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Logan Sampaio
Mrs. Crist
English IV
November 12, 2015
Topic Research Paper [Eugenics]
Of the advances and discoveries of the modern world, we have come to a great deal of
understanding about the nature of life and its underlying genetics. This new accumulation of
knowledge has also come with the realization of new problems, such as humanities own
capabilities to destroy itself, not through war or mutually assured destruction, but through its
ability to sympathize. Eugenics, a science focused on averting this degeneration of mankind
through careful selection of what traits should be passed onto the next generation, was to be a
solution to this new wave of genetic issues. The controversy eugenics would spur along with the
manipulation of its goals would eventually led to its dismissal from civilized nations. Yet, the
tenets of eugenics that preached for the maintenance of genetic normalcy would endure in a
much diluted fashion. Eugenics is the belief and advertisement for an ideal state of human
genetics, this belief and advocacy of good genes has held considerable influence into many
nations policies as well as facing criticism for a few of these nations actions in regards to
creating a eugenic society.
Eugenics began from the statistical analysis of Sir Francis Galton; this science focused on
directing the evolution of humanity through the careful screening of genetic traits in order to
either elevate humanity or prevent erosion of genetic normalcy (Porter 432). Galtons research
also sought a means of understanding the impact of genetic traits as well as beginning to look

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toward stifling the reproduction of the so called unfit (Porter 433). The unfit would begin to
feel the weight of eugenics as legislation in many countries began to base policies around the
science, this came about due to a perceived rise in dysgenic practices that expanded the
reproduction capabilities of the poor who were oft the unfit (Porter 433). Definition of the unfit
came to include the mentally retarded and those of deviant behaviors such as alcoholism and
promiscuity (Porter 433). This of course has led to many countries, such as Nazi Germany and
the United States, to pass legislation imposing controls over immigration and even involuntary
sterilization, resulting in such things as genocide and the Holocaust.
Meanwhile, in the Soviet Union as eugenics was beginning in the interwar era, it came
about much differently than elsewhere with a focus on the maintenance of social hygiene all the
while denouncing these ideas of negative eugenics present in other nations (Krementsov 66).
Eugenic studies in Russia would eventually put emphasize on researching the ability of creative
talent to be inherited, even noting a possible decline in the nations creative capital due to a
proletariat rule (Krementsov 77). From here, it is easy for one to see the underlying nature of
eugenics goal of preservation of quality genes as throughout its forms this goal remained
Onto more modern implementations of eugenics, one may apply the concept to embryo
implementation as Mark Walker cites it as a means for filtration of genetic disease and similar
ailments and that to filter for positive traits would be no different a process (215). Walker
further explores reasoning for eugenic selection via PGD as a benefit to potential children as an
embryo with positive traits would be more likely succeed and prosper than one without or a
deficiency (218). This continues to direct eugenics toward an altruistic goal of the improvement

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of mankind as a whole with an increased production of positive traits that should in general lead
to more beneficial traits within our societies.
Eugenics is to support the advancement of humanity while also serving to eliminate the
potential production of deviancies that would lead to degeneration of our species. The goals of
eugenics become clear when one analyses a society that bared a contrasting point of view on the
subject in comparison to others, allowing one to see what remained and what changed. Thusly,
once a proper method of application is applied to eugenic issues, one can learn of its potential
benefits and through that, what it aims to achieve.

Works Cited
Krementsov, Nikolai. "From 'Beastly Philosophy' To Medical Genetics: Eugenics In Russia And
The Soviet Union." Annals Of Science 68.1 (2011): 61-92. Academic Search Complete.
Web. 26 Oct. 2015.
Porter, Dorothy. "Darwinian Disease Archaeology: Genomic Variants And The Eugenic
Debate." History Of Science 50.4 (2012): 432-452. Academic Search Complete. Web. 27
Oct. 2015.
Walker, Mark. "Eugenic Selection Benefits Embryos." Bioethics 28.5 (2014): 214-224.
MEDLINE. Web. 15 Oct. 2015.

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