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Curriculum Overview

English Language Arts-Grade 9

Program Purpose:
In English Language Arts students are expected to listen, speak, read, write, view
and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences. They will
respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media text. Students
will represent to manage ideas and information as well as represent to
enhance the clarity and artistry of communication. Students will also
represent to represent support and collaborate with others.
Essential Elements:
The English Language Arts teacher must prepare the students to communicate with
others using various mediums. The students must be trained in metacognition and
seeing more within a text than what meets the eye. The student should also be
taught to reflect on the authors intent and purpose for crafting a certain piece of art.
For the sake of metacognition, the student is required to reflect on what they have
learned and their response to learning it.
Students will be encouraged to create original pieces of work based on genres
and styles they have studied. They must also learn to elaborate on their ideas, via
communication, regarding what they have viewed and understand of a certain piece.
They will communicate their feelings about the particular piece they have read and or
written about.
General Outcome 1 students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to
explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.
1.1 Discover and explore
1. Experiment with language and its forms
2. Express preferences
3. Set goals
1.2 Clarify and extend
1. Consider others ideas
2. Extend understanding
General Outcome 2students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to
comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media text.
2.1--Use strategies and cues
1. Use prior knowledge
2. Use comprehension strategies
3. Use textual cues
4. Use phonics and structured analysis
5. Use differences
2.2--Respond to text
1. Experience various texts
2. Construct meaning from text
3. Appreciate the artistry of text
2.3--Understand forms, elements and techniques

1. Understand forms and genres

2. Experiment with language
Activity Schedule

minutes) give an overview of program of studies

minutes) share an excerpt from The Fishermans Daughter by Katie Pezzutto
minutes) students have share time with partner
minutes) students craft a story
minute) wrap up-explain the purpose of the activity
minutes) allotted for extra talk and or set up time

A) Read an excerpt from a story to the students.
B) Choose one of the characters to relate to and write out different emotions they
may have been feeling.
C) Ask students to list emotions the main character experienced then share them
with another member in the group.
Examples of emotions: embarrassed, distressed, confused, joyful, mortified, pensive,
horrified or livid?
Response to activity: ask students to write a short narrative/fictional story about a
time they felt one of those feelings. They can write a poem. Whatever they would like
to do. They can even think of a song that helped them get through their emotions or
made them worse and write out the lyrics. Other options used to communicate their
expression will be considered.
Guiding questions for the response: what made you feel this way? Did you
embrace the emotion or decide not to?
Purpose of activity:
The purpose is for students to be able to identify emotions within a text and relate
them to their own life. This will help prepare students to do the same with others and
create more empathetic citizens. They will be given the opportunity to practice their
listening, writing skills. They will be exploring their thoughts, ideas feelings and
experiences through the activity as well. Their ability to communicate will be
practiced. Students will also be collaborating with others as they pair off to discuss
the emotions they felt throughout the story.
The goal of todays activity:
Compare and contrast own life situation with themes of oral, print and other media

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