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EDPH367 Assessment 2 Unit of Work Bounce On!

Strand: Growth and Development; Personal Identity and Changes
Rationale for teaching the unit

Jaclyn De Bono S00131477

Unit of Work: Bounce On!
Stage 3 Year 5
Lesson Duration: 50 minutes-1 hour; Sequence of five lessons

The following Unit of Work has been created for implementation in week 1, term 1 for a stage 3, year 5 class. This Unit of Work will focus on the contemporary issue of
mental health and wellbeing in primary school-aged children and how early intervention programs and the development of particular skill sets through a whole-school
approach is key to prevention. Exploration of this subject area is integral to the teaching and learning of Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE),
which consists of subject matter and skills. The syllabus area in which this issue is emphasised is within Growth and Development strand where the aim and purpose is to
promote student participation in activities and experiences which build confidence, resilience and build the skills and strategies necessary to cope with change (Board of
Studies NSW, (BOSNSW), 2007). Aspects related to the mental health and wellbeing of children are embedded in the syllabus as mental health encapsulates all of the
aforementioned spheres of an individual as well as the development and maintenance of positive interpersonal peer relationships (BOSNSW, 2007).
According to the Australian Government mental health initiative Kidsmatter, depression in children is far more common than one would expect, in fact the National Survey
of Mental Health and Well-being found that one in seven children between the ages of five and twelve had a mental health disorder with depression being one of the four
most common problems (Australian Government Department of Health (AGDH), 2014c; Graetz et al., 2012). Therefore, the lessons within this unit of work have

been created in such a way that the development of students resilience, through social and emotional learning, is experiential, participatory and interactive
so that learning is authentic and applicable to students lives. Such teaching aims to enhance student wellbeing and teach resiliency skills through social and
emotional learning (SEL) through self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making and relationship skills through the curriculum and
establishing learning environments where students feel a sense of security and where their self-concept is supported (Commonwealth of Australia, 2012; Department of
Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR), 2009). Establishing such positive learning environments has been promoted in the establishment of

the classroom Feel Good space.

Prior knowledge
Within the Growth and Development strand in stage 2, students explored and were assessed on the subject matter of personal identity, such as recognising their strengths
and limitations, recognising the attributes of self and others, learning about feelings and how to develop and utilise positive self-talk as well as changes and how to cope
with the physical, emotional and social changes which occur in everyday life (BOSNSW, 2007). The aim of the following five lessons is for students to revisit this subject
matter in a more in depth manner and apply the learning to existing and created fictitious, as well as real life, scenarios.
Please Note

EDPH367 Assessment 2 Unit of Work Bounce On!

Jaclyn De Bono S00131477

Feel Good Space- Must be created in week 1, term 1.

This space has been created in order to promote class cohesiveness and a class culture that is positive, caring, respectful and aims to create a sense of belonging. It
provides students with the opportunity to leave positive anonymous messages for their peers at the end of every PDHPE lesson i.e. strengths, positive observations.
The teacher must pre-organise labeled envelopes which are kept in the Feel Good Space and create an anonymous allocation roster for the term. The teacher must
monitor these before they are placed in student envelopes. Students will be provided with an opportunity to read these at the end of the day before they depart.

This unit of work has not been created with the intention to only fulfill curriculum outcomes within this time period. Rather, it has been created with the
intention that teachers will embed SEL throughout other PDHPE lessons and other KLAs. It is intended that by encouraging leadership teams to adopt
the whole-school approach that students will be provided with the opportunity to continue to develop skills over the course of the year as well as through
to the end their primary schooling so as to create life-long learners who are social and emotional competent and prepared to tackle lifes challenges.



Observable Indicators

EDPH367 Assessment 2 Unit of Work Bounce On!

and Recognising
Emotions in Myself
and Others

Jaclyn De Bono S00131477

GDS3.9 -Explains and demonstrates strategies for dealing with life

changes (Knowledge and Understanding).
COS3.3- Communicates confidently in a variety of situations (Skills).
SEL -Self-awareness; Self-management

Recognises that emotions can vary in intensity from mild to strong

Shares their ideas and point of view when discussing physical/emotional
Explains how the appropriateness of emotional responses influence behaviour

2. My Personal

GDS3.9 INS3.3- Acts in ways that enhances the contribution of self and others
in a range of cooperative situations (Skills).

SEL -Self-awareness; Self-management

3. Positive Coping:
using strengths in
everyday life to
keep calm

COS3.3- Communicates confidently in a variety of situations (Skills).
SEL -Self-awareness; Self-management

4. Problem solving:
taking action and

PSS3.5- Suggests, considers and selects appropriate alternatives
when resolving problems (Skills)
SEL --Self-management

5. Stress
Management and
Help Seeking

GDS3.9 DMS3.2 -Makes informed decisions and accepts responsibility for

consequences (Skills).
SEL Social management


Lesson Title

Indicators of

Describes the range and influence of personal qualities and strengths (character
Assesses the value of working independently, identifying the character strengths
they value or admire in others
Monitors their progress in consolidating their strengths
Describes the influence that personal qualities and strengths have on their
learning outcomes
Identifies strengths and how these can be used to overcome challenging
Communicates an idea or story through movement
Describes the influence that personal qualities and strengths have on their
learning outcomes
Reflects on outcome of chosen solution
Uses reflective listening in order to clarify a friends point of view in regards to
problem solving scenarios
Analyses factors that influence ability to self-regulate; devise and apply
strategies to monitor own behaviour and set realistic learning goals
Recognises and evaluates personal decisions in relation to their own stress
Identifies causes of stress and how to reduce stress
Identifies causes and effects of conflict and practice different strategies to diffuse
or resolve conflict situations

Teaching and Learning Experiences



EDPH367 Assessment 2 Unit of Work Bounce On!


emotions in
myself and

-Identifies situations
and events (triggers)
that can lead to more
intense emotions
-Shares their ideas
and point of view
when discussing

SEL: Explains how

appropriateness of


-Describes the range

and influence of their
personal qualities
and strengths
(character strengths)
-Assesses the value
of working
identifying the
character strengths
they value or admire
in others
-Monitors their
progress in
consolidating their

Jaclyn De Bono S00131477

Introduction (10 minutes): Ss will be asked to come into the classroom

after lunch and enter the teaching space quietly. T will introduce the unit
of work by having Ss engage in a body-scan (meditation/mindfulness
strategy). T to begin discussing the areas of health i.e. physical body,
mental/emotional health (feelings/well-being), social interactions and the
spiritual self.
Development (30 minutes): Ss to work in pairs to create body maps
(tracing) and use these as a form of self-portrait i.e. physical features,
likes/dislikes, family, friends. Ss to then use sentences to locate areas
on body maps where they would feel that particular emotion (place on
body). Ss to identify events where they may feel the correlating emotion
and relate it to a real-life scenario (personal or non-personal). Ss to
engage in discussion and prepare to share with class using body maps.
Conclusion (20 minutes): Ss to share the two body maps with the
class and justify why the sentences were placed in those areas. Class
to work together to label emotions as mild or intense. Have Ss
suggest a scenario where this emotion would worsen and identify where
this would be felt.
Ss to complete positive anonymous message for peer.
Teacher Note: the laminated sentences must range in intensity from
mild to strong. This will encourage Ss to discuss emotions more in
depth and relate these to real life situations.

Ss self-reflection and
discussion at end of
lesson 1 is an
allowing T to know
what the students
already know and
what needs to be
lesson 2.

Introduction (10 minutes): T to begin lesson by creating a feel good

lineup focusing on character strengths only. Opposite sides of the
room represent fantastic to working on this respectively. Ss to move to
T questions/statements (10) to encourage Ss to self-reflect before
development. Explicitly teach that strengths are different to skills and
Development (30 minutes): Ss to utilise body maps from lesson 1 and
reflect silently on their strengths and write these down;
Strengths/attributes can be from all aspects of the self i.e. physical,
mental/emotional, social, spiritual/religious (non-exhaustive). Ss to
reflect on these strengths and assess why they are an important quality
i.e. demonstrate kindness, dedication, focus etc. Ss to then reflect on
two specific areas (goals) they would like to improve and how they will
get there. Ss to then swap with a peer (teacher allocated) and write

In identifying their
strengths, Ss positive
self-concept is
promoted. In
identifying admirable
strengths in peers,
Ss will demonstrate
recognition of unique
skills, talents and
positive strengths of
others. In selfreflecting on future
goals, Ss are able to

-Bite size meditation: daily

-Ss to work in pairs: given
4 laminated sentences
each such as when I am
nervous I feel .
sentences vary from pair
to pair (use emotion
intensity scale to assist
(See appendix).
-Direct Ss to Feel Good
space: Ss to display body
maps here: fasten these
with blu-tack as they will
need to be removed.

-Collect body maps from

Feel Good Space.

Ss to sit in table groups.

Thinking ball: Only those

with the ball may speak:

EDPH367 Assessment 2 Unit of Work Bounce On!


SEL: Describes the

influence that
personal qualities
and strengths have
on their learning

Positive coping:
using strengths
in everyday life
to keep calm

- Identifies strengths
and how these can
be used to overcome
- Communicates an
idea or story through

SEL: Describes the

influence that
personal qualities
and strengths have
on their learning

down 3 additional strengths that their peer possesses that they

value/admire. Ss to discuss and justify their choice i.e. a situation where
this was observed and write down on body map (justification).
Conclusion (20 minutes): T to have one S at each table to manage
group with thinking ball. Each S share two strengths with their table
groups then their peer from the development phase must justify one of
the allocated strengths. T to conclude by noting body maps and
highlighting that all students are good at something.
Ss to complete positive anonymous message for peer.
Teacher note: See appendix for sample questions. Highlight that
character strengths are different to skills and talents. They are
attributes that help you make the most of your experiences and deal with
your challenges i.e. courage, dedication, persistence.
Introduction (10 minutes): T to introduce lesson by asking Ss think
about how people use their character strengths to help them deal with
the challenges of everyday life before watching Character Strengths
clip. Whole-class mindmap of what they saw and identify which people
in the community would need the strengths to overcome challenges i.e.
fireman, police officers need to be brave.
Development (40 minutes): Ss to work in pairs to complete six
everyday scenarios, which identify a characters dilemma and how they
can be assisted to overcome their challenge.
Ss (in fours) to then create a role-play for one of the six scenarios
(allocated) to show what these strengths may look like in action.
Conclusion (10 minutes): Lesson to come to close as T asks Ss what
strength they saw in each role-play, how it was useful to the person or
other characters and how it could be useful in real life.
Ss to complete positive anonymous message for peer.
Teacher note: Clarify definitions of words seen in youtube clip and have
Ss write these in English books.

Jaclyn De Bono S00131477

work towards
consolidating existing
strengths and
creating new ones.

listening and respecting


assessment: T can
use this feedback to
inform a strengthsbased approach i.e.
how that student
learns best.
assessment: T to
gauge Ss level of
through mindmap
and role-play. Clarify
and inform lesson 4.

Smartboard: Character
Strengths clip
Key words: Integrity,
bravery, persistence,
curiosity, openmindedness, love and
Allocate pairs: Create 6
everyday scenarios that
identify a challenge, what
strengths are needed to
overcome this and advice
for character (see

EDPH367 Assessment 2 Unit of Work Bounce On!


solving: taking
action and

and Help

- Reflects on
outcome of chosen
-Uses reflective
listening in order to
clarify a friends point
of view in regards to
problem solving
SEL: Analyses
factors that influence
ability to selfregulate; devise and
apply strategies to
monitor own
behaviour and set
realistic learning
- Identifies causes of
stress and how to
reduce stress
-Recognises and
evaluates personal
decisions in relation
to their own stress
SEL: Identifies
causes and effects
of conflict and
practice different
strategies to diffuse
or resolve conflict

Jaclyn De Bono S00131477

Introduction (10 minutes): T to introduce lesson by playing The

Problem Solving Box clip. Ss to briefly deconstruct the problems each
of the characters faced in the clip and how they overcame these
challenges. T to reiterate that stress from challenges can often be
overcome through specific strategies i.e. lateral thinking skills, formulate
a range of solutions.
Development (35 minutes): Ss (pairs) to use provided scenarios and
work together to identify possible solutions (5) for the characters. Ss to
select one solution and create an Animoto to tell the story. Ss to then
play these to the class (Smartboard) and point out the strategies the
characters utilised to overcome their problem and invite feedback for
alternative solutions and additional questions. Ss can then revise/modify
their Animoto or create a new one with the advice given by peers. Ss to
then create their own problem scenario, which they will act out through
mime. Conclusion (15 minutes): Ss to perform scenario in front of
class and peers have to recognise the problem and how the character
overcame it through non-verbal cues. Ss to reflect could these be used
in real life situations? How?
Ss to complete positive anonymous message for peer.

T to gauge Ss
understanding of

Introduction (5 minutes): T to introduce lesson by explaining that

stress is a part of everyday life and that stress is often felt when we feel
challenged. Ss to write their own definition of stress in PDHPE books
and share as a class. T to write on board and formulate a class
definition. Development (30 minutes): Ss to use location cards as well
as the class definition of stress to brainstorm the types of situations that
could happen in that location to make someone feel stressed (stressors).
T to write these in the brainstorm and Ss to then to create their own
scenario (picture or written) with a fictional character. Have Ss read their
stress stories to the class and practice reading with feeling for
dramatised effect. Ss to identify what the stressors were and how the
individual coped with it. To contrast this and demonstrate how to lift
ones mood, have Ss participate in a quick physical exercise of some
assorted body stretches.
Ss to then begin creating their Help Seeking tab: this sheet will contain
Ss stressors, how they can manage these stressors and who to seek out
for help when necessary. This will be a work in progress however
ultimately, this will be laminated and placed in Ss schoolbags for future
reference I.e., when they are feeling stressed or anxious and need
someone to talk to.
Conclusion (10 minutes): Ss to complete self-assessment. What they
liked, what they wanted to learn more about.
Ss to complete positive anonymous message for peer.

have Ss complete a
page of I can
statements with a
measure of rarely to
always (See
appendix): Effective
to ascertain where
Ss mental health is

The Problem Solving

Create basic scenarios
(similar to lesson 3) with
multiple problems and
solutions (open-ended):
make age appropriate
and relevant to Ss in
Animoto: Ipads and
internet access

assessment: T to
utilise Ss selfassessment to
measure their SEL
competencies for the
unit of work.

Location cards: Home,

school, playground,
neighborhood, shopping

Mindfulness music
playing for self-reflection

EDPH367 Assessment 2 Unit of Work Bounce On!

Jaclyn De Bono S00131477

EDPH367 Assessment 2 Unit of Work Bounce On!

Jaclyn De Bono S00131477

Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. (2009). Belonging, Being and Becoming. Commonwealth of Australia,
Canberra. Retrieved from http://files.acecqa.gov.au/files/National-Quality-Framework-Resources

Australian Government Department of Health. (2014c). Kidsmatter: What does depression look like? Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra. Retrieved from

Board of Studies NSW. (2007). Physical Development, Health and Physical Education K-6 Syllabus. Sydney, Australia: Board of Studies NSW.

Burns, J., Boucher, S., Glover, S., Graetz, B., Kay, D., Patton, G., Sawyer, M., & Spence, S.H. (2011). Preventing Depression in Young People. What Does the
Evidence Tell us and How Can we Use it to Inform School-Based Mental Health Initiatives? Advances in School Mental Health Promotion, 1(2), 5-13. DOI:
Commonwealth of Australia. (2012). Kidsmatter: Component 1; positive school community. Retrieved from

Commonwealth of Australia, (2012). Kidsmatter: Component 2; social and emotional learning for students. Retrieved from

Graetz, B., Littlefield, L., Trinder, M., Dobia, B., Souter, M., Champion, C., Boucher, S., Killick-Moran, C., & Cummins, R. (2012). KidsMatter: A Population Health
Model to Support Student Mental Health and Well-being in Primary Schools. International Journal of Mental Heath Promotion, 10(4), 13-20.

EDPH367 Assessment 2 Unit of Work Bounce On!

Jaclyn De Bono S00131477

Lesson 1: Sentence examples:

When I am nervous, I get a physical feeling ________

When I am angry, I get a physical feeling ___________
When I get excited, I get a physical feeling ________
When I am furious, I get a physical feeling________
This scale may assist in developing these sentences:

Lesson 2: Introductory questions/statements to pose to students:


So far today, I feel ___________.

So far today my interactions with others were kind and respectful.
Today, I have completed class tasks to the best of my ability.
Today in the playground, I played in a fair and cooperative manner.
Lesson 2: VIA classification of Character Strengths-Laminate and print or use this to inform your practice

Lesson 3:
Additional Resources:

EDPH367 Assessment 2 Unit of Work Bounce On!

Lesson 5: self-assessment

Jaclyn De Bono S00131477

EDPH367 Assessment 2 Unit of Work Bounce On!

Jaclyn De Bono S00131477

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