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Signature Assignment
Fabian Baquera
November 18th, 2015

Table of Contents


Table of Contents


Classroom Arrangement (Rationale)

Classroom Arrangement (Layout)

Classroom Procedures

Rules and Consequences

My name is Fabian Baquera and I am currently a student at Arizona State University in
the Mary Lou Fultons Teacher Program. My major is in Secondary Education with an emphasis
in history. My prior education consists of an Associates Degree from Phoenix College. I also
previously received many credits in subjects such as electronics and business, as well as
completing leadership courses throughout my time in the military.
I knew that whatever career I pursued, that it would have to be in a career that I could
make a difference. Not just a difference in my job but a difference to somebody. There is no
better career that matches my descriptions than teaching. Teachers have the ability to change
lives on a daily basis and that always amazed me. Apart from affecting the lives of students,
teachers can serve as great role models. To be someone that is looked up to is very important to
me and I hope to achieve that someday.
Based on research from Madeline Hunter, Dr. Fred Jones, Dr. Richard Lavoie and Dr.
Harry Wong, I have a strong belief that all students are equal and should have the same
opportunities in the classroom. Not all students learn in the same manner and I understand that it
is my responsibility to ensure that all students receive the best education possible. This is
regardless of race and gender as well as any learning, mental, or physical disability. The truth is
that all classrooms will include many students that require more help than others but that is what
the teacher is there for. Every student will receive the help they need and no student will be given
up on.

Classroom Arrangement Rationale

The arrangement of the classroom is an important factor to consider
for all teachers. The placement of certain items can be the difference
between wasting time in the classroom and being more efficient with your
time. Using strategies from Dr. Fred Jones, the following classroom
arrangement is designed for thirty students.

Teachers Desk The teachers desk is located in the right hand side of
the front of the classroom. The reason for this is because this allows
the teacher to be able to see the entire classroom, including the
students, without obstructing the center of the classroom during
lessons. On the desk there will be a computer, and a document

Material Cabinet There will be two material cabinets located at the
rear of the classroom on the right hand side. The contents inside the
cabinets will include paper, writing utensils, rulers, and items that will
be used for certain lessons. They are located in the back because they
do not clutter the front of the classroom and offer easy access to

students without needing to disrupt others.

Bookshelf - The bookshelf will be located on the left rear corner of the
classroom behind the students. This bookshelf is placed in this location
because similar to the material cabinets, the bookshelf can make the
front of the classroom more cluttered. The bookshelf will hold several
historical novels, biographies, and other books related to social studies.

No textbooks will be in the bookshelf.

Homework Station One of the most important tables in the room is
the homework station. This station will not only serve as the place
where students turn their homework in, but it is also the table in which
the students can pick up work from throughout the week in case they
were absent. There will be different folders for each class in which they
will find any work missed. One more important function of the table is
that any materials placed on the table will be picked up by students as

they enter the room. This homework station is located directly to the
right of the door in the front so students can easily access it before

they take their seat.

Teachers Locked Cabinet A locked cabinet is located adjacent to the
teachers desk. It is placed there so that only the teacher has access to
the items that are located inside. Anything confiscated by the teacher
will be placed in the cabinet and returned to the students before the
end of the day. This is also where any standardized test materials will

be located.
Filing Cabinet A filing cabinet will be located on the right wall towards
the back of the classroom. This cabinet will contain all worksheets and
packages that have been used throughout the teachers time in the
classroom. If any copies need to be made for future lessons this is the
place to get the originals. It is located here because it is only needed in

certain situations and the front of the classroom would not be ideal.
A white board that spans across the center of the front wall will be in
the classroom. The white board will be where most of the students
lecture notes will be written down by the teacher. The reasoning for the
placement is simply so all the students have a chance to be able to see
what is written on the board. It was not placed in the back or on the
sides because all the students should be facing forward in their seats

when looking at the board.

Student Desks There are a total of thirty desks in the classroom.
Twenty-seven of the desk are arranged in clusters of three by three.
The remaining three desks are placed in alignment with the desks in
each row. There is enough space is between the rows to allow students
to place their backpacks on their seats if they wish. With this
arrangement, it is possible for five walkways to be had in the
classroom. With the multiple walkways, it then becomes much easier
for the teacher and students to move around the room. Making the
desks into this formation also easily allows students to get into groups
of three.

Mounted Projector The projector is mounted on the ceiling in the

middle of the room. Whenever videos or documents are needed to be

displayed, the projector will be the means of doing so.

Trash/Recycle Cans There are a total of six trash and recycling cans in
the classroom. The locations of these are near the entrance to the
classroom, next to the teachers desk, and in the back of the
classroom. It is necessary for a teacher to have their own cans which
leaves the other two locations to the students. Having the cans near
the entrance allows students to throw away trash as they are coming
in or leaving. Having cans in the back of the room is for the students
who are closer to that location or for the students that are utilizing the

back of the room for any reason.

Bulletin Board There will be a bulletin board placed in the back center
of the classroom. Its purpose will be for school announcements and
events, student interests, and most importantly where grades will be
posted. Grades will be posted using student ID numbers only. The
location is ideal because students can look at their grades without

blocking the entrance to the classroom.

Computer Station A computer table containing two computers will
also be located at the back of the classroom. The purpose of this
station is for research on projects and assignments by the students. Its
location is for the purpose of not having the students being distracted

by the use of the computers.

Large Table A table will be positioned behind the first and second
column of desks. The main purpose of this table is to accommodate
students that may physically handicapped or cannot sit at a smaller
desk for any other reason. Another use for this table is for when the
students get in groups. The three clusters of desks are ideally placed
for triads but the separate three desks are not. When it comes time to
get into groups those students will then sit at this table.

Fire Extinguisher One fire extinguisher will be in the classroom in case

of a fire. It will be located next to the teachers desk on the wall so that

it can be easily used by the teacher if needed.

First Aid Kit A first aid kit located in the front of the room on the wall

will also be accessible to the teacher and if needed a student.

Document Camera The document camera, used for the purpose of
displaying worksheets or pictures to the students and also to model for
them, will be located on the teachers desk. The reason for this is
because the camera is attached to the computer on the teachers desk

making it much easier to have there.

Door There is one single entrance/exit to the classroom and it is
located on the front left hand corner of the room.

Classroom Arrangement Layout

Classroom Procedures
Classroom procedures are a crucial aspect of classroom management. They set the
precedence for what is to happen inside the classroom on a daily basis. In order for the students
to fully comprehend the classroom procedures, they must be taught thoroughly and repeatedly as
needed. With the research and recommendations of Dr. Harry Wong and Dr. Richard Lavoie, my
classroom procedures will be as follows:

Beginning Class The students will be lined up outside of the classroom and I will greet
them at the door. As the students walk inside they will pick up any materials that are
located on the homework station. If the students had homework due that day they will
also turn their homework in at the station. The students will then proceed to quietly take
their assigned seats and either get started on their bell work or await for further

Ending Class There will always be a closure at the end of class. When there is five
minutes left in class the closure will be started. The only way the students will get

dismissed is by completing this closure, not by the bell.

Transitions Between Activities Whenever activities are taking place and the time has
come to either end that activity or move on to another one, I will give the auditory signal

of 1-2-3 Eyes on me. This lets the students know that they should stop what they are

doing and to pay attention to the teacher.

Managing Student Work As mentioned before, the manner in which homework is
collected will be via the homework station. When it comes to actually handing back the
students work a different method will be used. I will personally hand back homework to
each individual student. This will usually take place when the students are busy doing
their bell work or another individual activity. This is done to prevent the other students to
see each others grades. When handing out all other materials I will go to the first desk in
each row and hand them enough for them to pass to their right. The reverse will be done

when collecting materials.

Student Absences When it comes to student absences, the students will have make-up
work available to them. However, the only way for a student to be eligible for make-up
work is if the absence was excused. The student will have an entire day to complete each
assignment that was missed unless stated otherwise by the teacher. There are of course
exceptions to what is considered an excused absence and that will be decided by the

teacher on a case by case basis.

Late Work In the classroom, late work by students will be accepted. The students will
have up to 2 weeks to turn in any assignment that they did not hand in. There are
consequences to this policy however. If a student hands in work up to 1 week late the
highest score they can possibly receive will be an 80%. If the student turns in any
assignment after 1 week but no more than 2 weeks late, then the highest possible score
they may receive is 70%. The only exception to this policy is major assignments which

will not be accepted late.

Grading and Recording Student Work Any assignment that is turned in by the students
will have the quickest turnaround time possible depending on the assignment. Any
worksheet or simple assignment will be handed back to the students by the next time the
class meets. All assignments that require a longer time to grade such as essays or multiple
page packets, will be returned no later than 1 week after they were turned in. The
corresponding student grades will be inputted into the gradebook at the end of the school

day on which the work was handed back.

Communicating With Parents The primary medium that will be utilized to communicate
with parents will be e-mail. Taking into account that not all parents have e-mail,

communication by telephone will be very important as well. There will also be an

opportunity for all parents to meet the teacher in person at an open house that will take
place twice a year. If a parent communicates to the teacher either by e-mail or telephone,

a response will be immediate.

Consideration of Diverse Learners It is understandable that not all students are the same
and that other consideration such as IEPs have to be taken into account. Because of this,
any student that requires extra help will be given individual attention as needed.
Assignments may also be altered for students depending on their learning style or
learning level. After school help is also available to all students in the classroom.

Rules and Consequences

In order for the teacher to be successful in the classroom, rules and
consequences must be put in place. These rules are set in place to benefit
not only teachers but students as well. Without rules and consequences the
teacher will surely lose control of the classroom. Because of this, all rules and
consequences in the classroom should be firm but at the same time fair. The
best possible learning environment should be provided to all students and
that is what these rules should ensure. In this classroom there will be a set of
five very specific rules that students will adhere to. Based on the research
and recommendations of Dr. Harry Wong and Dr. Richard Lavoie, these rules
will help guide the classroom at all times. The rules will be posted in the
classroom so that they are visible to every student in attendance. They will
be taught on the first day of class and subsequently taught as needed after
that. Additionally, all of the rules in the classroom follow the school districts
guidelines and policies to ensure there are no rules that contradict each
other. Any rule that is broken will be properly documented by the teacher to
record the instance. All students with either a learning disability, physical
disability, or any student having issues with these rules will be taken into
high consideration when enforcing the rules.

The following are the rules of the classroom that will be posted for everyone
to see:

Only one

will be in their seats on time for the start of class.

will keep their hands and feet to themselves.
person will speak at a time.
will remain in their assigned seats at all times unless given

permission to get up by the teacher.

5. All personal issues and problems will be kept outside the classroom.
Consequences will always be consistent and immediate if possible. These
consequences will also be posted for everyone to see. The teacher also
reserves the right to escalate the consequence if the situation requires it.

First Offense Verbal warning

Second Offense Personal conference
Third Offense Phone call to parent
Fourth Offense After school detention or Saturday school
Fifth Offense - Administrative referral and phone call to parent

My philosophy in teaching goes hand in hand with the rules of the

classroom. It is of the upmost importance to me that all students get an
equal opportunity to learn in the classroom. With these rules in place,
students will receive that opportunity and be in a positive learning
environment as well. The less disruptive that the classroom is the more
chances of learning that students can have.

Classroom management is a very important aspect to being a teacher. It

is essential to keeping order in the classroom and ensuring that all students
get an opportunity to receive a good education. With good classroom
management the teacher will be firm, fair, and most importantly the teacher
will treat everyone as equals. As stated before, my classroom management
follows the research and advice of education professionals such as Dr. Harry
Wong, Dr. Richard Lavoie, and Dr. Fred Jones. By following their research I
believe that my classroom is setup for success for myself and the students.

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