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Discuss the function of each part: a) Subgrade

b) Sub Base
c) Base Course
d) Wearing Course
A) SUBGRADE: It is finished & compacted surface of earthwork on which a road
pavement rests.
1. To bear ultimately the entire load of pavement including the load of traffic
transmitted through the pavement.
2. To provide an adequate & uniform support to the road pavement.
B) SUB-BASE: It is a layer of granular material provided in between the
subgrade & base course in road pavement. It consists cheaper material like
burnt clinker & natural gravel.
1. To improve the bearing capacity of the subgrade.
2. To improve drainage & to check capillary rise of a sub soil water.
3. To eliminate frost heave in frost affected area.
4. To prevent subgrade material from working up into the base course.
C) BASE COURSE: It is a layer of boulders or bricks in single or double layers
provided over the sub base or immediately over the subgrade in the absence
of sub base in a road pavement.
1. To withstand high shearing stresses imposed upon it due to impact of
traffic on wearing course.
2. To act as foundation for road pavement & to transfer the wheel loads
coming over the pavement to the sub base & subgrade lying underneath.
D) WEARING COURSE: It is the top most layer of road pavement directly
exposed to traffic.
1. To distribute the traffic load safely to the base course.
2. To act as an impervious layer so that the surface water may find its
access to base course.
3. To prevent dust nuisance.
4. To withstand abrasion caused due to movement of traffic.
5. To provide a smooth riding surface

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