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RCLS 220

1. What is your personality acronym, and what does each letter

stand for?
A: My personality acronym is ESTJ. What each letter stands for is (E)
extraversion, (S) sensing, (T) thinking, (J) judging.
2. What are some of the positive attributes of your personality
type that enable you to be a successful leader?( List three)
A: I believe that there are some very positive attributes of my
personality type. One positive attribute that will help with me being a
successful leader is that extraversion states that EJTJs are motivated
by working and interacting with others. Leading individuals you must
be motivated by your clients to help lead them to a common goal.
Another great attribute is being able to have great judgment. ESTJs
tend to plan their activities and make decisions early (Wikipedia PG. 1) this fits

perfectly with myself because I am always organized and ready for an

event beforehand. The last reason why I believe attributes of an ESTJ
will help me be a successful leader is that ESTJs like to organize and
run activities and this attribute is essential for any leader.
3. What are the attributes of your personality type that you need
to be aware of while you are in a leadership position to ensure
you are including everyone, or not stepping on others toes?
( List two examples)
A: One attribute of my personality type that I need to be aware of when
I am in a leadership position is that ESTJs typically focus their
attention on details and not the big picture. When leading individuals
you must look at the bigger picture for each client and help them
achieve that goal. Another attribute that I need to be aware of is that

ESTJs generally give more weight to logic than to social considerations. When leading
individuals you will have to take their feeling into consideration.

4. Do you find the information discovered today to be an accurate

portrayal of your personality? Why or why not?
A: When finding information on ESTJs I found that there were a couple
accurate portrayals of my personality. For example I am a person that
feels more comfortable in situations with multiple people around (not
too much though). Also that ESTJs are well organized and have a
sense of judgment of a higher power and obeying the laws.
5. Find and list one famous person who has the same personality
traits as you. Be prepared to discuss a little about this person
and what traits they possess that you see in yourself.
A: DR. Phil/ Judge Judy. Some traits that I see in these individuals that I
have in common with them is that they both believe that people are
responsible for their own actions. They are very outgoing and people
look up to them. Both believe heavily in morals, values and beliefs.

"Portrait of an ESTJ - Extraverted Sensing Thinking Judging(Extraverted Thinking with
Introverted Sensing)." Portrait of an ESTJ. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.
"Famous ESTJs." CelebrityTypes.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.
"ESTJ." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.

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