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Famela Restrepo

LEI 4724
Activity File 3
Activity name: Bead Roll
Source: Emerson, J., & Babtie, P. (2014). Counting to 10: Number names and one-toone correspondence. In The dyscalculia solution: Teaching number sense (p. 3, 11,
12). New York, New York: Bloomburry Publishing Plc.
Rea, S. (n.d.). Bead Roll. Retrieved September 9, 2015, from

Equipment: colored rope, tester strings, or large rope, beads of different colors.
Description of the activity:
The objective of the game is to promote active range of motion (AROM) through physical
activity. Engagement of socialization with peers through passing beads, making eye contact with
peers, and shaking hands. Each child sits or is seated in a circle. A rope is placed around the
circle on each childs lap. The moderator begins by placing one bead onto the rope and passes it
to the child on his/her right. That child is intruded to pull/push it cross the string to the person to
their right and so on around the circle. Beads are continually placed so that each child eventually
has one in their hands they are trying to pass along.at the end each child states what color the
beads is in front of them they are trying to pass along.
Leadership: this activity works best for small groups (4 to 8). Space large enough to fit
individuals, especially if they require physical support for sitting, balance, or w/c, cushions etc.
the therapist function as a moderator by demonstrating the activity. Then therapist function as
facilitator by placing the bead to the first participant and then keep moving to the next participant
if help is required.
People with physical disabilities: adapt the game to have bigger beads where it is easier to
grasp or make move even with poor physical capabilities. They can be helped with hand on hand
assistant to promote socialization skills. Textured surfaces may be added to the beads such as
feather, sandpaper, etc. To enhance sensory perception or to desensitize hypersensitive to tactile
stimulation. Music may be played only while passing the beads to promote activity performance
to stimulate environmental distractions.
Dyscalculia learning disability: instructor model the counting sequences to 10, reciting the
number names slowly and clearly every time the child receives a bead, then both the child and
instructor recite the numbers up to 10 together. If the child is successful, ask them to count to 10
on their own. Note any pronunciation problems such as; f for th, so that the client
pronounces free instead of three. Repetition is necessary as the instructor models the
pronunciation which allows the child to eventually acquire.

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