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Student Name: __Ellie Wyant________________________ Grade Level: ____2nd_________
Lesson Topic: ___Story Structure and Elements______Length of lesson: ___30-40mins_____
Adapted from Understanding by Design, Expanded 2nd Edition (2005) by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development.

Desired Results
State Content Standard:
2.RL.2.1: Ask and answer questions (e.g., who was the story about; why did an event happen; where did the
story happen) to demonstrate understanding of main idea and key details in a text.
2.RL.3.1: Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story
and the ending concludes the action.

Central Focus:

Essential Question(s):

Students will explore the elements and structure

of a story including: setting, characters, problem,
and solution

What elements make up a story?

In what setting does the story take place?

Who is the main character in the story?
Who are the other characters in the story?
What was the problem that occurred in the
What events lead to the solution in the
What was the solution in the story?

Student objectives (outcomes):

Students will be able to create a short story with a partner, incorporating characters, setting,
problem and solution
Students will be able to identify one element of the story with a partner during our class
read aloud discussion
Students will be able to identify the characters, setting, problem and solution on their story
map outline of the Sticky Cheese Man story they are assigned to read
Assessment Evidence

Performance Task(s):

Other Evidence:

Students will fill out a story elements map

outline independently. Students will be assessed
for whether they provide the accurate characters,
setting, problem and solution in the story.

Students will be able to create a short story with

a partner, incorporating characters, setting,
problem and solution

Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
Activating Background Knowledge (3-5 min): This lesson will be a review for my second grade
students. The lesson will begin with the teacher activating background knowledge by asking the
students what parts of a story they are familiar with. The students will respond and the teacher will
record students responses on the board. After the class has compiled the list of characters, setting,
problem and solution, the teacher will ask the students if they can provide an example of these
elements from a familiar story such as The Three Little Pigs. The teacher can do a quick picture walk
through the text if the students need a reminder.
Ask students: How am I able to identify elements of a story?
Lesson Procedure (10 min):
Each student will be given a copy of a short story from his or her leveled readers. Students will be
required to read the text with a partner and then fill out a story elements graphic organizer on the
story they read. The worksheet will require students to identify the characters, setting, problem and
solution of the story.
Closure/Evaluation (10-15 min):
The students will be put into partner groups. There will be 4 plastic cups with different popsicle
sticks inside each cup. Each cup will hold a different color stick. Moreover, each color will represent
an element in a story. For example, all of the red sticks will be character and have different made up
characters written on each one. Blue sticks will be setting and each stick will have a setting written
on it. The yellow sticks will be problem and each stick will have a problem written on it, etcetera.
Each partner group will choose 1 stick of each color. Together with their partner the students will
come up with a quick, short story using the story elements they selected to share with the class.
Students can choose to write their story or just share it orally. This activity will begin to familiarize
students with the components that make up a story.
Resources and Materials:

Colored Popsicle Sticks

Copy of The Three Little Pigs

Copy of read aloud text
Student story elements detective worksheets
Student story elements map worksheets
Anchor Chart Paper

Story Elements Worksheets By Lindsey Custer

Required Accommodations/Modifications:
There is one student in my morning group who has a reading disability. In the final activity when the
students work independently to read the story and identify the elements I will read the story to this
student. Also I will have the student draw his answers to the elements of the story instead of
communicating using written word.
In my afternoon group I have a student will ADHD and a behavioral disability. This student is a smart
student and responds well to incentives. His incentives differ depending on the day, however I will
provide an incentive for the student to finish his independent work.
Extending the Lesson
My host teacher generally does a read-aloud, or reads aloud the Super Kids text everyday. My host
teacher and myself lead the students in questioning the text we read. After this lesson we will actively
ask students to identify characters, setting, problem and solution in other texts.

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