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Group Member Names: Jennifer Brines

Optimizing Profit Linear Programming Project

Background Information:
Linear Programming is a technique used for optimization of a real-world situation. Examples of
optimization include maximizing the number of items that can be manufactured or minimizing the cost
of production. The equation that represents the quantity to be optimized is called the objective
function, since the objective of the process is to optimize the value. In this project the objective is to
maximize the profit of a small business.
The objective is subject to limitations or constraints that are represented by inequalities. Limitations on
the number of items that can be produced, the number of hours that workers are available, and the
amount of land a farmer has for crops are examples of constraints that can be represented using
inequalities. Manufacturing an infinite number of items is not a realistic goal. In this project some of the
constraints will be based on budget.
Graphing the system of inequalities given by the constraints provides a visual representation of the
possible solutions to the problem. If the graph is a closed region, it can be shown that the values that
optimize the objective function will occur at one of the "corners" of the region.
The Problem:
In this project your group will solve the following problem:
A small business produces collars and leashes for dogs. The monthly costs and budget have been
calculated. The cost of materials for each collar is $3.00 and the cost of materials for each leash is $4.00.
The cost of labor will amount to $13.00 for each collar and $6.00 for each leash. The business does not
wish to spend more than $240 on materials and $496 on labor each month. In addition, they want to
produce at least 50 items per month but no more than 100 items per month. The profit from each collar
will be $9.50, and the profit from each leash will be $10.25. How many of each item should be made to
obtain the maximum profit?
Modeling the Problem:
Let x be the number of dog collars that are made and y be the number of leashes that are made.
1. Write down a linear inequality that models how the materials costs will be kept within budget.
3x+4y <= 240
2. Write down a linear inequality that models how the labor costs will be kept within budget.
13x+6y <= 496
3. Recall that the business wants to produce at least 50 items each month. Write down a linear
inequality to model this constraint.
50 <=x+y

4. The business wants to produce no more than 100 items each month. Write down a
linear inequality to model this constraint.
5. There are two more constraints that must be met. These relate to the fact that it is
impossible to manufacture a negative number of items. Write the two inequalities that
model these constraints:
0<= x
6. Next, write down the function for the profit that will be earned by selling the dog
collars and leashes. This is the Objective Function for the problem.
P = 9.5x+10.25 y

You now have six linear inequalities and an objective function. These together describe the
situation. This combined set of inequalities and objective function make up what is known
mathematically as a linear programming problem. Write all of the inequalities and the
objective function together below, one equation or inequality per line. This is typically
written as a list of constraints, with the objective function last.
3x+4y <= 240
13x+6y <= 496
50 <=x+y
0<= x
P = 9.5x+10.25 y

8. Your region should have four corners. Find the coordinates of these corners by solving the
appropriate system of linear equations. Be sure to show your work and label the (x, y) coordinates of the
corners in your graph.
a)13x + 64 y =496




























9. To find which number of collars and leashes will maximize the profit, evaluate the objective function P
for each of the vertices you found. Show your work.

152+492=644 dollars a month
10. Write a sentence describing how many of each item should be manufactured to produce the highest
profit. Include the amount of the profit that will be earned.
To make a maximum profit of $644/ month the store should sell 16 collars and 48 leashes.

Your groups response to problem 10 needs to be typed and included in the project file.
11. Give three examples of optimization problems that are important to everyday life. Include a clear
description of the problem, identify several constraints, and identify the quantity to be optimized. If you
use a source, cite it.

A calculator company produces a scientific calculator and a graphing calculator. Long-term projections
indicate an expected demand of at least 100 scientific and 80 graphing calculators each day. Because of
limitations on production capacity, no more than 200 scientific and 170 graphing calculators can be
made daily. To satisfy a shipping contract, a total of at least 200 calculators much be shipped each day.

If each scientific calculator sold results in a $2 loss, but each graphing calculator produces a $5 profit,
how many of each type should be made daily to maximize net profits?

The question asks for the optimal number of calculators, so my variables will stand for that:

x: number of scientific calculators produced

y: number of graphing calculators produced
Since they can't produce negative numbers of calculators, I have the two constraints, x > 0 and y > 0.
But in this case, I can ignore these constraints, because I already have that x > 100 and y > 80. The
exercise also gives maximums: x < 200 and y < 170. The minimum shipping requirement gives me x + y >
200; in other words, y > x + 200. The profit relation will be my optimization equation: P = 2x + 5y. So
the entire system is:

P = 2x + 5y, subject to:

100 < x < 200

80 < y < 170
y > x + 200

The feasibility region graphs as: Copyright Elizabeth Stapel 2006-2011 All Rights Reserved

feasibility region

When you test the corner points at (100, 170), (200, 170), (200, 80), (120, 80), and (100, 100), you
should obtain the maximum value of P = 650 at (x, y) = (100, 170). That is, the solution is "100 scientific
calculators and 170 graphing calculators".

You need to buy some filing cabinets. You know that Cabinet X costs $10 per unit, requires six square
feet of floor space, and holds eight cubic feet of files. Cabinet Y costs $20 per unit, requires eight square
feet of floor space, and holds twelve cubic feet of files. You have been given $140 for this purchase,
though you don't have to spend that much. The office has room for no more than 72 square feet of
cabinets. How many of which model should you buy, in order to maximize storage volume?

The question ask for the number of cabinets I need to buy, so my variables will stand for that:

x: number of model X cabinets purchased

y: number of model Y cabinets purchased

Naturally, x > 0 and y > 0. I have to consider costs and floor space (the "footprint" of each unit), while
maximizing the storage volume, so costs and floor space will be my constraints, while volume will be my
optimization equation.

cost: 10x + 20y < 140, or y < ( 1/2 )x + 7

space: 6x + 8y < 72, or y < ( 3/4 )x + 9
volume: V = 8x + 12y

This system (along with the first two constraints) graphs as:

feasibility region

When you test the corner points at (8, 3), (0, 7), and (12, 0), you should obtain a maximal volume of 100
cubic feet by buying eight of model X and three of model Y.

In order to ensure optimal health (and thus accurate test results), a lab technician needs to feed the
rabbits a daily diet containing a minimum of 24 grams (g) of fat, 36 g of carbohydrates, and 4 g of
protien. But the rabbits should be fed no more than five ounces of food a day.

Rather than order rabbit food that is custom-blended, it is cheaper to order Food X and Food Y, and
blend them for an optimal mix. Food X contains 8 g of fat, 12 g of carbohydrates, and 2 g of protein per
ounce, and costs $0.20 per ounce. Food Y contains 12 g of fat, 12 g of carbohydrates, and 1 g of protein
per ounce, at a cost of $0.30 per ounce.

What is the optimal blend?

Since the exercise is asking for the number of ounces of each food required for the optimal daily
blend, my variables will stand for the number of ounces of each:
x: number of ounces of Food X
y: number of ounces of Food Y

Since I can't use negative amounts of either food, the first two constrains are the usual ones: x > 0 and
y > 0. The other constraints come from the grams of fat, carbohydrates, and protein per ounce:


8x + 12y > 24

carbs: 12x + 12y > 36

protein: 2x + 1y > 4

Also, the maximum weight of the food is five ounces, so:


The optimization equation will be the cost relation C = 0.2x + 0.3y, but this time I'll be finding the
minimum value, not the maximum.

After rearranging the inequalities, the system graphs as:

feasibility region

(Note: One of the lines above is irrelevant to the system. Can you tell which one?)

When you test the corners at (0, 4), (0, 5), (3, 0), (5, 0), and (1, 2), you should get a minimum cost of
sixty cents per daily serving, using three ounces of Food X only.
Sources: http://www.purplemath.com/modules/linprog3.htm

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