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Iunia Oltean

Assignment #3
A global challenge that is not addressed in this chapter is the "hard drugs"
(such as cocaine, meth, heroin, and crack) that are circulated throughout the black
market and how they affect society negatively. In a world where "hope and history
rhyme", this challenge could be solved if people work together to improve the
efficiency of law enforcement members so that drug cartels, providers, and gangs
can be imprisoned and stopped from further distributing drugs. In addition,
additional rehab opportunities could be offered to people who are suffering from a
drug adiction so that they can recover more easily.
Drugs that are circulated in the black market, specifically in The Americas,
have multiple negative effects of societies and communities. Murder fequently
occurs on account of illegal drugs when there is a misunderstanding or argument
between drug dealers, and the homicide rates increase in societies. In addition,
many people under the influence of drugs are more inclined to engage in illegal
activities, so it can be concluded that the prison populations increase partly due to
the circulation of drugs in The Americas. More taxes are spend on prisons when they
could be spend on other government activities which would benefit society more.
There is also the fact that drugs can destroy a person's life by making them so
addicted a drug that the person's main goal in life is to obtain that drug in order to
satisfy their addiction, which is unfortunate. Additionally, people who are under the
influence of drugs are more likely to drop out of school, so the education level of the
population decreases partially because harmful drugs are prevelent in society. As a
result of people having insufficient education, unemployment rates decrease and
homeless rates increase, which is a negative result of the drug trade on the black
market not being eliminated yet. Many people who are sexually exploited are under
the influence of drugs, and their chances of escaping from their unfortunate
situation are reduced because their addiction limits them. For instance, if they are
bribed with drugs to remain idle they will never seek alternative solutions to their
problems. As you can see, drug trafficking has many negative effects on society,
which is why the circulation of illegal drugs needs to be controlled and stopped.
If we lived in a world where "hope and history rhyme", this problem would be
addressed and many problems in society that occur on account of illegal drugs
would be resolved. People would work together and offer solutions to the current
methods used by law enforcement to prevent the distribution of illegal drugs by
drug providers more efficiently. This could mean that the number of people working
in law enforcement could increase so that more sitations where drugs are being
trafficked could be addressed. Also, the technology used by the police and
investigations could be improved so that drug distributors could be detected more
easily. Adding on to what I mentioned in the last sentence of my first paragraph,
more rehab centers could be created to help people who are suffering from a drug
addiction. By advertising, people who are addicted to a drug could be more aware of
the rehab centers that are available and encouraged to visit them. In addition, the
cost of rehab centers could be reduced so that people would be more encouraged to
go to them. People could be encouraged to not start taking drugs in the first place

by use of advertising. If they are suffering from problems such as depression and
anxiety, they should be offered emotional support from centers so that they do not
resort to taking illegal durgs for an "escape" to their problems.
By taking certain measures, I believe that it is possible for people to stop the
distribution of illegal drugs on the black market.

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