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Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
A. Goal(s)-Students will be able to classify various things given criteria.
B. Objective(s)- Students will be able to describe the basic structure of a
food chain, and will be able to justify why they have created their food
chains in the order they used.
C. Standard(s)
State: 5.3.1 Observe and classify common Indiana organisms as producers,
consumers, decomposers, predator and prey based on their relationships
and interactions with other organisms in their ecosystem.
NSES Process Standards: Standard A: Teachers of science plan an
inquiry-based program for their students
Standard D: Teachers of science design and manage learning
environments that provide students with the time, space, and resources
needed for learning science.
Materials Anticipatory set: 5 minutes
Lesson Presentation: 5 minutes
Discovery: 15 minutes
Closure/wrap up:
Papers with directions and animal lists
Student group list:
- Lion: JaShawn , Kaleb, Karrysa, Bailey, Anthony
- Elephant: Braylon, Aubrey, Mikenzie, Whitney, Molleigh
- Monkey: Dalainey, Konnor, Haydyn, Brianna, Cruz
- Tiger: Ayrieanna, Jesse, Xander, Wyatt, Abygail
- Bear: Hezekiah, Braley, Jackson, Peter, Seth

Anticipatory Set
A couple days ago, we talked about predator and prey. What do you
remember about this?
Allow time for response
Today, we are going to discover how predators and prey fit into
what are known as food chains.
Watch this video, and pay attention to the idea of food chains
discussed in the film.



It is important for to learn about food chains because you need to know
how nutrition is passed from creature to creature. This is a way for you to
classify animals and find your own place in the circle of life.
There are many different needs in this class, and I will assure that they are
all met by allowing them to work with classmates in small groups. During
the discovery time, I will monitor student learning and guide groups as
necessary. This lesson relies heavily on student discussion and
communication, so they will be able to help each other construct meaning
and make connections.

Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)

Introduce content
In our last science lesson, we answered the question, what makes
an animal predator or prey? We decided that an animals size,
speed, and strengths determine whether it is predator or prey. Now,
I want you to think about putting predator and prey into a chain.
Like the video introduced, food chains show how living things get
food, and how nutrition and energy are passed from creature to
Introduce inquiry-based activity
So, now I am going to let you discover how food chains work. Im
not going to tell you any more about them; I want you to work
together with your group to decide the order of the food chain of
the group of animals that I have given you. Remember what you
learned about predators and prey! You will be answering the
question: Why have you arranged your food chain in the order
youve put it in? This question will be also written on the directions
sheet, in case students forget.
You will be working in your jigsaw group from our previous science
lesson. If students need refreshed, tell them their groups.
Your group will meet in the same place you met during our previous
The instructions for the activity are written out along with the group
of animals I have given you. If you need help, raise your hand, and I
will answer your question! Go ahead and get started. You will have
15 minutes unless you finish early.
Students will be answering the question: Why have you arranged
your food chain in the order youve put it in? This question will be
stated on the directions I hand out. (Based on my knowledge of
predator and prey)
They will be given the names of the plants/animals
Students will draw the animals and label them on notecards.
They will arrange them in food chain order and tape them in order
on the piece of yarn that I have provided.
At the end, students will present and justify why they have chosen
this order for the food chain (based upon my knowledge of predator
and prey)

I will circulate around the room to assist students and answer

questions. I will give a 5 and 1 minute warning. I will allot more time
if necessary.


Check for understanding.

I will circulate the room during inquiry time in order to make sure that
students are learning through solving the problem. I will guide students
and keep them on task while gaging their understanding of the content. I
will clarify and answer questions. As a summative assessment, students
will actually be justifying their choice to order their food chains how they
did. If a group has ordered their food chain wrong, I will simple say, I
disagree with your hypothesis. Then I will correct the misunderstanding
and give them a chance to fix the food chain. I will also do a quick check
for understanding via exit slip. Students will briefly describe how food
chains are ordered on a notecard.


Review learning outcomes/Closure

Okay students! Our time is up. I want you to take 30 seconds to
nominate two people from your group to stand in front of the class
to present your food chains. Both people will explain why theyve
organized their food chains in this fashion.
Give them 30 seconds to choose who will present.
Now we can start presenting. Be ready for me or your classmates to
disprove your hypothesis if we need to!
Allow each group present their food chains. Tape them to the board
(after they are corrected, if needed). These will be used to illustrate
food webs in a later lesson.
Students will first describe their food chains. Then, ask them why
they have ordered the food chain this way. If they are wrong,
correct the mistake.
When all of the presenters are finished and all of the food chains
are taped on the board, conclude the lesson.
It is important for to learn about food chains because you need to
know how nutrition is passed from creature to creature.
Understanding food chains will also help you understand our next
science lesson: food webs.
Now, on a notecard at your table, please write your name and how
food chains are ordered. Bring it to me when you are finished, and
get ready to learn from Mrs. Worrell!


A pair of students from each group will be justifying to the whole group why they
have arranged their food chains in the order they have. This will give me a
summative assessment of the groups knowledge, as they are explaining their
thought processes and conclusions. I will disprove their hypotheses if necessary.
Students will also be completing a brief exit slip. They will be writing about how food
chains are organized on a notecard. This will help me quickly gage their level of


1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not,
why not?
2. What were the strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability
a. Blooms Taxonomy
b. Gardners Multiple Intelligences
7. Was the class managed effectively?
8. Were students responsive?
9. Did students enjoy themselves?
10.How was the timing of the lesson?

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