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AGAINST WISDOM TE SOCIAL POLITICS OF ANGER AND AGING Trasneiogs ng sit ton ate iting on Pegs orcs Seoan a mes oie nl Warten neonatal Ea 9 ol Shem pete aa cece mrad Seu i dranmann enc Seen Aran beline meatal erp wry See eer Se ayicsdemncrsen reel Tene ata itoaced Wren posses oa ocr atnsinbe ne Seo a eee Tima ica cenibecer et baeateeary swine ee tad Ge niaiad ona yf Dieter ntne tebe Taco we SoS enero Se senay cesar ed Sega espns mene! miaidantara vce am anemia Tage ae eso eear as ae eae eco cee et nes emcee: a Spr 208 ge ft nny tt serene 88 witches endety ant deeply ve eth the emi work. ‘The book lo me with the dspniingimpresion that Gree lave frome beyond snenapnce should culate ther own gardens ino spi of toni. So ound it bracing to discover her emerging ftom tat sellaginod cloister an taking ona posto ol leader shpat he age of ity. aso ind asiating th fa! that in Whe Fimo Greer as aloe an angry tone—or oe accsatly, a theton of anger—as a strategy calling up the cultral memory of ralitnt women nthe 1960s andl evoking angcr es a powerful bind ing force. "lstime to get angry again” Here Creer addresses worsen ff allages. poeta, she writing a an older woman and als Inching oer women in he eve a ulton of women. raw onthe namie of Greer 6a way af neon th sub ject ofthis eay: the damaging eft ofthe culture pobition of Anger in olde psople inthe United States and, concomitant, the posse jalvaniring este of anger fr stimulating penoral and Sci cng The nr content ofthis exsy is the soci pole of Uheemotons a they rae olifestager—inparculr to aging or ol {age in the United Stats whore age is esate with wind, a ‘Sal a sel sugges, serves as sersen for agen. ‘The Ose gl Dieansry defines wom ast “spat ot Seng ily in mates relating to Judgment the choice of means and ends” Inthe West the te ‘honored association of wisdom has heen with aging wth wieder define in various ways Dut lnc alvaysuncetond asa copaciy for balanced reflection and judgment that ean only acrue witha, experience. For Astle, wisdom ie ete soca with thought fx! with the mastering of eling. And indead som has almost always been undersiood as predicated na Tek of certain Ks of feolimas—the passions, or intone, inchafing ange. From this per spective, anger would sem to Be the vital oppose ot wisdom. [And yt for Greer the mutha of her ange is Baal on experience eros the Years of erie a 3 feminist experience that Commonly undersond tobe necessary ino lint grind or ‘wisdom. Thus we can understand Greer's anger a the bse ofthe cubation ofa poll viewpoint thi is tel kind of wiedom, fame that might som a contaditon in tras wisdom that is Feminist opera eter pt wie ange and conduct soundness of ‘The questions that motivate his essay ae: how dows a sol pol Its of aging one that i Inclusive (nt lied, sy to gender orf las) rely om a aetrc of emotion, and how has it changed over. time in the twentieth century? These questions ae tlt to another ‘ne: how is aging thcrized in velation tn other life sages ae the ‘motions? I cannot be definitive oe exhoutive in reflecting onthe ‘questions. But Thope that by focasig on eo major books key the Social andl clad history of aging inthe United States I can open them up to further inguiry. The frst ok sre fom lyn the century—the genetic peychalogist G. Stanley Halls Sewn: The {ast Half i, published in 1922 the saan rom the en ofthese tury—feminstacvst and writer ty Fra’ The oun Age, wiih appeared in 1988 Why these vo books by Hall and Fda? Both were prominent Figures, well oven for ther contributons to their choeen sin the cae of Hal acolescent pct in he ‘one of Frieda, feminist activism. Both came to conser aging in| ‘America only when they wore theslies older, and both wrote ambitious books that have been destined tobe forgotten Although ther hooks vere published rome seventy yess apt ‘oth Halland Fredan argu tha we are itnesing the emengence of 2 “ew” elders; made possible by incteases in le expectany. and thot these new ekeny have a unigue and even evolutionary role ply in our society. Bu Frieda dees nor build om the early cult istry of aging in the United States We find mo ference fo Hall's ‘sion of aging in her work. L mention this not nit The Fanta of Age om this core rate, weuld er at nthe Unis! Sat, wil the history feminism, socal consckansness of ging as ‘ede to be reinvent tne and again throughout the tenth ‘century But eve tis may’ be to pote a ay of puting i I pechaps only now-—at the beginning of the twenty-first cenry— ‘at we are beginning as a main to develop & al soil con sciousness of the aging of on populition. few stasis may be in onder, Acconing tothe US. Admini tration om Aging’ "roll of Older Americas 200” since 150 the Percentage of Americans age sixty-five and older as more th ‘pled, and the absolute number of Athenee sixty-five and wider has ined leverold. Our population n= 3 whale aging. ant ‘with the inreae in lengesity ove the tenth contury. eur eder population is el growing acer By 2030 estimates that there will Be tice as many eer persons ving nthe United Stats a in 1199; pesons age sy so and ole wil account fora fl ety pss of popation. IF the ang of oe population sam impor fant chellenge facing our county, aging can also be said to be a women’s sve, In 198, for example, for evry 100 men thers were 1TH women: older women have 2 signliarily higher poverty ate than men “The implications ofthese statistics are rele in ur aie Ith the level af he sds and of he nation ver the nae ial fare. As a nation we have an act pois! consclowenes of ome of the Fiscal canseences of aging 6 wits hearin ious public dottes over socal security during the 1950 and in the presidential campaign of 2000. Should we "seve” socal security in ome Kind ofa oko? Should we privatize social securiy? Oar sity soe a wel in the multude of nes tris that wae wo of tho src necessity of planning for retement. Whether this effort ‘an be stained inthe pital are in he wake of he stacks of Sepleer 1,201, altogether another question am nonetheless ‘opefal tha at this tine we are developing 2 widespread secial con sinuense of the aging of ur populston. What cn Wwe gin ram ‘ding the works of Hall and Piedan? Wha can we la om their recepton? Tn attempting to generate a seca} consciousness of aging both Vall nd Friedon draw onthe notion of wisdom a= wel as deploy 8 rhetoric of ange, ranging ftom bellgerence to rags. The exten 12 ‘whlch they thik of tei projets spoils important hee ince politcal energy and engagement are often understood in tems of fervor ents, aT mentioned sve with regan to Ger, a ant theta to wisdom, inthis essay then, sete a micro-tetselhis tory of anger inthe twentieth combs in try ofthe cual pais of aging As we wl se the catagory of pression s central to his story ‘Over the past ifoen yeas in the United States, the emotions have saine increasing prominence a 2 sub of research by historians ‘tho, along with scholars in eter fields, have convincingly demon strated tha, lke any other human experience he emotions havea istry and ths change in facinating waye overtime. Iam aa a Aistorian. But as 8 scholar tine in lteary shade, f have fal ‘esremely suggestive the precept ofthe historicity f he emotions, ong with histories of spe emotins such eo grief and shen ‘Centra to this work is the ditntionbaiven emo! erie (ohat an indica fees) and emai tena ries hot culture demands in terms of emotional lehavir or etguete). Also centr to this work, vena theoretal emphasis on the sal om steucion ofthe emotions, sensi to eilleenees in emotional xpaience an emotional standardn terms of gender rae ethinky, nd ther social xtegorin But virtually no attention hos een ves ‘oaistory of te emotions in terms of age—in parca old spe ‘There av afew significant exceptions fo this general Pe In ‘New ent Improve Te Tunsormation of Ami Womens Ewin uit (1959, John Spurlock and Cynthia Maisto ineestigate he ‘motions ves of adolescents and yom tm he 1910s to the aly 19908 inthe Unite Stes focusing in pret parton the expan ‘of personal feng in thei dries aed lters and thus onthe esi | betiven felt r lived experience onthe cular’ emotional stan ards. Dut they do not devote a section to oer age. Tn coat istorii of aging Andro Achentoutn eats one of hn ea lg eblished in 158, a5 an exploration into what he refers tothe poy ‘hohstory of lat-ife emotionality. Notting thee foc oo liferen periods the ie cae adohscence and ol ag) im both lhe studs the authors are concerned primarily with to in ‘ical emotional experience, not with emotional tnd the ‘ldo hiry this incativef much ofthe work emotion sd les As Peer Steams and Jan Lewis write in ther inteciaction to ‘0 Enitoa story ofthe Uno Sse, "The story ote cetons is ls of alan atcmpt to recover tht living presen, area fue the way story fe is task whet Il keto bea Pian immigrant to America, or an rsh oe te hundred ears ter”) Wile both Halland ridan do write out oftheir oem experience some of it emotional, a more concerned with the way i wht ‘he tetris of anger and tbe eaneptuaization of wisdom apps in their work. Bt Tam als interested inthe tnsionbetecn thir ane ‘avec anger and their notion of wisdom a std tha hey hope to foster fe Geri colon hve hen Inked vain cain ages teint Prenat ery mili op fem pyar porn nal si eps Be cet e nerve canine tremctere Late is fer compl theres ons poche eo bse om primry nes dos Feu bt ar on rina and inte Teceape tg them A Fk he sey oil ects eate thn ith eden Alone ine eon frst th py a emt eel ee Sate wih chido cl sd sro te emo vessel hetero reat pte thom pot nerve Tis er cape ape that Yon in Mills m Auto Di 9, wer ‘Secu who ana yyepnest oops tg Seuntomy af dt om focmergene ten th get ie Svc hough lence dines ono age Th thers ec heasousns tn uw ese ‘Sopot cgus ors gaton to ang bao Siren cna vere ary no champion oat ‘apc wth po) thae mya ton ne Pe De rr Fl Oe cts (981) nt he cto if ey hrs ota sata ab oo Ant Mage Co tee ting ths age sy” heal nce ose ge tated emotions, orga provanive Sct ie sf the emt of rv sway leg Sy yung pol any fap dct 22 Thecmotore ten one ofthe natant bang Hos a car sac rs upon Yo conte ning ad ae, Shemp proce or tls borin ation oe op Senszene ia big book study of what Hall al the sacond al of lie Am indfitigae and renowned pycholoyt who was the fs [president of the American Psychological Associaton a well as the founngecitor of tour important pychologica journals the Ameria Jour of Pagcholgyaenong thes, Hal undertook the wring of Sven after his eiement from Clak Universi in Masschu- setts sehere he had served as president fr thity-some years spring compondium of rsearch ranging fom tho thought of Aristotle the sponses by distinguish Americans 03 question tale of Halts on devising, from the Binlogy of aging to the ps chology of death, Sensoncr was fist published in 1922 when Hall ‘was sevensy-ight Senescence te ongial in its croedactpinary focus on old age and impressive ints amplitude and indeed Hall hasbeen given the honor of being called ou fist payehogeontlogiat® Unfors onever, hs meth of surveying the research in varius fede and ‘of summarizing a multitude of various opinions and fnings has fan norte dling toc. But there ae two important exception to this genera rule The fist i the opening of the book, where he speaks personaly about his or retment into a age. He finds it 4 shocking change fom his previous lie The second i the nex 1 Inst chapter, which he etes “Some Conclsions.” Here hers 19 ‘th challenge hes set himesfin the cours ofthe book —tfmagine 4 new old age It 38H inthe proces of writing Sensconce Hall found hse inspted to adopt in the conclusion 3 messlani tone, ‘one that isa rac departure from is frm resolve in the beginning toteave the world opi alts Tn te introduction Hall ormulaall asserts tat “youth an exhilarating age a depressing theme” (il. But on the whole the tenor ofthe introduction x ne of amaring reolutenes and inc ‘ues! Inthe short te since his retrement Hall hed undertaken ‘many proets.incuding the wating of his autobiography although, 235 Thomas Coles, he ha in fat Bega work om i efor), a ‘wellas the esrching and writing of Senescence tl nde, Halls geal ashe wrote his way through the Book was to envision, ashe tit “theft ofl ge” C218), Hin the ntact to Sewer ‘he coneived of fe expetaney infers ofthe biblical mumber of seventy by the conclusion ve find him urging poople ¥o think terms of ving to one andra years.” Wha ee Wisin? That the demographic fact of s0 many ol pepe fan index of the evolution ‘ofthe human race, and thal this evolutionary strength can only be {ule older peopl who exemplity wacom take on themapotant ublicrolof counselor othve younger and t the nation asa whe rn aint seo" | 98 “Throughout Sowscene Hall observes that enforced lation in hd age Tels in stagnation —in momsenes and depression, He ‘Somes close toa pla analysis ofthe reasons for the emtioal torpor ofthe old who ind thenmsves ashe puts it "a ass more oF est apar” (vir, “ete apart), erally cast asd by the tration of retirement Holder people are morose, iis angely ve tothe inconsiderate eatent” tha they recive (172) Ye if Hall ses that there ba rapport Between ux ostrs (this seems tobe a unspoken understanding, not one that would prefigure an embxy- ‘onic politcal consciousness, n part becasseof what he understands rhe enhanced individuation characteristic of age” x)" Nor does fi eall for an end tothe practice of retirement Although he does Contest Osler infamous cnvicin that people do their Best work Tefore the age of fry, Hal ics hrs! in the contradictory post tion ofboth having determine to ake a complete break with the tronk word of his post and lial conlding that the ld—that Fe thowe who have achieved a vigorous senectite—bould assume ‘postions of eadrship onthe national and even international sage “Tis contradiction hth mnisrned ns concting views ofthe «motional ves ofthe old and explained by thers On the one hand, Hall aeepts the Sime-Ronored notion that, a he puts there i 8 lesen of emotonal intensity” in od. age, ination 40 a pro- resve abating of sexual passion that bens with senescence 6. For Arse, whom Hall votes erly on tol age the erotic poe ‘Soa of youth, associated with the beat ofthe Bey, are sublimate Into the purst of tat jst as the eat ofthe Boy sips into intl sothingness. Ad in gesera, thoughout Senewxns Hall Thberies tothe view thatthe intensity of feelings and emotions “iminishes over the ile couse an that his sone of he contions ‘of vndom. Trough the history of Wester though, wilom fs ‘een associate! cones of reason and evenness of jadgsient ‘vith detachment and balance, T Hal hs proves a congenial frm Tntion. What can these poople—inteligent, clueaed, heathy, abd lho would serve a senior statesmen or counselors, ote? They ‘an offer “strength of reason, col judgment and bread of sew” (ans) Ard in a fomilur metaphor ascent with wiom, Hall ‘writes that the peal ofthese elite oder people isto each “Sum Init” never befoeatiine, te perspective that comes with ag, rm cho vt word ina caer gD, with po a ‘philosophic calm (405). nine In Sms te nl ey nthe nena he ton io “sin apd” Seng pee fs (ie osring oh sons Kees ww» psa a “Se Conlon” Tight onset, al wea ain th hd pone He shiloh ist poson, Te os Shy looseness wesc eto Sete a wee gun cen ong ad Fi Hemet nt hoe hve eee eet at Weta sn el inte expen fat eng Asa Prolog beeps ines open Bi eh ‘pte wk vec hs permenon stems of opp Slt hein act des cai ote comet” Pater tom Tal epost agape i sal ates ering he "gh of the and tote od atin! "mio Here an cc om tacit ‘Treyanycuremetna dap a imme {Eicon hay a tentedand serie hy eninge od pas teeny me layne ene ttc ct act ha a fan a TR icpuisw yond do vetckon ties nts (Gece econ ate ay dng ne {Cheol ooryen= gether errs Spout as xpd gn ten Hw Fatima tat pop ho ae hav te sae ger 4 yun He ty nt a tage eo lng tony er etal mbt Oy ake Youmgracon nce wey wren hd pats "Snot hat edad Gren ne arate Gave prt ato se sping tht Hal onsen cnc ‘einen cay ness eae ows er™ hal wt totsn he apy owas comet sv ete nie srt of te cma ntesiy, he must abo revise his view of wislom—or a est add tRorthing to tc emotional mx imagine Hall winding mse up habe wring ofthis chapter bringing himself othe pint where he {Gn proclaim that hat ie required tay is mot an od age AN 6 cmetlyentemplative” (7), Old age, be deslates, is decidedly “not psec an peacetovng bul brings a te boigereney” 10). Bee Eporency- Hall mas angry and was ready for combat, impatient to abt fom a pion of mon authority ns adoption of «rhetoric define ev for he as cme oa the torpor and-morosenes of ‘id age he sae a ing largely enforced by cra constr Ih adivion to is own perl experince of being cstaske by society, whete dd Hall fd the enorgy—the theoreti enegy—!o Sanne the fature fo ag? What mode! hep him concepalze {pref old age? suggest ts th analogy’ ofeoescence to od “ip that enabled Hall shik about old age diferent The associ tio of senlity with infancy, of second eildhood with cikthood popersallogelherfemli-and demeaning othe of But theasso- “Sion of od ge with odolesencesorgina. Adolescence was Hal's Sea of expertise asa professional poyebologist. He was the author of| Sin even Lngor Book ented Adore, which was published In TOs in vo fat vues and ws well received nd n which he com Celved adolescence a 2 te of ewe development and new begin ring>—bilegialy psychological, and socially By inking ok! age ‘hth adolescence, he borrows he nergy of adolescence tras Ittoold age "Adolescence ls 4 new birth, forthe higher an more orpltely humanist ae ow bora”) e had writen a. 1 In Sees “te cal 0 eonstroct me eas 98 we had todoatadolescence(40), “Age hs the sameright fo emetionl per fst as youth: he ote (385) In Soescoee he concep2es the ature of wi age asthe ewsaton ofthe aman species ink anew Hage, Adolescence and oll age: Hall believes that ech stage has fetinge stint ot et pracy thisthoy are also sia— td ined some o thos eens ar the same. He abo evans @ nd ofaineebeticen adolescents ane seo, understanding ha tee pats The genes nnce of the od upon he young has, fom tae immemorial en eae the dawn of pert” 480 "The meer of youth wm alg impoctant to Hall a away of ‘understanding the role ofthe Unite Saosin international afi in porter in rdtion o Europ. There youth ofthe United States {ntlation to Europe tranelted nt the potent for energetics ship with ou er ledereby analogy scored with youl energy. ‘This Hall had a vison of okler Americans that contasted sharply ‘vith the culturally dominant view: As the clr histori Gerad Gramm hs argued #8 during the ast yea Wave 58m tion in th 19208 that the view of the modems ifs cel, charac terized by adolescence as time of alienation and old age ection, ‘yes conslated, Half clark cll counters this view of wha Eda Burgess was ltr to ply term the “oles oe” ofthe elderly. Senecent ike adolescence, hat ohn etings thong and ills wel a i own pysiolgy and thei regimen is mporant 2 wll 35 that ofthe Body” Hall wrote in is book om ol age (100) Recent rearch fa shown that many copii fete do mot inevitably decline with age as has previously bee thought and hat sent exercise hey lo maintaining and lengthening toe abil tie The same stu ofthe emotions the emotions, Passions, notineitably diminish vith age, and enerse—emotinal eerie 15 a5 fundamental to thelr satya ther eltra authorization. In Senscene as Hall presienly wks, “Memory fas age ony i not exercised, snd thins rue fall abies” (8). And the expat 1o eelncding revcting to injustice with angee—is ome of those abies.” Hal's bligeretattade on Boba of what we would cll ho marginalization of the lderly—or more stongy, agetm was ignored in contemporary reviws [suspect tha Hall anger—even i sponte in only ww plocer—r ites msde a somtalor a temporary aberration ofboth. Perhaps twas dismissed as the Pleasant iiabiity so stereotypically associated with the ede a ‘sacl prejudice that Hall ims had diagnosed, Perape t wasbelow the dar screen of his readers cause an anger thi ightsou rot associate with the old nly peevishness and cantankerousnes ‘eis ma warping ho me that Hal's anger was gored. Even in cent scholarly assessments of Seuscenc, Hal’ anger although ‘etinly recognized, is not given appropriate cu. Instead Senscenee Ss characterized ab 3 rambling jeremind, with the plication tat Hall's statements are Ubcosidered, edly inappropriate outburst, the rel of 3 temperament ven 10 depression ant lament My rn reing of Hall's angers logthor ferent In shot, I espect ‘rsderstand his angers the cal oie vole to injustice onthe bos ‘toca! today we call age. [als think that even 8 temporary Sone of wisdom with anger isremoviable, Hal wanted to harness the energy of ange, and he called on thoee alder people who pos essed kom to lake on an ave rls to remind others of "the ‘Nor of in righteousness and judgement” (11): He cou! nt ow ‘oer sai the unensyconfnetion of righteous anger, windoo and Tendership and wo the instance of rhetorical anger are few. But even ‘Rough fis Linguge is different, Hall nonetheless reminds me of ‘Germaine Grr tin the Bxgining of Sense ese ang 983 time when one tr rom workin thee he protests the clara) Injunction othe withdrawal of the ery from the active word (Gree wees, It met et angry again” For Hall however, 605 the Bint ine In Seen we ind an inipent protest erature on thal ofthe elderly who ate sentenced to the margins and. con ‘Srna when thee greats red Hal believe was 0 be of service to sey ‘ay Pidan’s Te Fount of Age appeared in 1950 when 2he was event one exselyseventy-ane yes after the publication of See ‘See Like Halls book, The Fouten of Age i long and ambious Covering 2 mulitude of topics. Disrgarded by acsleic feminists {in part because Predan 3 iberal feminist ad in prt Besse of the ageism implicit within feminism se, ian important book, nd complex one he rst of ears of research and of hon hin ‘ng about aging It yes meaning insights and lessons, 00 many to be noted here.” Unlike Hal Fredan i not intersted in surveying pac stale oward aging andthe eer: Mucho er books sue fried focusing on work, bowing, menopause longterm cre, an the right to die, But Like Hall, Pita argues for understanding the ‘purpose ofthe ational years thatthe longevity revoition has [Even to peopl in Westen and ether developed counties! i Hall ‘row thoortal energy for his analy of old ape fo hs view of otecence, Fran sflects om sues of aging largely through the fons eres ain particular fom the vantage poi the second cnave if the women’s movement ne Hat she helped decisively 0 ‘Shape through the publication of The Feminine Mystine in 1968" “An anger thoroughly documented Book tht in one way or another i ging to provoke the daylight out of almost everyone ‘who reads i this fone ofthe Bars, excerpted fam Li, om the ‘ck fy copy of The Feminine Mystique But when I ea asp of my restarch for this ey. didnt sie me as am angry bok, ‘ither in one or in arms of ketone of anger Some thtyfve yrs ster ts pbliation The Fannin Mystigue resto mc os an aur lative and forceful analsis of the relegation of white suburban ‘women (others of young chide, and wives, women who dit ‘work outside the home! the debating rte of keepers a cow sumers forthe nuclear hose! What fx particularly tik lng about Te Fernie ustique this passage, key o he Feainof ‘Age: “Awoman xday who has no goal mo purpose, no ambition pat ferrang her days int the ature, making ht ttc and grow Beyond that smal son of yeas in which her ay ca fl is bilo ion iscommiting a kine ofuice Forthat ure hal-centry afer the child-bearing year ane overt ae hat an Amencan Woman ‘annot deny” G83) Echoing a thee ee iin Seeenes theme {Hot will abo be central to The Fawn fe she iss tht tne ‘women must “help shape the atu 2). And in Te Fanta of ‘Ageshe proveatively insists tha the nde esse the women’s ‘movement was in fect the ierase i fe expectancy for women “wat had relly cause the women’s muvernnt” she we," the atonal yuo hus Be. A the turn of the contr, womens Iieexpectane was ony re was neatly bgt" (10. Tes facinating to me that in the years between the publication ‘of The Feminine Mystique and The Fountain of Age—years tha swe Does! movements of so many ditlerent Kinds, 8 wellas a growing caitura acceptance ofthe appropriateness of expressing fling the expression of anger. othe retoricf anger, has sll undengone| {nflation, For Frida, the feminine mtu, what we wo ell 2m deoogy ef gander, imprisoned women in thir hanes and shop ping malls Analogously, she argues The Zita af Age tha the ge miystique—old age asa pero of dreaded deci ae deeron $on—must be exposed as counter othe ew rth th htt ‘ge of life can and should be a period of new possiiits and oth both forthe ndvidual aa fo socety a hoke” Bt the ‘ey emotional on fre he rhetorl arsenal of ange ht Frodan AGAIN mHEDON | 200 yin The an of Aes ge Ag fin 5 Ser anger cheng age” ee pf erm Tres we eTinrte Te Eni of ge The sec ho red And Tine menagect Te Fann Ages sper opti” 7 had ages stn poet he hc ae rans he Or ey easing atonal uty, pen wien in de? Orne thagatc ent an he ction of nr re le Spectro aie ey wudnt tut poste ony ore, oc Pan ae oer cate bythe Dvaing of oii: When get nanometer thm en {emt tees om on op print oy lly geen Anse wht, Srin you depress ste tome og trad nan” Gi shcandewandsopesaresponce 0 pwede hater tea tc powetconeso Soungilleage women the TOs ‘oppo tote gender nls rhe powers hse who ec oganal ay lds his at the eg of ees. Worsen ern tnena he annie myth trad he ge Srhch wor wl onthe ay, mur tbl hades Segre ond he Me Si, oan cota ech doesent te Nh te depen among the acy dep ot sara vids ofa Ginn Se rntging n Amaentn—eoe we ka {Se yout cure the pings ily te wtion aod [Reto apa crete eh cy ret ‘SSovme werte n pyeel pees wonder al tae Shoe wl oe et he tae {lection cn apr tata ol of 18 Foe ila younger ned suber gpd pt om sn mal ae a doesn cei pope “Thus angeror ndsed an unbearable rage—is not sia os every athe tis nese a mamollizad, mash an maniestes. 400 | catmuenn wooomaea nly in depron wich he imps rongly etd 2 phys Sk ee he ery ant cometh endccoed a ‘mpm of sol ering” Ragen cscs eae an w imgie Bet Fn he sty yen ermine Ge gng on at sng the ton a anger pane fel cual pacts api he all? The ane mo a seme of he sons ae ilar thse we fn! in Sousa Uke Hal Fran beeves tht prope rw cer hey ecm sor thse, mow indivi. mint ifn oo sng potalniet goupon then fags, hoes et erogencous grup of peopl ot nly charted hy tay se erences selon, nity, and soo bu al ye indy taste empocoment of mame wane ng <0 inthe 10 0 Fran mts we mus nto he apes sent of ag. The scan wve of eminam etl spray sd stg om anger. et Fran doe nt ik tat th crmpoweret of ae an beta on the mode of te wanes sore Wyn Int put bc Bar content thespecl senate or eapctietat ence eth oe Ah with sich tr ot emer Fran wan opt he atom te postive, tsa 2 inde of grt fer the dabing modelo deine & mae roth mpc the deve of smehing Nee A no ord wings ke all rego! the ok For ager the ott of ening ee way ong hs eal os of wrk a ove Jt athe dors othe nok we mt pens for omc. oy nod be opened oth ee Setters in my ager the ition ofr men one sf ermal ag nthe frist es logy ageas din (tvs my ppl want er ed toe beste theo ar untsying tilaing te ft es Sng sch stun The se condense of hah te Saya Or pope have Son fora nly tet a 2% she pais out hat very bare has suited iene ‘ong thw wth the rere ond ne way to citi oa scr tose Bt Panag, nan, weer ae aves npatence wih he omer ge it ome the ny ‘crys and eater ge sh ath thal neither bend her Sin ecu she SLE SC ec nto ogo ste eons” rosetta ge dsp we ced, Fan 8 eva ui Sf A ine i oe ACUNStn os nr ele malo sol ong Thatch en fewn om nat net ore ig a tne neater What the ce Be TOUT eager tthe ey sly key changing” Her ‘etn fips striven at She a> ‘Ties on pyri md of evelopment one of hich SA EAlte! tonto of spf carr By ‘its sm Rd despre teres Fam ‘Sings Wipes ow. Pon evens Ecos ation ot Seem iy atch esd ith ele yay fie and xe nthe wie sone dy we eal to TRpatethd age Asse ws nese he eam eres to psenstneIpey ee ene sree tice «Duin ct al pe, lowe rom the etiang of nes cient sv sel sare the ‘Romp Lie Hal i rie that hae ween nec ear ems yea ee cee sto SEATS an coc at se very year mst ve eS Curator sane rer pest se ‘Row a atin ot pv peice il fe vp wah pin cart anwonetotis lt Ono haere my oe Seam dam so st ws he ay se Tete wi an mening So ante” 0 fant uy opt brs an inde 2820 te nt wore "ou epg ne ch tm ening ner xen veyed proie he pret sere at etn ann cfape eke aly 4 The SORA Cite pene her nh an import comple Ts Feduins nmr to sin prt ink = real nte ‘ny neat sees a wim nthe os Eg Da SetRsetmt ice cp mp fianShe i ges at Eze tom i pe nich np weno my coe SEAS “redon tom oul compete compan ‘mopertion, empathy” 26). Wisdom, lack af competition, coopers ‘en, empathy sites vstuallyantithet! tv ange ‘Where, the, des the eage go? Cersinly iis nt tao Sewo outrage, int anger tinge Like Hall, redan open the pe ceo The Punta of Age on a note of depression She confides tha she was depressed for weeks alter her rend threw her a surprise pry on her sith birthday: forcing her to acknowledge pubiely that ae ad nocd rived at that ural constricting numer. As oth Hl nthe course of researching and writing her ake wich she undertook not long after that dling Mh are of living her eer depression lis n The Fount of Age Freon present er ‘al snot only relting in reatve ways. he posses of 256 but also as embodying them —aklng sks, imagining new ways of loving and inventing 3 new sye of Bingen activist ‘What accounts fo is ranaformaton from depression to vial sing? For her, one af the importan sais of the women’s | ‘ment was emution alk (hie my phos) Asse vies in Te Fou tain of Age, talking about one's flings and cniming than was cuca “the rgss an angers anc urllatons, the passive and dependencies, that had been encouraged in us so lng and sl held us ck” (186) In The Foust of Age se clans her eling— of depression and, ate, f exhilaration. But she dees not ete the model of cnsctousnes- raising inthe women’s movement to age, though f course he dows talk witha lange numberof people She ‘rst magine the sharing of elings of anger aover ind unboa able rage. Was rage buried behind her own depression? Or was ‘she merely depressed end not sulering fom depression? She never telus in any case soem that har depression vanished inthe i= ossng of posits, nthe verting About eran in the Hing, them Tn The Fountain of Age the hor of 4g, which evo prevalent and o surprising limstely serves mel aa slgn of sal fr sng. In sence st gvena body. Frieda doce’ set owt ut of age she doesnot ven seem to wte os oF anger does Hl in Important passages. Nor does she quote people who vic ther age, For how could she? For Freda, rages Bod is epress, 2 tom of ella pathology. Windom i a ign ofthe achavement of ‘one's possible in age, wih rage expel, Wilom and rage: Uke po pit want ech the, irl oe athe. te Tadstageancraljing ey portomed importance! wrk aes ago eel ice Bota eo? For Fads Sct tm itm 86 ce on cats passage nT Fun of A whe» into ni ge sce nh tn agra th ope er stacy eyo th is oth Filan 4 enchant her acts he “ld rk sedmecen oe ie son aine theres noun ome st Seventy beat Src house sisted on reeds yh onan ae aaah re erhetstieromoncaneigame ore marae leap coory Se seiitc wt eenenc ag Sonicare Frnln dos natcomenent on ts rata she esis xecimony teu ad el nag tat we al ed TERE Re fiewomen ane mck eH stir fom he 1 att macy than ae en ick f cong between She and tigger repr in he rea a he seit tne fer nutiatie enpsition Wah ae so nanactrever develop tl” seins 0b ct peg thas ot a cnn ih ik. Archon ew TF of ve Tinh tok heeth hae Spt the gan oth rm Sera rong vancip tse sli an > ic vy Cu ht ery ge ng bed in Wome, BOS nanege we xpes aking don the ssa he ToS jet once mae rn gu uses be tf theta ape 050 ‘have fcused om Hale Souscone and risa The Fumi of ge to-explore the cific of envisioning the ture of aging og ‘he cura bung blocks of anger an wis. GSanley Hall Uunderstoo!himsel fo ke part ofan emerging “vanguaed” of older ‘people, as Andraw Achextoum rightly trescs G21). Hall tly lowed his anger at bing marginalzs$ with reticent and old ae (o surfed fred with this energy ad the paradigm ofa Tescence imagined himself tthe fortont ofa new generation of ‘olde people ats rica juncture istry Wise men woul be stern sounseon fo future generations. na wey rel woe the aged woud ‘embody the fur, Wit the exception ofthe scholarly history of serotoigy history has forgoten Mls vison of ong Wh long experience ab a feminist stv and writer, Belly Friedan, like the Frsch feminist Simone de Bestwot before et, tured tld age asthe net frontier Although The Fone of Age Is protest agaist the ideology of old age in the Unite Sate, tnd although, in comparison with Hal, Fan seems to up the ante witha eto of rage, tha retosof age trout be ual empy-—dew of energy, concealed ae depen. Uimately Friscan, foo, cums to wisdom a6 « way of concving the spec stots ofthe oe. On the one hand er nto of wise is more Peogmatic han alls. On the other hang i a4 more rome ‘ersion of wisdom, miying on the twentieth entry poycaopical lsaiton ofthe reconlation of geadr opis explored by and others and culminating in baal vik of paychic whole, But notwithstanding thet somewhat diferent uertandings of wis, Both Hall and Freda assign the soil leo wisdom to the ede. This clea example of hat Pl Gift, a pias her of te emotions has called the Sail construton of emotions whore certain emotions—her the psychoogial stance of wsdomt ‘eine to enforce cots sol roles Wed mot know no history wil oo Frean’s Fountain Age When it appre it eclvad a lage muimiber of reviews, altugh that was to be expt given her state, For sx weeks oso the New Yank Ties best-seller Ii ane it was trans into mumer ‘oe languages Bot [prod that Fran's message of wisdom wl ot prove any more culrally comping or palatable than Hal's ‘to arse in bok 10 of th Repu ht mode oly lai Ss erecta per wen pied Mare PLeTteuworenosoulstndad ig te th eo ‘SEG hese he amet! spe: fap Satin nd len eve wat oer ety Yo 9 Gone ecgmen: Inari slit th es at Saree enschede none ch SL SS alga w we nugha,Gunen egos tat tp Se rudd ene hee fare" he ago» pn Bose ance gg who aly tv pie of pl tepare hr he cn ny sore Nt Sop pose acts aeceom fs aletee aa 2a ence we emai cl frst ote rere Lane ts eg platen te tro ie Ty kitwa mend te ont ofc atti od “isto tog ow” Une Fala Pan, ‘Can set fn ery tl in ay Faensbploetanscereprcienarp- him ie wr Rttancamay ver olscra oe ar he thin eaty on ten pelo smc ses Nr es rman tobe cana te yn gen ty ew viyautenty nang uy sre en rly pope eine dele mer on oy 108 ma mooi eis sae becca joa ese ere Me wha mn ore chlo on ‘tnd inn manger ming a oe iin nel inom shou te nese an rin PEERS and rel nism pngectr at S°2%me pope tea rman ae nesting Aa ave wend osteo ncn am nd phos “Stn mies semaine eae eed Sian een, Weems revenge tt Shere uy ea mening ta svt Weer st Rovtacoue once ar tye teary ce tote ayy tt hes hen id ve ta So sever icon we devon pest ta ely aS eg ues wt cual mek tn SPSS can sey rman ne bode ce. ne Wisdom cash conttation detainee a ese allan dar the extemedifealy opting ees ste sgagement or w-engagcmert With hs emphuns on loti ‘wd fits the engagement hay ofan We thy et ‘older people “naturally” withdraw from theit social roles 80 8 to sae thir nat dapparao- dh lew sis oe smash funconing of sty. Wom caret soon ig behavior Renee he kre dtc a sears pe 8 hl of peta impish transgene ate ‘ork acetin tieesns «knowledge at Aho ine coer 4 contacto herent cacy ones pase ‘or what Dona Horaway fae el state role Asa lom of owl, wihom i conpsizels oben ee ste ntemsofculsl piso the emai angry wien have lento eld atl ryt Teas od odencanthr womens reese ng mse, whch nal being wit anger bad upos in ‘Anger inte ol boned. Anger what the poser ee Jags hos lind an “ow emotion” ee than “onto ncepab (14, On the scl sap tthe Ue Se fee Jas tam ae notable excrptin to he rf etewing aay od women and ta Maggie Ks of the Gry Teton 19 ag lerbevor acpi? oul venue hat twats ae ‘because of her petite stature (as a diminutive woman she eat at ‘xn. thm and in part ce the pre othe Gon ene ss lay nergeneationl and nt med cs ang Cla Kut was not taken sens bitrate pum ie Sy Pes waren oa tenn lc ee Be ‘Cates to gre th da on aH of potting any should not be dsm. Anger canbe a sign of ol pee sei nist ng rind the right pall eae Angerinthis senses fudge or me stongly tind ‘deplore Sen ain Theat “An on Sa hdr tudor someting ta Arcee ‘cco dg whcnstinccurmead eee ee 4s tentional objet” (15) ind sompeling Germaine Goes stration hats ine tog angry agai, Lam reminded of Cora Sieinem’s very first words In er seey "Doing Sx” publish in {Yt in wich she expresses the contradiction between the elu ‘eal of detachment expecta of her and her on intense reactions Injuton,“Age supposed occas more eres calm, and detach ret fon the worl righ? Wel,” che writes, Tm Finding jos the reverse" 49)" ‘Were to change what hes been called an affect script for oder people in or cute? Hove do we do thi? In grat part by telling Foes: Storie rely fore of eling and one of the stores of aging tia ange hat has remain in my mind for aay yeas ow sone told by feminist activist Barbra Macdonald. iting enoogh, the incident she recounts occured hil she wa on a protest march i Beso in the lite seventim—o march to Take Back the Night Mac- dona estan, then siy-five had aki of premomstion hat he ‘march woul work bat she did tauspect ae wh her arto would be. She wast suze che wanted to go, she ol er pare, Gy Ste "ad a vag eling of dag” he ol, Was hi [in of march pions suse men had the pve and auld at take sri? Her panes, twenty peer younger persuaded her ogo. If dows convince the men, Cynthia assured her never snd tl be ood for us Cyrahia was wrong TW dak and ny night, ane monitors, Helping to assem ‘he ute giveth insrstions. Six abreast Wala ogee Do nt let men break your ranks, Barbora’ uneasiness gan, she fenget to move forward. She fees strong.“ felt” se wets, “he txblaration, the oneness wit the women around me, the sen of lust doing something instead of passively grin my teeth with anger se {do every morning when I pick up the Cll to ee What ‘woman wos undened the ight before” Then, waiting to begin, she ris Cynthia talking quietly ot the monitor. Barbar sins hem, tnd the monitor say to hat," you Think you cat hep up, you Should go to the es ofthe march" What di hat mean? Under ‘andi hits Barbar ikea eres of hammer blows Tis Beaune she ispereved bya younger women a8 old and therefore ay necessary | ‘weak and, cre minis a backing dgment That tho younger woman, who expleiny that she did't Know what 2 do, wall ‘mening and sontste does not change the fadamental sialon Burbra row feta by thew our womn and by the womens ‘movement self Rarkara snaps back st he She gine an nies the march na rage: As the writes, Al my Ife in & man’s world, ‘was a problom because Iwas womans now Fm a problem in a ‘woman's werd benuse na sy-sive- yeaa wom” (Mon sth Rick 1983, 25-30, Where does her age gs? Unlike Freda rage it doe not remain ‘uri in her dream ie. Macdonald dias on the urgency of he ‘hat to her to understand her sitwation™ Kelling hard on Us Incident ater, given a hind of strength fom her rage, Macdonald resolves to nether direct toward the younger monitr—that does ot sem quit far—nor totum it against herself ad her own 2g ‘dy body that, by her account reads satyfive, Te intensity of er rage is wisely proportionate to the offer. Its symmetrical to the structure of power in which she finds herself untaely meshed.” Her rage i dsplled when she decides to fight Back nthe fare ‘sith eat force she has, no matter how dined i may corneas she grows older. Her rage i speed as she analyzes the incident lacing tim Neto context comparing the fst wave of emi | With the second, puzzling ever the fc hat ithe fit wave oder women were lenders, whereas inthe second wave Younger Waren ‘women i thir twenties and thiies—were an sil are pom nant. Why 5 tha? She concludes tht ths cot be explained by a ‘simple emphasis on youth cultre inthe United States. Today she eles, “youth is Bonded with patriarchy in the enshiverent ofthe ‘lder woman. There woud fat, Be 9 youth clare witht he Powerless older woman” C3 From her experience of rage thin the women's movement, ‘Macdonald draws powerfl sons But if she puts aside Mer 950 she safeguards her anger. Her ange isthe precious residue of her ‘age “Although moch of what happened to me i the man resolved forme” she write, Lam xl angry a the agen in he ‘women’s movement” (5-36 ake it that her anger impart moti ‘vated his isportan small bok she wot with Cita Rich, a bok. {at glves us this noablestory, whichis a tance of wht Margate Gallet as calle, in Dutning to Dain (1997), “ape aobioga phy Echoing the critical race theorist Patria lla | would say that Macdonal’s story 6 “agi of itligent rage” 216). Would | alll call Macdonald a wise old woman? No, bocne this would call up Shother image altogeter, an image of 3 woman who i calmly i> psonate who has Benign and detached sense of perspective who Per diperae a mens and balanced knowledge of the word Maconalds sory, however one of an ager that, upon refection, tuna out t have been we, Has efor her to get angry again. ‘Both Hall and Friedon envisage 33h time when theres por fant work tobe done in service to soccty ad to the self We might ‘omen, then, Macdonald anger a8 the impetus for 3 tain Lind of work-os protest against injustice and as the ittletual work of the historical understanding ofthe rots of ais against ‘Nomen. From this perspective anger roves not only th energy fot Monk work, When one angry, one most continually confront Uihers and one must be on one’s guard. One must relinquish the Sesuctons of detachment thats promised by wisdom. lowe with question. “Emotions become frist when they Incorporte feminist perceptions and value,” Jaggar writes (982, 160) Wacla Have speaks of what he has called “something Uke 3 fowl emotion” 9 jdgment akin to foting of aversion tuna ‘eines, 2 eling he experanced early in Bis ie as “an “Tningonam toward undeserved prope toward unjust social BOF flo toad any kindof calle higher standing prtermined by baat or by anything els, toward any humiliation of man ity” (1950, 7) At the xy leat, humition of human dignity would oui indignation. Tot socal emotion might be describe os 8 noble anger What word would we use o desribe the anger aoc withthe experience of ages? That we do nin Tat have & ‘Nord analogs feminist sugest ow very fr we ae ro = ‘pnizngana honoring the emotional experience—the anger—assoc- ‘et ts ageism, Notes 1am rts the partyin the or ato ng in 197 at Caen Cone e Adve Share Unters of kv, pei SEINE gum Marie late wat Ane Basing anthems TEA upc se sper th Rocurce Center on Agathe TCs bce pera Dane Dives Semin Gert Tax nts sina a abe De, Ths Cl ah Lay Raa ‘rt mn ave tt rym secs a ene Bsn ntti oa 1 Gre tri to ba pes i on wma’ ete po aie psd and te ce psa ha sends nepal 2. Tat eune abo toy nh Wt fh prt fhe ecouness wile iy the mapa wh ee coe as aon ‘it Se Thoma es Tf if hth pin Thode Ras Ae te Wise pbs a 29 aL feo, publ NE fm er sear ‘ek in the tench etry Ue rc yd he Std hn oer no ate ‘ones ern cay eects 4. Wesel Erk ras a gh ny Te Lie Cc Cn ‘ite A Res 52 wha a ne seer re thd Steen cen year by with ane Pndsaed S" Aninderofoureghresd onsamats ofan tat xl ecoty ‘nme 0 be tent lt eacely ithe pts ‘cn pris ot ryt nn Sex Ang The Sr tn Cot ia yy Ct ere 8 Po Star 8 Htc ag of Aer an Ineo he ‘ioe ager rge aro inna whe wl a tic ‘Snr Inara Ge Kem ng haa wen ‘Sang se lt emt Se Wandvan “Tm Ange age red ‘snd ene (989 ands hun To Moron, eer Cue td he Cr Pert he Ect” 0 2. “Te sangric of dg, le rts at td mia age oe oe tn a es oc toy pe gg op Sn the ning utes ps damrratn spre ear Ee Sst, the pe cea ol ery or hs evi! tee Out ‘elo ition haunt coure neste hee oe mre theca Ine pene, an the se ng the eral ed wort ep hii crn, 1 Se Mums -AShir Hitt Pyckeenetg 85. 1 Hany Fle open hi evi Sor pigay ‘Seroing" 2,190, Athogh the veer Bo aber a Hal ut pun pt tat rpg Paeropesthe view on th eval acpi ting his prior moe penal hm ct ht th comet eed ed nce. ot ou arn Se fers ow eal the hed ure oH “ttre sl epee ‘Xen many canes tha Cri ee tect ha he pla wl fry so sre Hal its of Mage pdm ont faa wl ot fee Hes women with sys ‘Rouen, en ete women whe nn ne pend pon te ‘an etctncn npg ac ton ee fener ond al of ta Negeetormenin tact ees cont on er women ae hype 7D. TBP imme gis fain tment ewe So cove ng eto cepa ah als tte of cota sod > Sylar mur aspen he Yok Tins Bo re ence ana pn stn tk Ee Patrcng nec ie wr to cfu le a oh cps ‘Shon ip indomethacin who con be ee ‘ee hetero orn tng "hen oe Tallon act pe ch ene pit ines of, be ting tet caine ncn pa werd The in ems (ihre asa ist thon Spon we, Be mae ea armen pendent ne wisdom woud onsitin abet [Mipumal oan acting eg fee at cae wih Had renin ech ny orc hither igs ihn ety yan we fr i The tw mt Si ok ‘Ruler leurs rl no oe apg ad iti the pin TR) ned mann aes fowl hte bean and Sune aagh The sey aed swe pal ad bg Sato (Toon jpn rt atthe bat ae res nd ‘rhea mnt don cntaycnty probly cen th oe ‘itm ope nate Bee nse sim date ns ns pa, Bath sho ro he ad! pein We tremt preteens png ype neh biped ft onoym le ctied “OW Age al awrite fr th iti ny oe rece In ey Tl fo hema et “Nowe ret omy a ting me oe sd fm ae he {2a delet 7, 20 wee ne ei en at th {Gc Acheniam dp ms ny of ope a sens Hat Semen Bath Cott ced un say eens tn Smal ate come eel hey png Set i at en at remind wns nat wh a comatose frp ‘Foren te pot wok et al mv at mes ‘i cece rere ws th ea ot a Ahrens eames ned hed dete ane nw tac en nab te chen dtm aoe Gl le and cbt ome ope ie cn aa se saul lof Has whe esl wo he ee os heerons Wiel os Malvern wrt to mits he ming seis aragena he ie cx and sts te pal den tne He, Rest ts Has es ‘inom pvt a prophet mt ee toy our porte ia Concony atin wr stom evga jin socal tan alee pee {beshiog lw of testo co ca ntupo ema ‘yma. 15 Ope th wnt ett sna fT in Ae skate my roe wr ia eco dag dass ppb Sine ey pd ‘ss aaljeoofcttnny oni ia ela gi a ‘cue as ere ston try Slicing et bins ‘Nema pron oa the at fv toe dete 16. The “ney ean acne by Bert Ne whan longs mach oat or epiingTe ef ee semua iran empyema ee eee ‘aw watt nn cn a cn ly "1 Ete reat em bant“amie "9 Tomlin, GeeadGrmurrsthnt iinet pee _npstq nang Tenn ye . 20. Jt Heme nf bua of ty Fen, rms ona ign rnin pes ta anne Teh te ay Shei tea npg e ed O 21, Neth e “ena llg fom Ar Kn ema toy trong sas rep eer es The ata Tony tot te wombs tm cone nagar’ an ‘Stag che wear 7 Change" aed he erent ‘rete sh ay neh gee ods poet women ‘rus ay wad rc ean Poon» reg lose” Use x Ge fen eprint “a aay dl ang ot enon hate ara enor Ginn! it nme night fen ent ott en ite SERRA de wns 39. ‘Dep te bettors frase een TueTSge nate itty ated ho homes oe elon an epsom wee ila 19, 1 ents Movin ge Toe ope oo fw hn ad dn wade fo att lp ‘Scjietbp af conpesens eon en ret wot ‘Sievert phn me ac ln yea we acaner ede aigr try or sewsouty ey cence oss sein npg rt me heen a ‘iota tester Conny An em oe oh Aan pote agua nev cour comentionl i aie ey eee ciate age poniat tes srdne BC te mh eal perookpo! sntwpaoge Dai Cts nay tt te pour yous women erp We masine ie of Eh Fie aw any en evs nal cts te nd op age nh ot nce Sco the angy wih pndpanocy, Ie fog it ees tena he sk wl ihn tne nt erst of ie SETH es once scot sgl en pa eae adn deh et me ef a in. it Eg ie crew te ito ope manson vm hon cares haan prt nie och wh ag oR and tan epee be song can + Being mo te ee ne af ers tk or mpl eg tM cg gingham outeanl Bn xpedon octyl ood ‘Sige econ tn tinting Maa et nee ftom crf Lie Span” WF Choa sataoe ante emer os, erento wre erp uy a rin tlc seth inden, opp ae ming er TS Sep wi Tl ae to tot, "oy it simply ew typo pel wn ot ana ‘menial val on tel fo 1 Ineo ts tray, Aun pps what eee sea rowing nee noua ht segs Be pia (be caret puma fone hed enter 10% £8 Seo Hany R Wo Th Fs Sof is S907 hh Re ct ‘peo pa event in altos spay nf eit ‘ies nd Ror Manes "Wom ne Mth Pipi Cn none 1 Genny” we be uy ens et won on wn, Use scene strate jst iy ad vey "Aas oe ean S aes ep Shy tna coset ric couse oni pt meted pat, expr yl ad tipted tre reo a ‘rosa obese rth cae be eed 1985 18-30 1 SSeS i td a Ue fomman susan of te pre i eg! Aine [My pt thee etm me tthe na nos io st ror bh thy rable cee sompling ons wi dm ‘hepa 1B For ary rot lhy mins te ly sata of 90,8), lee de Corton 0 conta the nope of AgloAerean sch ats hat et ie ers ef ct-stlt eg r| door mtg: While aspera fang ben ected ‘neds, hn nde dick popes mune Ameen ol gh feminine varie ent ctv pao thes Foch ew omg seb mtn na very to ne Tat eer om ‘tea ic mt ng os, pay ‘eto soln th pe ata mle te 3. Teter st pe es poy tan To who fete pct dst Ks set epee for ea i hae co-Anger Manage and Angra erp in Ti Msi ets ‘nt Far (99), Toke cnet aft sie reson ff Sui ins eat tens an i ters lta as ep Me Niuetceone rine oa master (92 "SPT mnscan emt neti roa ieee emeal One way area syed raps Bt vy ety tsa iis (992) Wane ens mnt in ih soe Nga cet bred ns stoen sn, New Yo dg SGcisccinpanesoy utente ri aie aa ee cit owe try team ee ether mer ut dv ch zat. Thee Seton of a sey ony tn cece om re z= = oc tn ttgtape ar une as aoe avec Teentaal at te SUE. tone er ie ea een meta nine ami ei sponse Te aoa cee [ot per ing eat ts Po: pte asin cei he reece ert gy in compen, noe sighs or ar eee oan cpt procs” 2 Works Cie Ae asker anon cet Svan Wh The foe orn Man vert of Wa arp ad WE 10, “Angin Western Cua” Aig it re Si nnd W tury 92 cheng Ur fg Pe cas Cresent ent Wh te See inno a Arete” Sem Ded cere Ee Baceand.6 mje 3 10338 Now Yor Ace

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