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Marin Haffey

The following are outlines of two lessons that I taught while my supervisor
came to observe my EN 201 placement. The first demonstrates a general
outline of what my cooperating teacher would normally do. The second
outline came from a lesson plan that I created. The second describes: I had
the students use white boards while I was reading a story to work on reading
strategies with them.

Schedule Thursday March , 22

1. As students arrive to class:
a. Ms. Haffey will greet them all with a handshake.
b. The students will get their char from the front of the room and
begin their morning work.*
i. Write a prayer or affirmation in their religion journal.
ii. Ms. Haffey will give instruction for their hundreds chart.
iii. Students will work on hundreds chart. When they are
finished they can:
1. read silently or with a partner
2. clean their desk.
* During this time the students will pause for the pledge of
allegiance, announcements, and prayer. After this the
students will continue on their morning work.
2. when the majority of the class is finished with their morning work Mrs.
Haffey will call the students to the front for good things and reading.
a. Good things: Students raise their hands and are called on to
share something good about their day/week. After each student
shares the class snaps three times and the next student is
called on.
b. Reading: Mrs. Haffey will read to the class. First the teacher will
ask the students to summarize the last chapter they read.
Teacher will call on one or two students to do this. The teacher
will read a chapter of the book. Te teacher will then ask students
to make predictions as to what they think will happen next.
( summarizing and making predictions are reading
comprehension strategies.)
c. The teacher will lead the students in Vo Ac Flashcards. The
teacher will then tell the students to silently stand up and gather
their materials ( white board and marker).

3. Vo Ac: vocabulary lesson. Teacher will say a word, instruct the students
to repeat, write, code the word and show me. Have student coder of
the day come up front and show the class.
a. Example: Teacher Tennis. Repeat. Students Tennis Teacher
Write it. Code it. Show me.
b. Students will do a workbook page, coding exercise, and
alphabetizing activity.
Thursday, April 12, Schedule
Morning work
Skip good things
Get white boards and markers
You may be wondering why I asked you to get white boards and markers.
We are going to try something new with reading today. First of all instead of
having one of you summarize or retell the story I am going to have all of you
do it on your white boards.
Everyone write one or two words to describe the story where we left off.
Teacher will then read the words and put together a basic summary.
Retelling is just one of our strategies what are the other ones? Call on
While I am reading I will stop every once and a while you will demonstrate
strategies on your whiteboards.
Prediction- write one sentence prediction about what you think will
happen next.
Question and Answer- write question and person next to you will
answer it.
Visualize- draw a picture that you see in your head from the story on
your board.
Connect- and draw yourself doing something like the book.

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