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Illinois Clean Jobs Bill

By: Jack Schramm

The IPA, Illinois Peoples Action group, is attempting to get the Clean Jobs Bill to pass.
Around 50 of them gathered at Uptown circle on Wednesday with signs to help get the bill
passed. If the bill is passed, it will help reduce the amount of energy used by around 30% and it
will create many job opportunities. This bill could save our country from climate issues if it is
passed. It is predicted that it will generate 32,000 new jobs per year in Illinois alone.
The bill has been submitted to both the Senate and the House of Representatives. The IPA
is convince Illinois State Representative Dan Brady to co-sponsor the bill. The IPA is also
targeting several state legislators and are trying to get their support on the bill as well. If the bill
is passed, it would be passed at the state level, not at a federal level. If every state decides to
follow this plan, then it would generate around 1,600,000 new jobs per year in the US.
The climate crisis and co2 emission level is one of the biggest problems in the world
today. No one can seem to find a solution to this and many scientists are working to find one. If
this bill is passed in Illinois, then it could possibly become a program that the whole world uses.
It could drastically reduce the co2 emission levels and be a huge help to stop global warming.

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