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Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Looking at Mental Health

Health & Psychology Unit
Weekly Outline


Lesson aims/focus question:

Introduction: What is Mental


Students will be able to

explain and define
mental health and
mental illness.
Students will be able to
identify links between
the determinants of
health and mental

Lesson Overview/Activities


Ask students to create a http://mhw.waamh.org

mind map and
Healthy Body,
brainstorm their current
knowledge and
Healthy Mind
understanding about
Lesson 1
mental health.
Ask students to fill out
Lesson 1
student handout as we
go through the
PowerPoint slides
consisting of what is
mental health, mental
illness, causes of,
anxiety, depression,
Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islanders,
determinants of health.
In small groups, student
will need to plan an
activity that promotes
mental health and
wellbeing that other
students can participate
in. They also need to
create a poster
promoting mental
health week and their

Health Incursion Orygen

Youth Health

Students will develop a

better understanding of
mental health and
resources available to

What is Mental Illness?

Students will be able to

differentiate between
normality and
abnormality, health,
physical health, mental
health and illness.
Students will be able to
use a biopsychosocial
framework in
understanding major
depression and its

Students to participate
in a school health
Members of Orygen
Youth Health will talk to
students about Mental
Health, specifically,
what it is, signs and
symptoms, changes in
behaviour, thinking and
physical state, who to
go to for help, causes of
mental health issues,
tips for good mental
Activity Who Wants to
be a Millionaire Game
Incursion de-brief and
reflection in class
Get students thinking
about what mental
health issues they wish
to research about for
their assignment next
Ask students to
complete Is It Normal
handout in their
booklets. Discuss
answer as a class.
PowerPoint slides
consisting of normality
and abnormality, health
and illness, mental
health, mental illness,
incidence of mental
illness, the
framework, mood
disorder: major
Students to take notes
in their Mental Health
booklets as we go
through the
Students to complete
rating mental health
issues activity.
Assign students
summative assessment.
In small groups,
students will begin to
discuss the health issue
they wish to inquire


Healthy Body,
Healthy Mind
Lesson 2
Psychology Unit
4 Mental
Health Booklet
Healthy Body,
Healthy Mind
Sheet and

How does the other domains

of health impact
adolescence mental health?

Explore the 4 domains of

health (physical, mental,
social and emotional).
Understand how these
domains impact the
mental health of any

What are the Mental Health

issues facing adolescence?

Students will be able to

identify and explain an
array of mental health
issues facing

Content delivery via

Students will be given
handout with 4 separate
areas for the 4 domains
of health and asked to
summarise the main
points associated with
each domain.
Class to have a 5
minute discussion about
ways they think the 4
domains could impact
on an adolescents
mental health.
Second half of
powerpoint will cover
the different
ways(hopefully a few
that the students came
up with themselves)
and students will be
asked to fill in the back
of the handout will be
for the impacts of each
Students will then be
divided up into 4 table
groups and given 5
minutes to come up
with a scenario where
they can demonstrate
how their corresponding
domain impacts on
adolescent mental
health and then a few
minutes to perform it to
the class, seeing as
though the students
themselves are
PowerPoint presentation
outlining various mental
health issues facing
adolescence today.
In small groups,
students will research
numerous mental health
issues facing
Students will then
choose one issue to
investigate further and
present to the class.

Healthy Body,
Healthy Mind
lesson 3
Double sided


Prevention Strategies

Discover ways of
preventing mental health
issues and what
someone can do when
they or someone they
know is suffering from a
mental health issue.

Now that students

should have a very
decent understanding
about mental health
issues and how serious
they can be in this
lesson students will
focus on ways to
prevent issues starting
in the first place and
what someone can do
once they have a
mental issue.
A powerpoint will be
delivered about 3 main
ways an individual will
can stay mentally
healthy, including the
importance of
encouraging individuals
to speak to someone if
they are ever feeling
mentally unstable and
also encouraging people
to simply be more
caring for others as that
alone could encourage
another to want to talk
about possible issues.
The second half of the
class will be looking at
ways someone can help
themselves and how
external person can
give advice to seek a
professional if its
something they may not
feel comfortable dealing
with. These include
helplines/quitlines and
the many various
initiatives around such
as lifeline, kids help line
and suicide call back
service to name a few.

Healthy Body,
Healthy Mind
lesson 4

How does mental health

impact sport performance?

Explore different ways

that an athletes mental
health could impact their
sports performance.

Class will begin with a

youtube video about the
effects of mental health
on elite athletes, a
think-pair-share activity
and then a quick
Then there will be a
delivery of content from
a prezi presentation.
This will include
information about
depression, anxiety,
eating disorders,
arousal levels,
confidence and
The second half of the
class will be about
application, every
student will be given a
handout which will
contain questions
covering all the topics
from the prezi
presentation and more
to help them develop
some deeper levels of
thinking. This will be
followed by a class
discussion about the
answers and opinions of
the students.This is
where the teacher will
act more as a facilitator
and allow students to
express answers and
opinions openly.
The class will end with a
formative assessment
where students will
have to answer
questions from the
teacher correctly in
order to leave the class.
(more in-depth
explanation about this
lesson will be included
in the lesson plan).

Healthy Body,
Healthy Mind
presentation 1

Nutrition and Mental Health

Students will be able to

identify the link between
nutrition and mental

At this stage, students

should have a clear and
in depth knowledge and
understanding of
mental health and
mental health issues.
Lesson content will be
delivered in the form of
a PowerPoint recapping mental health
and highlighting the
effects poor and good
nutrition has on mental
Using the articles listed,
or student can research
their own (need at least
Students need to
identify and state:
- What type of
investigation it is
(i.e. survey,
experiment, etc.)
- Write a hypothesis
for the study
- Develop an aim for
the investigation or
re-state one from
the article
- IV & DV
From here, students
need to explain their
understanding of the
connection between
nutrition and mental
health in relation to the
findings in their articles.


Mental Health Issue/Sport

Psychology Practical

To show students the

connection between the
brain and performance in
a sports event, both
positive and negative.

Students will undertake

various roleplaying
activities and have
different responsibilities
throughout the practical
First students will elect
one student to take 5
free throws at the
basketball ring, see how
many they get in. Then I
will get the rest of the
students progressively
to make it harder for the
player shooting hoops.
First I will make them all
watch the player, then
stand behind the ring in
the players eyesight,
then begin to try and
put the player off, then
add more players to
shoot hoops and play a
knockout game. The
idea is to increase the
pressure on the player
and try and get thing
into their head altering
their arousal levels,
their confidence and
their concentration and
in-turn see how this
effects their
We will spend 5 or so
minutes discussing
what happened and
how altering an
athletes arousal,
confidence and
concentration can be
used as a positive, if at
Then students will be
split up into two groups
and asked to brainstorm
and then role play. One
group will be asked to
come up with how
anxiety could affect an
athlete in an event and
then demonstrate it

using basketball and the

other group will do
depression. Each group
will given 5 minutes to
come up with how they
are going to show the
class and a few minutes
to perform it.
Depending on time a
whole class basketball
game may be played to
finish off the unit with
some psychological fun
as well.


Unit overview & Summative

Assessment Due

Students to present their

summative assessments
to the class.

One group at a time,

students will present
their summative
assessment on a mental
health issue to the
After all groups have
presented, re-cap the
unit and what we have
explored, learnt and
now know about mental

Healthy Body,
Healthy Mind

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