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To: Candidate Smith

From: Asha Pulliam

Date: Oct. 4 2015
Re: Election Campaign Recommendation with 2012 election analysis.

With the 2016 presidential election approaching, it is necessary to find a successful

campaign strategy for Candidate Smith. In order to find a successful campaign strategy
I have taken the liberty of analyze the previous presidential media campaigns of Barack
Obama and Mitt Romney of the 2012 presidential election, and what each media
campaign was successful at. Also included is a analysis of what made Obama's
campaign successful over Romney's
Obama Media Campaign
Obama used a more emotional approach to his media campaigns. He touched on the
lives of everyday people that everyone of us knows. For example, In his TV ad
Campaign titled Personal, he appealed to the elderly population and people who know
and/or love elderly people. He discussed the topic of Medicare, which is an affordable
Health care system that could benefit those who might have a hard time paying for
regular health/medical care whether its because of unemployment or age. Another TV
ad campaign Obama had was titled Reversed. It focused on all obama has done so far
in office, and it hints at how he could do so much more if given the time. This
commercial was also red, white, and blue that would probably appeal to people in
Americas eyesight. The commercials music was also very appealing this could be
important to gaining people's attention especially while watching TV. Obama also was
one of the first presidents to use social media to his advantage during the 2008 election
and continued to use it during the 2012 presidential election. He used the following tools
for his campaign:
Website blog
Obama lead the over Romney in social media and this could be a big part of why
Obama successfully won the presidential election.

Romney Media Campaign

Unlike the commercials I analyzed from Obama's campaign, Romney's commercials

focused on bashing Obamas name, which in this case seemed pretty successful. In the
commercial titled Strong America focused on Obama cutting the military budget and
showing it in the most negative light possible. The commercial featured generals who
agreed that the military's budget being cut isnt the best thing for America. They also
state that it would ultimately extremely hurt the military. The commercials tactics would
work in a variety of situations such as, military soldiers, their families, or people that
consider themselves truly patriotic. Also another TV commercial ad was titled These
Hands, which was also another attack on Obama. This time Romney took audio from a
previous speech Obama had given and used certain parts of the speech to stir up
controversy. He took specific parts to make it seem like Obama did not support or
respect the work of small business owners. This mainly would appeal to those small
business owners and after seeing the commercial if without studying would think that
Obama should not be president.
Swing States Statistics
All the information in this paragraph was collected from the U.s. Census Bureau and
analyzed by myself. First thing looked at while analyzing was each of the two different
swing states, Colorado and Nevada, was the median income.Which both were around
55,000 ( colorado was 58,433 and Nevada 52,800) which is a pretty low average
income. Also the Poverty levels are around the same with Colorado at 13.2% with
Nevada at 15% in which one , Colorado, was under the national average of that year
2013 and Nevada was above. Another difference was in the Education of these states.
Colorado's highest percentage education completion rate was at 24.1% for a Bachelor
degree, with some college, no degree coming in second at 22.1%. While in Nevada
High School Degree is in first at 28.7%, and some college no degree in second with

Campaign Recommendation
As your campaign consultant I suggest you focus on issues that could push people to
vote for you based off of emotion. But of course you cannot command enough votes on
just emotions alone, you must also have facts and number for some Americans. The
basis of the election should appeal to most Americans. Also this should be a Social
Media based campaign, devoting 70% of campaigning to getting the information such
as TV Ads, Speeches, Debates, etc on to our campaign social media sites ( Twitter,
Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and a Personal Campaign Blog) . I would also suggest
to not touch on the Anti-Ads, unless it comes down to using it to defend ourselves
against absurd accusations. Also Making a bases against poverty, increasing college

education, and raising the household income for all states. All these thing I suggest
would lead us on a successful campaign and give Candidate Smith a higher chance of
getting to the white house.
Works Cited:
U.S. Bureau of the Census. INCOME IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS. ONLINE. 2013. Census Bureau. Available:
http://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?src=CF [4 Oct. 2015].
U.S. Bureau of the Census. INCOME IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS. ONLINE. 2013. Census Bureau. Available:
http://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/community_facts.xhtml [4 Oct. 2015].
Bureau of the Census. Poverty Level. ONLINE. 2013. Census Bureau. Available:
http://factfinder.census.gov/bkmk/cf/1.0/en/state/Colorado/POVERTY/BLW_LVL_PCT [4 Oct. 2015].
U.S. Bureau of the Census. Poverty Level. ONLINE. 2013. Census Bureau. Available:
http://factfinder.census.gov/bkmk/cf/1.0/en/state/Nevada/POVERTY/BLW_LVL_PCT[4 Oct. 2015].
Bureau of the Census. Educational Attainment. ONLINE. 2013. Census Bureau. Available:
http://factfinder.census.gov/bkmk/table/1.0/en/ACS/14_1YR/S1501/0400000US08[4 Oct. 2015].
Bureau of the Census. Educational Attainment. ONLINE. 2013. Census Bureau. Available:
http://factfinder.census.gov/bkmk/table/1.0/en/ACS/13_5YR/S1501/0400000US32 [4 Oct. 2015].

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