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Dayzsa Estrada

Texas History
History Fair Annotated Bibliography
October 9, 2015

Work Cited
Primary Resource
"A Guide to Primary Resources for US History:" A Guide to Primary Resources for US

Web. 2 Oct. 2015.

This website provide information about the encomienda system. The encomienda
system a small number of wealthy Spanish settlers dominated the lives of the peasant
class-now made up of Indians and eventually African workers-as part of an economic
system known as encomienda, the same system Spain enlisted to govern Muslim regions
captured during the Reconquista. By trying to enlist the local population into the
economic system, Spain tried to create an "inclusive" society This is helpful to my
history fair topic because it talks about who was a part of that system and how it was
"Colonization & Settlement, 14931763." Colonization & Settlement, 14931763. Web.
2 Oct. 2015.
This website provides information about the colonization and settlement in the New
Spain. European settlements in the New World, relations with American Indians, the
French Indian War, Quaker settlements, and commerce in the colonies. The materials in
the Collection focus on the English and Dutch colonies, with some materials relating to
the Spanish and French territories. Official documents include treaties between European

powers and American Indians, Acts of Parliament, and decrees of the colonial
governments. This information is useful to my history fair topic because it gives me
information about how everything was set up as in colonies.
"Historical Text Archive: Electronic History Resources, Online since 1990." Historical
Text Archive: Electronic History Resources, Online since 1990. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.
This website provides information about how thing were rune in the New Spain. Labor
supply was not very efficient. Subsistence farming about as well as subsistence farming
anywhere. Forced or slave labor is inefficient and irresponsible. Results in the
irresponsibility of employers. The technological level of America was low, and they
carried this low productivity into the republican period. This information is usefull for
my history fair topic because it talks about what they did to get resources.
The Conquest of Mexico 1519-1521 1519 paper map of the rout of Cortes from Vera crux
to Mexico
This website provides a picture of an old map of the route of Cortes from Vera Crux to
Mexico in the year April-November, 1519. This is useful to my history fair topic because
the map gives me an idea of how the people would travel and get to place to place. The
picture also includes information like were they settled and what places were near them.
Create an "inclusive" society This is helpful to my history fair topic because it talks
about who was a part of that system and how it was ruled.
"Resources for Educators." Resources 4 Educators. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.

This website provides information about Azores and Cape Verde Islands and assigned
Spain the exclusive right to acquire territorial possessions and to trade in all lands west of
that line. All others were forbidden to approach the lands west of the line without special
license from the rulers of Spain. This effectively gave Spain a monopoly on the lands in
the New World. This information is useful to my history fair topic because it gives
information about how Spain got exclusive trade. The website also shows proof by the
picture of the document.
"Resources for Educators." Resources 4 Educators. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.
This website provides information about the survivors to the New Spain. The website
also include the other tribes and what they did to survive. The two surviving rafts
crashed at San Luis Island, now called Folletts Island, near Galveston. The survivors
named their island Malhando, meaning misfortune. They were the first non-Indians to set
foot upon Texas soil. This information is helpful to my history fair topic because, this
tells information about who did what and how they got there.
"Spain Authorizes Coronado's Conquest in the Southwest, 1540." Spain Authorizes
Coronado's Conquest in the Southwest, 1540. Web. 2 Oct. 2015
This website provides information that has a picture of a letter that King Charles V by
Francisco Garcia de Loaysa, the president of the Council of the Indies, acknowledges
Francisco Coronados report of the famous Niza expedition of the previous year and
authorizes Coronado to explore the northern lands. The website also includes a
translation of what the letter says.

"Spain. Maps, History, Geography, Government, Culture, Facts, Guide &

Travel/Holidays/Cities. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.
This website provides information about the colonization of the New Spain. Spain is a
Parliamentary monarchy. This is important information for my history fair topic because
this tells me how they run their government and tells you who dose what and who is in
"The Doctrine of Discovery, 1493." The Doctrine of Discovery, 1493. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.
This website provides information about how they got their land. The document
supported Spains strategy to ensure its exclusive right to the lands discovered by
Columbus the previous year. It established a demarcation line one hundred leagues west
of the Azores and Cape Verde Islands and assigned Spain the exclusive right to acquire
territorial possessions and to trade in all lands west of that line. This information is use
full to my history fair topic because, this shows proof that they had the right to settle
their. The reason because the website also includes a picture of the document itself.
"The Monroe Doctrine, 1823." The Monroe Doctrine, 1823. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.
This website tells information about, President James Monroes 1823 annual message to
Congress included a warning to European powers not to interfere in the affairs of the
Western Hemisphere. This information is useful to my history fair topic because it talks
about the Europeans taking action a taking place in the event.
Secondary Resources
"Colonial Mexico 1519 - 1821 MexicanHistory.org." Colonial Mexico 1519 - 1821
MexicanHistory.org. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.

This website provides information about the government of Spain. Cortes was appointed
governor and captain general of New Spain in 1522 and he moved energetically to
explore new lands and develop the economy. This information is important to my
history fair topic because its about how the government was rune.
"New Spain." New Spain. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.
This website provides information about Spains colonization. The colony of New Spain
survived for three centuries. Unlike the English and the French, the Spanish had little
interest in settling large numbers of Spanish immigrants on the land, rather they
concentrated on exploiting the established native population they found there. The native
culture was submerged in the Roman Catholicism the Spanish so zealously propagated.
This is important to my history fair topic because it talk about how the New Spain
"The Americas." American Colonies. 5 Oct. 2008. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.
New Spain was created when the greatest Aztec city, Tenochtitlan, was defeated in 1521,
ending Aztec, or Mexica, civilization. The first phase of Spain's conquest of the South
American continent was complete and a form of governance for the massive new
territories was required on behalf of the crown. This is important to my history fair topic
selection because, it tells you when it started.
"The Conquest of New Spain History 1492-1901." The Story of America RSS. Web. 2
Oct. 2015.
This website provides information about Spain. New Spain was a viceroyalty, or
administrative unit of the Spanish colonial empire. Its capital was Mexico City, formerly
Tenochtitlan, capital of the Aztec Empire. New Spain was established following the

Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire in 1521. This is important to my history fair topis
because its talking about its viceroyalty and conquest.
"The Economy of New Spain: Mexico's Colonial Era. Mexico History. Web. 2 Oct.
This website provides information about Spains economy. The chief function of the
colonies in the eyes of the Spanish Hapsburg kings who ruled until 1700 was to
make Spain stronger, richer and more self-sufficient. Raw materials brought home from
the New World were turned into finished goods. This information is important to my
history fair topic because, it talks about why they did that to their economy.

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