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Tai Chi Log

Clip 05MJ
SOT: Keith Mazza/ Owner of Traditional Wing Chung Kung Fu Academy
Q: Family Business?
It is a family Business. Uh, both my parents got me involved in martial arts from the
time I was four years old down in New York Citys china town. Uh, my mom really
got in to the business Im gonna say about 25 years ago she got involved in the
Uh, she was big in the corporate world, she was head of facilities at balleys and she
was looking for a change. So she had always done tai chi and I told her a little bit of
things here and there. Uh, my first contract down here was a place called the Jewish
geriatric home and she said can I come, I said sure.
And wed work with all these elderly people and it was great to see because some of
these people werent ambulatory at all. So wed come in and you cant take Chinese
at martial arts too seriously when your dealing with a bunch of senior citizens.
My mom came up with an idea she goes, hey, how about teaching them to play the
piano. You know rock the baby instead of these real traditional terms that wed
work it. You know iron the clothes as we walk back and forth. And shes been doing
tai chi for a while, and she became my assistant and when I would tour she started
running it for me.
So here it is 25 years later, shes in 25 plus nursing homes and then uh I met my
wife, weve been married now going on 17 years and you know its interesting, we
got together and met in the gym and people said well I guess your martial arts is
over and I said that no not really.
Her dad is an old jujitsu instructor from the 50s. And we got together, these
wooden articles the she had called wooden dummies. I said my wife wants to know
when Im gonna bring in a wooden dummy home. In our first town house, the first
floor there was a wooden dummy, there was a weights there was weapons so it
wasnt exactly your everyday family type household.
And now my son is gonna be 16 and he loves martial arts and a matter of fact, he
went from him going into computer designing and he told us the other day he said
dad Id really like to stay in the family business.

So its nice, it nice we have three different generations in the business and you
know having parents and a wifes support really make the job enjoyable. As weve
discussed earlier Im still not growing up so this isnt a job.
Q: does for mom?
Oh, 100 percent, absolutely 100 percent. I do believe, let me digress for one
moment. Theres a club uh in Chinese culture ebineyen e but 100 yin in 100
years. Its a very, very, prejudice club its for a lot of the seniors in china town.
The prejudice behind this club is not based on race, its based on age. You have to
be 100 years old or better to be in this club. So here you have these people 100
years old and you know theyre moving their hands and theyre spinning weapons
and theyre doing things very engaging and thats pretty cool.
Because most people I know in their 60s and 70s you know feed me somebody
help me up so my mom has taken such a big grasp of that an di mean shes in
better shape than people 20 and 30 years younger so what do I think? I think its
really helped her with her quality of life, keeping moving
Because one of the things, I think the aspect in terms of aging goes is, people tend
to slow down. The less they do, the less they want to do. Here, doing these type of
exercises 5 10 minutes a day it just helps more energy. The more you hyper
oxygenate the more energy you have.
Q: more respectful of older people?
Absolutely, I think one of the things thats happened, I find that in this country a lot
of generations of people theyve lost touch with the fact that you want to take care
of the seniors. In the Asian community, theyre very, very tight nit.
My mom being it, shed be the matron of the family but youd never you know your
matron you took care of the parents and your grandparents so I believe thats a lot.
A lot of that respect and its nice to see, and we try to breed that here into the
people who come train with us. To make sure you remember.
My teacher gave me this old saying, when you drink the tea, dont forget where the
water came from. So you know, who gave your life, who raised you, who took care
of me and who took my fever you know, who, who fed me soup, who took care of
me who punished me (laughs). But I do believe that, I believe that whole heartedly,
that really helps.
Q: Seniors self-image?

Oh sure they do. I mean countless stories between myself and my mom. People
come in and so picture this, they have walkers, they cant ambulate, one day we
finish up in this one church we were working and this guy comes up, he goes hey
look at this and he pushed his walker their way and he took his first steps, he goes
I couldnt do that before I mean and these people say theyre not gonna . The
countless interviews my moms done where the news has come and said I can walk
now, I feel better. You know its quality of life I believe that.
We were involved in a very high end research project we do in dmj in Boston
University. It was partial control, stability and balance and it was working with
seniors and the whole concept was to see how tai chi would really affect their
We did this study with a Swiss ball. Where Im coming to this quality of life is when
people came in my mom and the other instructor, you look great today, how are
you feeling, look at the way your dressed, come on over here, and they looked
forward to coming in where in the other modality, ok
Heres your paper, go into that corner, they dont want to be there so to have
enjoyment, and to really enjoy what youre doing definitely improves on the quality
of life.
Q: charity?
Yes we have the art of life foundation. The art of life foundation started off as a
project with me being heavily involved in Asian culture and bring Asian culture to
people. Open it up, martial arts, cooking, meditation, medicine all that. My wife
stepped in, wasnt doing as well
People just didnt feel that open to it. And somebody came to us about feeding the
hungry for thanksgiving. So my wife came up with the concept, reaching out from
reaching within. Wherever there is a need so we went from just being martial arts
and Asian culture to now working with homeless people, raising money for
orphanages, raising money for different types of dogs you know
And now, we really wanted to do is we feel there is a real neglect in this country is
the soldiers that come back. So now we are working with veterans having south
where its a transitional institution taking these guys off the street. Actually men
and women. Because We believe that somebody who has given so much whether in

war time or not they donate their lives to really look out for our county, protect our
To have them not have anything I think thats a big shame and sin so we decided
now we want to do a big fundraiser for them. Again its a transition facility so we
want to bring them mini refrigerators as the main thing cause they want to start to
become transitional to get out on their own to take care of themselves.
So thats what we are gonna do with this one this time.
Q: anything else about mom?
Uh shes a very interesting individual. Im very proud to uh (starts to tear up)
Uh Im very proud to have her as my mom (Crying) I never thought Id do this. Oh
As a person, there is nothing she wouldnt do for you. Really um, we decided we to
reach out to some people. Theres a homeless vet down the street. Shell bring
clothes. She would give you the shirt off her back and to stay as young as she is at
72, its impressive.

Clip 0036M
SOT: Helen Weinstein/ Marketing Director at Cherry Hill Senior Living
Q: benefits of Alex?
Well, its absolutely beneficial to their health all over. But for certain diseases like
Parkinsons or Alzheimers uh just balance as we get older, our balance isnt as good
as it used to be. So when Alex comes in and does the Tai chi class with our residents
it helps them all over. Uh, their whole wellbeing actually.
Q: Alex spirt (same age as residents)?
Oh, when she comes in, first of all everybodys amazed at her age, they cant
believe that she could be that old. And it, I think it gives them some positive
reinforcement that you know you can do these things as you get older.
Q: reactions/changes?
Oh, absolutely. They um as far as, as I said their balance, most importantly tai chi
affects their balance. So, the more classes that they have done, it really helps them

in their mobility, getting around the community and their families have even noted
how much better they are.
Q: Fit into mission?
Ok, we started a program called lifestyle 360, and basically what it does, it touches
all the dimensions of wellness. So, it touches intellectually, physically, emotionally,
spiritually and socially. So tai chi is one that touches, it could touch physical, it could
be emotional, it could be spiritual, social. So it fits into all our dimensions of health.
Q: Marco, good icebreaker?
Hes, great yeah, hes great. Ive never met Marco so, he was wonderful.

Clip 373D
SOT: Alexandria Goldman / Tai Chi Instructor
Q: Occupation before tai chi?
What I used to, do is I actually worked in construction in New York city, and then our
company went down to Atlantic city and built the first high rise condos and then uh,
after we finished building, renting I went to work for the casinos. I got a job as
assistant director in the facilities department.
My boss and I were the only two females that ran a construction department.
14:43:04- 14:44:21 (off topic talking about engineering)
During the weekend I would take, go to martial arts class at my sons school and
start and I would be off on a Monday. And needless to say is I wound up with limes
disease working at the casinos. Not that I got it from the casino but from walking my
And never knew I had it so I was a year without getting treated which infected my
liver, my Gaul Blatter my everything and I really turned it affected my joints but how
I found out it was at Balleys they have to take tests every year and they brought me
the bad news. They said everything else is good but you have limes disease.
So from there it went downhill, sick. Antibiotics, the works.
Q: Martial arts and recovery?

Yes, yes, I was off from work. Ok I would do the tai chi and uh by doing the
breathing, by getting able to ambulate, I helped with the arthritis that my body got
full of. Tai chi degenerative and actually I am strong the way I am because of that. I
was so sick that they diagnosed me with pulmonary niglets, cancer, Congestive
heart failure, it was none of the above. It was the bacteria from the limes.
So I was able to work with my son and leaning about bacteria and getting this
antibiotic which actually, 4 months I took, I am free, its still there. It shows that I
had limes. I also got bells palsy where I had a stroke, it was like a stroke but the
limes is not active anymore.
And the other fact is when I got the bels palsy I was on my way to church with my
husband and I said you better take me Im getting a stroke. I said look my face, so
we go to the emergency room and they diagnose Bells palsy.
Grand master was in, says bring your mother here. I go there and thats how I learn
to do all these facial things so that I dont need plastic surgery. Because he worked
on my face for 4 hours. Actually doing the meridian message that I do now. Working
on the accue pressure points.
And the next day I went to a neurologist and she said, Alexandrea, looking at your xrays, cat scans you had Bells palsy but I dont see any facial disfigure. The only
thing is for two months I had a little lisp.
Other than that Im fine, so that proved to me, working on the meridians and the
points can help with anything.
Q: how do you incorporate that into your volunteer work?
What I do is, I do the class. We do a half hour of exercise and then with the
breathing. And then I give them a message which they look forward to at the end
which is the back working on all the fiber myalgia points and work on their back
around their scapular and then they just love it.
Its better, it feels better than a deep tissue message because you dont hurt them
you dont use elbows you work with the thumbs. And thats non- evasive. Opens up
anything thats tight and they want to know where are my fingers. How do my
fingers get to these points, how do you feel it. Its just that my hands know and feel
where to go.

I had arthritis that actually was taking, they wanted to do hand surgery. Oh were
going to have to do this, cut here and youll be out of work for six months. I said I
cant be out of work for six months I have people I have to work with. I got a few
injections, messaging them and look at this, 10 years later from messaging, using
and I tell these people, you cant just sit.
You need to move, and by moving, your arthritis is going to feel so much better. I
have to have a hip replacement. Im doing my exercises I feel well. I said to my
husband just pick me up, just get me out of here. Dont tell anybody how old I am
because once they know how old I am, theyre gonna rush me to the hospital, take
x-rays and theyll find 5o million things that I dont have.
So, I, anytime I fall or something I tell my daughter Laura lets go, lets just go. Im
fine. Im not sick.
Q: Tai chi do for residents?
It helps them with their balance. I have some people that come in and theyre just
over 80 and they present them with a walker but they dont teach them how to
walk. Tai chi teaches them how to stand and walk into the walker. I teach them heal
toe, heal toe.
And thats really the best way to walk. Heal toe, heal toe for all of us for balance. I
remember days when I was in New York when I was in heals and I was walking on
ice. Id dig my heels into the ice so that I would have balance. Low and behold Im
teaching that now.
So it actually helps them get balance but also gives them a good incentive for them
to feel good. When theyre finished with the class after the message they feel like a
million dollars. And now this group now wants to make blankets for the soldiers and
theyre gonna partner up with the high school and do it for them.
They love it. And its good for theyre mind. It gives them a positive attitude. Thats
what I have. I will not accept negativity. There is no negativity. Anybody whos
negative, I walk out of the room. I cant be that way.
Q: how change in business affected her?
Well its helped me physically especially the fact that when I was working in the
construction business and working for balleys, working for the casino, uh they didnt
have you know I would be on my feet all day, constantly, not able to help myself,
now that I, once I got into the health care I never wanted to be.

I never wanted to be in healthcare because I originally wanted when I was young
wanted to go into nursing school and actually I was diagnosed with a brain tumor
and I was taking care of pediatrics at that time working in Mont-view hospital in New
York. And I lost a lot of children with brain tumors.
And I said you know what, Im not gonna be as strong as them, this was my analogy.
Well it took us from October, to Christmas Eve when they found out it was a benign
engioma. When I went to walk back to work I was walking through nuclear medicine
and I got the shakes and said you know what I cant be here anymore.
I dont want to take care of anybody. I cant do it I dont want. So I went to work for
an attorney and through him I met these construction people and that is how I
started that. So I did that but in the mean time I used to model for TV commercials
in New York. So I had a very busy life. Always kept busy. Loved it.
Q: Helping Vets?
Well when we, my son first asked me he said mom would you help me out. We get a
foundation. I said for what and he said we can do this to help out these poor kids in
Camden with coats and with this and that. I said sure whatever it costs lets do it.
We got approved, the government approved us. We have a god foundation the art of
life and then we started out in Camden which is so, we need so much.
We started out with coats for them and I would go to New York City and shop and
buy downtown stuff on Delancy Street and buy all the clothes and stuff and then we
started, we would do a run for them and then we did a run for the dogs. We do that
the shelters. We have a school full of puppies and kitty cats and we did that and
then the next thing he said mom can we help the soldiers and I said what is it we
need to do.
We need to get refrigerators, I said alright well try and we will put the foundation
up where is this place, tell me where it was

Clip 83PV
SOT: Alexandria Goldman / Tai Chi Instructor
There is this place, he told me where it was so now were helping, I thought it was
89, but in the summer they get 89 and or around Christmas but now were helping
59 get refrigerators for their homes. I love doing that it makes you feel good. You

know you reap what you sew. Not that I need anything, I dont need anything. Im
blessed. I am blessed
Q: involved as a senior?
Yes, this is important for me because I love teaching. I love to see something come
out of it. I like to see them walk. I like to show them that they have balance. Some
of them, oh Ive been taking tai chi for years and I havent got balance. I said well
let me show you. Do you do this? And I show them.
And then they do it. I say you have balance. You help me I say no, you ask me, I told
you. You wanted to do it. Positive mind. Keep the mind positive and youll get what
you ask for. And work with it. And thats mine, what I do.
Every day I get up and I want to help somebody. Im strong and Im positive. Its the
only way to be. Believe in yourself.
Im 72 and nobody believes it. And they all say youre so young compared to us
and I say no Im right behind you. But I have just as many ailments if not maybe
more than you between the degenerative, between the hip replacements, between
psoriasis when I got it of the liver from the limes I said Ive been through it. But I
didnt want to stay there.
Hence my mind, a positive mind got me to where I am today and I am able to help
you. Thats my thing in life. Being able to help them and see them accomplish this
that they can walk and have a smile on their face.
And the dog. They love the dog. You know and when I see them mistreated I turn
around to even some of the people that I know and I say what if you were sitting in
that chair or your mother you know I say its wrong. You know just put yourself their
and always think of that.
And my mom died in my arms but it was the most peaceful thing. It was, it was a
blessing because I, I just felt comfortable ci I know where she was going. It was a
loss, I was with her for 62 years because I was adopted but you know what, I
wouldnt change it for anything. I have a great life.

Clip 462C
SOT: Annette Campbell/ Lifestyle 360 director
Q: How does Tai Chi class help residents?

I believe that Tai chi class enhances our residents. It gives them a positive outlook
on life, it gives them more energy, and they feel like they have accomplished
something when theyre done the class and they come and I get more and more
people come to my class because theyll say how much fun theyre having.
Q: help that Alex has energy?
Oh absolutely, Alexandrias energy is phenomenal and when she come in I feel like
our residents get some of that energy from her and so does our staff. I feel like they,
everyone benefits when Alexandria comes in.
Q: story of someone life better after class?
I have a few residents that I feel that the classes have really helped them in the
long term. Um they love the benefits. It feels, theyre more energetic. They would
not be doing very much. They were staying in their apartments and now they are
coming out and socializing. Since they have started taking the Tai Chi class.
I have another resident who felt that she had no purpose, and now she helps other
residents get to my Tai Chi classes, reminds them of my Tai Chi classes and theyll
go, come on lets go. You know, and goes and gathers, helps me gather the people

Clip 474V
SOT: Deb Shane/ Regional Director of Sales and Marketing for 5 Star Senior Living
Q: Tai chi fit into vision?
I love how the Tai chi class fits into the mission of our lifestyle 360. It touches on at
least two of the dimensions that makes for a well-rounded uh lifestyle for our
residents. And that being emotional and physical.
Q: lack if dont have them?
I think that if they, if we dont incorporate at least on or more lifestyle 360
dimensions with our residents on a daily basis that it lacks vibrancy of the day.
Something for them to look forward to. Uh, some kind of rhyme and rhythm um that
just sets theyre day and sets a tone.
And also it makes for socialization as well.
Q: other workouts?

There are so many different types of activities that we offer our residents on a daily
basis. We have a calendar thats chock full. Theres so many things to choose from.
From those that like to read there is book clubs and those that like to play chess,
there is a game club. From those that even like shopping excursions which is great
for socialization as well. Um trips, uh movies and various um arts activities
And of course yes there is bingo. Uh, I think that people inherently love competition.
And they love to be able to um even sit at the table with other residents having fun.
Always wanting to know you know whos going to win that big prize.
So its a lot of fun. And we just want to have fun. We know that we deliver care, and
we do it very well. And uh, we know that we have nurses we have a dynamic team
that takes care of our residents on a day to day basis but what are they going to do
all day.
Uh we have a great uh dining experience. But when it comes to lifestyle 360 there is
the vibrance that is really what people look forward too.
Q: How is Tai Chi incorporated/ not typical American workout?
Well we wanted to do something different. So uh, a lot of different residents offer
chair exercises and thats fine, thats great. It gets the blood pumping, it gets you
moving, uh really again its a really great way to start your day. But when it comes
to Tai chi you really have to be mindful and thoughtful of your next move and
following the instructions. Its all a mind, body connection.

Clip 01OF - Tai Chi class in studio (wide and close-ups)
Clip 02CM Tai Chi Class in studio
Clip 03U9- Class
Clip 04LV- Class from back of the room
07JX- Dunny post
08XU- Fighting Sticks
09E3- Weapons
10E4- Close up weapons
11HU- Family with refrigerators
12L8- Close up of Family Faces
13YW- Family Upward Tilt
14JY- Guy close-up
15ZR- low wide shot of Family
169S- Exterior of Kung Fu studio
17BX- Exterior wide shot
189N- Pan down of services on Window
19Q6- Art of life foundation

21W4- Puppy Tricks

236Y- Tai chi exercises
24TZ- breathing techniques
25YH- chair exercises
2632- Breathing exercise/ over the shoulder angle
2794- Close up women in purple
2853- Tilt up
29TZ- close ups
30GG- Downward tilt
31AI- Whistle exercise
32SW- end of Exercise good job
34GY- Talking about Dancing with stars
39PQ- Meridian message
401P- Meridian Message
41LT- Meridian Message close up
42U1- Meridian Message over the shoulder
43K3- Meridian message upward tilt
4430- Meridian message close up
48UI- Schedule Board
498P- Exterior
50YC- exterior Upward Pan

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