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Aaron Poindexter

UWRT 1102
Justin R Cary
The Expiration Date of Religion
Every Sunday morning millions of people get up, put on their church
clothes, and journey to their place of worship to be spoken to by God. At the
same time, millions of people on the other side of the globe are bowing
towards Jerusalem praying to Muhammad to keep them safe. Even yet in a
not too distant land the Hindu is searching and trying the reach the goal of
Dhrama, or perfect understanding. Then one might step back and question,
Wait I thought science has proven that we came from chimps or I thought
it has been proven that a God has no connection with our creation or
existence. So is science henceforth useless? Does physical evidence have
no credibility anymore? The answer is that it does, but this issue is a little
more complicated than just that.
A very wise man told me a story about God. He said that one day a
human formed and then more humans started showing up and then there
were just a lot of humans. But the Earth had never seen a creature like this
before in all of its many years. This organism had a brilliant mind, complex
emotions, and the potential to alter and change its surroundings. These

humans blossomed and multiplied and were happy. Then one day a human
died and they werent happy anymore. The humans couldnt fathom having
such a vibrant individual with a heart and soul, one of their kind, just going
away to dust. There has to be more to a person than just the days that they
are walking on the Earth, so they had to formulate a belief. This belief
comforted them and through faith, they could finally make sense of death.
They created a higher power to not only help them through death, but to
explain the everyday coincidences of life and to help them through
hardships. Over time humans spread around the Earth and this idea of divine
intervention changed to suit every people and here we are. This story is just
a brief, opinionated idea that someone created, but the logic and reason it
displays is unparalleled.
So two ideas that are produced from this question of the stability of
religion are very clear. On one hand we see religion holding steadfast for the
reason that the prior story explained, humans need comfort. One thing that
can be said as a fact is humans are extremely nosy. We are curious and will
not quit searching until we have an answer for any unexplained oddity. If we
cant find and answer we must cling onto another source of comfort which
would be in the case, a higher power to take care of us. On the other hand
we have science and evidence. Everyday our knowledge of the past and
even our future is becoming clearer through research and study. A heaping
pile of evidence has already been created for an opposition against the idea
of a God and a more scientific approach to life is becoming increasingly

popular among many people, not just scientists. As time ticks by more and
more evidence will be piled onto the scientific heap until a very good base is
formed on the idea of science over faith. So the question remains, will
humans eventually reach a crossroads and take one route over the other,
and if so, which will that route be? The determining factor could be the fact
that scientific evidence, however true it may be, will not give peace of mind
to the humans conscience. When a loved one dies and the reasoning behind
death does not seem clear, science will not be there to back you up. But the
idea that the loved one is in a better place makes the difference in having
to face the fact that the said person is deceased and is going back into the
Earth from where it came. So eventually this is going to lead to a question of
comfort vs. truth which will be the crossroads we will have to navigate
through in our quest as humans.

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