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Lcole et les cours Q&A

valuation parler pour unit 2

Les instructions :
crivez 10 questions en franais
Your questions must include the following topics :
Les mots dinterrogation (Qui, Quand, Comment, Quest-ce
que, etc.)
Les verbes en ER (use at least 6 different ER verbs)
Le verbe avoir (at least 2 questions with le verbe avoir)
Le verbe tre (use at least 2 questions with est )
Once you have your questions written en franais you will have the
opportunity to practice asking and answering questions with a
We will conduct a practice round in a circle as a class where each
student must ask 2 questions and respond to 2 questions.
Exemple : La prof pose la question, Qui est ton/ta prof de maths ?
Il/Elle est comment ?
Llve rpond : Jai Madame Niccum. Elle est gentille
For the formal assessment, each student must ask a minimum of 3
questions and respond to at least 3 questions to get 100%. Students
may ask and answer more questions to avoid losing points on
During the formal assessment, you will not be permitted to repeat
any questions.

Requirements for formal speaking assessment:

6 questions avec les verbes en -ER
2 questions avec le verbe avoir
2 questions avec est


Pose 3 questions


Rpond aux 3 questions


Prononciation des questions

Les mots dinterrogation, verbes en ER, avoir, tre, les cours

Prononciation des rponses
Verbes en ER, avoir, tre, les cours, adjectifs


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