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Statement of Informed Beliefs

Byron Jensen
Carol Billing
EDUC 204 Child, Family, School, Community
T & TH 1:00-2:15, Spring 2015


This essay is basically about five different subjects from the book of Education of Child,
Family, School, and Community. The subjects are called, All Students Can Learn, Teachers
Expectations, Students Social Ecology Theory, Cultural Diversity Instruction, and
Curriculum for all Learners. They mention about how can teachers teach students and how can
students learn from teachers. Teachers teaching style doesnt always match to all students
learning style. Teachers have to know all individual students learning style to match their need.
The students raise by their parents differently that teachers have to teach more than one style to
accommodate with all individual students learning style.
All Students Can Learn
My ideas on the students ability to learn and the teachers responsibility in the process.
Creativity is a key to attracting students. They remember easily from the group projects that
involved paints, plays, and fun games to structure their knowledge. Using these teaching
methods would motivate students to participate more. I believe using group projects would teach
them better rather than listening to my boring and long lectures. Education is a process of
human growth by which one gains greater understanding and control over oneself and ones
world. It involves our minds, our bodies, and our relations with the people and the world around
us, (page 30).
I will ensure that all students will learn. A great teacher should love educating students
and working with them to ensure they understand. The students will feel part of the classroom, if
I give myself a plenty of time to talk to an individual student when they have any concern or
question. I will satisfy their need to understand when I show them care and patience. The
students want to be recognized for their intelligence and unique skills. The most important


aspect of the real school encounters, guidance, and vicarious experiences you collect is that they
provide you with data for reflection. Indeed, the value of these experiences will be lost if you do
not think seriously about them. People are often so busy experiencing things or getting ready to
experience them that they fail to reflect on what they have done to ensure that they get the most
from the experience, (page 11).
I, as a teacher, will manage and lead the classroom so all students will learn. The truth is
there are ways to impose rules without being too strict. While its important to begin by trusting
and communicating with students, its also important to bring structure and organization to the
classroom. Society is a grouping of individuals bound together by a variety of connections,
(page 40).
Teachers Expectations
Teacher expectations influence students ability to learn. They affect the achievement and
behavior of students. The effective must be warm, enthusiastic, and generous with praise, and
have high expectations. Good teachers understand childrens needs, interests, and abilities and
can feel empathy for childrens fears of failure. Teachers can encourage children to explore, to
satisfy their curiosity, and to learn to love learning. Teachers also play a major role in helping
children understand how to work with people in positions of authority, to cooperate with others,
to cope with problems, and to achieve skills. Organization and opportunities for independence
are important, as stated in our text. More specifically for effective teachers: Organize the
classroom environment to provide time and opportunity to learn. Involve students in planning
motivating learning activities. Communicate high expectations for student success. Adapt
learning activities to the needs and abilities of students. Ensure success for students by providing


guidance and support as they progress through the curriculum. I agree with all of these
effectives, especially not only from the teacher, but also from the classroom that influences
students ability to learn (page 216).
Educational goals are either cooperative, students work together to accomplish shared
goals; competitive, students work against each other to achieve goals that only a few students
can accomplish; or individualized, one students achievement of a goal is unrelated to other
students achievement of that goal. According to their importance are cooperative goal, observe
each student and to achieve the goal; individualized goal, observe each student and eventually to
achieve this goal; and competitive goal, not observe each student and to accept either winning or
losing (page 239 & 240).
I will approach setting goals in my classroom to provide my students with a good role
teacher who they can admire. My goal is to show them they can be anything they dream to be
and that being deaf should not prevent them from obtaining it. One day I would like to invite
some deaf employers from a different career; a technician, a welder, a doctor, a lawyer, a chef,
and such to my classroom to show students any career is possible, even being a teacher like me. I
would also focus on any academic weaknesses to improve their skills, so they could stay at their
grade level without falling behind. My final goal is to give my students a general test at the
beginning and ending of every school year, so that we could see how much they have improved
and learned over the year. I want to ensure I teach them correctly.
Students Social Ecology Theory
Families, schools, and communities impact on students learning show from many
different strategies such as school, home, healthy food, physical activity, amount of sleep,


stable routines, and behavior expectations. With all involvement that is connected to
student learning has a greater effect on achievement. Students need to have guidance and
a support from both school and home to do well in school. At school, parents learn how
to engage their children in learning at home, get help if their kids are struggling, and
build a positive relationship with teachers (Chapter 6, page 183- Ecology of the School).
At home, parents guide their children in education, explain the value of education, and
ensure they do their homework. They also direct kids away from bad behavior, help them
continue positive attitudes, and support them through problems at school. Parents help
their children at home to be more prepared for reading and math strengthen their kids
ability to learn at higher levels in school. Learning at home has an impact on student
learning when family involvement in activities such as visits to libraries, museums, zoos,
historical sites, and cultural events. Setting love has an impact on student learning, if
parents teach their children about the obedience, if they encourage problem-solving and
decision-making, and if they accept and often support the childs desires and demands
(Chapter 3, page 73- Ecology of the Family). Students benefit when the adults around
them share basic values, communicate with each other, and give them guidance and
support. Besides school and home, good nutrition has an impact on student learning from
eating a breakfast, which is a major meal for the day that helps student getting higher test
scores, improving attendance, and sharing with class better. Physical activity has an
impact on student learning from exercising, participating sports, joining after school
programs, having less screen time and spending more time explore the world. Sleep has
an impact on student learning, providing better memory, attention, and concentration.
Routines at home have an impact on student learning such as study times and places,


regular meals, physical activity, and enough sleep. Teaching appropriate behaviors has an
impact on student learning to be mature, understandable, cooperate, and respectful
(Chapter 10, page 331- Ecology of the Community). These strategies may sound a lot to
rely on them for students learning ways to use, but these are good habits and kids will
get used to them. Then the habits will become easier for them.
Cultural Diversity Instruction
I will acknowledge and build on the life histories and experiences of students ethnic
backgrounds by allowing them to speak and demonstrate their culture once a month to make
them feel involved and teach others about their culture. They may bring simple food to share,
draw a picture, or show a play. I think it is important for the students to be aware of their peers
culture, enables them to accept their peers for who they are and where they are from. Once
students have mutual respect, the classroom runs more smoothly and learning is enhanced. Also,
it helps students learn to socialize better.
Cultural Pluralism involves a mutual appreciation and understanding of various cultures
and the coexistence in society of different languages, religions, and lifestyles (pg. 191). Cultural
assimilation is the process whereby a minority (subordinate) cultural group takes on the
characteristics of the majority (dominant) cultural group (pg. 191). The difference between these
two concepts can be defined as: Assimilation; separate groups come to adjust the new
mainstream culture when the foreign person immigrant to U.S., the person adjusts to the new
culture. Pluralism: A group of different culture groups in the mainstream culture, the group
teaches their young ones about their awareness and values of culture.


Curriculum for all Learners

I, as a teacher, will make adjustments in planning, delivery, and assessment. A
curriculum describes the skills, performances, knowledge, and attitudes students are
expected to learn in school. The three steps of the instructional process are planning,
delivering, and assessing. Planning instruction identifying specific expectations or learning
outcomes, selecting materials to raise these outcomes, and organizing learning experiences.
Delivering the planned instruction to students. Assessing students involve the collection and
separation of information about how well students are learning or have learned the
expectations or learning outcomes. Addition, adjustments to teaching, learning and
assessment can be grouped into five broad areas: Timing- the amount of time allocated,
scheduling- when assessment occurs, setting- where assessment is completed, presentationhow an assessment appears or is communicated to a student, and response- how a student
responds to the assessment.
I would set a curriculum plan for every week, base on common core requirements for
each subject. Also, I would meet the department chair or leadership team to make sure I teach
a proper way and follow up with the curriculum regularly. It is important for a teacher to
communicate with other faculty to ensure effective the instructional planning and delivery.
When a student comes into my classroom, I would check his or her previous schools to
see what the student has completed learn. When a semester begins, I would test the students
to see what they know. From there, I would teach them with, following of the curriculum
guidelines of the state, district and school. It is best for me to know what the students already


know and then at the end of the year, there will be a test to see what the students have
improved from his or her original level.
As a teacher I will use more than one teaching style to satisfy all individual students
learning need enough to make them feel involved. The more they feel involved, the more
they will be motivated in learning by way of using different learning styles. I believe that it
is not all about teachers own preference way of teaching, but it is all about meeting the
students learning need that will make a great teacher.

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