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Albert Jo
William Hicklin
English Acquisition 9
September 28, 2015
ISIS Propaganda Through Social Media
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria also known as ISIS is trying to conquer the world.
They have already made a lot of videos showing their cruelty to the world. ISIS is trying to get
more members through social media advertising because of the popularity of social media and
the ability to see graphic photos and videos along with being able to easily spread the
advertisement. The propaganda with the purpose of promoting ISIS and recruiting members are
shared through social media.
In the modern days, social media is used everywhere by anyone who has Internet access
and is within an appropriate age limit. In Indonesia, social media is where people share
everything. It could spread quickly only with one click. ISIS spread their words through social
media because it spreads fast. Social media platform such as Facebook and Twitter are now
blocking users who are associated with the terrorist community. They are also blocking users
who post or support terrorism actions and ISIS. The rise of Twitter user who supports ISIS has
been rapid. Based on J.M. Berger, the researcher, analyst, and consultant from the Brookings
Institution in Massachusetts, Washington, says in 2009, there were only 92 accounts created for
ISIS. In 2010, there were 182 users. There were 1,064 accounts created in 2011. Then there are
2,380 accounts creates in 2012. In 2013, it grows almost twice from 2012 with a total of 4,378.
Then a rapid change happened in 2014. More than twice of the 2013 accounts were created with
a total of 11,902 users (CNN). In Indonesia, there are 7 people got arrested for suspicion of

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joining the ISIS community in Central Sulawesi. They were arrested in two different places.
They were all foreigner and not Indonesian citizen (TV One).
In the Internet era, social media is a powerful communication tool available freely to
public. ISIS has been using this as their medium of publication for a long time. Social media is a
good medium of publication because people have free access to it. on the Internet, there are
several videos showing that Indonesian kids using wearing stripes clothes training to be the ISIS
member (DW). In the video, there were Indonesian kids holding guns and shooting onto a
target. They were being trained by the ISIS members to be one of them. The video went viral
after someone posted it. The Indonesian government is worried and confused about the video and
how to prevent it. There are already several Indonesian citizens in several countries that were
arrested for trying to cross the border and go to Syria to join ISIS. There are currently 16 people
got arrested in Turkey for attempting to cross to Syria (DW). The current Indonesian National
Armed Force commander, Moeldoko, states that they are not scared to be attacked by them. ISIS
is planning on attacking the Nusakambangan prison. He also says that ISIS are not allowed to
grow in Indonesia (BeritaSatuTV).
Graphical pictures and videos could easily be spread through social media. ISIS started
using social media since July 2014. They have been regularly posting graphic pictures and videos
showing what they do to the people who break the ISIS rules. This has included making videos
in which they torture and kill people, showing their cruelty to the world. In 2014, there have been
a lot of cruelties that was showed to the public. There are photos of a baby holding gun, also
there is also a photo showing that ISIS threw a man down a cliff (Justen Charters). That photo
makes people see that more people are joining ISIS even young kids is being taught about the
Jihad even though they are not yet able to walk. They use photos and videos because it helps to

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motivate people to join ISIS and make some people think that its fun to kill other people by
shooting with guns.
As ISIS is trying to get more members through social media advertising because of its
popularity, it makes them easier to get members. The advertisements have been running
everywhere and as there is an online recruitment available, it makes ISIS easier to get people
register for them. As the news companies are talking about ISIS everywhere including in social
media, they are also spreading the popularity of ISIS. By spreading the news of ISIS, they get
more views and more money, meaning more funding for their activities. By making videos of
cruel ISIS activities, ISIS receives more of attention worldwide. The cruelty of ISIS makes
people scared of the Islamic religion and makes them be Islamophobia. ISIS has made Islamic
religion looks bad and as their goal is to be a peaceful religion. By having ISIS, they are not
showing what God words are. The ISIS are also not doing what the religion is asking to do which
is being peaceful and to be faithful in God.

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Berger, J. M. "Battling ISIS on Social Media." Battling ISIS on Social Media YouTube. CNN,
12 Mar. 2015. Web. 25 Sept. 2015.
BeritaSatuTV. "Moeldoko: TNI Tak Takut Ancaman ISIS Serbu Nusakamabangan." Moeldoko:
TNI Tak Takut Ancaman ISIS Serbu Nusakamabangan - YouTube. YouTube, 14 Apr.
2015. Web. 28 Sept. 2015. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCYiEO0zbWo>.
Charters, Justen. "16 Pictures Show What ISIS Did in 2014 to Become the Most Heinous
Terrorist Group in the World." Independent Journal Review. N.p., 01 Jan. 2015. Web. 28
Sept. 2015. <http://www.ijreview.com/2015/01/225663-16-pictures-show-isis-2014become-heinous-terrorist-group-world/>.
Islam, Kajian. "Dramatis! Video Detik Detik Penangkapan Tujuh Anggota ISIS Indonesia, Di
Sulteng - Kajian Islam." Dramatis! Video Detik Detik Penangkapan Tujuh Anggota ISIS
Indonesia, Di Sulteng - Kajian Islam - YouTube. YouTube, 23 Dec. 2014. Web. 28 Sept.
2015. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1zeDC5zv6E>.
Pemerintah Indonesia Bingung Hadapi Propaganda ISIS. DW, 3 Mar. 2015. Web. 24 Sept.

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