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Pied Piper of Hamelin

One night, a strange thing occurred in a village called Hamelin. The grown-ups
had all gone to attend a festival in the next village, leaving all the children
Suddenly, the sound of a pipe seemed to come from nowhere, filling the village
with its sweet sound. The music it made was so lovely that even the moon and
start were transfixed by its melody. All the children in the village were drawn
out of their houses by the sound of the pipe, including a crippled boy called
Oh what is that beautiful sound? Where is it coming from A man playing a
silver pipe stood in the street. The children gazed at him curiously.
Chubby Vincente was the first to speak : who are you?
But the man was silent.
Boy: Your music its so beautiful
The man still did not speak and continued to play. Then, he turned away and
began to walk off towards the fields. Drawn by the sound of his pipe, the
children followed.
Boys: lets go with him! / yes! Lets go with him, common!
The man led them to a big cave with heavy gates. As he played the gate
Boy: ooo this is increadible! Wow
Wait! Wait for me! Oh the gate is closing Ive been left behind but I wanted
to come too!
Peeking through a gap in the gate, Mae-mae could see that it was a bright as
day inside. There were magnificent birds with gems in their feather. Mae-mae
could see the backs of the children following the cound of the mans pipe.
Boy2: wait I wanna go too! Wait for me! Let me in
But no one seemed to hear, and no one looked back. Tired and disappointed,
Mae-mae went back to the village. The village of Hamelin had always been
concerned about the growing number of rats. One day, a man passing through
the village claimed that he could rid Hamelin of rats if he was well paid. The
villagers gladly promised him a rich reward, but when the rats were gone, they
broke their promise. Now, that same man had returned to punish the villagers
by taking away all of their children. The following morning, the village of
Hamelin was in a panic because all of the children were gone. Mae-mae was
still there. But no one cared because he was an arphan.(3:20)

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