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Team: Kate Ivermee

Date of lesson: Thursday 21st Aug

Class: session 3 INDO

Teacher Improvement Goal:

To improve on reflection of the LI & SC during and at the end of the session
Learning Intention:
To build an understanding of the central ideas of Hinduism and to understand how it presents in daily
life for Indian Hindus
Success Criteria: I can:
Recall key terminologies related to daily rituals and key religious terms
Describe the purpose of Hinduism
Explain the role religious festivals have in confirming the beliefs of Indian Hindus
Phase One - Lesson Planning (Teacher to fill in before the lesson)

1. Include an outline your

plan for the lesson.
Include details about
the following, where
Student Learning
Learning procedures
you will use
Good Learning
Behaviours that
students will be
encouraged to show
assessment tasks
Reflection activities

Context Students are focussing on the cultural componants of language study as a

replacement for pure language studies at Year Nine.
As the cohort has expressed a desire not pursue Indonesian language the culture studies will
instead focus on three major regions in Asia: Japan and China (Semester One) and India
(Term Three).
Students have familarised themselves with the geography of India as well as a historical
timeline. To provide scope, they are beginning to look at the religious philiosophies that
influence day to day life for Indian Hindus.
Lesson Plan:
Introduce LI & SC, hand out a copy of the worksheet which states the LI & SC on the top of
the page. All students are to highlight any words they may need clarification on and write
this in the academic vocab section provided on the handout.
Refer to gods handout sheet for students to recall the previous work we had done on the
gods and hinduism religion.
Prompt question: What is hinduisum? What do you already know about hinduisim?

Peer assessment
Feedback from the

Discussion: Talk about Hinduism being one of the oldest and largest religions. Approx 1
Billion adherants.
Show the film Getting God (Youtube).
Use pauses between each section to go over questions.
Reflect on Success Criteria. students to complete the reflection questions to find out who
has met the Success Criteria for the session.
Field further questions.

Phase One - Focus on Teacher Improvement Goal (Teacher to fill in before the lesson)

1. What specifically have

Teacher Improvement Goal:
you included in this
To improve on reflection of the LI & SC during and at the end of the session
lesson to help with the
attainment of your goal?
1. In the lesson I have planned to reflect on each LI & SC after each learning
activity to tick off the SC as we go, also using a self-assessment task at the end
2. What are you expecting
of the session in order to reflect on the SC and find out is students have met the
the outcome to be as a
SC for the session.
result of the above?
2. As a result of reflecting on the SC throughout the session after each learning
Please focus on student
activity when we do a reflection at the end of the session more students should
learning outcomes and
be able to evaluate their learning for the session and be able to identify that
outcomes for yourself.
they have met the SC for the session.

Phase 2 - Post Lesson Reflection (Teacher to fill in after the lesson)

1. What aspects of the

lesson do you think
were successful?

1. During the session, stopping in between the breaks of the movie to check if
students had completed the answers on the question sheet, in order to monitor
if students were listening and paying attention to the video. Also the reflection
question sheet after the video worked really well to review if students had met

2. Why would you consider

these elements
successful? What
evidence do you have?
3. What aspects of this
would you do differently
or would you like to
develop further?

the success criteria for the session.

2. After checking the students reflection sheets and question sheets after the
session there was a high number of students that ranked themselves highly for
the session in being able to meet the SC, I would consider this to be successful
elements of the session as students were focused and taking in the information
from the video they needed in order to meet the SC.

3. The video is rather long and a couple of students got distracted about half way
through I may stop the video and give students a couple of minutes to stretch
there legs and refocus in order to have their full attention on the film.
Phase 2 - Focus on Teacher Improvement Goal Reflection Teacher to fill in after the lesson
To improve on reflection of the LI & SC during and at the end of the session
1. How effectively do you
think you implemented
your improvement goal
2. Why would you consider
these elements
successful? What
evidence do you have?
3. What aspects of this
would you do differently
or would you like to
develop further?
4. What aspects of the
lesson or questions do
you have that you would

1. My goal for the session was to improve on reflection of the LI & SC during and
at the end of the session, I would have liked to stop in the middle of the session
to refocus students on why we are watching the video and discuss the SC they
had met as we went through the session, however due to the length of the
video I could only do the reflection sheet after the whole video. The reflection at
the end of the session was successful as I was able to gauge how students felt
they went during the session and if they ranked themselves as being successful
for the class. After reflecting on this I am able to focus on what students felt
they werent successful with and make sure all students have the intervention
they require.
2. Being able to monitor students success from the reflection sheet gives the
students the opportunity to tell me if they think they are successful without
sharing with the class, also I can then structure the next session according to
the students rankings of each of the SC.
3. I would like to be able to reflect on the LI & SC during the session more so
would like to have a break in the session to focus on if the students have meet

like to ask your partner

during the reflection

the SC as we go throughout the session.

4. What is a suggestion of a way I can reflect on the LI & SC during the session?

Phase 2 - Partner Observations and Feedback (Partner to complete during/ after the lesson

in relation to TPC goal

What worked well?

Questions and Considerations

LI and SC are on the board

Getting students to read it out
Having it visible on their work sheet
as well
Discussing the key terms in the SC
and LI and defining these already as
well as discussing prior knowledge

Each time you stopped the clip it could have

been a time to refer back to the learning
intention and discuss how you are
progressing towards meeting the SC so far

Good timing - you left plenty of time

for reflecting and discussing the
lesson and what was discussed in the
clips and what they had to write
answers for

How are the students deciding what score to

give themselves? I think it would be good to
have a discussion about the first SC (how
would you have met it, what evidence do you
have? What didnt you know before that
indicates this) then get them to rate
themselves so they have thought about it a
fair bit. Otherwise some students are just
pulling a score out of nowhere and not really
thinking about whether they actually do
know that now or can do that

Visually tick off success criteria as you move

through the lesson

Further observations

Students tuned in to the introduction

and all participated in the discussion
about LI and SC

No hand up rule force those who arent as

loud to be included in sharing answers
Nathan? Follow up with him for not doing the
final task

Agenda items for follow

up conversation

I think they found it valuable to

highlight and discuss the vocab
LI and SC during the lesson how can we do this?

How can we improve the accuracy of the students giving themselves a score out of
Phase Three - Teacher Post Feedback Reflection (Teacher to fill out after the debriefing with partner)
To improve on reflection of the LI & SC during and at the end of the session

Post Feedback
How do you feel the
session went in relation
to your focus after
meeting with your
What went well?
What might you develop
How ill you act on this?

My goal was to focus on improving my reflection of the LI & SC during and at the end
of the session. I found I was able to gauge how students felt they went according to
the LI & SC by completing the reflection questions and ranking tasks. After my
feedback from Kate I think I am about half way to meeting my goal.
The reflection sheet for students to answer a question relating to each of the SC work
really well as I was able to look at this after the session and create tasks for students
who felt they werent successful or didnt give a response.
From this point I need to focus on breaking down the sessions to tick off the SC as we
go through the session.
In my next session with this class I am going to plan the LI & SC in correspondence to
the lesson plan and have designated time to refer back to the SC and tick the SC off
as we go through the session

Where to next?
In my next session with this class I am going to plan the LI & SC in correspondence to
What do you want to
the lesson plan and have designated time to refer back to the SC and tick the SC off
happen next lesson?
What will be the focus of as we go through the session.

the observation and


I want to focus on referring back to the LI & SC throughout the session as well as
maintaining the reflection questions and reflection tasks at the end of the session.
Providing time for students to monitor their progress and reflect on how they are
doing in each session.

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