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Cameron Gant
HES 415
Teacher Work Sample
Dr. Pasour

Table of Contents
Description of Setting: Page 3
Rational: Page 4
Essential Standard and Clarifying Objectives: Page 4
Outline: Pages 5-6
Lesson Plans: Pages 7-42
Summary of Assessments: 42-43
Supplementary Resources: Page 44
Pre-Test and Post-Test Score Sheet: Page 45

Description of Setting
Harry M. Arndt Middle School, Arndt, is located in Hickory, North
Carolina. Arndt Middle School is located in the Catawba County School
District. Students at Arndt will filter into St. Stephens High School.
Arndt serves 7th and 8th graders, and has a current enrollment of 672
students. Arndt employs 37 full-time teachers, who are all highly
qualified in the curriculum they teach. The student to teacher ration at
Arndt is 18:1. Sixty percent of Arndts total student population is
White, nineteen percent are Hispanic, seven percent are African
American, five percent are Asian, and four percent are of mixed racial
ethnicities. Arndt has numerous different clubs, some include: Arndt
Creative Theater, Art Club, Buddy Club, Debate Team, Jr. Beta Club,
Step Team, Student Council, and many more. Arndt Middle School
offers 12 male and female sports teams; this includes six male sport
teams and six female sport teams. The mission statement at Arndt is:
To inspire all students to reach their full potential. Arndt Middle
School also has a vision statement: "H. M. Arndt Middle School is
committed to providing a diverse and challenging learning
environment that enables students to acquire the necessary skills to be
successful participants in an ever-changing global community."

This will be a fitness unit. The rational of this unit is to provide
students with the necessary framework of maintaining a healthily
lifestyle as well as maintaining a healthy level of physical fitness. This
unit is important because it deals with the students overall health and
well-being. They may not realize how important a healthy life is now,
but one day they will be appreciative that they have the knowledge so
they can live a good quality life. Physical fitness is an important part of
everyones day and is important part in a healthy life. Students will
understand the importance of physical activity as a result of this unit.
Students will also begin to understand that they cannot reach their full
potential in life without maintaining a healthy level of physical fitness.

Essential Standard:
7.HF.3: Understand the importance of achieving and maintaining a
health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
Clarifying Objectives:
PE.7.HF.3.1: Use gender and age related health-related physical fitness
standards defined by an approved fitness assessment to self evaluate
fitness levels.

PE.7.HF.3.2: Analyze data to examine the relationship between physical
activity and caloric intake.
PE.7.HF.3.3: Illustrate a variety of training methods.

Day 1: PE.7.HF.3.1 and PE.7.HF.3.2: Students will learn five components
of health related physical fitness. Students will also find their level of
physical fitness by completing the fitnessgram physical fitness test.
Assessment: Students will complete journal entry where they will write
about their fitness level and include ways they can improve/maintain
this level. Students will also define the five components of health
related fitness in their journal.
Day 2: PE.7.HF.3.1: Students will finish up remainder of fitnessgram
physical fitness test.
Assessment: Students will reflect on their fitness level as a whole, as a
result of completing the entire fitnessgram fitness test.
Day 3: PE.7.HF.3.3: Students will complete a circuit-training workout.
Assessment: Students will write a journal entry explaining what circuit
training is and why they are beneficial. Students will also create their
own circuit-training workout, including five different activities.
Day 4: PE.7.HF.3.3: Students will complete an upper body strengthtraining workout.

Assessment: Students will write in their journals about the benefits of
strength training workouts.
Day 5: PE.7.HF.3.2: Students will complete a high intensity intervaltraining workout.
Assessment: Students will write a journal entry about the benefits of
interval training.
Day 6: PE.7.HF.3.3: Students will complete a yoga routine. Students
will learn the brief history and the benefits of yoga.
Assessment: Students will complete a journal entry including: the brief
history and benefits of participating in yoga.
Day 7: PE.7.HF.3.3: Students will review the benefits of strength
training. Students will participate in a lower body workout.
Assessment: Students will write in their journal. This entry will include:
an upper body or lower body workout.
Day 8: PE.7.HF.3.3: Students will participate in a circuit-training
workout. Students will review the benefits and components of a
circuit-training workout.
Assessment: Students will come up with their own circuit-training
workout including at least 5 stations and write the workout in the form
of a journal entry.
Day 9: PE.7.HF.3.1: Students will complete the BMI and mile run portion
of the post-test.

Assessment: Students will complete a journal including their final
thoughts of their BMI and mile run test results and how to further
improve their results.
Day 10: PE.7.HF.3.1: Students will complete the remaining 3 portions of
the fitnessgram fitness test (muscular endurance, muscular strength,
and flexibility).
Assessment: Students will complete their last journal entry for this unit.
This entry will include their thoughts on their final 3 test results and
how to improve those numbers.

Lesson Plan #1: Day 1

Essential Standard: 7.HF.3.1: Understand the importance of
achieving and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
Clarifying Objectives: PE.7.HF.3.1: Use gender-and age-related
health-related physical fitness standards defined by an approved
fitness assessment to self evaluate fitness levels.
PE.7.HF.3.2: Analyze data to examine the relationship between
physical activity and caloric intake.
Focus and Review
Good morning class and welcome back to physical education class! I
hope you all had a great weekend. Today we will begin our fitness unit.
In this unit you all will learn why it is important to be physically active
for your lifetime. You all will also learn about calorie intake. Can

anybody tell me what calorie intake is? That is correct, it is the amount
of calories you eat in a day. The normal calorie intake for a middle
school student should be around 2,00 calories a day. This number can
go up or down depending on how much physical activity you
participate in. You can track the amount of calories you eat by reading
food labels, which we will go over in health class. Are there any
questions about the introduction of calorie intake? You all will be
defining your level of physical fitness by completing a fitness test. The
fitness test that you all will be doing in class is called the
fitnessgram. Does anybody know what the fitnessgram measures?
It measures the five components of health related fitness. Now, a
second question can anybody tell me what the five components of
health related fitness are? The five components of health related
fitness are: muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardiovascular
endurance, flexibility, and body composition. You all will complete five
different tests to measure each of these five components. You each
will do a mile run (cardio endurance), as many sit-ups as you can in
one minute (muscular strength), as many push-ups as possible
(muscular endurance), the sit and reach (flexibility), and a BMI
calculation (body composition). Does anybody have any questions
about the five components or how I will measure these components
before we begin our warm up? If not, lets go ahead and get started!
Statement of Objectives

Psychomotor: Students will use motor skills to complete the physical
fitness test.
Cognitive: Students will learn their personal fitness level, the five
components of health related fitness, and how to measure the five
Affective: Students will come to class with a great attitude. Students
will work hard and be motivated to give their best effort.
Teacher Input
Before you all can begin the fitness test, it is important to warm up. I
would like each of you to walk/jog three laps around the gym. Ready
go! Great job class, now if you will return to your spot on the floor we
will stretch. (Feet together, side to side, right leg up, switch, butterfly,
pull right leg in, pull left leg in, and anything else you may need).
Great job with the warm up class now you all are ready to begin the
fitness test! Today we will complete two out of the five tests of the
fitnessgram. The first test will be the body composition test. Can
anyone remember how we measure this? Thats right, by getting your
BMI. Now can anybody tell me what BMI stands for? Correct again!
BMI stands for Body Mass Index. I will explain the formula that you all
will need in order to calculate your BMI. Then, you will take the
number that you get from your calculation and use the BMI chart that I
have taped on the wall to see what your number is. The second test
that you all will complete is the mile run, which measures

cardiovascular endurance. Does anybody have any questions before
we begin?
Guided Practice
I am now going to pass out the fitnessgram test standards and result
sheet so each of you will have one. This sheet has results for each
gender and age group so you all will know where your fitness level is
at. Now, I would like to go over the formula for calculating BMI. The
formula is weight (kg) divided by height (cm). Did everybody get a
chance to write this formula down? Next I am going to show you all
how I want this process to go. First you will walk over to the scale
individually and get your weight in kilograms. You will record this
weight on a piece of notebook paper that I will provide for each of you.
After you have recorded your weight you will then walk over to the wall
where I will measure your height in centimeters. Once everyone has
recorded their height and weight, you can go sit on the bleachers and
calculate your BMI. After you have your BMI you will walk over to the
chart posted on the wall and see where you fall on the BMI chart. I
want you to record your BMI under the My Score column on your record
sheet. You will also see a Healthy Zone column on your record sheet.
This column has the standards for your age and gender. In the last
column of the sheet that I gave you I simply want you to write if you
passed or the failed the BMI portion of the fitnessgram. Please keep in
mind that you do not have to share your number will anybody if you do

not feel comfortable. Also, please keep in mind that you all are
completing this fitnessgram test so you can have a better
understanding of what your fitness levels are. If you failed the BMI
portion, please do not be discouraged, this is simply a starting point so
you know what you need to improve on. Once everybody has their BMI
calculated and recorded we will go out to the track to complete the
mile run test. On the fitnessgram sheet that I gave you at the
beginning of class also has standards for mile times for each gender
and age group. Please keep in mind what your standard mile time is
for your age and gender. After you cross the finish line I will tell you
your mile time. Please listen closely so you can record your time
accurately. Once again, if your mile time does not meet the standard,
do not be discouraged! I assure you, that you will improve on your
results by taking this class! You all will go through the same recording
process with the mile run as you did for the BMI test. Does anybody
have any questions before we begin the BMI and mile run portion of
the fitnessgram?? If not, get fired up and lets begin!
Independent Practice
Students will record their height (cm) and weight (kg). They will then
calculate their BMI, using the formula that I gave them. Students will
then record their BMI results on the fitnessgram sheet that I gave
them. Once everybody is done with this portion of the test, we will go
out to the track where students will complete the mile run. As

students finish their mile run, they will record their results on the
fitnessgram sheet as well. I will collect these sheets at the end of the
class period.
Class you all did terrific with the two portions of the fitness test today!
Thank you for all of your hard work and effort. Please remember that
in our next class we will complete the fitness gram fitness test. You will
be tested on muscular endurance, muscular strength, and flexibility so
please come in with a good attitude and ready to work! Also, class if
you could begin your journal today for homework. I want you to
include the definition of the five components of health related fitness,
your thoughts about your fitness level right now, and how you can
improve on it. Class one last thing. I would like to collect your
fitnessgram sheets so you all do not lose them. You will need these
over the course of this class. I assure you that I am the only person
that will see your recordings. Does anybody have any questions about
what you all did today or what you all will do in our next meeting? If
not, you all are free to get dressed out!
Family/Community Connection
Class, I would like you all to go home and talk to your parent/guardian
about what we did in class today. Inform them of the five components
of health related fitness and how to measure these components. Also,

tell them of the two fitness tests that you all completed today. I hope
you all have a great rest of the day!
Lesson Plan #2: Day 2
Essential Standard: 7.HF.3.1: Understand the importance of
achieving and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
Clarifying Objective: PE.7.HF.3.1: Use gender-and age-related
health-related physical fitness standards defined by an approved
fitness assessment to self evaluate fitness levels.
Focus and Review
Hi class welcome back! Thank you all for dressing out so quickly.
Today we will be continuing our fitness unit by completing the final
three tests of the fitnessgram. Can anybody tell me what two tests
you all performed in our last class? Thats right, you all completed the
body composition (BMI) and the cardiovascular endurance (mile run)
portion of the fitnessgram. Today, you all will be performing three
different tests to measure muscular strength, muscular endurance, and
flexibility. We will measure these components by doing sit-ups
(muscular strength), push-ups (muscular endurance), and the sit and
reach (flexibility). After you all complete these last three tests, you will
record your results on the fitnessgram standard sheet as you all did
last class. Does anybody have any questions about what we did
yesterday or what todays plan entails before we begin? If not we can
begin with the warm-up!

Statement of Objectives
Psychomotor: Students will use motor skills to perform the remaining
three tests of the fitnessgram.
Cognitive: Students will learn their personal fitness level, the five
components of health related fitness, and how to measure the five
Affective: Students will have a great attitude and give maximum effort
while they complete the final three tests.
Teacher Input
Before you all can begin the remaining fitness tests, you all need to
warm up to get your muscles loosened up and you blood flowing! I
would like each of you to walk/jog three laps around the gym. Ready
go! Great job class, now if you will return to your spot on the floor we
will stretch. (Feet together, side to side, right leg up, switch, butterfly,
pull right leg in, pull left leg in, and anything else you may need).
Great job with the warm up class now you all are ready to begin the
final three fitness tests! The first test you all will complete today is the
muscular strength test by doing sit-ups. The next test will be push-ups
to measure muscular endurance. The final test of the fitnessgram you
all will complete is the sit and reach, which measures flexibility. Once
again you will use the age and gender standards that are provided on
the bottom of your fitnessgram sheet to record your results of each

test. Are there any questions before we begin? If not, get ready to go
to work!
Guided Practice
I am going to pass your fitnessgram sheets back to each of you.
Remember that it is very important that you take care of this sheet
while you are in class. I will collect your sheets at the end of the day,
just like I did yesterday. Before I let you all begin the three tests, I am
going to demonstrate how they should each look. The first test will be
sit-ups. You all will complete as many sit-ups as you can in one
minute. This test will measure your muscular strength and endurance
of your abdominal region. I will now demonstrate how a proper sit-up
should look like, but first I will need a volunteer to hold my feet still
while I perform this movement. (I will show the students the proper
technique of a sit-up). The next test will be the muscular strength test.
You all will complete this test by doing as many 90-degree push-ups
until failure, or until you cannot do anymore. (I will demonstrate the
proper form of a 90-degree push-up). The final test you all complete
will be the sit and reach test, which measures flexibility. We will use
the sit and reach testing box to administer this test. (I will
demonstrate how to properly perform the sit and reach test with the
box). Like I said, we will begin our series of tests with the sit-up test. I
will put you into groups of two for the muscular strength and
endurance portion of the test. When we begin the test one person will

perform as many sit-ups as they can in one minute while their partner
holds their feet. After the time is up you will switch spots with your
partner. As soon as everybody has completed this test we will move
on to the push-up test. During the push-up test one partner will
perform as many 90-degree push-ups as they possibly can, while the
other person counts the number of 90-degree push-ups they complete.
After the first person in every group completes their push-up test we
will switch. When you are counting your repetitions for your partner
please pay attention and do not lose count. For the flexibility test, you
will individually come up to the sit and reach box where I will
administer the test. Each of you will have three opportunities to
perform this test. I want everybody to give maximum effort during all
three tests! Please remember to not get discouraged if your results do
not meet the standards on your fitnessgram sheets, this is just a pretest! Later in this unit you all will learn ways that will help you improve
your level of fitness. Now that you all know the correct way to perform
these three tests you all are ready to tackle the last portion of the
fitness test! Does anybody have any questions before we begin? If
not, lets begin!

Independent Practice

For the independent practice portion of the lesson, students will
perform the sit-up, push-up, and sit and reach tests. The students will
record their results on their fitnessgram sheets after they finish each
test. I will walk around the gym during the muscular strength and
endurance tests encouraging students and making sure they are
completing the tests correctly.
Once again great job with the final three fitness tests class! I am very
proud of the effort that each one of you showed today. For homework I
would like you all to write another journal entry reflecting on your
results as a whole. Some things to think about include: What tests did
you struggle the most with? How do you feel about your results as a
whole? What tests were easy for you? Etc.. Does anybody have any
questions about this assignment? I will make sure you have completed
both entries the next time we meet. If nobody has any questions you
all are free to go dress out!
Family/Community Connection
Class, I would like you to take your results home and review them with
your parent/guardian. Ask them if they have any suggestions on how
to improve an area that you struggled with! Once again, I am proud of
your effort and I look forward to seeing you all in our next class period!

Lesson Plan #3: Day 3
Essential Standard: 7.HF.3.1: Understand the importance of
achieving and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
Clarifying Objective: PE.7.HF.3.1: Illustrate a variety of training
Focus and Review
Good morning class! Today we will be continuing our fitness unit.
Throughout this unit we will be learning the importance of lifelong
physical activity. Today you all will be performing circuit-training
workout. Can anyone tell me what circuit training is? Circuit training is
a fast-paced form of physical activity in which you do one exercise
anywhere from thirty seconds up to five minutes and then move on to
another station with a different exercise. Some of these circuits will
alternate an aerobic activity (step ups) with a muscle-strengthening
activity (using weight machines or push-ups). Other activities may
focus solely on muscle toning. Circuit training increases your strength
and aerobic fitness and burns lots of calories. This type of training can
be intense at times, but it is completely adaptable to the individual. If
circuit training is new for you, I recommend that you use less weight
and take breaks if you need to. However, I do expect maximum effort
during the circuit. Does anybody have any questions about circuit
training before we begin our warm-up? If not we will begin!
Statement of Objectives

Psychomotor: Students will use motor skills to complete the circuittraining workout.
Cognitive: Students will learn and understand the importance of
participating in regular physical activity throughout their lifetime.
Affective: Students will work hard and have a great attitude during this
workout. Students will also be encouraged to motivate their
Teacher Input
Before we begin the circuit-training workout, I would like each of you to
walk/jog three laps around the gym. Ready go! Great job class, now if
you will return to your spot on the floor we will stretch. (Feet together,
side to side, right leg up, switch, butterfly, pull right leg in, pull left leg
in, and anything else you may need). Great job with the warm up
class, you all are now ready to begin the workout! The workout for
today will be a total of twenty minutes. There will be five different
stations in the circuit. The activities are: push-ups, mountain climbers,
sit-ups, pull-ups, and body weight squats. You all will be at each
station for one minute before rotating and you will go through each
station four times. I will demonstrate all of the movements that you all
will be performing and my expectations for each activity.
Guided Practice
Station one in the circuit will be push-ups. Now everyone should
remember the correct form of a 90-degree push-up, but I am going to

demonstrate the correct form again to make sure we are on the same
page. (I will demonstrate the correct form of a 90-degree push-up). I
want you all to focus on touching your chest to the floor during the
down phase of the push-up and exploding during the up phase. If you
are struggling with the 90-degree push-ups I want you to do modified
push-ups. Modified push-ups are for those of you who are struggling
with the 90-degree push-ups right now. (I will demonstrate the
modified push-ups). The second station will be sit-ups. Once again
you all should remember the correct sit-up form from your fitness test.
However, this time you will not have a partner holding your feet so
really concentrate on keeping your feet on the ground. Station three
will be mountain climbers. These can be difficult if you have not done
them before so do not be afraid to slow down the movement and take
a break if needed. (I will demonstrate the correct for performing a
mountain climber). The fourth station will be pull-ups. If you are
having a hard time performing the pull-up I want you to hang will your
arms extended. (I will demonstrate regular and modified version of
pull-up). The fifth and final station of our circuit will be body weight
squats. I want you to focus on good form (chest out, eyes up, lower
back locked into place, and no bend in back). I want you all to take
your time performing the squats to make sure you are performing
quality repetitions. (I will demonstrate the proper squatting form).

Does anybody have any questions about the activities of this circuit? If
not, it is time to go to work!
Independent Practice
Before we begin the workout, I will divide you all into groups of five.
(Have the students count off by five and assign each group an initial
station). Just a quick reminder, you all will complete each station five
times and spend one minute at each station before rotating. It is
important to pace yourself so you can complete the entire circuit
workout. Is everyone ready to give maximum effort? Good answer!
When I blow my whistle go to the station I assigned your group. When
I blow my whistle again that means it is time to rotate are there any
questions before we begin? Lets go! (I will walk around encouraging
students to keep working hard through the entire workout). Great job
with the circuit workout class! I am proud of the effort each one of you
put into this workout. Now we will complete a short cool-down stretch.
You all know what warm-ups do, can anybody tell me why it is
important to cool down after a workout? That is correct! Cool-down
stretching will help prevent cramping or soreness after a workout.
Does anybody have any questions before I let you all go dress out?
Once again I want to thank you all for all of your hard work today! I
definitively saw some improving fitness levels out here today. For
homework I would like you all to complete a journal entry including:

what circuit training is and why they are beneficial as well as designing
your own circuit-training workout. Your workout should include five
different stations.
Family/Community Connection
Class, one more thing before I let you all leave. I want you all to go
home and tell your parent/guardian about the circuit-training workout
we completed in class today. I want all of you to explain the benefits of
this type of training to them and explain to them how circuit training is
a great way to get involved in physical activity! I hope you all have a
great rest of the day, I will see you all in our next class!

Lesson Plan #4: Day 4

Essential Standard: 7.HF.3: Understand the importance of achieving
and maintaining a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
Clarifying Objective:PE.7.HF.3.3: Illustrate a variety of training
Focus and Review
Good morning class and welcome back to physical education class!
Today we will be continuing our unit on achieving or maintaining a
health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Before we begin todays
lesson, can anybody tell me what kind of training you all did
yesterday? That is correct, circuit training. Today, we will participate
in another training method that can be used to improve or maintain

ones level of physical fitness. You all will be completing an upper body
weight-training workout today! Studies have shown that weight
training can improve bone health, increase muscle mass, develop
better body mechanics, aid in disease prevention, boost energy level,
and improve your mood. Does anybody have any questions before we
begin the warm-up and get ready to go?
Statement of Objectives
Psychomotor: Students will use motor skills to perform various weight
training activities.
Cognitive: Students will learn and understand the importance of weight
training and why this type of training is beneficial.
Affective: Students will be motivated to work hard every set. Students
will have a great attitude toward the workout.
Teacher Input
For a warm-up, I would like each of you to walk/jog three laps around
the gym. Ready go! Great job class, now if you will return to your spot
on the floor we will stretch. (Feet together, side to side, right leg up,
switch, butterfly, pull right leg in, pull left leg in, and anything else you
may need). Great job with the warm up class, you all are now ready to
begin the workout! As I mentioned earlier today you all will complete
an upper body workout. A few of the muscles that you all will work
today include: biceps brachii, triceps brachii, and pectoral muscles. I
have a diagram posted on the wall. If you take a look at it, you will be

able to familiarize yourself with the muscles you will be working today.
You will be in the same group of five that you were in for the circuittraining workout. Before I let you all break into your groups I will go
over the exercises for today. This workout includes: bench press,
incline press, bench dips, and dumbbell rows. Our sets for today are
3x8. This amount of repetition is generally used for individuals trying
to increase muscular strength. You all will also complete 3 sets of 30
repetitions of core activities. The core exercises for today include: situps, toe touches, and mason twists. The sets and repetitions for the
core exercises will be used to build up your muscular endurance. Can
anybody tell me what muscular strength and muscular endurance are
components of? That is correct! They are components of health
related fitness. Are there any questions before we begin the workout?
Guided Practice
I will now take you all through the entire workout very quickly to make
sure that everyone is familiar with all of the different exercises. The
first exercise is bench press. (I will demonstrate the proper form of
bench press). The second exercise is incline press. (I will demonstrate
the proper form of incline press and express to the students to drive
the weight back toward their spotter). The third exercise is dumbbell
rows. (I will demonstrate the proper technique of dumbbell rows). The
fourth and final exercise will be bench dips. (I will show the class the
proper form of bench dips). Class, please remember that you will be

doing 3 sets of 8 repetitions for these exercises. Another important
aspect of weight training is spotting. A person performing the lift will
have at least one spotter at all times. (I will show the class how to spot
bench press and incline press). In between each set I want you all to
complete one set of the core workout. (I will demonstrate the three
core workouts). Please remember that you will be doing 3 sets of 30
repetitions of the core exercises.
Independent Practice
At this time I would like everyone to find their lifting group members.
One quick reminder, please use to appropriate weight for the workout.
I would advise you all to start out light (just the 45lb. bar) and go from
there. It is important to not use to much weight when doing a
strength-training workout. If the last 3 reps of your set are challenging
then you know you have the appropriate amount of weight. Please
remember that you are not allowed to begin the lift until you have a
spotter in place. I want you all to give maximum effort during this
workout. You all will not improve unless you are giving 110%! Are
there any questions about the workout before we begin? If not, get
ready to go to work! (I will monitor the class as they complete the
workout. I will motivate the class, make sure they are using proper
form, make sure spotters are doing their job, and prevent students
from standing around). Great job with the workout class! Now we will
do a short cool-down stretch to help prevent cramping and soreness.

(Feet together, right over left and switch, right arm across, and switch,
right arm back and switch).

Once again I want to thank you all for the great effort and attitudes I
saw today! You all really got better during this workout. For homework
I would like you all to complete a short journal entry about what you
learned today and also the benefits of strength training. Please feel
free to use your health textbooks for extra information. I will check for
these journals in our next class. Are there any questions before you all
go get dressed out?
Family/Community Connection
Class one last thing. Please go home and talk with your
parent/guardian about what you all did in class today. Inform them of
the benefits of not only strength training, but exercising in general on a
daily basis. Are there any questions? Have a great rest of the day and
I will see you all in our next class!

Lesson Plan #5: Day 5

Essential Standard: 7.HF.3: Understand the importance of achieving
and maintaining a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
Clarifying Objective: PE.7.HF.3.3: Illustrate a variety of training

Focus and Review
Good morning class! Today we will be continuing our fitness unit.
Before we begin todays lesson I would like to review some of the
things we did in our last class. Who can tell me what kind of training
you all participated in last class? Thats correct, weight training!
Today you all will be completing another training method that can be
used to improve or maintain ones level of physical fitness. You all will
complete an interval-training workout today. This workout will be made
up of several different movements. This type of training consists of
two types of alternating periods. The first is high intensity, working
your body really hard. The other period of interval training is the low
intensity or rest period. During this stage you will complete a low
intensity exercise (walking). The entire workout will last a little over 15
minutes. There will be a total of 11 high intensity stages and 11 low
intensity stages. The high intensity stages will last 30 seconds each
and the low intensity stages will last 1 minute. Are there any questions
about todays plan before we warm-up?
Statement of Objectives
Psychomotor: Students will use motor skills to perform a high intensity
interval workout.
Cognitive: Students will learn and understand the importance and
benefits associated with interval training.

Affective: Students will be motivated to work hard during the workout
and have a great attitude.
Teacher Input
Before we begin the interval-training workout, I would like each of you
to walk/jog three laps around the gym. Ready go! Great job class, now
if you will return to your spot on the floor we will stretch. (Feet
together, side to side, right leg up, switch, butterfly, pull right leg in,
pull left leg in, and anything else you may need). Great job with the
warm up class, you all are now ready to begin the workout! Has
anybody ever heard of a high intensity interval-training workout
before? A few benefits of this type of workout is they do not require a
lot of equipment. The only two things that are required are a timer
(stopwatch) and space to complete the exercises. High intensity
interval training workouts are also affective. High intensity interval
workouts have been found to burn more fat and calories than most
other workouts like jogging. Does anybody have any questions before I
explain the various activities that will make up the workout today?
Guided Practice
Before you all begin the workout, I want to make sure you all know how
to properly perform each exercise. Please remember that you will be
completing 11 high intensity stations (30 seconds each) and 11 low
intensity stations (1 minute each). We will be alternating from high
intensity to low intensity and so on. The first high intensity exercise is

high knees (I will demonstrate high knees). We will follow each high
intensity period with 1 minute of walking/jogging around the gym. The
2nd high intensity exercise will be side-to-side line jumps (I will
demonstrate side-to-side line jumps). The 3rd high intensity movement
will be burpees (I will demonstrate a burpee). The 4th high intensity
exercise will be push-ups (I will demonstrate the proper push-up form).
The next high intensity stage is sprints (I will demonstrate what I
expect from the students sprints). The 6th high intensity stage will be
bleacher step-ups (I will show the class a proper bleacher step-up).
The final 5 high intensity stages will consist of high knees, burpees,
push-ups, sprints, and side-to-side line jumps. I will be keeping track of
time during the workout and when I blow my whistle I will let you know
what activity you all will be performing and at what intensity level you
will be performing it. Does anybody have any questions before we
begin? If not, lets go to work!
Independent Practice
Now I would like everybody to spread out and get ready to begin the
workout! When I blow my whistle you all will begin the first high
intensity stage. Remember the high intensity stages last for 30
seconds and the low intensity stages last for 1 minute. Class, please
push yourselves and give your best effort during this workout. Ready,
set, whistle blow! (I will monitor the class during this workout to
motivate them and to ensure everybody is giving maximum effort).

Great job with the workout class! Now we will do a short cool-down
stretch to help prevent cramping and soreness. (Feet together, right
over left and switch, right arm across, and switch, right arm back and
Thank you all for your great effort! Tonight I would like each of you to
complete a journal entry about interval training workouts. What are
some of the benefits of this type of training? (Students answer that
question in their journal entry). Are there any questions about the
workout you all completed today or the homework assignment? Great,
you all are free to dress out.
Family/Community Connection
Class, I want to encourage you to go home and talk to your
parent/guardian about what you all have been doing during this unit.
Make sure to explain to them the importance of exercising on a regular
basis. Thank you for being a great class today, have a great rest of
your day!
Lesson Plan #6: Day 6
Essential Standard: 7.HF.3: Understand the importance of achieving
and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
Clarifying Objective: PE.7.HF.3.3: Illustrate a variety of training
Focus and Review

Good morning class, it is great to see all of you today! Thank you for
dressing out so quickly. Today you all will be completing yoga
exercises. Can anybody tell me what yoga is? Does anybody have a
parent/guardian or relative that participates in yoga classes? (Yes,
twice a week). Thank you Amber! For those of you who do not know
what yoga is, do not worry. We will begin todays class with some
history of yoga and finish the day up with a beginner yoga workout.
Are there any questions before we begin the warm-up?
Statement of Objectives
Psychomotor: Students will use motor skills to complete the yoga
Cognitive: Students will learn and understand the brief history and
benefits of yoga.
Affective: Students will have a great attitude and work hard during the
yoga routine.
Teacher Input
Before we begin the yoga routine, I would like each of you to walk/jog
three laps around the gym. Ready go! Great job class, now if you will
return to your spot on the floor we will stretch. (Feet together, side to
side, right leg up, switch, butterfly, pull right leg in, pull left leg in, and
anything else you may need). Great job with the warm up class! Now
we can briefly talk about the history of yoga before you all begin the
routine. Yoga means, to join together. It brings the body and mind

together into one experience (americanyogaassociation.org). Some
experts believe that yoga made its way into the US around the late
1800s. However, it did not become popular until the 1960s. There are
over 100 different types of yoga that an individual can perform. Yoga
can be beneficial to everybody, but especially people with heart
disease, back pain, depression, or even arthritis. Yoga can improve
your flexibility, muscle tone, strength, breathing, etc. Before we begin
the workout I will demonstrate how to properly perform each
movement. Are there any questions before we begin?
Guided Practice
Before we can begin the yoga routine everybody needs to come to the
side of the gym and grab a yoga mat. After you get your mat please
return to your assigned spot on the floor. The 1st pose that you all will
be doing is called the mountain pose (I will demonstrate the mountain
pose). Now that you have seen me demonstrate this movement, I
want you all to try it! I will walk around to check your form. Very good
with the mountain pose class! The 2nd pose I will demonstrate for you
all is called the warrior pose (I will demonstrate the warrior pose). Now
that you have seen me demonstrate this movement, I want you all to
try it! I will walk around to check your form. Please remember to
switch sides after you hold the warrior pose for 1.5 minutes. The 3rd
pose you all will be doing is called the downward dog pose (I will
demonstrate the downward dog). Now that you have seen me

demonstrate this movement, I want you all to try it! I will walk around
to check your form. The tree pose is the 4th pose I will demonstrate for
you all. This can be a challenging pose because it requires balancing.
Class please do not become frustrated if you struggle with this pose,
just give your best effort. Now that you have seen me demonstrate
this movement, I want you all to try it! I will walk around to check your
form. The last pose you all will complete is called the bridge pose (I
will demonstrate the bridge pose for the class). Now that you have
seen me demonstrate this movement, I want you all to try it! I will
walk around to check your form. Are there any questions about the
movements in this yoga routine?
Independent Practice
For the remaining time that we have during this class period you all will
be following along with this yoga video. I want you all to take this
routine seriously and give your best effort. I will be walking around
checking and correcting everyones form. Does anybody have any
questions before I begin to play the video? (I will monitor my students
as they complete this routine).
Great job with the yoga routine today class! Thank you all for giving
maximum effort. Tonight I would like each of you to write a journal
entry explaining the brief history of yoga and the benefits that can be

associated with participating in yoga. Are there any questions? You all
are free to get dressed out.
Family/Community Connection
I want you all to also explain to your parent/guardian your journal
entry and ask them if they have any questions about yoga. Make sure
you inform them of the positive health benefits associated with yoga.
Thank you all again for a great class, I hope everyone has a great rest
of the day!

Lesson Plan #7: Day 7

Essential Standard: 7.HF.3: Understand the importance of achieving
and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
Clarifying Objective: PE.7.HF.3.3: illustrate a variety of training
Focus and Review
Welcome back to physical education class! Before we begin todays
lesson can anybody tell me what we participated in yesterday? Thats
right, a yoga routine. Today you all will complete another strength
training workout. This workout will be targeting the lower body
(hamstrings, quadriceps, and gastrocnemius). If you will remember
strength training is an excellent way to improve or maintain ones level
of physical fitness. Strength training can improve bone health,

increase muscle mass, aid in disease prevention, etc. Does anybody
have any questions before you all warm-up?
Statement of Objectives
Psychomotor: Students will use fundamental motor skills to perform
the lower body workout.
Cognitive: Students will learn and understand the importance of
participating in strength training.
Affective: Students will be motivated to work hard and have a great
attitude during class.
Teacher Input
Before we begin the workout, I would like each of you to walk/jog three
laps around the gym. Ready go! Great job class, now if you will return
to your spot on the floor we will stretch. (Feet together, side to side,
right leg up, switch, butterfly, pull right leg in, pull left leg in, and
anything else you may need). Great job with the warm up class! Like I
mentioned earlier you all will be completing a lower body strengthtraining workout today! You all will be in the same lifting groups that
you were in the last time when you all completed an upper body
workout. Before you all get into your lifting groups I want to explain
the lifts you all will participate in today. You will be doing back squats,
front squats, dumbbell lunges, and calf raises (with or without weight).
The repetitions for back squats and front squats will be 3x8. While the
lunges and calf raises will be 3x15. You will also be doing 3x30 for

your core workout. The exercises for the core workout will be: sit-ups,
mason twists, and toe touches. Are there any questions before you all
begin the workout?
Guided Practice
I will now take you through the entire workout very quickly to make
sure you all know how to properly perform each exercise. The 1st lift
will be back squats (I will demonstrate a proper back squat). The 2nd
lift will be front squats (I will demonstrate how to do a front squat). You
all will be doing 3x8 for these two lifts. Now I will show you how to
spot both of these lifts (I will demonstrate proper spotting technique).
Class, please remember the importance of the spotter and take great
pride in being there for your classmates! The 3rd movement will be
dumbbell lunges (I will demonstrate a dumbbell lung). You will be
doing 3x15 with each leg. (Each set will have 30 total reps). The 4th
movement will be calf raises. You can perform this exercise with or
without weight, whichever way you prefer (I will demonstrate a
weighted and non weighted calf raise). The last thing I will
demonstrate are the core exercises (I will demonstrate, sit-ups, toe
touches, and mason twists). Are there any questions before you all
begin the workout? If not, get ready to go to work!
Independent Practice
Class at this time I would like you to find your lifting group. Before we
begin I want to remind you all to use appropriate weight, this helps

prevent injury. Also keep in mind the importance of being a good
spotter. If there are no further questions, you all can begin the
workout! (I will walk around the weight room while the students
complete the workout encouraging them and critiquing their
techniques). Great job with the workout class! Now we will do a short
cool-down stretch to help prevent cramping and soreness. (Feet
together, right over left and switch, right arm across, and switch, right
arm back and switch).
I am very proud of the great effort each of you gave today! I could
see everybody improving as the workout went on. Tonight, I would like
you all to complete a journal entry. In this entry I want you all to create
your own strength-training workout (can be upper or lower body).
Please include at least 3 core exercises (sit-ups, toe touches, mason
twists, etc.). Are there any questions before you all go dress out?
Family/Community Connection
Class I would like you all to go home and go over your strength
workout with your parent/guardian. Explain to them what each
exercise targets and inform them of the many benefits strength
training includes. I hope you all have a great rest of the day!

Lesson Plan #8: Day 8

Essential Standard: 7.HF.3: Understand the importance of achieving
and maintaining health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
Clarifying Objective: PE.7.HF.3.3: Illustrate a variety of training
Focus and Review
Good morning class! Thank you all for dressing out quickly. Today we
will be continuing our unit on achieving or maintaining a healthenhancing level of physical fitness. Throughout this unit you all have
learned the importance of lifelong physical activity. Today we will be
completing another circuit training workout. You all should be familiar
with how circuit training works since you have already completed one
earlier in the unit. Incase you forgot; circuit training is a fast-paced
form of physical activity in which you do one exercise for 30 seconds
up to 5 minutes. You all will begin the workout at a station with the
same group that you lifted with yesterday and when I blow my whistle
your group will rotate to the next station. Please keep in mind that it is
important to pace yourself during this workout! Are there any
questions before we begin the warm-up?
Statement of Objectives
Psychomotor: Students will use motor skills to complete the circuittraining workout.
Cognitive: Students will learn and understand the importance of
participating in regular physical activity throughout their lifetimes.

Affective: Students will be motivated to give their best effort and have
a great attitude during this workout.
Teacher Input
Before we begin the circuit-training workout, I would like each of you to
walk/jog three laps around the gym. Ready go! Great job class, now if
you will return to your spot on the floor we will stretch. (Feet together,
side to side, right leg up, switch, butterfly, pull right leg in, pull left leg
in, and anything else you may need). Great job with the warm up
class! As I stated earlier you all will complete another circuit training
workout. Todays workout will be similar in structure to the one we
participated in earlier in the unit. This workout will be a total of 20
minutes long and have a total of 5 different stations. You all will work
at a particular station for 1 minute and then rotate. You will work at
each station a total of 4 times. The 5 stations for the day are: jump
rope, bench dips, abdominal planks, front to back line jumps, and pushups. I will walk you all through each station before you begin the
Guided Practice
Station 1 will be jump rope. Class, I want you all to try and go the
entire minute without stopping, give your best effort (I will now
demonstrate the proper jump rope form). Station 2 will be bench dips.
These will be performed on the bleachers (I will demonstrate a proper
bench dip). The 3rd station will be abdominal planks (I will demonstrate

planks). Station 4 will be front to back line jumps (I will demonstrate
the proper form of front to back line jumps). The 5th and final station
will be push-ups. Even though you all are experts on performing pushups by now I will still demonstrate the proper form to refresh your
memory. Remember that you all will stay at 1 station for 1 minute and
rotate when I blow my whistle. Are there any questions before you all
begin the workout? Lets go to work!
Independent Practice
Class at this time I would like you all to get into your workout groups.
You will go through each station 4 times, spending 1 minute at each
station. Please pace yourself so you can give maximum effort during
the entire workout! When I blow my whistle the workout has begun!
(Blow whistle) (I will walk around monitoring the class to make sure
they are performing the movements correctly and also motivate them
to keep working hard). Great job with the workout class! Now we will
do a short cool-down stretch to help prevent cramping and soreness.
(Feet together, right over left and switch, right arm across, and switch,
right arm back and switch).
Class, I want to thank you all again for the effort and attitudes I saw
today! For homework I would like you all to make up your own circuittraining workout. Please write your workout in the form of a journal
entry. I want your workout to contain at least 5 stations. Class I want

to remind you all that we will begin our fitnessgram post-test
tomorrow. We will complete the BMI test and the mile run! Are there
any questions before you all go dress out?
Family/Community Connection
I want you all to go home and talk to your parent/guardian about what
you have learned during this unit. Please go over your circuit-training
workout with them as well.

Lesson Plan #9: Day 9

Essential Standard: 7.HF.3: Understand the importance of achieving
and maintaining a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
Clarifying Objective: PE.7.HF.3.1: Use gender-and-age-related
health-related physical fitness standards defined by an approved
fitness assessment to self evaluate fitness levels.
Focus and Review
Good morning class! As I stated yesterday, you all will complete the
post-test for BMI and also the mile run. This is the same fitness test
that you all completed at the first of the unit. Can anybody tell me the
name of this fitness test? That is correct, it is called the fitnessgram
physical fitness test. Now here is another question, who can tell me
what 5 components the fitnessgram measures (5 components of
health-related physical fitness)? That is absolutely right! The
fitnessgram measures muscular endurance, muscular strength,

cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Today you
all will be tested on your body composition (BMI) and cardiovascular
endurance (mile run). Are there any questions before we begin the
Statement of Objectives
Psychomotor: Students will use motor skills to perform the fitnessgram
physical fitness test.
Cognitive: Students will learn their level of health related physical
fitness as it is defined by the fitnessgram standards.
Affective: Students will be motivated to work hard and give their best
effort in class today.
Teacher Input
Before we begin the days activities, I would like each of you to
walk/jog three laps around the gym. Ready go! Great job class, now if
you will return to your spot on the floor we will stretch. (Feet together,
side to side, right leg up, switch, butterfly, pull right leg in, pull left leg
in, and anything else you may need). Great job with the warm up
class! Now for a quick review who can tell me what BMI stands for?
That is correct! BMI stands for body mass index. I will now go over the
formula you all will use to calculate your BMI. You divide your weight
(kg) by height (cm). You will take the number you get from your
calculation and use the BMI chart that I have on the wall to see what
your number is. The last test that you all will complete is the mile run.

Does anybody have any questions about the days activities before we
Guided Practice
At this point in the semester you all should be able to remember how
this test works. You should remember how to record your scores on
the fitnessgram sheets. Before we begin the BMI test I will hand all of
you back your sheets with your old scores on them. I will also hand
you a new sheet for you to record your new scores on. Are there any
questions about how to perform the BMI test? After everyone is done
with the BMI test we will move out to the track to perform the mile run.
Independent Practice
Students will complete the BMI portion of the fitnessgram test. Once
they have their BMI they will record it on their new fitnessgram sheet.
After everybody has his or her BMI we will go out to the track. Class;
please remember to give your best effort on the mile run! You should
strive to beat your last time. I will yell out your time as you finish the
test, please pay attention so you hear the right time. Once you have
your mile time please record it on the new fitnessgram sheet. After
everybody has completed the mile run I will take up the fitnessgram
sheets until the next class period. Now we will do a short cool-down
stretch to help prevent cramping and soreness. (Feet together, right
over left and switch, right arm across, and switch, right arm back and

Great job with the BMI and mile run portions of the fitness test class! I
will now collect your new and old fitnessgram sheets. I will be the only
one to look at your results. You will be given back the sheets during
our next class as you finish up the remaining 3 portions of the fitness
test. Tonight for homework I would like you all to complete a journal
entry including your thoughts on your new results for the BMI and mile
run tests. Also include ways to improve your new results even more
than they already have. Tomorrow you all will complete the last 3
portions of the fitnessgram fitness test (muscular strength, muscular
endurance, and flexibility). Are there any questions before you all go
dress out?
Family/Community Connection
Class, go home and review your results with your parent/guardian. Let
them know how hard you all have been working in my class and make
sure to tell them how your results have improved! I hope you all have
a great rest of the day.

Lesson Plan #10: Day 10

Essential Standard: 7.HF.3: Understand the importance of achieving
and maintaining a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

Clarifying Objective: PE.7.HF.3.1: Use gender-and age-related healthrelated physical fitness standards defined by an approved fitness
assessment to self evaluate fitness levels.
Focus and Review
Good morning class! Today we will finish up the last 3 portions of the
fitnessgram physical fitness test. Can anybody tell me the 2 tests, and
what those tests measured, you all completed yesterday? BMI (body
composition) and the mile run (cardiovascular endurance) that is
correct! Today you all will finish the fitnessgram test by completing the
muscular endurance (push-ups), muscular strength (sit-ups), and
flexibility (sit and reach). Are there any questions before we begin the
Statement of Objective
Psychomotor: Students will use motor skills to complete the muscular
endurance, muscular strength, and flexibility portions of the
fitnessgram fitness test.
Cognitive: Students will learn their level of health related physical
fitness as it is defined by the fitnessgram standards.
Affective: Students will be ready to work by coming to class ready to
give their best effort on the remaining 3 tests.
Teacher Input
Before we begin the days activities, I would like each of you to
walk/jog three laps around the gym. Ready go! Great job class, now if

you will return to your spot on the floor we will stretch. (Feet together,
side to side, right leg up, switch, butterfly, pull right leg in, pull left leg
in, and anything else you may need). Great job with the warm up
class! The 1st test you all will complete will be the sit and reach test
(flexibility). The 2nd test will be the sit-up test (muscular strength).
The 3rd and final test will be the push-up test (muscular endurance).
After everyone completes the 1st test we will move on to the 2nd and so
on. Are there any questions before we begin the sit and reach test?
Guided Practice
Once again you should all remember the way you will perform each of
these tests, but I will quickly demonstrate the proper way to perform
each (I will demonstrate the proper way to perform sit and reach, pushups, and sit-ups). Please keep in mind that after you complete a test
to record your results on your new fitnessgram sheets. During the
push-up test the partner that is not performing the push-up needs to
count for their partner. Also, during the sit-up test the partner not
performing the sit-up needs to hold their partners feet (Use the same
partner you used for the pre-test). Remember your goal is to beat your
previous score so it is important that you all work hard and give your
best effort! I am now going to hand you back your new and old
fitnessgram sheets so you can record your results.
Independent Practice

At this time students will complete the sit and reach, sit-up, and pushups tests. Once a student completes a test they will record their
results on their new fitnessgram sheets. (I will walk around during the
sit-up and push-up test to make sure the students are performing the
movements properly). Now we will do a short cool-down stretch to
help prevent cramping and soreness. (Feet together, right over left
and switch, right arm across, and switch, right arm back and switch).
Great job with the last 3 tests class! I am proud of the effort each of
you put into today; I hope all of you improved on your test results.
However, if you did not do not let that discourage you that just means
you need to be working harder to improve your level of fitness. For
homework tonight, I would like you all to complete a journal entry
reflecting on your results of the muscular endurance, muscular
strength, and flexibility tests. Please include ways you can further
improve on your results. On Monday we will begin a new unit! Great
job on the fitness unit class! Are there any questions before you all go
dress out?
Family/Community Connection
I would like everyone to go home and talk to their parent/guardian
about your muscular endurance, muscular strength, and flexibility test
results. Please mention to them ways you plan to improve these

results and ask if they have any further suggestions. I hope you all
have a great rest of the day!

Summary of Assessments
Day 1
Assessment: Students will complete journal entry where they will write
about their fitness level and include ways they can improve/maintain
this level. Students will also define the five components of health
related fitness in their journal.
Day 2
Assessment: Students will reflect on their fitness level as a whole in a
journal entry, as a result of completing the entire fitnessgram fitness
Day 3
Assessment: Students will write a journal entry explaining what circuit
training is and why they are beneficial. Students will also create their
own circuit-training workout, including five different activities.
Day 4
Assessment: Students will write in their journals about the benefits of
strength training workouts.
Day 5

Assessment: Students will write a journal entry about the benefits of
interval training.
Day 6
Assessment: Students will complete a journal entry including: the brief
history and benefits of participating in yoga.
Day 7
Assessment: Students will write in their journal. This entry will include:
an upper body or lower body workout.
Day 8
Assessment: Students will come up with their own circuit-training
workout including at least 5 stations and write the workout in the form
of a journal entry.
Day 9
Assessment: Students will complete a journal including their final
thoughts of their BMI and mile run test results and how to further
improve their results.
Day 10
Assessment: Students will complete their last journal entry for this unit.
This entry will include their thoughts on their final 3 test results and
how to improve those numbers.

Students will complete a pre-test and post-test using the fitnessgram
physical fitness test. The results of these test will be used as a
summative assessment.

Supplementary Resources


5. http://www.livestrong.com/article/506714-5-benefits-of-regularexercise/
6. http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?
7. http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/P
8. http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/PhysicalActivity/
9. http://www.ucsfhealth.org/education/heart_health_benefits_of_ph


Pre-Test and Post-Test Score Sheet

Mile Run
and Reach
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
Student 5
Student 6
Student 7
Student 8
Student 9
Student 10
Student 11
Student 12
Student 13
Student 14
Student 15
Student 16
Student 17
Student 18
Student 19





Student 20

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