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Unit Background:

Your Name: Skylar Linnett

Grade Level: 4
Subject: Social Studies
Lesson Title: The Southeast Day 1 Getting excited about the Region!
Content Standards:
Getting students excited about the Southeast Region
Materials Needed:
ELMO Computer Screen projector, PowerPoint, Kahoot Quiz, Computers for the students
A B C D Lesson Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the states and
specific regions in the United States by using information given to them through an interactive
quiz and be able to process and summarize that information in order to determine which region
this unit will be covering.
Lesson Activities and Script:
Over the past several weeks, we have been learning about the Pacific West Region, but now it
is time for us to move onto a different region. In order to determine which region we are moving
to next, we are going to have to take a QUIZ!!! (At this point, the Kahoot quiz should be loaded
onto the projection screen in the front of the classroom, students should also have their own
computer in order to complete the quiz.)
Before we begin, has anyone ever watched the game show Jeopardy? This quiz is going to be
similar to that game! (Make that connection, so the word quiz does not sound as bad.)
In order to complete this quiz, we are going to need to log onto the computers and find the link
that has been emailed to you on your school account. Click the link and then type in your name
and we will begin shortly! (At this point, begin the quiz, getting the students excited about the
region and having them discuss the region with the information from the game-quiz.) Continue
with next day's lesson if more time needed.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=140&v=N_DPRvH2QMk (4 min video - discusses
landforms, which might be useful before reading articles about the states and landforms,
visual - more concrete than reading about?)
Lesson Title: The Southeast Day 2 Reading about Southeast States - Close Reading
Content Standards:
SS.35.G.1 - Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand the use of geographic tools to locate
and analyze information about people, places, and environments.
SL.4.1 - Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (oneonone, in groups, and
teacherled) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others ideas and
expressing their own clearly.
Materials Needed:
Articles on the states in Southeast Region, Close reading organizers (reading guide and
questions), pencils, highlighters (multiple colors).
A B C D Lesson Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of information they are
reading by reading an article multiple times, each time, pulling out more information from
reading. The students will also be able to demonstrate the ability to work in small groups by
respecting each other and working together efficiently.
Lesson Activities and Script:
Now that we know WHICH region we are going to be learning about, I thought that we should
break the region up into its separate states to get us started!

Today, we are going to break up into small groups of 2 and read about a certain state. We are
going to read the article multiple times in order to get all of the information from the articles! We
are also going to be answering questions in order to make sure we are understanding the
(At this point, separate the class into small groups of 2. There will be two groups of 3. Pass out
the articles to each of the groups along with the graphic organizer. Be sure to re-explain that the
students will read through the article once in order to answer the first question, then they will
need to read through it a second time to answer the second question, and so on. The idea is to
get them to read the articles multiple times. Also make sure they hang on to their graphic
organizer and article for the next day.) Remember! You are going to be the state's expert to the
class - be sure to learn as much as you can about the state! You can also highlight the
information within the article as well! You may use drawings and words to decorate your
posters. Each question on your graphic organizer will need to be highlighted in a different color,
just like we have been doing in our reading - once you have finished highlighting the information
in the article, go ahead and write it out on your graphic organizer.
Lesson Title: The Southeast Day 3 Preparing Posters
Content Standards:
SS.35.G.1 - Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand the use of geographic tools to locate
and analyze information about people, places, and environments.
SL.4.1 - Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (oneonone, in groups, and
teacherled) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others ideas and
expressing their own clearly.
Materials Needed:
Articles on the states in Southeast Region, Close reading organizers, writing and coloring
utensils, poster paper, pictures, glue and scissors, checklist to be used on the ELMO for
students to follow.
A B C D Lesson Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of information they have
read previously, by constructing posters and presentations on their specific states. They will
demonstrate an understanding of what is important about the states and be able to pull the
specific information from the articles out and put them on a poster in order to present.
Lesson Activities and Script:
Yesterday, we were able to read all about our specific states and grab that important information
from those articles. Well, today, we need to make our posters in order to present the information
to the rest of the class to teach them about the states! If everyone could please find their groups
and a spot in the room, we can get started. (Start passing out materials while groups are
forming; remind students how to move around the room smoothly and without bumping into
each other and being quiet.)
I am going to give each of your groups several materials in order to complete your poster
on your state. You will want to make sure to get as much of the important information about your
state onto your poster, because you will be presenting to the class tomorrow! So you will only
have one day to complete this presentation! Make sure to discuss these certain things on your
poster in order to share: Landforms, agriculture, natural resources, name, capital, and
industries. (Put checklist on ELMO to that says what the students need to put on their posters.)
Lesson Title: The Southeast Day 4 - States and Capitals & Riddles (2)
Content Standards:
SS.35.G.1 - Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand the use of geographic tools to locate
and analyze information about people, places, and environments.

SS.35.G.2 - Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand how geographic and human
characteristics create culture and define regions.
Materials Needed: Graphic organizer for states and capitals, page of riddles, writing utensils.
A B C D Lesson Objective: Given the information on states and capitals, the students will be
able to complete the graphic organizer of the states and capitals during class. The students will
be able to complete the riddles in order to help remember the states and capitals.
Lesson Activities and Script: (Start the class with having three groups present their posters
and the rest of the class filling in their state packet with the information shared.)
(Pass out the riddle activity about the states and capitals as well as the study guides for
states and capitals.) In the previous region, everyone had riddles to help them remember the
states and capitals. With the Southeast Region, we are going to have the same type of riddles
to help us remember all of the states and capitals! (Go through the riddles and fill out blank copy
on the ELMO as a class.) If time allows, we will start studying with a buddy!
Lesson Title: The Southeast Day 5 PowerPoint & States Studying (5)
Content Standards:
SS.35.G.1 - Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand the use of geographic tools to locate
and analyze information about people, places, and environments.
SS.35.G.2 - Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand how geographic and human
characteristics create culture and define regions.
Materials Needed:
PowerPoint, Writing Utensils, SE Region Organizer that goes along with PowerPoint.
A B C D Lesson Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of information they are
viewing via PowerPoint and organizing those thoughts to fit onto a graphic organizer. The
students will demonstrate an ability to summarize information and take notes on the main parts.
Lesson Activities and Script: (Allow for three groups to present their poster, students fill out
states packet.) Today we are going to be learning a bit more about the region through a
PowerPoint. I will also give you all an organizer so that we can keep the information organized
so that we can reread it later. (Begin powerpoint presentation, go through the powerpoint,
letting the students which parts they should write down.) (Maybe print off slides and allow
students to add notes on side of paper?) (If time allows, have the students start studying
their states and capitals with a partner.)
Lesson Title: The Southeast Day 6 Mystery Tour! (7)
Content Standards:
SS.35.G.1 - Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand the use of geographic tools to locate
and analyze information about people, places, and environments.
21.35.TL.3 -Essential Concept and/or Skill: Utilize digital tools and resources to investigate
realworld issues, answer questions, or solve problems.
Materials Needed:
Computers with Google access, Books from the Library, Writing Utensils, graphic organizer for
students to write down attractions.
Prerequisite Skills: Logging into the school computers.
A B C D Lesson Objective: Students will demonstrate an ability to locate and access information
on the internet and within books on the topic. The students will then demonstrate the ability to
find two main ideas about the topic and be able to report out those main topics.

Lesson Activities and Script: (Allow two groups of students to present their poster, students
will fill out states packet.)
(Give each group of students a couple of attractions, industries, or needed concepts to
research, then give each group 10 minutes to find a couple of facts about each.) Quickly get
logged into the computers in order to start the mystery tour! While you are logging in, I am going
to tell you what we are doing today. We are going to go on a mystery tour of the Southeast
Region. I am going to give each person/group a concept or two to research and learn two facts
about each. Then at the end, we will share out what we have learned! (Allow students to get to
work quickly in order to get this lesson done.)
Concepts to Research:
Lesson Title: The Southeast Day 7 George Washington Carver! (9)
Content Standards:
SS.35.G.1 - Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand the use of geographic tools to locate
and analyze information about people, places, and environments.
SS.35.G.2 - Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand how geographic and human
characteristics create culture and define regions.
SS.35.G.3 - Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand how human factors and the distribution
of resources affect the development of society and the movement of populations.
Materials Needed:
Read aloud book about GWC, Graphic organizer/worksheet, whiteboard, writing utensils,
peanut products.
A B C D Lesson Objective: Students will demonstrate an ability to locate and access information
on the internet and within books on the topic. The students will then demonstrate the ability to
find two main ideas about the topic and be able to report out those main topics.
Lesson Activities and Script: (Begin the class with three poster presentations, have students
continue with state packets for notes.)
(Place PB, Hand lotion, Soap, Paper, and Glue on the table.) What do all of these
products have in common? (Allow for group discussion.) They can all be made with peanuts!
George Washington Carver invented over 300! uses for peanuts and the shells/plants. After the
short discussion, read aloud the story about George Washington Carver to the students and ask
that they pay very close attention to everything he has done for agriculture. Be sure to stop after
learning main points to bring special close attention to those details. Finish the read aloud and
fill out CLOZE worksheet about information relating to George Washington Carver. Using social
study book if needed. (End with GWCs favorite poem.)

Lesson Title: The Southeast Day 14 Study Region Test Info

Content Standards:
SS.35.G.1 - Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand the use of geographic tools to locate
and analyze information about people, places, and environments.
SS.35.G.2 - Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand how geographic and human
characteristics create culture and define regions.
SS.35.G.3 - Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand how human factors and the distribution
of resources affect the development of society and the movement of populations.
Materials Needed:
Study Guides for Region Test, Writing materials, Study Guide to fill out as a class.

A B C D Lesson Objective: Given the appropriate information, the students will be able to
answer questions of a study guide or help fill out a classroom study guide and be able to use
this study guide to study for the test.
Lesson Activities and Script: Games?
Lesson Title: The Southeast Day 15 Region Test
Content Standards:
SS.35.G.1 - Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand the use of geographic tools to locate
and analyze information about people, places, and environments.
SS.35.G.2 - Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand how geographic and human
characteristics create culture and define regions.
SS.35.G.3 - Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand how human factors and the distribution
of resources affect the development of society and the movement of populations.
Materials Needed:
Study Guides for Region Test, Writing materials, Study Guide to fill out as a class.
A B C D Lesson Objective: Given the appropriate information, the students will be able to
answer questions of a study guide or help fill out a classroom study guide and be able to use
this study guide to study for the test.

Southeast Region Riddles - States and Capitals

Name: ____________________

Picture a deep gorge between two mountains. Suddenly, the Atlantic Ocean
rushes into the gorge! Gorge = ______________ and the Atlantic = _______ .
________________ ________________
Picture a dog! Hes got a towel in his mouth and hes mopping your kitchen floor.
Who is this talented dog with a towel? Why hes none other than the famous
movie star dog, Lassie. Floor = ________ and Towel + Lassie = ___________.
_________________ ________________
A sports-minded girl named Louise is stepping up to the plate at a crucial
moment in a softball game. All eyes are on Louise. What is she doing? Shocking
the crowd, she takes the bat and uses it to put rouge on her cheeks!
Louise = ___________ and bat + rouge = ___________.
_________________ ________________
When you think of Mississippi do you think of the great Mississippi River? Now
see the action of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn floating on a raft down the
Mississippi River, playing jacks!
Jacks on the Mississippi = ____________ ___________
Ask your mom and dad or grandparents if they know how to do the Charleston.
Charleston is the capital of West Virginia, and if you can picture a girl named
Virginia, who just happens to be wearing a vest, doing this spirited dance, youll
remember West Virginia. Charleston = _____________. Vest + Virginia =
A very rich man has just asked a girl named Virginia for a date. And how rich is
he? Well, hes so rich that hes got money pouring out of his pockets, his shoes
and socks, his sleeves, and even out from under his hat! To remember the capital
of Virginia, picture that very rich man asking Virginia for a date. Rich man =
__________ and Virginia = ___________.
_________________ _________________
When you think north think N for North Pole and numb. Picture some
Christmas carolers in the cold snow. What are they doing? Its unusual but
theyre lying on the cold, snowy ground shouting, Rah, rah, tah! Remember
north goes with North Pole and Numb Carolers = __________. Rah =
_________________ ___________________
WHen you think south think S for sun. What is the sun shining on? Its
shining on Christmas Carolers who are standing on top of the space shuttle,

Columbia, as its landing. Now that would be some sight! Sunny south with
carolers = __________ _________. Picture the space shuttle, Columbia. Columbia
= ______________.
__________________ ___________________.
Can you imagine filming on an enormous mountain of gum - bubble gum,
spearmint gum, cinnamon gum, all kinds of gum? And just what is that sitting on
top of the mountain of gum? An owl! Think of an owl to remember Alabama.
Mount + gum = ____________. Owl = ______________.
__________________ ____________________.
Theres something out there in the water! What is it? Why, its an ark with animals
on it! But theres something else going on, Million of little rocks are falling from
the sky on top of the ark as the animals run below deck. When you think of
Arkansas, think of the art. The capital city is Little Rock. Ark = ____________ and
little rocks = __________ ________.
___________________ ___________________
Imagine your kin (relatives) tucking you in bed, and where is this bed? Its right in
the middle of a FORT! What are the walls of the fort made of? Franks (hot dogs)!
Now you know the capital of Kentucky. Kin + tucking = _____________, and
franks + fort = _____________.
___________________ __________________
Picture a tennis player smashing a large pill over the net, instead of a ball. Smash
+ Pill = _______________ and tennis = ___________________
___________________ ___________________

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