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It is my understanding that the National Educational Technology standards impact

instruction across a variety of grade levels because each one is building upon the previous
standard for the previous year. Although, at first glance it seems complex and difficult as
you go higher up in each grade level. I think that it does not become complex, but
advanced. It promotes the student to advance their knowledge of technology and become
fluent in it. I do think that as an educator, these standards also do not become complex,
but advanced as well.
The higher the grade level, the more knowledge and concepts they are able to teach their
students about certain curriculum and about different programs available to them such as
Prezi instead of MS PowerPoint. In kindergarten, I remember using things like KidPix for
art projects. In high school, I was using things like Photoshop. The higher I went up in
grade level, the higher my standard of technology went up as well. For educators teaching
these standards and implementing them, I feel that while it might be harder to teach a
second grader about rules and safety because they do not fully understand the importance
of cyber-bullying or the danger of giving out personal information, their minds are still
developing and they are still asking a lot of questions to be able to understand these rules.
Whereas with a 12thgrader, they know the dangers of all of the previously mentioned, but
just need a little reminder here and there. They are also not asking a lot of questions
because they do know what the standard is and can elaborate on the subject of say cyberbullying another peer.
Because technology is constantly changing, these standards of technology are constantly
changing as well. This year, the standard for an eighth grader could be Use digital
models and simulations to answer questions or to solve problems

(NevadaCompTechStandards) while the following year, they could be something

completely easier or completely accelerated, all depends on how rapidly technology for
students is changing. In recent years, technology has become advanced enough to help
teachers with culturally diverse students in the classroom. There are now multiple
programs to help students either learn English as a second language, or to help translate
different assignments into that language for them to be successful. Overall, I feel that the
implementation of these standards is helping students advance in their education, but also
helping educators advance in the teaching process of technology as well.

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