___ I

"I Planted a Seed" Dissection Notes

The Log Book
-. a, L I planted a seed in the cool, dark A very good specimen of "ro-
ground, tated vertebral bodies" may be
The Official Publication of seen in cadaver No. 5, also a
Then waited for it to grow,
DES MOINES STILL COLLEGE While the sun and wind and dew splendid case of aortic sclerosis.
OF OSTEOPATHY and rain Now that these spring days

And the mantle of winter's are so nice, some very marvel-

President -..,-.- S. L. Taylor snow ous speed is exhibited in cutting
the cadavers. The fellows don't
Editor - ___.-.... on Baylor Lent comfort and warmth and realize what territory they cover
food and drink
: :

To that little seed below. till they go home and write up

Osteopathy Without Limitation their notes.
I planted, deep within my heart, The "Dissection Room Quartet"
A seed of revenge, and so may be heard any afternoon.
Be on Your Guard While the storms of life beat on There are also rumors that four
perfectly healthy bodies will be
my breast,
I will waylay you in unexpect- I allowed that seed to grow, available for dissection in about
ed places and rob you of your Until it filled the whole of my a week, so draw straws early to
peace of mind, giving in its stead life see who gets the tenor.
disturbing fancies. With sorrow and hate and woe. Someone has a bad habit of
I will upset your mental rou- turning the water off about the
tine, and renew the colors of I planted a thought within my time the surgeons desire to
cleanse their hands. It leaves
faded memories.
I will awaken the echo of half-
A thought of love, you know, them in a dirty mess. The Observer Says
forgotten songs; I will try to And let the light of heaven shine All gold fillings from cadavers'
coax you away from desk and in, teeth will be turned in to Dr. Well, well
workbench to green places afar Until it began to grow, Woods, please. Microscopes Tom Mann
Off. And to fill my life with beauty cheerfully furnished to locate
IJnless you are very old and said jewelry. Verbally proclaimed
and hope.
erafty, you cannot hope to es- Until it was all agl.ow. That he wished
cape me. The facts of astronomy are He had a
My agents will be lurking out- Each day we have sown various overwhelming and so stupefying Brain
side your window when you awake seeds, that there are moments when
and they will send stealthy mes- human speech is stricken dumb, Dr Steffen
And fruit they will surely
fages to you by wireless when bear. and one is almost tempted to cry Diagnosed the
you try to sleep. 'Tis not alone the storms of life like a child in the dark, or even Condition as
I will cause you to wonder That have made us what we to howl like a dog, which is the Infantile Senility
whether Ambition is not Illu- are, dog's way, I suppose, of express-
sion, and if the Beckoning Road Nor the light of love from God ing cosmic emotion. Verily, the Quite true Doctor
is not the destined path for you. above, highest cannot be spoken: the Quite true
Children laughing in the But the seeds we have planted, mere vastness of it completely Prof Sutton
Street and birds hunting nests there. baffles us. "The stars above us Says to Doctor Woods
fre my special representatives. -Olive Matthews. and the graves beneath us."
The sun and stars are my al- I -~~~~ Great God, what a universe! And I saw
jies; the south wind does my bid- to continue the Legislature is yet we discuss it over our tea- You in
,ding. not protecting the public as it cups as though it were a thing Church last Sunday
Steel yourself to resist me. should. we carried in our waistcoat John replies
Take a firm grip on respectabil- The relative merits of medi- pockets.
ity and permanence and hum- cine and osteopathy, using med- Yes I'm having
icine as a convenient term for
For I am Spring! the older school of healing, are "Yes, sir," declared the stout Repainted
not involved. People should be man in the smoker, "now that I What's the matter
Ontario Osteopaths free to choose one or the other. have wealth and leisure, I pro- With yours
There are fundamental studies in pose to check up on the song
writers." But Bone
The recurring question of the the healing art common to all "As to how?" Cops the
status of osteopathy in Ontario schools, and the State may prop- "First, I'll count the sycamores
is again before the Legislature. erly insist that these studies Fly paper kimono
along the Wabash and then I'll
There are some general princi- shall engage as much of the time inspect those braes of Maxwel-
For Life's Most
ples to which open-minded mem- of the student of osteopathy as ton." Embarrassing moment
bers of the medical profession of the student of medicine. If (Investigate)
will yield assent, and to which this test is met there should be
the Legislature should give stat- no discrimination, and there "Do you understand what is It's all right
utory recognition. For example, would be no argument for re- meant by invisible government?" Deany
those who make a practice of stricting the title "Doctor," "Personally speaking," said Mr. The students
diagnosing and treating the ail- "Physician," "Surgeon," to one Meekton, "I do. My wife gives
me a list of errands every day Ought to sleep
ments of the human body should class of licentiates, as proposed
first have undergone an adequate in the bill now before the House. by telephone." During the first
course of training and instruc- The problem would be simpli- Half of
tion, and have passed certain fied if there were a college of Minister: "Do you think they April
tests which the State, as the cus- osteopathy in Ontraio, and the approved of my sermon?" They've just
todian of the public well-being, Legislature should remove the Wife: "Yes, indeed, they were
all nodding." Finished a
has the right to prescribe. A obstacles to the project. The
person should be assured that educational standards of the March
when he consults a practitioner medical profession in Ontario Edith: "How is it that you get Of
of the healing art the latter shall are admirably high, and safe- so many joy rides?" 31 days
be fully qualified, according to guard the public. Osteopathic Madge: "Oh, I practice auto You boys
the official standards set for the practitioners who have con- suggestion."
particular school to which he be- formed to similar standards That are
longs, whether it is allopathy or should have similar rights and An Idaho man was fishing in Burning mid
osteopathy. There are seven col- privileges. The large number of Lake Crescent recently. He Nite oil
leges of osteopathy in the Unit- people who take osteopathic caught a big northern pike, the For State Board
ed States, three of which give a treatment are also entitled to biggest he had ever landed in his Want to
five years' course, and the oth- protection. long and busy life. He was elat- Remember
ers a four-years' course, yet the ed. He was crazed with joy, and That Luck
graduates of these institutions The above clipping was taken he telegraphed his wife: "I've got Has a queer way
are put on a level by the laws of from a recent issue of a Toronto one; weighs seven pounds -and is Of favoring the
Ontario with so-called osteopaths daily. It gives a clear, concise a beauty." Fellow
who have had little or no train- and unprejudiced opinion on the The following was the answer Who doesn't
ing by comparison. This state of subject involved, and is well he got: "So have I; weighs ten Count
affairs is unjust to the qualified worth the deep consideration of pounds. Not a beauty-looks On her
osteopaths, and in permitting it every Osteopath. like you. Come home." Period.
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Volume 2 May 1, 1925 Number 20

- - - - - - -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Honorary Frat Installed Stillonian to Be

SENIORS- Out in Record Time
Beta Chapter, Sigma Sigma
Phi, honorary Osteopathic fra-
ternity, was formally installed By the time this issue of the
Friday afternoon, April 24th, at Log Book goes to press, the press
the Grant Club. The ceremony work on the 1925 STILLONIAN
was conducted by the officers of will have been completed and
Alpha Chapter at Kirksville, the book ready for the bindery
Missouri, -assisted by Field Mem- department. Provided there is
bers, Doctors Virg Halladay and .01 no delay in the receiving of the
George Hurt. covers, which are being made in
After the recuperation and re- Chicago, the book should be
rready-or-deiveryn;ot later-than -
suscitation o the i candidates an

the safe tethering of the Official the fifteenth of May.

Goat, a brief business meeting Considering the fact that thet
was held. At 6:30, all who were entire idea was conceived and.
physically able partook of a executed in so brief a time, the
bounteous repast, after which I a vote of appreciation is due the
short talks were made by the entire staff. Rumor has it that
newly initiated brothers, the vis- the publishers say it is one of
iting officers and Drs. Halladay the best books they are publish-
and Hurt. The meeting then ing this year, and that includes
adjourned to the Orpheum, some of the year books of the
where the chapter entertained largest schools in the state.
the visitors at a box party. The
only regret of the evening was
that Robertson was unable to
find the desert that Louie Miller
/ Profiting by the experience of
this year's staff and the wealtth
of material available, next year's
publication should be without
had lauded so highly.
Those initiated were Dr. J. P.
Schwartz, Baylor, Poucher, Green, I
I\ i· peer. The student body is urged
to begin now, collecting and pre-
serving snapshots, jokes, and
Gephart, Olsen, Montgomery, suitable material for next year's
Howland, Sprague, Rader, Thom- book.
as, Miller, Koschack, Nelson,
Leonard, Murphy, Harrold, Butch- Surprise Party on
er, Hoffman, Conn and Robert-
son. Mother Halladay
Inter-Class Track Meet Well-the girls of the school
(and a large majority attended)
who were present at the surprise
Friday, May 8th, has been se- party on Mother Halladay were
lected as the date for the An- themselves treated to a surprise,
nual Inter-Class track meet. and a pleasant one, too.
Enthusiasm is running high, and
all classes are concentrating on Dr. Virg. Halladay addressed
beating the sophomores, who
walked away with last year's i those present, his subject being
the "History of Osteopathy."
This was interesting, and also
The meet will be held in the
'West High stadium, and the pro-
T"nO wis T3Cfc highly instructive. Following
his lecture he gave 'em another
real treat by allowing free admis-
gram will include a full list of sion to his den and all the speci-
track and field events. Class mens therein.
teams and fraternity relay teams Alumni Active J. P. Schwartz Honored Mother Halladay was delighted
are hard at work training for with the affair, which went off,
the event, and some records are from beginning to end, with a
expected to fall. The D. M. S. C. 0. Alumni as- In recognition of his invalu-
sociation is on the job every min- able service to the Des Moines "bang." Needless to say, she
The two most popular events ute planning for the betterment Still College of Osteopathy, as a was decidedly fussed at first,but
on the program are the special of the college and the relation- member of the faculty and as the regained her poise before the
100-yard dash and the inter-fra- ship between the field men and guiding genius in all movements evening closed.
ternity relay. There are some the school. for the betterment of the col- The girls presented her with a
exceptionally fast men in school, In a recent communication lege and student spirit, Dr. J. P. blossoming stock in lavender.
and the 100 should go in pretty from Dr. B. M. Hudson, secretary Schwartz was elected and duly Ice cream, cookies and coffee
good time. The relay is always and treasurer of the association, initiated as- an honorary member were served, after which the girls
fast and plenty of competition. he states that extensive plans of Beta Chapter, Sigma Sigma reluctantly returned to their
.It is rumored that there will are being made by special com- Phi, Friday, April 24th books.
be a special feature race for the mittees for reunions to be held The Doctor was also elected
members of the faculty only- at the coming Central States faculty advisor to the Pan Hel-
the man who is physically able convention and the Toronto con- lenic Council it its last regular Notice
to run the shortest distance win- vention. meeting. Beginning July 1st, 1925, all
ning. The college is indeed gratified holders of Iowa certificates to
The entire student body is ex- to learn of the intense interest What most of us need at the practice Osteopathy will be
pected to attend this event, as manifested by our alumni organi- moment is not so much a new required to pay an annual re-
it is one of the most outstand- zation, and consider it an added definition of education as a new newal fee of $1.00 to maintain
ing affairs of the entire school laurel to the school to have such vision of it. Visions -are more their license in force.
calendar. a loyal alumni organization. potent things than definitions. .. _
. V L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2 I THE LOG BOOK ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~-

Letters of a Freshman Fraternity Notes out and push. The rest of the
ride was O. K., as it was all
Iota Tau Sigma down hill. It is rumored that
Rbss loses more religion in get-
Dear Pa- Now that the interior decorat- ting it started than can possibly
The check got here today but ing is practically completed, the be recouped in several sermons.
the Relays are over so i wont chapter house again resembles Ross says he realizes the remote
have to buy the hammer. I was a homelike abode. chances of getting to Detroit
one of the teams trainers. The On Saturday, April 25, Beta with it, and is looking for a me-
team was pretty good but their Chapter entertained at an in- chanic as a fourth passenger, the
coach thot that they ran too formal dancing party at the chap- other three being pushers.
long in the same place. I have ter house in honor of house Sherriff Reed is to receive a
been wondering about it every guests attending the Drake Re- degree from the Anatomical So-
since. After all i believe he was lays. Frank Juby, Elgin Illinois, ciety on the following creden-
was the guest of Marlow and Lawless Proceeding
right a team should go away from tials:
home once in a while. That Poucher; Kerns and Hookey of The teacher was giving the
Ames were the guests of Dave Says Dr. Wood tio Reed: class a lecture on "gravity."
would be one way of covering "What is the largest cranial
more territory. One of the fel- Skidmore; Stan Knapp of the "Now, children," she said, "it
State University of Iowa and nerve?" is the law of gravity that keeps
lows in the band out at the Re- Says Reed to Dr. Woods: us on this earth."
lays said that the last strain was Jim Barnes of Des Moines were "Trigeminal."
awful and when i asked him what the guests of Jim Cochran; the "But, please, teacher," inquired
Says Dr. Woods to Bro. Reed: one small child, "how did we
race he was talkin about he got Ohio Wesleyan relay team, Jii. "Yes, all great anatomists agree
mad-these musicians are sure Pierce, Chick Pearce, Roland stick on before the law was
upon that." passed."
electristic. Rosser, Winfred Helms and P. S.-This lets Dr. Woods in
Tell ma I will never remon- George Hill, were the guests of on an honorary degree, also.
strate (a new word i learned) Deke Jones. And the members "Do you wish to marry again
aginst wearing heavies again. A of the Estherville High School P. S. G. Notes if you receive a divorce?"
lot of the college boys from out relay team were the guests of "Ah should say not! Ah wants
the fraternity. Seven days a week don't suf- to be withdrawn from circula-
of town even wore their heavies fice for P. S. G. activities, now
over their B. V. D.'s. Some of General house cleaning was in tion!"
that it is time for suspension of
them even had red flannel ones. vogue on the Thursday prior to school activities.
These college boys even wear the Relays, and the chief com- L. E. Shaffer told Dr. Spring,
their heavies wide at the bot- mand was "Don't tell my lother Dr. C. W. Johnson, Dean, gave the other day, that the buccina-
tom. I saw some girls who must you saw me doing this." the brothers a talk which left an tor and masseter muscles were
have been from the Indian school indelible impression. His talk employed in raising the body on
Tiny Benien has supplanted the along the line of professional
cause they sure had the war far-famed San!dow as the world- the toes.
paint on. Judging from the ethics was delivered in such true
known strong man. Tiny select- Johnsonian style that it made
amount of clothes some of them ed a highly psychological mo- the evening a short one. It has been rumored around
had on i thot they were going to ment to "do his stuff" much to the campus that Wilson has been
race, too. When the second man the discomfort of some of the Dr. Grile, M. D. of internation-
al fame, gave a well delivered shaving for almost a year now.
on the relay team started to run brothers who had retired). He asked Doc Woods the other
the girl next to me asked what address upon the subject of Mal-
Pledges to the fraternity, Sten- practice. We think the commit- day, "Say, Doc, do those two
inning it was i told her i thot it ninger and McFarland, were giv- muscles on the roots of hairs
was the beginning of the second tee should be commended for ob-
en the first degree of their ini- taining such a speaker. make it easier for one to shave
quarter. Gee these girls are tiation Monday evening, April 27. after a year's practice?" To
dumb. Well Dad you sure made The chapter house was turned
None of the brothers have been over to the atlas club for one which Dr. Woods replied, "I'm
a good investment when you sent married during the past two sure I don't know, but it might
me out here i am learning my evening, the occasion, a smoker.
weeks, but it is seriously doubt- The first Pan-Hellenic Council be so."
Osteopathy good and fast, I gave ed if some of them will be able
one of the boys a treatment the meeting was held in the chapter The Doctor also recently con-
to continue in the Blessed Sin- house, and Dr. J. P. Schwartz sented to impart his famous ad-
other ,day and he aint been back gle State until the end of the
any more so I guess i must of was chosen to address the meet- vice to amorous swains to the
school year. ing. His talk, "Hash," was an freshman A class. It follows:
cured him. I got to close now It is rumored that Sherwood
cause I am going out on a date inspiration to freshmen as well "When you are holding her hand,
Nye is suffering from a slight as to graduating members. Plans looking up into her eyes, say
with one of the boys to study attack of amnesia. Have you
Anatomy. were made for the first Pan-Hel- (with feeling), 'What beautiful
noticed that happy smile that lenic dance. lunulas you have, sweetheart!'"
Your son, has been in evidence the past
Adam L. Mr. Guthrie of Ohio State He says it always works. For
month or so? University was a visitor at the more detailed technique, see the
P. S. Please answer on pink house during the week end. Doctor personally.
paper. Atlas Club Guthrie capably defended O. S.
Second degree initiation was U. at the Drake Relays.
Are You Looking held April 16th, and the boys all The chapter house was filled to Drake Relays Bring
had a warm reception. Wally overflowing during the Relays,
for a Location? Walker in particular had a hot Grinnell, Simpson, Ames, Kirks- Many Visitors to Still
time. Accidents will happen, ville and Buena Vista were all
Dr. A. P. Kottler of Chicago, Wally. L. E. Schaeffer, Arthur represented. The Drake Relays, held April
after twenty years of active prac- Dutt, Dud Wire and Jim Humph- Baumgartner and Rawson of 24th and 25th, afforded many of
tice, has been forced by ill health rey were also given the warm Alpha chapter spent last week the friends and alumni of D. M.
to retire from the active list. hand. Welcome to our frat boys. with Delta chapter. S. C. O. an opportunity to visit
His practice in the city of Chi- The Atlas Club will hold a Johnson and Chambers, Theta the college and renew old ac-
cago is now available. For fur- dance at the Grant Club Friday, Psi, spent the week end at the quaintance.
ther details write either the May 1st. A good time is prom- chapter house. Fraternities held special so-
Doctor or the Log Book. ised by the committee. Dr. Johnson of Jefferson, Iowa, cial functions for visiting friends
We are all glad to see a chap- was a week-end visitor. and members and the entire
Dr. R. M. Packard of Oakland, ter of the Sigma Sigma Phi in- school showed as much interest
Nebraska, has notified the col- Joe Rader has his "Rolls Ruff"
lege that his practice in that augurated at Still College, and on four wheels again, and has in the event as did the Drake
city is for sale. wish to say that the Atlas Club wired his golf clubs on the run- students.
This would is behind it with sincere wishes Dr. Allen, graduate of A. S. 0.,
prove an excellent opportunity ning board to add style.
for success. Brothers Spencer and Conn and athletic director and basket
for a graduating senior to locate The semi-annual banquet will spent a hectic week in Ohio and ball coach of Kansas U., gave an
in Nebraska. excellent talk in assembly on
be held about May 15th, and the the wilds of Michigan. They
Dr. J. E. Veon of Bakersfield, boys should all work up a good prayed for a car like Rader's be- Friday morning. The absolute
California, is desirous of obtain- appetite for said occasion, as we fore they reached Des Moines necessity of ideals and clean
ing the services of a graduate manhood and womanhood were
physician to take over his prac- always have a great time. again. It was a long walk.
Brother Richardson wishes to Sprague and Thelleman are of- the points stressed by the Doctor
tice for the period from July to inform the brothers that his as being absolutely essential to
September. And should the ser- fering the boys cigarettes just to
Ford is now running, he having show their new twenty-cent cig- success in any field of endeavor.
vice rendered prove satisfactory, encouraged it to start last Sun- arette cases.
the opportunity would be avail- day to take some friends up to Pledge Schaeffer has a new
able for a permanent connection. first date since the holidays, he
Anyone interested may commu- hear Dean Johnson preach. The playfellow now, in the person of had to leave before he became
ride was uneventful till they Jerry Lambertson. well acquainted, to soothe the
nicate with the Doctor direct or came to a hill, whereupon all Gay Howland was disappointed
write the college. passionate, wild calling of an
passengers were requested to get in love again Sunday. On his O. B.
P l

Pan Hellenic Central Convention

The Log Book Fraternities Meet Is Drawing Near
The Official Publication of The first meeting of the entire Program arrangements for the
DES MOINES STILL COLLEGE membership of the Pan Hellenic coming Central States Osteo-
Council was held at the chapter
OF OSTEOPATHY house of the Phi Sigs on Tuesday pathic association's convention to
evening, April 21. be held here the 27th, 28th and
President --__- S. L. Taylor The talk o fthe evening was 29th of May, continue to mark it
Editor ___,- _ Don Baylor given by Dr. J. P. Schwartz, the as the outstanding meeting of
faculty advisor of the Council,
on the subject 'of "Hash." The the year with the exception of
Osteopathy Without Limitation "Hash" was served in three the coming Toronto meeting.
courses: first, general hash of The leading men in all the
"I'd Like to Know Your interest to all on the subject of
little details not included in
branches of the profession are
Mother" named to appear before the va-
class-room lectures, secondly, to rious sections, and the organiza-
the under classmen on the sub- tion of complete and extensive
ject of concentrating on Osteop- clinics has been carried out by
Among the young men exam- athy during the four years of the
ined by a certain doctor for ad- college course rather than in the the committee for the various
departments. The most out-
mission to the army was a young last three months, and thirdly, standing of the clinics will be
fellow so well set up and so to the graduating seniors on "Il- the surgical clinic held at the
legal Practice." The talk was
clean of limb and life that the invaluable to all who were pres- Des Moines General Hospital and The Observer Says
doctor remarked as he finished ent, and the membership is deep- conducted by the three greatest
Osteopathic surgeons. With the advent
his examination, "Young man, ly grateful to the Doctor for the
I'd like to know your mother." time and thought entailed in its Practically all the national Of the
A boy does not often realize preparation. Following the talk, exhibitors will be represented- Balmy Breezes
that in every test he is called to a smoker was enjoyed by all in fact, the exhibit space avail-
able has had to be increased sev- An epidemic of
meet, there is someone else be- present.
sides himself who is being tested, eral times. Record attendance FORDITIS
and that one of these is his Dr. Florence Morris has been further assured by the Has struck
mother. No boy with any real granting of fare and a third for
Leaving Des Moines round-trip passages. Approxi- The college
manhood in his make-up can wish
to subject his mother to unfav- mately eight hundred osteopaths The south campus
orable criticism. And yet, though Dr. Florence Morris, for some are expected to attend the con- Is literally
the criticism be unspoken, the time one of D. M. S. C. O.'s vention. Packed
mother of the lad who is acting staunchest boosters in the-city, Coming as it does, during the With those Long
unworthily, in most cases re- has informed the Log Book of commencement week of the col- Powerful
ceives a measure of the silent her removal from -the city to lege, it is of added importance Black
blame. She may have done her take 'over the practice of the to the school. It will afford us Touring cars and
best, but in spite of it all, the Drs. Shaw at Indianola, Ia. The an opportunity to show the pro- Coupes
boy has gone contrary to her host of Des Moines friends will fession the type of physician D. Of questionable
counsel, and is thwarting her ef- miss Dr. Morris very much, but M. S. C. 0. is turning out and Vintage
forts. The world at large can- extend to her heartiest good also give them an opportunity to And it is to be
pot know this, and the only way wishes for success in her new attend the commencement exer- Understood that the
Jt has of judging the mother location. cises.
----- Student body is
whom they have not seen is by Of the Proletariat
her sons whom they have seen. Not of the
No boy will go far astray if Mortality in City and general tuberculosis show that
this is an exception to what ap-
Common Herd
he tries to live so that people The small closely
will say, or feel like saying, Country Compared plies for tuberculosis disease of Guarded papers
;'Young man, I'd ike to know the lungs and of other parts of Students may be
your mother." Life is longer and health is the body; for general tubercu- Seen stealthily
Sunday, May 10th, is Mother's better for those who live in the losis is the single type whose Consulting in class
death rate runs higher in the ru-
pDay. Let every student of Still country and the smaller towns ral districts.
These days
College whose mother is living than for the city dwellers. Deaths from smallpox are
Are not
send her some token of his love The rural boy, at birth, has a Ponies
and honor for her, wear the red life expectancy of 73/4 years more more numerous in the country But
carnation, and for those who are than his urban brother, and the and smaller towns. This is read- Miniature
less fortunate-let them wear country girl may expect to live ily explained by the fact that Calendars
-the white carnation and live the six years longer than the city vaccination is more generally On which
day with the memories of the girl. There are, however, a num- practiced in the centers of popu- They compute
best pal he ever had-his mother. ber of decidedly serious health lation. Hour by hour
problems for the rural popula- The facts of influenza are of The remaining
For many important dis- of exceptional interest; for the Portion of the
Students Donate Clocks tion. eases, the rural mortality ex- mortality invariably runs higher Year
ceeds the urban. The data for a in the country. This applies not Angus's Cadillac
The student body recently long period of years show this only to the great pandemics of Is again on the
purchased three excellent Seth clearly and are worthy of con- 1918-1919 and 1920 but to the so- Turf
Thomas clocks for the college. sideration. called "normal" years. After a brief
One was hung in the 'office to Whooping cough is an interest- Among the diseases of the cir- Absence
tell Rosie when to ring the bell, ing example. In direct contrast culatory system, angina pectoris One of our
one in the rear of the assembly to what happens for the three seems to be the one condition Junior couples
room to tell the long-winded other important epidemic dis- which generally (although not Were observed
speakers when to stop, and one eases of childhood. measles, scar- invariably) records a higher ru- Pre-viewing
in the main hall to remind the let fever and diphtheria, the ral death rate. Among the di- Apartments for
students of their classes. Wheth- whooping cough death rate is gestive complaints the relatively Next years
er or not the above is the exact higher, year after year, in rural few deaths caused by intestinal Reference
purpose and use of the three new districts than in the cities. We parasites occur mostly in rural However
tickers, the school is more than have never seen a satisfactory ex- areas. After two years of age, Drive on
proud of 'em! planation for this phenomenon. diarrheal conditions are a more The ice sign
In the case of cancer, the epi- serious problem in the rural dis- Isn't out
It is evident that Joe F.ader is theliomata, or skin cancers, con- trict, in direct contrast to what Today
a staunch believer in the say- stitute a very interesting excep- happens in infancy when the ur- Period.
ing, "It pays to advertise." From tion to what happens with re- ban death rate approximates 50 I
now on, please watch Joe's "car" spect to malignant growths in per cent in excess of the rural. Bright's disease and other dis-
-for all announcements, instead other parts of the body; for these Among diseases of the genito- eases of the kidneys. Among dis-
of the regular bulletin board. cancers, in direct contrast to all urinary system, bladder com- eases of. the skin and cellular
others, show a much higher ru- plaints alone register higher ru- tissue, gangrene invariably has a
If she won't tell her age-time ral than city death rate. ral mortality. This is just the higher rural death rate.-lMetro-
will tell. Figures for disseminated or opposite
-- to what happens
-- for politan's -"Statistical-Bulletin."
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- -

Volume 2 May 15, 1925 Number 21

-- - -

D. M. S. C. 0. Completes Stillonian Day

27th Year
P · _3 3 Ir- Was Big Success
Commencement, Thursday, May "Stillonian Day" proved to be
28th, will mark the official close the most enthusiastic and com-
of the 27th year of the Des pletely successful event on the
Moines Still College of Osteop-
athy. It has been a year of suc-
cess, accomplishment and prog-
Atr f(!olltgeflourni school calendar.
The program was kept a se-
cret from the student body, and
ress. Its termination finds the when they were all called to the
college on a higher plane scholas- assembly hall immediately fol-
tically, the faculty a chain of lowing their first-hour classes
specialists, in their individual last Friday morning, curiosity
departments, without a single
weak link, and the student body,
a group of serious minded, fun-
loving young men and women,
Henry A. Hannan was raised to the Nth degree.
The announcement was made that
the "Stillonians" were to be de-
livered immediately following
intent upon their purpose and the program, and the student
thoroughly saturated with the body were "on their toes" from
undefeatable "Still Spirit." then on.
The trustees have built up
what we as a student body feel
is the best faculty in the Osteo-
Class '25 An excellent program had been
arranged for the morning; sev-
eral selections by the Roosevelt
pathic profession. Every mem- High School Band, an address by
ber is a finished product, progres- Dr. G. A. Huntoon, readings, and
sive and with the work of the harp solos, led up to the impor-
school and the student at heart. tant part of the program.
Devotion to profession and duty
is their uppermost consideration,
Glens Falls, N. Y. Dr. J. P. Schwartz
the school letter to the seven

and at all times have they been men winning it during the past
found more than willing to give basket ball season.
freely of their store of knowl- Then-Dr. S. L. Taylor, Presi-
edge experience time and service dent, and Dr. C. W. Johnson,
to the student. No separate de- Dean, were called forward and
partment excels all are the best
available and the student body
Died May 17th, 1925 presented with the first copies of
the "1925 Stillonian," the great-
is more than ready to "tell the est year book ever published by
world" that from the didactic D. M. S. C. 0., by Stuart B. Dick-
standpoint, old D. M. S. C. 0. inson, Editor-in-Chief. In his
tops the pile. presentation speech, Dickinson
The past year has been one of stated that "the three essentials
progress and accomplishment. A in publishing this year's annual
considerable amount of new "A Man He Seems of CheerJull were: first, a faculty and student
equipment has been installed to body who wanted the book and
further the service of our clin- Yesterdays and Confident Tomorrows" supported it; second, a staff and
ics and to augment the classroom assistants who had talent and
work of the students. were willing to work; third, a
Never before in the history of print shop equipped to do qual-
the college has the Laboratory ity work and rush it through.
department attained so high and The Stillonian was fortunate in
strong a position of complete- having all three." In closing he
ness. For so important a phase lallll 'I ---II 1-` said, "The book will speak for
of our training as Osteopathic itself, and if it were called a
physicians, it is only right that good book, the staff would feel
singular stress should be given amply rewarded."
this branch of the curriculum, Alumni to Meet Coach Sutton Is An ovation was given at this
and the students are highly ap- Now Proud Father time, when a group of students
preciative of the vast improve- came down the assembly hall,
In a recent letter from Dr. F. bearing the volumes of the Stil-
ments made by the trustees.
Our clinics for the past two B. McTigue, he stated that the Prof. Frank Sutton, head of lonian, which were immediately
semesters have by far surpassed greatest meeting of the alumni the chemistry department and delivered to the anxiously wait-
all previous years. They were ever held, was being planned for popular coach of athletics, is the ing students.
better organized and more com- the coming Central States Con- proud father of a baby girl, born Again the impossible has been
plete in detail. Clinics are the Friday, May 15th, at Des Moines accomplished. In face of consid-
practical work shop of the stu- vention, May 27, 28 and 29. General Hospital. erable adverse comment, the staff
dent, where he may put into ac- Letters urging attendance have Coach wrecked three perfectly had compiled, published and de-
tual application the theories been mailed to every known good suits by bursting the but- livered, one of the best year
learned in the class room, under alumnus of the college, and a tons off the vests. Also had to books in the state of Iowa, in the
the supervision of an expert, and record-breaking attendance is ex- purchase new headgear. amazing time of less than seven
the college that does not fulfill pected. There is considerable Mrs. Sutton is improving daily. weeks from the day the idea was
the necessities of this depart- important business to be taken first broached in chapel by Dr. J.
ment is slipping. Throughout the up before the body in addition to P. Schwartz.
year there has been an abundance the election of officers for the LATEST AUTOMATIC CHURN In the years to come, the first
of clinical material, Osteopathic, ensuing 1925 term, and it is hoped Farmers are said to be consid- Friday of the month of May is
Obstetrical, Gynecological, and that every alumnus of D. M. S. ering the delivery of milk by to be known as "Stillonian Day,"
the other clinics have not want- C. 0., out of loyalty to his Alma Foras. Butter ought to be and at that time are the future
ed for patients. Close co-opera- Mater, will make it his business cheap soon.-The Passing Show editions of that publication to
(Continued on page 2) to attend. I(London.)
,_ -- .,-- be delivered.

Letters of a Freshman Fraternity Notes D. M. S. 4

, X

Iota Tau Sigma 27

Dear Pa:- Beta honors its graduating
Do to the fact that the college seniors, Poucher, Odell, Staples (Continu
will be out for this year soon, I and Cochran. tion betweer
thot it might be a good idea to The annual farewell banquet work and th
come home. It is a good thing will be held Saturday evening, rectly respoi
that i am coming home soon as May 23rd, at the Kirkwood Hotel. tional succes
my bed clothes are getting pret- The Spring Formal is to be One of the
ty stiff. Pa i want you to sell held at the Chapter House, May of the Gene
that bull calf of mine. At last 22nd, with the "Music Masters" placing of t
i got into one of them frats and providing the music. in every university, college, acau- THEY ALL DO
they say i got to help pay off the Pledges Steninger and McFar- emy and high school in the city
mortage. My part will just put land were given the second de- in the capacity of trainers and Mr. Bacon "Did you hear those
over the deal. the name of the gree of their initiation Saturday conditioners of their athletic measly roosters crowing this
frat is I TAPPA KEG and the night, May 8. morning early?"
teams. The students not only Mrs. Bacon-"Yes, dear."
pin looks like a big mallet they Several of the Brothers have "worked out" the athletes, but al-
their trunks all packed in an- Mr. Bacon-"I wonder what on
told me that was the main in- so attended all minor injuries. earth they want to do that for?"
sturment. So far the main in- ticipation of an early departure Letters of commendation have Mrs. Bacon-"Why, don't you
sturment has been something else after exams are over. been received from the athletic remember, dear, you got up one
but i don't mind if the boards The chapter extends wishesfor directors of all the institutions, morning early, and you crowed
oly hold out. Send me a dollar a speedy recovery to Mrs. L. A. and without exception they carry about it for a week?"-The
for another paddle. The year Reiter, wife of Brother Ted Rei- a theme of highest praise for the Watchword (Dayton, O.)
book came out last week and she ter, who underwent an operation work done by the students.
is a doozer. I got my picture in for appendicitis at the Des The student body-that all-im- "Didn't your paper say I was
twice and once without having Moines General recently. portant, determining factor in a liar?"
it taken. Some guy drew one of The chapter was host to the the progress of any institution- "It did not."
me. so kind wasent he? Only Pan Hellenic Council Tuesday is without equal. All classes "Didn't it say I was a scoun-
trouble was that the printer got evening. Dr. H. J. Marshall spoke have shown a marked increase drel?"
things mixed up and put it in on the importance of Association in numbers over previous years, "I'm positive some paper said
the comedy part. Out side of work, and the various things that and from indications, such growth it.' '
that it is a pretty good picter. are being accomplished by the is to continue. They are a clean- "Perhaps it was our competi-
Bin datin a new weed of late National, State and District cut serious minded group of tor in this town," hinted the edi-
kind of had to change the pas- groups. young men and women, over fif-
"Peel" Loghry's brother, of tor. "Our paper doesn't print
ture-for a time. She ain't start- ty per cent of whom have had stale news."-Life.
ed to talk about furniture yet Wabash, Indiana, stopped over previous college and university
so i guess it is safe to keep on for a brief visit during the past training, who are in D. M. S. C.
goin out for a time yet. I bin week end. 0. for the sole purpose of becom- S. S. Leviathan
learnin lots of things and not all ing competent Osteopathic Phy-
of them are at school. I never Atlas Club sicians, and who have the wel-
to Carry Osteopath
did -like red because it always At the semi-annual election, fare of D. M. S. C. 0. and the Os-
made the bull calf mad but of teopathic Profession uppermost The S. S. Leviathan, the world's
Jack Voss was elected president largest and most palatial ship, is
late I have changed a lot. The for the coming semester. in their hearts. From the view-
annal Still Relays are comin soon point of accomplishments, the to carry an Osteopath, in addi-
The semi-annual banquet in tion to the regular "Ship's Phy-
without a doubt never the less honor if the graduating members student body have been "on the
not with standing very few men job" every one of the nine months sician."
was a success, and brought forth The United States Steamship
will be ready but it will be the some unusual oratory from mem- of the school year.
first time some have had to get An -honorary fraternity has Company, owners of the great
bers of the graduating class. liner, state that in order to give
out of anything faster than a Stanley Evans and Sherriff been installed for the purpose of
walk since they got here. It is inciting the students to higher their passengers the "last word"
Reed are representatives of At- in service, they must add.-the
hoped that the stadium records las Club on the Pan-Hellenic scholastic attainments; a Pan-
will be broken in both the Hellenic council for the purpose "Osteopath" to the ship's person-
Council. nel, as the passengers depend on
cross country and marathon The members extend their sin- of fostering better inter-frater-
races. I am one of the official nity relationsships and the bind- Osteopathy at home to keep them
cere sympathy to Brother Ghost well, so they will look for it dur-
timers the referee told me to in his late bereavement. Broth- ing together in closer relation of
bring a good calendar and a a group that will serve the col- ing their voyage.
er Ghost had his Ford stolen Dr. R. A. Marks, of New York
snappy story magazine he said from his back yard. lege.
that he wanted to keep me busy. The first annual Homecoming City, has been selected to be the
But I don't see when I am going first to act in this capacity, and
Inter-Class Meet was conceived and "put over" in will sail on his first trip May
to get to read any, do you? Send true D. M. S. C. 0. style. Major 23rd. Four other osteopathic
me some money to get home on Was Postponed athletic teams went through physicians have been selected for
or i threaten to bum. Well i highly successful seasons of dif- subsequent trips. Dr. Marks has
will close again until the pink A steady downpour of rain ne- ficult schedules. Traditions were
paper arrives. completed arrangements with the
cessitated the postponing of the born and developed to be handed McManis Table Company of
Your Son annual Inter-Class track meet down through the coming classes. Kirksville, for the installation of
Adam Lyre. from May 8th to the 15th. The "1925 Stillonian" was pre- a McManis table in his quarters
P. S. Dont figger up too much However, when the fifteenth pared and published in the rec- aboard the Leviathan.
work for me to do when i get arrived, it was still raining, and ord-breaking period of seven In view of this action by the
home. the meet had to be called off. weeks. Annual Stunt Day was United States Steamship Com-
In spite of the "dripping heav- inaugurated, and throughout the pany, it is expected that the oth-
Are You Looking ens," the three Inter-Fraternity year a program of weekly assem-
blies of the student body has
er great companies will "follow
relay teams gathered at the field
for a Location? and ran the medley relay race for been most entertaining. Class
suit," and that in the future the
Osteopath will be as important
the Sigma Sigma Phi cup. Iota functions, Freshman-Sophomore on the ship's roster as the "M. D."
Dr. J. J. Dunning, of London, Tau Sigma crossed the line first, Party, Junior-Senior Prom, Post-
England, in a recent letter to the after Marlow, anchor man for the Exam Jubilee and others have Still Spirit."
Log Book, mentioned the need of I. T.'s, had overcome a twenty- been held at the college with one Such conditions existent in the
an Osteopath in Dublin, Ireland. yard lead. It was a closely con- hundred per cent attendance by college today are indicative of
Osteopathy is quite well known tested race, and all three organi- both faculty and student body. one thing only-the continued
in that city, and according to the zations are to be congratulated There is an indefineable some- growth and progress of the Des
Doctor, "the man who left there upon the work of their men. thing that permeates the atmos- Moines Still College of Oste-
eighteen months ago made enough For the winners, Wadkins ran phere of the college halls. It is opathy.
money to retire." the hundred, Loghry the 220, that "something" which binds the The Seniors are reluctant to
Should anyone be interested in Jones the 440, and Marlow the student body together, assures accept the fruits of their four
this location, further particulars half mile. concerted action on all matters years' labor on the realization
may be had by writing either The Inter-Class 440 yard relay, for the betterment and develop- that it means the end of their
Doctor Dunning or to the Log the only other event held, the ment of D. M. S. C. 0., and that college days, and the undergrad-
Book. Sophomores came out victorious. is responsible for the close de- uates meet the coming vacation
Dr. J. A. Carver, of Childress, Russell, Wadkins, Friend and gree of co-operation which exists only in anticipation of the year
Texas, writes that on account of Loghry did the work for the between the student body, facul- ahead of them.
(Continued on page 3) Sophs. ty and board of trustees-"That A Student.
aw- I.
First Semester
Anatomy, Descriptive------------------ -_ Dr. H. V. Halladay
The Official Publication of Chemistry, Inorganic_---- -Prof. Frank Sutton
DES MOINES STILL COLLEGE Histology,_-------. _----- _-------Dr. John M. Woods
OF OSTEOPATHY Biology--------- ------------------- Dr. John M. Woods
Bacteriology- _-----Dr. J. P. Schwartz
President -------- S. L. Taylor Second Semester
Editor --.._-------Don Baylor . Anatomy, Descriptive ----------- _--..__Dr. H. V. Halladay

Physiology I ----------
__- ------------ Dr. E. E. Steffen
Osteopathy Without Limitation Chemistry, Organic------- ·--_Prof.-- Frank Sutton
Histology-------_ -_--- - Dr. John M. Woods
Arthur Brisbane Embryology--___----------- Dr .JP. Schwartz
On Osteopathy First Semester
"Before you let anybody, mas- Anatomy, Descriptive- .--- i_------- ----- Dr. H. V. Halladay
_ -D_______r. E. E. Steffen
sage expert, osteopath or "chi- Physiology II --- ,.----------- ----- Dr. C. F. Spring
ropractor," manipulate your spi- Theory of Osteopathy_____---------- -------------- Dr. E. E. Steffen
pal column, make sure the man Pathology I------ ------ and Toxicology -____- Prof. Frank Sutton
understands his business. Scien- Chemistry, Physiological Second Semester
tific manipulation of the back- --- _-- -Dr. John M. Woods
bone, freeing nearves from press- Anatomy, Practical_------------ ---- Dr. John M. Woods
ure, and scientific osteopathy Anatomy, Descriptive---------------- ____Dr. A. B. Taylor The Observer Says:
generally, is of GREATEST Orthopedics _-----------.- --------------------. -------- Dr. E. E. Steffen
VALUE, often making medicines Pathology II-------------------------- -Dr. C. F. Spring
unnecessary and doing what med- Principles of Osteopathy- With this issue
cine CANNOT do. Physiology III-__-----------------------Dr. C. W. Johnson The Observer
But beware of the "overnight" THIRD YEAR
First Semester M.akes his
graduate, who has failed at some- Dr. H. V. Halladay Bow
thing and decides that he will Anatomy, Regional and Special Senses ------ Lola Taylor
make a living at twisting back- Gynecology----------------------Dr. Going into
Laboratory Diagnosis_-----------------_ Dr. E. S. Honsinger Retirement
bones. _----------- Dr. E. S. Honsinger
He can twist TOO WELL. Re- Public Health and Sanitation John M. Woods
With the rest
cently a railroad conductor un- Osteopathic Diagnosis, Technique_-------------Dr. Dr. E. E. Steffen Of the
derwent two treatments, includ- Pathology II -----.--------- Practice Hasbeens
ing vigorous twisting of the Clinical Demonstrations and Second Semester The Observer
neck. Within two days he was -Dr.
_-____-------- R. B. Bachman
paralyzed on one side, could not Obstetrics__ __----------- ------ Dr. C. W. Johnson
Wn be MC
e1 111JLO
, "P~rnp ;,
J11 TmTt.Caf vavpr it
v J. ijI,
Nervous Diseases
.... _.,
_ " - TT T TT-T 1_-.1-,- Heartiest
with the loss of three weeks' Osteopathic Therapeutics .--.----
-- -..---- r. n. v. niallauay
Dr. E. S. Honsinger Congratulations
time. Make sure your scientist Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat__------------ --------------- Dr. Mary Golden To the-Seniors
not a reformed Pediatrics -----
Is a SCIENTIST, Physical Diagnosis ---------- Dr. A. B. Taylor
blacksmith. There are thous- May their Patients
ands such 'practicing.' " Clinical Demonstrations and Practice Be numerous
First Semester To the underclasses
Field Men! Surgery I, Principles_----------------- _Dr. S. L. Taylor Pleasant vacations
Nervous and Mental Diseases_------------------ _Dr. C. W. Johnson May the Dollars
Talk D. M. S. C. 0. Now! Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat____- -_________ Dr. E. S. Honsinger
Alumni! Now is the time to Obstetrics___--- R. B. Bachman Be numerous
------------- _------_ _Dr.
clinch prospective students for Osteopathic Therapeutics__--- ----------. Dr. H. V. Halladay To the Faculty
pext year! The graduating sen- Dietetics --------- Dr. E. S. Honsinger A Rest
iors of your local high schools Clinical Demonstrations and Practice In closing
pre considering further training, Second Semester
the selection of a profession. Dr. S. L. Taylor The Restaurants
Surgery, Operative_- __---------------
Talk to them and interest them Nervous and Mental Diseases__--__--- ._---- Dr. C. W. Johnson For the Summer
In Osteopathy while they are in Urology and Proctology-___---- ----- __Dr JP. . Schwartz We'll remember
a receptive frame of mind. Medical Jurisprudence--._--------------.__Judge Hubert Utterback Geo Hurt's
The college will gladly co-op- Dermatology---------------- ---- Dr. Lola Taylor
erate with you in the matter of X-Ray and Electrical Diagnosis_----- -__-- Dr. F. J. Trenery Long Fish
information, catalogues, etc. Send Osteopathic Therapeutics------------- --- Dr. H. V. Halladay Doc Wood's
in the names of prospective stu- Clinical Demonstrations and Practice Good Looks
dents in your locality. Doc Steffen's
Laboratory Technician---____----.------._Dr. G. E. Hurt Piece of Chalk
'Sigma Phi' Puts Up Cup
Are You Looking cation for the vast thirteen Dean Johnson's
Beta of Sigma Sigma Phi has For a Location? years. Great Ceasar's Ghost
put up a beautiful silver loving (Continued from page 2)
Dr. Myrtle Lloyd. of Ft. Dodge, Doc Spring's
cup for the Inter-Fraternity med- Iowa, is forced to give up her Parties
ley relay race, an event of the business reasons he must give up practice on account of her
annual inter-class track meet. his practice in the above city, health, and would like to secure Coach Sutton's
Ross Robertson made the pre- where he has been located for a successor by July first. Daughter
sentation in chapel, Friday, May the past eleven years, and that Fort Dodge is one of the most Rasemary's
8th, stating that the aim of the he desires an energetic successor progressive Iowa cities, has a Bell ringing
fraternity in putting up the cup to fill "his shoes." population of 25,000, and is lo-
was to establish keener competi- There is no other D. O. within cated in the center of a prosper- And
tion and to insure the permanen- a radius of-one hundred and ten ous farming community. Angus'
cy of the inter-class meet as an miles of Childress, and the feel- Here I is
annual event on the school's cal- ing of the M. D.'s is quite friend- The doctor will be glad to cor-
In addition
pndar. ly. Anyone interested may write respond with anyone who may be
The cup is to be awarded the either the Doctor 'or the Log interested, or further particulars The service of S. L.
fraternity winning the event, and Book. may be had by addressing the And the
is to remain in their possession Dr. J. W. Kibler, of Clifton Log Book. Hurried Exit
until the next meet. By winning Forge, Virginia, after twenty- The attention of the profes- Of
the event three years in succes- five years of practice, is desirous sion and the senior class is caPled Pinkie Schwartz
pion, the fraternity retains per- of taking a much needed vaca- to the need for an osteopath at That great Unknown
npanent possession of the trophy. tion, and would like to secure Oto, Iowa. The townspeople are The Board of Trustees
This is the first official act of the services of a senior student educated to Osteopathy, and as And the
the new honorary frat, and is in- or of a graduate for the period there has never been a D. O. in Unbeatable Gang
dicative of the nature of the June 1st to September. The doc- the community it should prove an The Student Body
work to be carried on by the or- tor enjoys an excellent practice, excellent location for some out- Adieux
ganization. a n
c s 1
a .n e i Lt n e . p r e e. n 1 o_- goin senior.t Period.
Iand has been in thne present lIo- going senior.
._ . .



i, .
As i
As a result of the recent increases in Postal
Rates it is IMPERATIVE that the number of
0Log Books now being returned because of in-
| correct address, be materially reduced.

C a Field Men A
Co operate with the College in stopping this heavy :
|0 FinancialLossevery two weeks by notifying t
us of your change of address.


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Entered as second class
---. T HE ---. Acceptance for mailing
matter, February 3, 1923, at special rates of postage
at the post office at Des provided for in section 1103,
Moines, Iowa, under the
act of August 24th, 1912.
LOG BOOK act of October 3, 1917, au-
thorized February 3, 1923.


Volume 2 June 1, 1925 Number 22


27th Commencement Closing Assembly

Most Impressive ATHLETIC LEADERS CHOSEN Very Enthusiastic
The twenty-seventh annual The last of the regular Friday
commencement exercises were morning assemblies of the stu-
held in the college .auditorium ,dent body, May 22, was one of the
Thursday evening, May 28th, most enthusiastic meetings ever
when the graduating class of held in D. M. S. C. 0.
forty-one were given their de- The Senior Class presented the
grees. college 'with large framed pic-
The auditorium was packed tures of Dr.' S. L. Taylor, Presi-
with relatives and friends of the dent, and Dr. C. W. Johnson,
graduates and also a large num- Dean of the college, to be hung
ber of the Doctors attending the in the assembly hall. Also the
Central States Convention. large panel of the Class to be
The exercises started promptly hung in the lower hall. The
at eight o'clock with the march Dean made the speech of accep-
played by Miss Elizabeth Gras- tance and in it he struck the key
jean, which accompanied the pro- note. of the morning's enthusiasm
cession of the Class of May, 1925. when he said that should the col-
Dr. M. E. Bachman gave the In- lege continue as it has during
vocation, in which he paid a the last eighteen months, with
beautiful tribute to Henry A. the hearty co-operation of the
Hannon, a member of the class, student body, D. M. S. C. O.
who passed away May 23rd. would have a new building with-
Mr. S. C. Sonnichsen, of Des in the next year and a half. The
Moines University, gave the ad- Dean also commended the stu-
dress of the evening. From the dents upon their work during
beginning, Mr. Sonnichsen held the past year and urged them to
his listeners in wrapt attention bring back new students. To
to the inspirational theme of quote him, "Every man bring
his address. It was one of the back a man, and every woman,
best commencement address ever two." Which left some doubt
given a D. M. S. C. 0. graduating as to just what he wanted the
class. girls to bring back.
Miss Marvel Morlock, Aurora, Coach Frank Sutton presented
Illinois, then rendered two vocal "RACE" MYERS "MIKE" HANNON" the Sigma Sigma Phi loving cup
selections,. following which the to the Iota Tau Sigma Relay
class was presented to the Presi- Team, winners of the Inter-Fra-
dent by the Dean. At a recent meeting of the squad, "Race" Myers, star tackle ternity Medley Relay Race in the
Degree of Doctor of Osteo- for the past three years, was unanimously chosen to pilot the 1925 recent inter-class meet. L. H.
pathy was conferred upon aggregation. Myers has been one of the best defensive and offensive Loghry, captain of the winning
the forty-one members of the team received the cup.
class by the President, Dr. S. L. line men the school has ever known and his election as next season's Dr. J. P. Schwartz read a reso-
Taylor, after which the diplo- captain assures the college of one of the best teams in its history. lution passed by the Board of
mas were given out. Dr. Bach- "Mike" Hannon, veteran on the basket ball squad was chosen Trustees commending the entire
man gave the Benediction and student body upon their accomp-
the march was again played by to lead the white and ;purple quintet for the coming winter. Mike lishments and spirit during the
Miss Grasjean. is a steady, aggressive, dependable player and with the support of past year, and congratulated the
The Class reception was the letter men from last year's squad, should have little difficulty out-going Seniors on the com-
held in the Ladies Room of the in turning out a championship aggregation. pletion of their four years' grind.
college. The room and the aud- Drs. E. E: Steffen and J. M.
itorium were tastefully decor- Woods also made brief talks of
ated with palms and seasonal Student Meetings For Senior Banquet a congratulatory nature and
flowers. every speaker was highly opti-
D. M. S. C. O. is exceedingly Toronto The members of the Senior mistic towards the possibilities
proud of the Class of '25 and Class, and Faculty went on a -of a new building.
more than regrets the arrival of strict starvation diet for two Students! Here is your oppor-
the day which' marks the com- Extensive plans are being made tunity to do something really
days prior to the .annual Senior
pletion of their four years' col- for the entertainment and re- Banquet, so that when the bell worth-while. The entire year
lege work. As a class and as in- ception of Students at the Na- rang at seven o'clock Wednesday just completed has been one of
dividuals they have been ener- tional meeting of the A. O. A. evening, May 27, the whole bunch accomplishment! Review, for
getic, progressive and loyal to Following the excellent dinner a minute, a few of the more im-
It at Toronto in July. portant things that the students
their school and profession. a number of short talks were
is with pleasure that the Des Dr. F. W. Hilliard of Toronto, given. The programme was as have done during the year. Home-
Moines Still College of Osteo- who is chairman of the commit- follows: "Our Seniors"-Dr. S. L. coming, Social Functions, The
pathy presents to the profession, tee on arrangements for the col- Taylor; "Professional Attitude," Year Book, and countless others.
Doctors, E. T. Eades, W. A. Bone, lege students, writes that a large Dr. C. B. Atzen, Omaha; "The They are not the work of any
M. H. Bruins, C. W. Carruthers, number are expected to -attend Woman's Place in our Profes- one individual, but the result of
Milton Conn, J. C. Cochran, R. G. and that group meetings and sion"-Dr. Bertha Bates Crumb, close, intimate, loyal co-opera-
Davis, Alice Burnett, S. B. Dick- other forms of entertainment, of Ames, Iowa. Music was fur- tion on the part of every student
enson, R. H. Dunn, R. B. Gordon, a nature that will appeal to the nished. throughout the dinner by and faculty member of D. M. S.
Dora Dietz, W. D. Fletcher, Mrs. students have been arranged. Mrs. Lemley's private orchestra. C. O.
W. D. Fletcher, R. E. Hibbard, All students, who possibly can, It is rumored that some of the Now! If you want a new build-
F. A. Hoffman, L. B. Hurt, Olive are urged to attend. The work mighty seniors had to be removed ing as bad as you wanted a year
Matthews, J. V. Hodgkins, Joseph will be highly instructive and in the ambulance, so great had book, enter into the campaign
(Continued from page 2) enjoyable. been their appetites. (Continued on page 22)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IIll I
Central States Meeting Alumni Planning Big Are You Looking
Big Success Meeting for Toronto For a Location
The annual meeting of the Dr. Charles A. Bennett, of De-
Central States Osteopathic As- Drs. McTigue and Hudson,
sociation was one of the most President and Secretary of the troit, Michigan, writes that there
successful meetings of the year. D. M. S. C. 0. alumni association is- an .excellent opening for an
A large number of practitioners state that extensive plans are Osteopath in Alliance, Ohio. Al-
from Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, being made for a record-break- liance is a wide-awake, progres-
Minnesota, Illinois and Iowa, ing meeting of the alumni of the sive Ohio city and is well worth
were in attendance the entire college at Toronto this summer. the consideration of a graduating
three days of the meeting and Of the business to come before senior
r_ A< 1:
who is contmplating locat-
X I ·
a 1.

thoroughly enjoyed the most ex- the meeting, the annual election ing in unlo. write the Log
Judge Prisoner, the jury finds
of Officers is probably the most Book or Dr. Bennett for further
cellent program. you guilty.
Every dcay was replete with important. The college wishes to information. Prisoner - That's all right,
join with the Officers of the As- The practice of Dr. Catheryn
clinics, technique demonstrations L. Gallivan, Ivesdale, Illinois, is Judge, I know you're too intelli-
and highly worthwhile papers by sociation in urging all loyal .available for some graduate de- gent to be influenced by what
the leading men and women of alumni of the college to attend. siring to locate they say.
in Illinois. The
the profession. Some of the Doctor has been in her present
prominent speakers on the pro-
gram were: Dr. John Deason of State Officers Chosen location for a' period of twenty
years ;and Osteopathy is quite
Hey, Monty!
The teacher was explaining to
Chicago, Drs. Conley; Kjerner, well and favorably known in the
Swart, of Kansas City, Drs. Bec- a class of small girls and boys
ker and Laughlin ,of Kirksville, At the regular business meet- district. Ivesdale is located in the meaning of the word "col-
Dr. A. E. Allen of Minneapolis, ing of the Iowa State Osteopathic the center .of one of the best lision."
Dr. C. J. Gahdis of Chicago, Dr. association, the following officers farming communities in the "A collision," she said, "is
Ella Gilmour of Sioux City, Drs. were chosen for the ensuing state. As the Doctor is retiring when two things come together
Goetz and Edwards of St. Louis, term: Dr. W. C. Gordon, reelect- from active practice it would be unexpectedly. Now can anyone-
and Drs. Halladay, Bachman and ed President; Dr. Mable An- advisable for any interested to give me an example of collision?
Trennery of Des Moines. drews of Perry, 1st Vice Presi- communicate with her as soon "Twins!"
The formal reception and dent; Dr. H. B. Willard of Man- as possible.
chester, 2nd Vice President; and Word has been received by the One of the fruit-stall men in
dance was held following the Dr. R. B. Gilmour of Sioux City, college that the practice of Dr.
'first day's meeting. The dances the city market was striving to
were interspersed with enter- Secretary and Treasurer. Drs. R. R. Reynolds, Smithville, Mo., add a few cents to the total of
tainment which gave the partici- C. N. Stryker, J. W. Rhinebarger is available. Anyone interested his sales.
pants an opportunity to "take a and G. I. Noe were elected as may obtain further information "We've got some fine alligator
Trustees. by writing the Log Book or the pears," he suggested.
breath" between rounds.
The most unique part of the The following were elected as Doctor direct. "Silly," laughed Mrs. Ted Rei-
entire program was the banquet state delegates to the national Communications from the ter, "We don't even keep a gold-
served the doctors on Thursaay convention of the A. O. A. at State association in Nebraska fish."
evening by the Whole Grain Toronto: R. B. Gilmour, W. C. urge the graduating classes and
Wheat Co. The entire menu was Gordon of Sioux City and Dr. the fieldmen who are desirous of Kipp: Didn't you see me down
prepared from their products. Glow of Washington. changing locations to consider town last night? I saw you twice.
Speakers at the banquet were: The body also passed resolu- the state of Nebraska. There is A. Doyle: No! I never notice
C. H. Woodward, Editor of The tions objecting to the law passed a shortage of Osteopaths in the people in that condition.
Motive magazine, R. H. Williams, in the recent session of the State state and any one desiring to lo-
Ella Gilmour and C. J. Gaddis. Legislature requiring the fee of cate in that state can find ex- Commencement Visitor: Do
Following the banquet a num- $1.00 for the renewal of Osteo- cellent communities in practic- you have to see a doctor in this
ber of the Doctors attended the pathic licenses and a resolution ally ;any -portion of the state. town before you can get booze?
,commencement exercises at the of Instruction to the Legislative Jim Brown: No; afterwards.
college. Others attended theatre committee requesting that they Closing Assembly
parties arranged by the commit- co their utmost to secure the Sheep Are Dumbest
tee. repeal of the bill. Very Enthusiastic Child: Sheeps is the dumbest
The convention was of consid- of all animals, ain't they, mama?
erable importance to the students Mother (Absently): Yes, my
(Continued from page 1) lamb.
especially those who were in A. 0. A. to Des Moines with the same "Still Spirit"
the graduating class, as they that has written success on the
were admitted to all the sessions in 1926 face of every student undertak-
Race Myers: Gosh, but you're
dumb. Why don't you get an en-
of the meeting. ing during the rear. Fill the cyclopedia?
The committees on arrange- The outstanding feature of present building so full of new "Jo" Bowman: The pedals hurt
ment and Program are to be con- the recent Central States Con- students that the Trustees will my feet.
gratulated upon the work they vention, held in Des Moines the be forced to build a new one!
,did. It was the general con- 27th, 28th and 29th of May, was STUDENTS DO YOUR STUFF! Timely Questions and Answers
census of opinion that the Cen- the resolution passed to attempt Question: "Tell me how long
tral States program will be sec-
ond only to the A. 'O. A.
to bring the 1926 meeting of the
A. O. A. to Des Moines.
1919 Class Reunion at girls should be loved?"
Answer: "Same as short ones."
Mr. George Hamilton, head of Toronto Nat. Refining Co.
the Des Moines Chamber of Com-
27th Commencement merce Convention Bureau, was Dr. A. E. Byerly of Guelph, WHO KNOWS
Most Impressive highly enthusiastic and pledged
the help Ont., is endeavoring to organize
and' co-operation of the a reunion of the 1919 class at the "Pa," inquired his strictly up-
Chamber and of his particular Toronto to-the-minute offspring, playing
(Continued from page 1) Convention. Get in with his radio set, "what's the
Koschalk, J. P. Leonard, J. S. Mc- department in putting Des communication with Dr. Byerly wave-length for Santa Claus?"-
Fall, R. L. Morgan, Louis Miller, Moines before the Toronto meet- when you reach Toronto if you Western Christian Advocate.
R. W. Murphy, Zoa M. Munger, ing in such a desirable light are a member of this class.
Bertha Messerschmidt, H. E. Mc- that they could not help but
Neisch, W. C. McWilliams, M. E. choose Des Moines for the next The 'occurrence of death, as "What do you think of the
Moyer, R. L. Nichols, Clara C. meeting place. voter who casts his vote for the
Robinson, C. W. Odell, P. D. O'- Every student of D. M. S. C. O. the lot sooner or later of every one he thinks is the best man?"
Keefe, Augusta P. Robbins, H. B. is called upon to do his utmost human being, has had a pro-
found influence on all the ties Politician "He's a traitor to
Poucher, Raymond Staples, H. B. to aid in this work. The .advan- that bind us together in the fam- our party!"-American Legion
Thomas, O. L. Wright, A. J. tage to the school would be hun- ily and in society, and one may Weeekly.
Schneider and E. N. Smith. dred fold. Heretofore, we have
only been able to tell a majority well doubt if any of our deeper
of the field men about our col- affections can be understood at CIVIC PRIDE
Mother "Get up, Elsie. Re- lege through the printed page, all when death is left out of ac- "Crimson Gulch will one day
member it's the early bird that but if the convention comes to count. It affects the value of be as famous as New York or
gets the worm." Des Moines we will have ample the services we render to one an- Chicago," remarked the flatter-
Elsie (drowsily) -"Let him opportunity to show 'em! other and of all the improve- ing stranger.
have 'em, mother. I'm not hun- ments we hope to bring about in "I hope not," replied Cactus
gry."-The Watchman-Examiner BRING THE A. O. A. TO DES the happiness or well-being of Joe. "The old Gulch is tough
(New York). MOINES IN 1926! the human race. enough now." Washington Star.
- - S - - -


First Semester Again miracles! Thousands
The Official Publication of flocked to see a recent play in
PES MOINES STILL COLLEGE Anatomy, Descriptive-______---------_-Dr. H. V. Halladay which a crippled piper under the
OF OSTEOPATHY Chemistry, Inorganic-___-------------------- _Prof. Frank Sutton urge of faith throws away his
Histology_______ -------- ---- Dr. John M. Woods crutches and capers nimbly down
President __-___ S. L. Taylor Biology__ -.------------- ----- Dr. John M. Woods the cathedral aisle. Why did
Editor _ _____Don Baylor Bacteriology - ------------- __Dr. JP. J. Schwartz they? Largely because every hu-
man being has a leaning toward
Osteopathy Without Limitation Second Semlester the supernatural. And you? Do
c Anatomy, Descriptive_--_---- __ Dr. H. V. Halladay you believe in miracles? Wheth-
Physiology I--------
Osteopathy Explained Chemistry, Organic------------------ - _-------------_ Dr. E. E. Steffen er you do or not, there are many
Prof. Frank Sutton things happening during these
- ------- -- - Dr. John M. Woods
The following article was taken Histology__ _---- Dr. J. P. Schwartz
days which cannot be brushed
from, the "Table Rock Argus," Embryology-_ -- _ -----.---------------- aside by mere scepticism. Here
the weekly clarion from Dr. John are some well-authenticated in-
SECOND YEAR cidents worth considering.
Woods' home town, in far and First Semester
distant Nebraska. A boy of fourteen, blind half
Robert Hickman Writes. Anatomy, Descriptive -,-- ,- --------------Dr. H. V. Halladay his life, was knocked senseless by
Whiting, Kans., May 2, 1925. Physiology II---- __________-----------Dr. E. E. Steffen a bolt of lightning which struck
Mr. Bill Ellis:- Theory of Osteopathy _------Dr. C. F. Spring a wire fence alongside which he
Dear Friend:-I am sending a Pathology I_ -- ,-- ,------------------- -- Dr. E. E. Steffen was standing near his home at
few of my friends a quiet little Chemistry, Physiological and Toxicology-______- Prof. Frank Sutton Penn Yan, New York. When he
tip that in case you are ever in- recovered consciousness he could
duced to try an osteopath treat- Second Semester see.
ment through the influence of a Anatomy, Practical_--._. ----------
- -- Dr. John M. Woods And here is the case of C. La-
misguided friend or your own Anatomy, Descriptive_----- ----------__ Dr. John M. Woods vier of Ogdensburg, New York,
convictions, be sure and take Orthopedics_-------- ------------.- Dr. A. B. Taylor made dumb by shell-shock while
ether-(yes, take two shots). Pathology II-----------------------. -------- Dr. E. E. Steffen serving with the Canadian con-
Last week while loading wal- Principles of Osteopathy--------------------_ Dr. C. F. Spring tingent in the World War. Nine
nut logs I had the misfortune to Physiology III_ --------- . ------. ------ Dr. C. W. Johnson months later the power of speech
wrench my back and the landlady
THIRD YEAR came back to him in a thunder-
where I board advised me to take storm which rocked the steam-
an osteopath treatment( and be- First Semester ship on which he was a passen-
tween me and you, Bill, I took Anatomy, Regional and Special Senses --------- Dr. H. V. Halladay ger.
it more to please her than for Gynecology------------ _----- Dr. Lola Taylor Will Hall, stone deaf, of Sen-
any faith I had in it). I noticed Laboratory Diagnosis_-------- ---------- Dr. E. S. Honsinger eca Lake New York, went to re-
this osteopath had a look in his Public Health and Sanitation__-- -------- Dr. E. S. Honsinger move a horse from a barn while
eye as I stepped in his office. Osteopathic Diagnosis, Technique__----------- Dr. John M. Woods an electrical storm was raging.
He told me to strip while he un- Pathology III __--_----__------------ ____ Dr. E. E. Steffen At the door he was dazed by a
folded a thing that resembled Clinical Demonstrations and Practice flash and then he heard a fright-
my mother's ironing board, (he ened neigh. Was he dreaming?
called it his treating table). He Second Semester He put his watch to his ear and
ordered me to sit down on the Obstetrics-_,-- ---------------- Dr. R. B. Bachman listened to its measured tick.
edge of it, he then took my right
Nervous Diseases-____------- ------ __ Dr. C. W. Johnson When he spoke to Dobbin, trained
arm and tied it in a knot aroundOsteopathic Therapeutics ---- ------ ___-_Dr. H. V. Halladay to follow his call, the beast paid
my neck, took hold of my right Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat_____--------- Dr. E. S. Honsinger no heed. Thor, the Thunder God,
foot and brought it around my Pediatrics_-_--,- --- ---------- -- Dr. Mary Golden had given both balm and bane;
left shoulder and around under Physical Diagnosis __------------- --- Dr. A. B. Taylor He had made the man hear again,
my chin, hooking my big toe un- Clinical Demonstrations and Practice and the horse to be as deaf as a
,der my right ear so it wouldn't post.
slip out of place While in FOURTH YEAR
this position he took me by the First Semester Arthur L. Fitzpatrick of Pough-
neck like a chicken and swung keepsie, New York, lost all track
Surgery I, Principles _ _--------------- Dr. S. L. Taylor of the past through a blow on the
me around until by back bone Nervous and Mental Diseases ---------. Dr..--.C. W. Johnson
snapped like a cattle whip. He skull in an accident. His memory
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat_-- ___--------_Dr. E. S. Honsinger returned, however, when through;
then untied me and repeated the Obstetrics_------- _- _ -- --- -- --- Dr. R. B. Bachman
same operation with the other another mischance, he was thrown
Osteopathic Therapeutics-_________ __-Dr. H. V. Halladay from a streetcar.
arm and leg until I yelped I was Dietetics _------- ----- ------ ____Dr. E. S. Honsinger
whipped.: Then he had me lay Clinical Demonstrations and Practice What explanation, for exam-
on my side and he took hold of ple, covers the case of the Rev.
one of my hip bones, smiled down Second Semester Dr. Daniel A. Polin, Associate
at me, took advantage of my dis- Surgery, Operative_-______---- - __ --- Dr. S. L. Taylor President of the United Chris-
traction and suddenly bent my Nervous and Mental Diseases---,___ --- ---- Dr. C. W. Johnson tian Endeavor Societies of the
hip until something broke loose world, brought to the highway of.
Urology and Proctology_____----------- Dr. J. P. Schwartz '
recovery by the prayers of his"
that sounded like ice breaking Medical Jurisprudence----_ --_ __-___--Judge Hubert Utterback
up the river. Then he had me Dermatology -- ______-- --------
____ Dr. Lola Taylor wife, after his spine was broken
lie on my face and he grabbed X-Ray and Electrical Diagnosis-_ __ _._____- Dr. F. J. Trenery in- an automobile collision?
my spinal column with both his Osteopathic Therapeutics _-------------------Dr. H. V. Halladay From Duquoin, Illinois, the
hands, pulled it out as far as he Clinical Demonstrations and Practice pastor of a Baptist church re-
could and snapped it back like ports that a young woman of his
a rubber sling. He did this two congregation, speechless and help-
or three times, then got on my Laboratory Technician_. ____-Dr. G. E. Hurt less for six years on account of
back and appeared to be walking a paralytic stroke, called back
on me and pushing in the joints her faculties through her own
of my rusty backbone with his position, smiled down at me and Irwin; what a wonderful oppor- petitioning for divine aid.
heels. He then went to the head said, "that will be all for this tunity it would give him to pull He believes that a modern mir-
of the ironing board, rolled me time." "Yes," I said, "that will off fancy stunts in straps and acle was wrought. Others say
over on my back and as a grand be all for this time, and the next tieing. I never did have much that they have witnessed all nat-
finale, secured one of Strangler time, and the next time after faith in this kind of doctoring, ural laws nullified in 'ways which
Lewis' famous head locks on me, that, mister-there won't be any but I can't believe that any dis- they cannot understand. They
twisted my neck and squeezed more times. I am cured." ease could possibly help being declare that real miracles are
my head until I saw one of the I have been whipped several shaken loose and annoyed to a possible even in the face of
prettiest displays of fireworks times, Bill, but this is the first considerable extent by some of doubting science. Higher criti-
ever saw. I was just one min- time I ever paid a man to do it. the knots he tied me in. In the cism, both in theology and medi-
ute and nineteen seconds break- I suppose my size didn't permit meanwhile, Bill, I am so sore cine, has not shaken the belief of
ing his hold, but pealed the bark him to pull off anything but from the top of my head to my many that the .age of the wonder-
off the back of both ears in do- plain stunts, but I can't help but toes, that every time the land- worker has not passed. Who has
ing so. He immediately clamped think what a pleasure it would lady point her finger at me I the answer, then to this question,
,on another, gave my neck a be for him to get hold of a light- scream. Your friend, which like the ghost of Banquo,
twist and yanked me to a sitting weight lige Jess Pierce or Earl Pvt. Robert Hickman. will not down?
~ ~
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Volume 2 June 15, 1925 Number 23

.-- ----. - -~- ·- · I -,- -
- - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- I
Tlh T/M c t ~ - rm - - -. _-_
LU. 1¥. i. u. U. ai 1oroi An Osteopathic
Will -we be at Toronto? Education
Bo! Booth number 40 will be
official hang out for all D. A At the beginning let me state
C. 0. alumni, students, fri that the purpose of this article
and well-wishers. Every on is not to criticise, deride or be-
the above classifications whc little either of the other two
tend the convention are expe ;professions in the comparison.
Merely to set before the profes-
to call at the booth and regi sion and student body a fair
Three faculty members comparison of the curriculums
been signally honored by the of the different therapies for the
tional association in having purpose of their information.
invited to deliver papers be The tables set forth in the arti-
the open and section meet cle were prepared from the cat-
Drs. F. J. Trennery, R. B. B alogues of the institutions rep-
man and H. V. Halladay will resented by Dr. A. W. Bailey of
resent the college on the Schenectady, New York, and ap-
gram. peared in the Journal of the
A large number of stud American Osteopathic Associa-
are planning on making the tion, January 1925.
attracted by fraternity meet To quote Dr. Bailey: "In the
the special attention being past twenty-five years there has
en to students by the Commi been a rapid advance in osteo-
and a desire to learn more a pathic education. The graduate
the national work of the of the osteopathic institution of
fession. today finds that his course of in-
The D. M. S. C. 0. alumn struction compares favorably
sociation are planning a who; with that of the average "regu-
of an alumni meeting for lar" school graduate. The osteo-
convention. The committee pathic physician is so well train-
pointed by Dr. B. F. McTi ed in all of the fundamental
President, has been functio subjects, plus a thorough knowl-
in 100 per cent manner for s edge of modern methods of diag-
months and promise the best nosis, obstetrics, surgery, com-
most interesting :get-toge parative therapeutics, and hos-
the alumni of the college pital training, that he is now
Fair An iovp :
clamoring for admission to the
Dr. A. E. Byerly of Guelph, Girls Throw Theatre Hey! Student! medical boards of the various
Ontario, is endeavoring to organ- Party states, and for a right to take
ize a reunion of the class of 1919. Now that you are home, saving the same examinations his allo-
This is the first attempt at indi- your own money and spending pathic brethren, and the same
vidual class reunions and it is One evening last week the
hoped that every member of that three girls staying over the sum- your Dad's, how many prospect- right to practice general thera-
peutics as other physicians. This
group who can possibly be there mer, and the office force held a ive students have you been able fact the lay mind has not
will communicate with the Doc- consultation and decided that to round up for next year? Keep grasped as yet, for many still
tor signifying their intentions. the lady-like thing to do was to in mind the fact that if we want confuse osteopathy and chiro-
Taking it all in all, D. M. S. let off a little surplus steam.
C. 0. will be about as well repre- to get that new building before practic and think that these two
"cults" deal in a similar manner
As a result, the aforesaid
sented as any one.-There will not young ladies gathered together the millenium, it's up to us to -- merely in an advanced form of
be a Doctor attending the con- that evening and enjoyed an ex- fill the present one to the point massage and spinal adjustment--
vention who will not be im- cellent bill at the local empor- where the Board of Trustees will and that chiropractic is simply
pressed with the fact that when
the Des Moines Still College sets
ium of amusement, the Orpheum, be forced to erect a new struc- aspinalless expensive way of obtaining
and afterwards adjourned to the treatment.
out to do a thing, she doesn't go Twentieth Century Cafe, where ture on our already crowded fails to recognize thatThean public osteo-
at it half-heartedly! they delved into the mysteries campus. ;pathic physician has had a high-
Remember! Everyone call and of oriental Um-Gum, - bean school education, has earned in
register at the booth, attend the sprouts and Chop Suey. In seriousness, have you made a addition certain credits for pro-
alumni and class meetings and Mrs. Katherine Robinson, Rose- conscientious attempt to interest fessional school admission in
don't fail to let 'em wnow that mary Kurtz, Estella Wise, Gert- any of the young people of your college chemistry, biology, andL
D. M. S. C. 0. is the Best S~chool rude Jones and Anna Doyle were home community in your chosen physics; has had several years of"
on earth. college
the participants in the evening's profession? The college is more ces and training in many instan-
has then spent from four-
excitement. than willing to co-operate in any to six years studying the art and
Summer Clinic possible manner in aiding you in science of Osteopathy. In ad-
Thriving Summer Activities this work. In another column dition, over twenty per cent of
of this issue you will find com- the graduates in recent years
As usual the summer clinics parative tables regarding the have spent a minimum of one
are doing a thriving business. With the beginning of the an- class hours, subjects, etc., of the year as interns in standard hos-
There are quite a few students nual three months vacation star- Class "A" Medical, and Osteopa- pitals of the country, where they
remaining in the city for the ex- ing us in the face, we begin to thic colleges. Also the class have come in contact with acute
tra work and it may be said that wonder what the more fortunate hours of the Chiropractic course. diseases in addition to the ex-
they are not being dissapointed. ones are doing to pass away the By bringing back new students perience gained from their clin-
In the general clinic, there is hot and sticky hours. To us who you are not only benefiting the ical training while in college.
no let up on patients and those are forced to remain in the city, local school and yourself but you "The comparison is developed
who are treating are kept busy vacation means only the working are aiding in a material way the on the basis of Class Hours, a
without the interruption of of one job ten hours a day in- profession as a whole and also class hour averaging fifty min-
classes. The same routine of ex- stead of working two 'jobs five every other Osteopathic College. utes. While that medium of
(Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 3) How many will you get? (Continued on page 2)
2: ::~~~~ i~~
H O B___- I r -

An Osteopathic Education Clinical medicine includes gen- jects (but required hours) ethics
(Continued from page 1) eral dispensary hours, clinical economics, first aid and bandag-
comparison is not all-inclusive clerkships, and all clinical work ing, and other subjects.
it will afford a suitable working not included in above special Premedical (Not included in
basis. The comparison will serve clinics. table) includes inorganic chem-
a double purpose, first it will Special includes elective sub- istry, biology, and physics.
show the public that in the edu- - -
cation of an osteopath all medi- TABLE NO. I
cal subjects are taught and in Examples Class "A" Medical Schools-Year of 1924
addition the strictly osteopathic (Showing number of school hours devoted to subjects)
subjects; and secondly it will
show that the chiropractic stan-
dard is far below oteopathic."
For the table of comparison, < d U ^U
Dr. Bailey chose five of the Class I The professor had just finished
"A" medical schools of the coun- >74 an evening talking on Sir Walter
try and secured their catalogs as Anatomy __-
-826 480 931 736 776 749 Scott and his works, when a lady
well as the catalogs of the five Physiology _- - _____379 232 248 288 276 284 said: "Oh! Professor, I have so
representative Class "A" osteo- Bacteriology -- - -__ 2£2 180 194 144 110 172 enjoyed your talk. Scott is a
pathic schools. In the compila- Pathology __- __--------_ 30 394 449 i0 422 379 great favorite of mine."
tion of the tables it was neces- Chemistry -___-__ -- _ __269 232 454 292 251 299 "Indeed," said the Professor,
sary to group some subjects Chemical Therapy --..____222 104 279 224 143 194 "What one of his books do you
under one head to facilitate the Jurisprudence _-_-_ _ 21 8 0 16 11 14 like best?"
work. However that does not Diagnosis __- __ - -__164 167 240 128 194 178 "Oh," answered the lady, "I
interfere with the resultant Psychiatry -_, - _,___ _54 46 0 0 33 44 haven't read any of his books,
credit to the individual institu- Practice Medicine __.__ _-- 209 519 673 552 231 436 but I as so fond of his Emulsion
tion. The entire list of subjects Preventive Medicine --__, 99 36 66 32 33 53 I've used a lot of that."
were then grouped under twenty Clinical Medicine _- ----. _336 288 101 304 304 266
fundamental headings. All spec- 0' stetrics ,.- ,-- --. 174 218 203 196
Lord Babbington was instruct-
154 189
ial subjects which can not be Gynecology _ _ _ - , _132 38 53 116
ing a new colored servant in his
C6 81
classified under a fundamental Eye, Nose, Throat _-- .. _ 70 114 142 160 176 duties, adding, "Now, Zeke, when
group but which are required, Pediatrics -_
_.- ___--__---
184 211 101 188 169 170
I ring for you, you must answer
are listed as "specials" along Surgery - ___ __ 808 744 648 608 616 me by saying, 'My lord, what
with all elective subjects for Special _,,---- ,-__-- ,--_400 144 30 -- 300 will you have?"' 218
which a definite number of class Afew hours afterward, having
hours are required for gradua- Totals-_- ____ __- __4909 4155 4812 4284 4265 4542 occasion to summon the servant,
tion. -- --- - --- -- his lordship was astonished with
Classification of Subjects ::

in Groups: forms of physical therapy which all-drug medication Is only 104. the following:
Anatomy includes osteology, are used in the modern treat- The other outstanding feature "My Gawd, what does you want
syndesmology, mylogy, angiology, ment of many diseases are sadly in medical schools is the great now?"
slanchology, neurology, applied deficient in medical schools and number of elective course offered
anatomy, microscopic anatomy no definite required courses are in the fourth year. Here, in one OPTIMISTIC
(histology), and developmental given in the aforementioned school's case, the whole term's Young Surgeon: "Do you carry
anatomy (embryology). schools in such subjects as diet, course is elective, although a accident insurance?"
·Chemistry includes lecture and hydrotherapy, electro--therapeu- definite number of hours is re- Accident Victim: "No. But go
laboratory courses in organic, tics, massage, spinal adjustments, quired from these selective sub- ahead and operate; I'll take a
physiological chemistry and tox- kineso-therapy, and other relative jects. Or, as the report of the chance."
icology. subjects. Also, examination 1924 Committee on Curriculum
Physiology includes lectures shows that in the chemical ther- of the American Medical Associa- THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED
and laboratory courses. apeutic group the total number tion says, "The definite amount Motor Cop (after hard chase)
Bacteriology includes general, of hours is far less than it has of assigned, supervised teaching Why in H -didn't you stop
special and laboratory courses, been in former years, thus show- has become a fetish worship" when I shouted back there?
immunology, infection, serology, ing the tendency of medical edu- and "a sounder, rounder develop- Driver (with only five bucks,
and parasitology. cation to lessen the number of ment of students will take place but presence of mind) I thot
Pathology includes lecture and hours devoted to drug therapy. with a lesser amount of assigned you just said, "Good morning,
laboratory courses, and autopsies. This change has doubtless resul- teaching." Dr. William A. Pu- Senator."
Diagnosis includes physical, ted from the success of drugless sey, president of the American Cop-Well you see, Senator, I
differential, clinical, laboratory, schools. Harvard Medical School Medical Association, says: "We wanted to warn you about driv-
x-ray, and history taking. does not have a course in mater- have tried to make our pract- ing fast through the next town-
Practice of medicine includes ia-medica, and the total number titoners by giving them an acadd- ship.
symptomatology and treatment of hours devoted to the study of Continued on page 4)
of disease, except pediatrics. Don't be like a grasshopper-
Physio-theraipy includes prin- TABLE NO. II great on distance but darn poor
ciples of osteopathy, technic of Examples Class "A" Osteopathic Schools-Year of 1924 on direction.
osteopathy, comparative thera- (Showing number of school hours devoted to medicine subjects)
peutics, osteopathic mechanic,
applied osteopathy, hydrother- d
Clip This
apy, electro-therapy, gymnastics, 0 i7 0)
It would be a good idea to clip
astino-therapy, and kineso-ther- § U
¢. s this item and carry it in your
*apy. o bill fold or pocket book, as the
Chemical-therapy includes < case may be, for future refer-
pharmacology, drug therapy, pre- Anatomy _ _-___-_ ___--_864 900 1040 886 912 920 ence. The statements below, by
scription writing, materia med- Physiology -__------_ __-_. 216 312 408 398 180 302 three of the foremost medical
ica, and internal medicine. Bacteriology _ _-- ____ 80 156 204 162 90 158 men of today, are well worth
Gyneology includes lecture and Pathology -_____-- _-- 216 312 252 450 252 296 memorizing and quoting.
clinical courses. Chemistry _ -- __
- __360 372 420 288 288 345
Obstetrics includes lecture and Dietetics _ 51 36 48 36 36 42 "The cause of disease is the
clinical courses. Jurisprudence _,--_--------_ 18 36 12 30 18 22 foolish medicine method of get-
Surgery includes anesthesia, Physiotherapy -_ ___-- _-- 234 612 420 540 360 433 ting rid of it."-J. N. Hurty.
principles, general surgery, spe- Diagnosis __216 264 130 324 360 258 M. D., Indiana State Board of
cial surgery, orthopedics, and Psychiatry __--____ ____ 144 72 48 36 75 Health.
clinics. Practice of Medicine _-----252 252 404 666 594 433
Preventive medicine includes Preventive Medicine -_.---,- 54 108 60 60 36 63 "We medical men know little
public hygiene, personal hygiene, Clinical Medicine -- ___-- 396 144 378 432 540 378 or nothing of the real action of
and sanitation. Obstetrics -- 162 180 200 360 380 216 drugs." Prof. Osler, M. D., Med-
Eye, nose, throat includes oph- Gynecology_ _ .,_--_..-.
_126 144 160 162 144 147 ical Author and Critic.
thalmology, otology, laryngology, Eye, Nose, Throat_- --- 198 108 150 252 144 171
rhinology, and clinics. Pediatrics ----,-----,_---__ 54 108 148 90 108 101 "The drugless healer is one of
Pediatrics includes lecture and Surgery __.--.-_ _ ____---468 396 546 486 604 500 the best things that has come
clinical courses. Special _ ------ 60 204 18 94 into the life of the present."-
Various interesting facts are Charles Mayo, M. D., Rochester,
obtained from this table. All Total Hours --.- __..4212 4572 5232 5622 4900 4953 Minn.
C.nn.ttinlln e
vvI% Ill
LI LL on page 4)
.c ____~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I· · ·-


The Lo, Book FIRST YEAR (Continued from page 1)
The Official Publication of First Semester hours each per day. Pleasant
---------- ______ Dr. H. V. Halladay outlook, huh?
DES MOINES STILL COLLEGE Anatomy, Descriptive - rof. Frank Sutton To date, our little friend-
Chemistry, Inorganic------------------
OF OSTEOPATHY Histology-_ --- Dr. John M. Woods
_------ Cupid-has not been fortunate
____----- _--------- _Dr. ---- John M. Woods in piercing any Still student
President -- S. L. Taylor Biology Dr. J. P. Schwartz with his proverbial "pleurisy"
Editor ___--_ Baylor Bacteriology-_.----
._-__Don --------------
darts. That is, to our knowledge.
Osteopathy Without Limitation Second Semester However, we are confident that
Anatomy, DescriptiveH-.-- ------ __ _--__Dr H.. V. Halladay if you just give'em time several
Physiology I--------------------Dr. E. E. Steffen of the boys will succumb and
1Make Every Day Chemistry, Organic---- ------------ -______ Prof. Frank Sutton come back in the fall, dragging
Dr. John M. Woods
__----------------- their "ball and chain" with them.
A Today - Day Histology-_ ---
J_-- Schwartz
JP. In support of the above: Puss
Embryology--Dr.-- I-______--------.
Richardson toured back to Evans
(Roy F. Waring, in Arcadia SECOND YEAR City with Miss Irwin, (the one
News) called Slim), in that big, black,
Procrastination is the thief of First Semester
- .--
.----.---- _Dr. H. V. Halladay powerful touring car of Woof-
Time! Anatomy, Descriptive --- endens, for the purpose of meet-
Sure-you have heard it and Physiology II ,---------------_ ------ _Dr. E. E. Steffen ing the "family." We have not
read it many times-but honest- Theory of Osteopathy-- ------ _ _--- ------ Dr. C. F. Spring
Dr. E. E. Steffen as yet learned the instigating
ly, now, did you ever take the Pathology I__-- -- ------------ factor but Puss has secured a
time to consider the proposition Chemistry, Physiological and Toxicology ------. Prof. Frank Sutton job in Evans City and has writ-
-and to determine just how this ten Austin, Minn., for his release
old saying applies to YOU per- Second Semester
Dr. John M. Woods from the local postoffice.
sonally? Anatomy, Practical-..--_ ------ ----- The famous Casey-Jones duet
In your profession - "The Anatomy, Descriptive------------------ Dr. John M. Woods are taking sumer dissection. Yes,
Greatest Business in the World, Orthopedics__---__----_ Dr. A. B. Taylor brother, love will find a way.
-it can be truly said that time Pathology II_----- _------ _ -------- Dr. E. E. Steffen Dick Gordon, pardon, Dr. Rich-
is your greatest asset. But time Principles of Osteopathy___---- -------- _Dr. C. F. Spring ard Gordon, is dividing his spare
is an asset to you only if prop- Physiology III_-------.--------------- Dr. C. W. Johnson moments between the writing of
erly used. It is of no value to an excellent tale of adventure for
you whatsoever unless full ad- THIRD YEAR
the 0. M. and the establishing
vantage is taken of this minute First Semester of a practice in Madison, Wisce
-this very hour this very day. Anatomy, Regional and Special Senses------Dr. H. V. Halladay Power to you, Dick.
The minute or the hour or the Gynecology__ ----- _ ____ _____ _Dr. Lola Taylor A number of the recently grad-
day that is wasted cannot by any Laboratory Diagnosis__--,__------- _ -- Dr. E. S. Honsinger uated seniors, having sufficiently
effort of yours be recovered. Public Health and Sanitation--_ ------ - Dr. E. S. Honsinger recuperated from the devastat-
Just that much time-and conse- Osteopathic Diagnosis, Technique----------Dr. John M. Woods ing effects of State Board exams
quently its equivalent in "hard Pathology III----- ----------------- Dr. E. E. Steffen have accepted interneships. L. B.
cash" has been thrown away. If Clinical Demonstrations and Practice Hurt is at the Des Moines Gen-
your records show that your time eral, Kosjack and Miller are at
is worth two dollars an hour it Second Semester the Crandell Health School in
would be no more foolish to Obstetrics,-_____ _---
-------- -- Dr. R. B. Bachman York, Pa., Jaz Hoffman it at Del-
chuck two dollars in the lake Nervous Diseases ------ _--------------- Dr. C. W. Johnson aware Springs and Leonard is at
than to waste an hour of your Osteopathic Therapeutics - _--------. --- Dr. H. V. Halladay Detroit Osteopathic Hospital.
working time. Get that straight! Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ___--_------ -- Dr. E. S. Honsinger Others of the class have loca-
And yet, withal, we know that Pediatrics -------- --------------- Dr. Mary Golden ted in various towns throughout
procrastination - the Thief of Physical Diagnosis _-- --- - - --- Dr. A. B. Taylor the country.
Time -it is a deadly foe which Clinical Demonstrations and Practice
all Osteopathic Physicians must
be prepared to meet-and con- FOURTH YEAR Summer Clinic
quer. When Pep has a cracked First Semester
spark plug - when Enthusiasm Dr. S. L. Taylor
Surgery I, Principles- _-- - --
is missing fire on one cylinder- Diseases-.D -- Dr. W. Johnson
Nervous and Mental
when Pride has ignition trouble Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat--___ (Continued from page 1)
----------. Dr. E. S. Honsinger
-and Ambition a flat tire it ___.___-- .--- Dr. R. B. Bachman amination and treatment are
is mighty easy for an Osteopath- Obstetrics ___--_------. carried out during the vacation
ic Physician to convince himself Osteopathic Therapeutics ------------ Dr. H. V. Halladay
----.--- ---. --- - ---- Dr. E. S. Honsinger period as during the school year.
that today is the wrong day - Dietetics Demonstrations and Practice Any student, eligible of course
but Tomorrow -Ah! that's the Clinical for the work, is permitted to re-
time! Second Semester main and secure his treatment
Nothing in the world but your credits oi do extra work along
old enemy - Procrastination on Surgery, Operative_- -------- ___----- Dr. S. L. Taylor this line.
the job! Nervous and Mental Diseases-__- _Dr. C. W. Johnson The same circumstances pre-
Yesterday is dead. Tomorrow Urology and Proctology --- ----- _ ----_ Dr. J. P. Schwartz vail in the 0. B. clinic. With Dr.
never comes. TODAY you do- Medical Jurisprudence ------------- Judge Hubert Utterback A. G. Prather acting as assistant
or don't do that which spells Dermatology -------- Dr. Lola Taylor for the summer, the "gang" is
success-or failure-for YOU. X-Ray and Electrical Diagnosis - _Dr. F. J. Trenery
.--------------- kept on the run almost continu-
Osteopathic Therapeutics -------- _ -- Dr. H. V. Halladay ously. For example, on one of
Clinical Demonstrations and Practice the hottest afternoons, a case
"S. L." Laid Up was in progress in Sevastapool
and one in Highland Park at the
Dr. S. L. Taylor, President of Laboratory Technician- -.--- . ...-- Dr. G. E. Hurt same time. Interesting to be
the college and Surgeon-in-Chief I - I- - - -- --· two places as closely (?) related
of the Des Moines General Hos- - - i -- r --
at the same time.
pital had the misfortune to number of other accident com- Major and Minor surgical clin-
break one of the meta-tarsal More Insurance panies. He has also collected ics are keeping up their end of
bones of his foot while playing
hand ball at the "Y" gym the Examiners from the United States Reclam- the work as usual. Especially
ation Service. Thirteen years in the minor clinic, with the
other afternoon. ago Dr. Meredith was an exam- local schools now dismissed, a
To a man as active as Dr. Dr. 0. R. Meredith, Nampa, iner for the W. 0. A. in Nebraska. number of cases are in for ton-
"S. L.", the enforced inactivity
Idaho, has been the medical ex- Dr. Paul Sinclair of Lincoln, sillectomies and the students de-
is worse than a dose of poison.
aminer for the Insurance Depart- Nebraska, reports that he was siring this experience are kept
We all wish him a speedy recov-
ment of the Knights of Pythias, the first osteopath appointed as busy.
ery and trust that it will be but
Nampa Lodge, No. 37. He in- an examiner by the Bankers Na- All in all, from the standpoint
a few days until he will be able
forms us that he has no trouble tional of Denver, receiving his of clinics, there is little varia-
to be around again. collecting from the State Insur- appointment in January, 1924. tion in D. M. S. C. 0. As some
ance Department of Idaho for He was also made an examiner wise-cracker once said: "Patients
Kill time and you kill your work done under the workmen's by the Service Life Company of come, and patients go, but the
payeer, compensation act, and under a Lincoln on April 5, 1924. clinic goes on forever."
At:I l; I- : I

An Osteopathic Education The principal

practical skill and experience- therapeutic respective subject been changed.
agents of the osteopathic schools The approved standard of osteo-
emic training, and the merest the great physicians of this are the various forms of physio- pathic education is four years-
smattering of clinical training country in the past thirty years therapy, and the total number of (now six years in two of the
but we have not required the ap- have .not come from our great hours in these subjects has taken listed colleges-of nine months
prenticeship necessary to attain schools, but from the hospitals." a decided jump from that of the each with graduation from recog-
-TABLE NO. III medical schools, averaging 433 nized high school, and in addi-
of instruction. Courses in tion certain premedical credits
Comparative Course in Medical Subjects as Taught in Class "A" hours diagnosis, practice of medicine, of college work as entrance re-
Medical, Osteopathic and Chiropractic Colleges
(Compiled from catalogs of 1924) obstetrics, gynecology, ,pediat- quirements. The chiropractic
The National College of Chiropractic rics, and surgery, (courses whicl course cited consists of the in-
medical men are trying t dicated medical subjects taken
Average school hours (at least 50-minute periods) devoted in the the public the oste-- in a course of 18 months with no
class to each subject and the average totals in the following rep- convince knows nothing about) wil' preliminary educational require-
resentative Class "A" medical institutions: Cornell, Harvard, Jef- path found in all these osteopathic In many chiropractic
ferson, Northwestern University and Washington University. Av- be with sufficient number
schools, however, correspondence
erages computed on same basis for the following representative schools hours of instruction to insure courses may be taken if pre-
Osteopathic institutions: Kirksville College, Chicago College, Des of public that we are not "com-n ferred.
Moines College, Los Angeles College and Philadelphia College. Also the mitting daily flagrant impcs
the totals computed on the same basis for the oldest and largest Study well the three tables
in the country, Palmer School at Daven- itions on the fear of human suf- and derive the main points fori
chiropractic institution ferers due to lack of training in
port, Iowa. as the lay yourself. In that way they will
Chiro- medical subjects"
Grouped Subjects Medical Osteo-
nnthie. nrracticr I mind is being led to believe by stick in your memory much more
920 *358 medical propaganda. firmly than if they were to be
Anatomy -,.-------i----- 749 printed with this article. Clip
Physiology ---- ---------- 284 302 *174 No better way of comparing
158 0 out the comparative table for
Bacteriology - -------- ___, 172 the actual existing state of edu- future reference and then when
Pathology ---------------- _ 379 296 0 cation in the various schools can
345 *174 you are endeavoring to secure a
Chemistry ----------------------------------- _-299 be obtained than by examining new student or are explaining
Dietetics - ---- .------------. 42 0 the following summary table:
22 0 Osteopathy to a patient or to a
Jurisprudence _.- ----------- 14 This comparison does not in- friend you will have authorative
Chemical Therapy or Physical Therapy _--_194 433 *289
258 0 clude premedical subjects, such matter to show them.
Diagnosis _-, -------- 78 as inorganic chemistry, zoology,
Psychiatry ---------- - I------ 44 75 0 From what osteopathy has
433 0 physics, and so on, which are re- done for suffering humanity, i.he
Practice of Medicine-- .--- 436 quired subjects for all admis-
Preventive Medicine --- ------ 53 63 *87 public no longer questions the
378 - *676 sions to Class "A" medical col- results that can be obtained. The
General Clinical Practice-_,.__---- _.-__--- 266 0 leges as well as to all Class "A"
Obstetrics ----------- 189 216 next step is to convince the same
147 *217 osteopathic colleges, nor ,does it public that an osteopathic phy-
Gynecology 81 include non-medical subjects.
Eye, Nose, Throat----------- ----------- 132 171 0 sician, with as high an educa-
-1______- ____170 '101 0 For purpose of comparison tional training as the average
Pediatrics -,-,---------
Surgery --.----.------ _______---- __684 500 0 certain liberties have been taken medical doctor can be relied up-
Special - ,_.-------- .--.- . --- __
- 218 94
in classifying subjects of differ- on to diagnose correctly and to
ent schools into given groups, treat in a scientific and modern
. ,--- -_ _._.--.--
Total--- ' 4542. 4953 1975 but in no case has the actual manner all types of cases that
*Listper as '"hours"' but each "hour" is. only 25'- minutes in length. number of hours devoted to the are in need of medical attention.
A-IOLv %I -,. -. --- --- --D .- ,
. .
: I+
- ,
. I. I j! I- . I I ' I -

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