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Competency 4

Integrate Developmentally Appropriate Practice into Curriculum

Developmentally appropriate practice is a framework designed to promote young childrens
optimal learning and development. When planning curriculum teachers need to consider the age
of the children and if the environment and curriculum are appropriate for all the children. Each
child is unique so when planning teachers may have to plan activities that are easy for some and
challenging for others. Teachers need to offer experiences and environment to match childrens
appropriate developmental abilities. Teachers need to plan activities that are child intended and
child-directed so they can purposely engage in a child engrossed activity. These experiences help
children grow and learn from experiences through activities and materials provided. Teachers
need to provide materials and activities to enable children to extract meaning. Teachers create the
framework and learning opportunities in which children have control, input and choices based on
the interest and ability of the children that the teacher has observed. Teachers respond to the
needs, strength, requests, and ideas of the children so they can grow and explore.

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