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Checks and Balances CBA Presentation Instructions ‘To prevent abuses of power, those who helped Found our nation developed the system of checks and balances. You will develop a reasoned position on the effectiveness Of this system related to one Current or historical event. For your presentation YOU WILL: 2. State a position that evaluates whether the system oF Checks and balances worked during the event by evaluating whether it prevented one branch From exercising too much power. 2) Provide background on the event by describing the event. 3) Provide background for the position by explaining how branches of government exercised Constitutional powers during this event with two or more examples. 4) Provide reasons for your position that include: a)_-An explanation of how one branch checked or could have Checked another with two or more examples to Support the position. 5) Make explicit references within the presentation to four or more Credible sources that provide relevant information AND Cite sources within your presentation AND turn in a written bibliography or Works Cited page. 6) Work with your parener to come up with and make a presentation (together) to show a thorough knowledge of your topic and checks and balances. For your presentation YOU MAY: 1D. Use PowerPoint or some other electronic media to presen your information. 2) Use poster boards or other visuals to help make your information Clear to your audience. 3) With approval of your teacher, choose a different topic than provided (must meet criteria). 4) Be Creative in how you present as {ong as You meet the requirements of the rubric. 5) Want to use the Outline provided in order to organize your presentation. ‘Your presentation should do the above AND: 2 Lase 20-12 minutes. 2) Engage your audience. 3) Have something to hand in when you are finished (i.e., Poster boards, Powerpoint file, Written notes). Outline to consider for your Checks and Balances CBA Presentation (straight from the rubric): 2) Criterion A: Position a. Discuss the systetn of checks and balances. (What are they; how do they work? Provide Visuall b. State a position that evaluates whether the system OF Checks and balances worked during the event by evaluating whecher ie prevented one branch from exercising too much power. ¢. State a position that evaluates whether the system OF Checks and balances worked during the even by discussing the long term implication of the event for the functioning of government. 2) Criterion B: Background a. Provides background on the event by expiaining how branches of government exercised Conseieutional powers during this event with QNE example. b. Provides background on the event by explaining how branches of government exercised Consticutional powers during this event with @ SECOND example, ©. Provides background on the event by explaining how branches of government exercised Cconseieueional powers during this event with @ THIRD example. 3) Criterion C: Reasons 4 Evidence (accurate and concrete details with commentary) a. Provides reason(s) for the position (Criterion : a ¢ b) supported by evidence. b. The evidence includes: i, AN explanation of how one branch checked or could have checked another branch with ONE exampie. ji, AN explanation of how one branch checked or Could have checked another with a SECOND example. ili. AN explanation of how one branch Checked or Could have Checked another with a THIRD. example. 4) Criterion D: Credible Sources (relevant and supportive/cited in presentation) Need a bibliography plus the following: ‘a. Makes an explicit reference to a source with paraphrase or direce quote. b. Makes an explicit reference to a SECOND source with paraphrase or direct quote. C. Makes an explicit reference to a THIRD source with paraphrase or direct quote. d. Makes an explicit reference to a FOURTH source with paraphrase or direct quote. Events for your Consideration in selecting a topic For your presentation; you may Choose a different topic that meets the requirements of the rubric. You must get pre-approval from your teacher for non-listed ideas. CINILRIGHTS SCote v. Sandford (1857) Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) Lochner v. New York (1905) Murler v. Oregon (1908) Brown v. Board of Education (2954) Reed V. Reed (1971) Indian Removal Act Civil Rights Act (1964) CRIMINAL RIGHTS Gideon Vv. Wainwright (1963) Miranda Vv. Arizona (2966) FEDERAL POWERS Marbury v. Madison (2603) McCulloch v. Maryland (1829) Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) Worchester v. Georgia (1832) Tenure of Office Act Sedition Act (2789) Line Jtem Veto Act (1996) & Supreme Court Action (1998) IMPEACHMENT S Samuel Chase (Supreme Court Justice) (1804) Andrew Johnson (Presidential impeachment) Bill Clinton (Presidential impeachment) Sup ON=0 MOI Amypeouddy = 11=Z1 oI €1~ soa) 9 AUV AMAA ANd tf AxOOS ¢/ ANOS sana Ga] uo 99. vo punasdyoag Sapo Dal susuwe>| 1053) uou2 — panos {spoimos) iaauaddng) somos saiond| con} suowuoo] “"s3] So wessyy) “2 soeigdemd|_ 20535) i aNOOs: vi ANOOS SS) rat wn xn) amy p09 payNP yo uo ou J uoeue}o NV" sou pseu 30 wars an ra m1 ra suewwoo} —_garenooy] _famouuio>) 21.0, = ampina 9 suomues] 20894) vai poured VEO OpeID a8 SedUE[EG pur S¥Day19 10g FUTIODg Duqny

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