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Capstone meeting minutes

Date: September 8, 2015

Time: 12:00pm
1. Set up for documents
a. Agreed on the method to document capstone meeting minutes.
b. Set up a consistent format for it to be presented.
i. See Eli Deans meeting minutes email for reference.
2. Ohio State Trip
a. Universal agreement to go down to Ohio State University to check out
their equipment.
b. Currently attempting to contact the person working at OSU in order to
set up a meeting.
i. Person attempting contact: Anne Dreher.
c. Transportation
i. Currently not being address until a set date and time is schedule
for OSU Trip.
ii. Note: Need inventory possible transportation
d. Acceptable value for people going would be 2-3 people.
e. Take pictures whenever possible for reference when designing it.
3. Research & Development
a. Individual research on topics impact devices has made headway
i. Further research needs to be done. Collaboration of findings?
b. Must ask Dr. Shen more detailed oriented questions in order to better
determine what is necessary
c. Adviser suggested the possibility of cheap equipment to use as
instruments when testing impact equipment
i. Horizontal Pneumatics, a possibility?
ii. During OSU trip see what equipment is used and she what can
be copied.
iii. Client doesnt care if group uses current models and make a
cheaper model. (Brain Fart)
d. Look into limitations on force plate to see viability.
4. Tasks
a. Started assigning tasks for week to week operations

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