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Addition/Subtraction Key Words

Intern: Ashley Brake Blair


Objectives Students will be able to identify key words for addition and subtraction in a
mathematical word problem. Students will be able to sort out several different words
that represent either addition or subtractions correctly. Students will understand the
importance of looking for key words when reading mathematical word problems in order
to know which operation needs to be used.
TEKS (4) Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards
to develop and use strategies and methods for whole number computations in order to
solve addition and subtraction problems with efficiency and accuracy. The student is
expected to: (C) solve one-step and multi-step word problems involving addition and
subtraction within 1,000 using a variety of strategies based on place value, including
ELPS (if applicable) (3) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/speaking. The
ELL speaks in a variety of modes for a variety of purposes with an awareness of
different language registers (formal/informal) using vocabulary with increasing fluency
and accuracy in language arts and all content areas. ELLs may be at the beginning,
intermediate, advanced, or advanced high stage of English language acquisition in
speaking. In order for the ELL to meet grade-level learning expectations across the
foundation and enrichment curriculum, all instruction delivered in English must be
linguistically accommodated (communicated, sequenced, and scaffolded)
commensurate with the student's level of English language proficiency. The student is
expected to: (J) respond orally to information presented in a wide variety of print,
electronic, audio, and visual media to build and reinforce concept and language
attainment. (E) share information in cooperative learning interactions
Focus/Anticipatory Set Students will watch a short music video over addition and
subtraction key words to get them excited and engaged into the lesson. The video is
located at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gHA47jVsZU (stop at 1:47m and
continue at 3:06m to skip over multiplication).
Relevancy Explanation/Teaching Strategies & Modeling Students will be asked to
recall key words with the teacher from the video. Students will work with the teacher to
fill out an anchor chart for Andy Addition and Suzie Subtraction. Students will add
key words for each operation onto the anchor chart with the teacher.

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Revised 8/31/15

Teaching: Checking for Understanding Students will receive different words problems
that represent either addition or subtraction. Students will do a turn and teach where
they turn to their neighbor and discuss where each word should go (with addition or
subtraction). Students can use the anchor charts as reference. The teacher will walk
around the classroom and make sure that each pair of understands where each key
words is and how to apply their knowledge to decide whether a word problem should
use addition or subtraction as their operation.
Questioning strategies Do you think more words fall under the addition operation and
not the subtraction? Is there any other words you can think of to add onto our list today?
Why do you think we need to highlight the key words in a word problem? What is the
importance in understanding the different key words in a word problem? Since, there
are several different key words to look for, what do you think would be a good way for
us to keep track of all of them?
Guided Practice Students and the teacher will work together to solve word problems.
The teacher will use the ELMO to display a worksheet with four addition and four
subtraction problems. The teacher will read the problem to the students and then ask
students to raise their hand if they know what the key word(s) in the problem are.
Students will use a yellow crayon to highlight over the keyword(s). Then the class will
decide whether the key words tells us to add or subtract. Students will then write after
the problem addition or subtraction. The teacher and students will work together to
complete the worksheet together.
Closure Now, that we have learned each of the key words that we need to look for in a
word problem, we should be able to do a word problem on our own. You can write down
the key words from our anchor charts into your math journals later so you will have a
Independent Practice Students will complete a word sort with the key words covered in
todays lesson. Students will put the key words either under addition or subtraction.
Then, students will get their math journals out and copy the information from the sort
into their journals so they can refer back to it. If students finish early, they can get their
worksheet that we worked out together and solve the problems to the word problems.
Since, we only indicated whether to add or subtract on them earlier in the lesson.
Materials youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gHA47jVsZU, anchor
charts with Andy and Suzie already drawn on them (add words during lesson), word
problem worksheet, and key words word sort, yellow crayons, glue, and scissors for
each students, math journals
Duration 45min 1hour
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Revised 8/31/15

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