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Constitution of Romania

We the People of Romania, for our Happiness and Liberty, do establish this
Romanian Constitution.

Preamble: Rights of Man

Section 1. From birth forward, each person is the absolute owner of their own
body, and may therefor do with it what they will, as long as it does not trespass
onto the rights of others to do the same.
Section 2. Each person owns the physical effects of their actions on unowned
Section 3. Each person has the right to voluntarily trade their actions and the
physical effects of their actions.
Section 4. Each person has the right to go into and make contracts that are
unforced, and physically possible. Agreements of action must be time bound and
defined, agreements of inaction are timeless.
Section 5. Public Space is unowned, and therefore each person is free to exercise
their rights to the full extent in public.
Section 6. The full implementation of the protection of The Rights of Man is
explained in the Declaration of Transition.

Article 1. Executive Function

Section 1. In the capital of each Judet, once every three years, on a day agreed
upon by the Legislative Branch of the Judet, 2 Executives of the Rights of Man shall
be anonymously elected. Anyone may become a candidate for no charge.
Section 2. The Executives of the Rights of Man shall have the ability to tax if and
only if their organizations income falls lower than 5% of the GDP of their Judet. This
money shall be used only in ways expressed in the Constitution, and for the
functioning of their own organization.
Section 3. If income falls below 5% of the GDP of their Judet, the Executives of the
Rights of Man shall impose a flat tax of no more than 10% upon the people in their
Judet. The nature of this tax is to be determined by the Legislative Branch of the
Section 4. The Executives of the Rights of Man shall have no ability to force
any person to use their services, and shall not give out services for no charge.
Section 5. The Executives of the Rights of Man, in a court of the law, shall have
only the same political rights as any private security company, minus the ability to
tax and inspect other security companies without heavily interfering with their
business. They must also show any documents requested upon demand, unless it
would interfere with a current situation involving the administration of justice.

Section 6. Upon formation of the Nation, in the already state-dependent areas of

their Judet, the Executives of the Rights of Man shall hold democratic elections
every three years on date to be specified by the Legislative Branch of the Judet, to
elect Administrators of State Necessity.
Section 7. The Administrators of State Necessity shall impose a flat tax of no more
that 10% on their citizens for and only for the maintenance of the public means of
transportation, regulation of traffic, maintenance of plumbing, maintenance of
parks, maintenance of electrical utilities and maintenance of their organization. The
taxes may not be spent on anything else, including monopolizing business
regulation, and monopolizing insurance.
Section 8. State dependent areas may not expand, but may shrink if entire blocks
on the edges of the area do not want the services of the Administrators of State
Section 9. No Executive may stop any person from traveling in or out of their Judet
or city, unless they are suspected of escaping a court trial. It is not the duty of the
Executives of the Rights of man to stop people escaping a court, unless they agreed
to in advance.

Article 2. Judicial Function

Section 1. In the capital of each Judet, once every three years, on a day agreed
upon by the Legislative Branch of the Judet, 3 Judges shall be elected.
Section 2. The Judges shall not have the power to tax, nor receive taxes from the
Section 3. The Judges shall have no ability to force anyone to receive their
services, unless one party in a dispute fails to pick an arbitrator, or show up to
Section 4. The Judges have no extra rights not inherent in private Judges, other
than the ability to arbitrate between two judges in combat without resolve. The
judges may also be taken to any court and prosecuted like any other.
Section 5. In each Judet, the Judges will create democratic elections in key areas of
the Judet, for the election of regional judges. These Judges will be completely
independent of the Judet Judges.
Section 5. Regional judges will make rulings only according to the rights of man,
except those elected in state dependent areas.
Section 6. Judges elected in state dependent areas will rule based on the Rights of
Man and laws set down by the Administrators of State Necessity.
Section 7. All judges will bring together a jury of 12 for each case, whether
employed or volunteered.

Section 8. All funding for the courts will be financed voluntarily, from contributions
and charging the prosecuted for payment of the case.
Section 9. Courts will enforce all agreements on the trade of any type of currency,
if possible.
Section 10. All cases will be held for the restoration of property and the deterrence
of the crime re-occurring. Un-recoverable property cases will be decided on by the
jury. There shall be no death penalty, jails, or torture. The only institutions people
may be locked in are 1. Temporary corrective centers payed for by courts, and 2.
Mental institutions voluntarily funded. People with caretakers may not be sent to
mental institutions without the consent of the caretakers, and caretakers assume
responsibility for the actions of the mentally ill.

Article 3. Legislative Function

Section 1. In the capital of each Judet, on a date specified by the previous

Legislature, three Legislators will be elected for that Judet.
Section 2. The Legislators regulate only the Executive Branch of their own Judet,
and only the things that are given to be under their power.
Section 3. The Legislators shall be unpaid. They will have no ability to tax, and
their meeting place will be paid for and maintained by the Executives. They have a
right to sue if this is not provided.
Section 4. Legislators have no political rights other than the Rights of Man, and
legislating the Executive Branch, and are to be treated as such in a court of law.
Section 5. Legislators are to set the date of elections of the Executives, Judges,
and themselves once every three years. They shall set the dates two weeks after
entering office. The dates are all to be as close as possible an equal distance from
each other.
Section 6. Legislators are to set the nature, but not the number of the one flat tax
to be imposed by the Executives of the Rights of Man. It must be imposed as equally
as possible.
Section 7. Legislators are to set the date when the Administrators of State
Necessity in their Judet are to be elected.

Article 4. Federal Functions

Section 1. The Federal Legislature shall be composed of one Legislator from each
Judet. The Federal Legislature shall sets laws for the Federal Executives. Once a
week on Wednesdays, ideas may be proposed, and if after thinking about it for 2
weeks, 50% of the vote is given, the bill will become a law. After 10 years, the law
will expire, and at that time the legislature has a chance to renew the law, or let it
Section 2. In the case of a dispute between inter-Judet Executives, if they cannot
resolve their dispute, or pick an arbiter, the Federal Court will resolve the issue. The
Federal Court is unpaid. Each Judet will pick one Judge to go to Federal Elections.
Each Judge votes for one Judge who is not from their Judet. Each round, the bottom
half of the judges are removed from elections, and this is done again until the
elections are down to seven candidates. This will happen a maximum of five times.
The top 7 judges are then Federal Judges for 3 years. The same rules apply to them
as normal Judges.
Section 3. The Federal Executives of The Rights of Man shall be composed of two
people. One executive from each Judet shall go to Federal elections, and two are
two be selected by the same method as the Federal Judges. They will then
administer the army together, and regulate foreign troops. There shall be no
standing army. The army is only to be used to fight foreign violators of the Rights of
Man who violate or threaten to violate the rights of the people within Romania. It
may be composed of police from Executives, and/or trained citizens. The Federal
Executives may only tax after of the executives (excluding themselves) declare
war. In the case of a declaration of war, they may tax no more than 2% from each
Judet Executive, and must tax each equally. of the Executive vote (excluding the
Federal Executives) is needed to declare the war has ended. After the war has been
over for four months, the Federal Executive loses their ability to tax, and the
military slowly disbands.
Section 4. The creation of money is to be managed by a Chairman elected by the
Federal Legislature. The money is to be called Leu. It is to be fully backed by a
commodity to be decided on by the Chairman. The use of other types of money will
not be banned. A piece of currency previously backed by one currency may not be
then backed by another. Currency acts as a contract. The Chairman may not tax or
receive taxes.
Section 5. The Federal Executives on the Rights of Man shall handle all
international affairs. No Executive in the country may sign contracts on behalf of the
Romanian people. They therefor may not give or accept money from international
organizations. The only agreement to be made internationally is an agreement on
peace, the respect of the Rights of Man in other nations. Foreign troops may be
admitted in only after the both Federal Executives, and 75% of the Federal
Legislature vote that they are non-threatening to the Rights of Man in Romania. This
permission can be retracted at any time by a 50% Federal Legislative vote, or 50%
Federal Executive vote, and expires automatically in 5 years. Foreign troops observe

the same rights as everyone else. Federal Executive may inspect all domestic
armies as well.
Section 6. The national symbol of Romania is the Romanian Flag with the Trinity in
the center. This, and all other symbols are to be regulated by the Federal Legislature
by a 75% vote. Each Judet may use their own symbols according to their
Legislatures, and is not bound to national symbols. All symbols are cultural and not
dependent on the state.
Section 7. The location of the Federal Legislature, Federal Executives, and Federal
Court are to be determined by each branch on their own every nine years by a 75%,
100%, and 75% vote. It is not necessary that each branch and member of the
branches is always in the same location.

Article 5. Social Institutions

Section 1. Social Institutions shall have no ability to tax or receive taxes.
Section 2. Social institutions shall have no ability to force participation, or prevent
people from participating with other social institutions. They will observe the same
rights as everyone else.
Section 3. In each Judet, on the same day as electing Judges, 1 Social
Representative will be elected to oversee that Judets social institutions.
Section 4. The Social Institutions which the Social Representative will oversee are
Welfare, Healthcare, Tourism on National Property, and Ecology.
Section 5. All Social Institutions formerly owned by the Parliament will be owned by
the people, and controlled for them by their elected social representative.
Section 6. All Social Institutions will be managed in a way to provide for those in

Article 6. Public Spaces Outside the State Dependent Areas

Section 1. Public spaces outside the state dependent areas are unowned. Everyone
is free to exercise their rights to the full extent in these areas.
Section 2. The Executives have a right to clear transportation areas if they are
being blocked.
Section 3. The majority has the right to decide how the unowned publically used
spaces are to be designed. This includes design of streets and paths that are not
owned privately.

Section 4. Rivers are unowned spaces, and therefore international waters. Parts of
rivers may only be owned if they are acted upon, and therefor made property.

For the Happiness and Liberty of the People

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