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Dalton Seat

Professor Edmonds
December 2, 2015

Individual in Society
In modern society individuals form society into what it is today because these
the two things go hand in hand. Society has changed over the course of the years
due to our advanced work and findings shaping our world into what it is today. We
live in an empirical culture searching for all answers to give us evidence instead of
listening to what culture tells us. This is one reason I feel we have come so far
because instead of sitting back we take action to figure things out ourselves. In
modern day we grow and change so much we have to continuously stay updated
with technology to consider ourselves modern. We as individuals can take
modernity further and better to improve our world for years to come.
I chose a picture of me walking across stage at high school graduation
because at this point in my life that is my greatest accomplishment. This represents
individual in society pursuing dreams and goals to become a productive citizen in
society. I am shown giving an award for my active studies and accomplishments in
school forming myself to live in our growing society. Education is important for
broadening our minds to go to further places to reach greater goals. Scientific
method and inquiry has helped me form into the person I am today because it
makes me step out of my comfort zone finding facts to truly shape my beliefs. Most
of my life I never had to use scientific method so I paid it no attention, but the last
year has been a 360 for me. Since I have been in college I have had this method
forced in my face, and have been taught how to actively use it. In order to succeed
in school you must use this method to figure things out and think critically. This
method has become part of my personal life as a trainer. Back at home when I train

Dalton Seat
Professor Edmonds
December 2, 2015
athletes at our local facility I have age based classes due to their abilities. I used
this method on one of my classes when I saw a 12 year old boy hop in my 18 year
old class. By no means am I easy on my athletes because I push them to their
absolute limits showing them what their bodies can truly overcome. I figured if I let
this boy run drills with my 18 old class he would break eventually due to the under
developing of his body. I ran the class as if he wasnt a part of it to see how long it
would take him to quit. Elite athletes dont quit because they strive for greatness,
but due to scientific method he had no choice because his body wouldnt allow. That
12 year old boy proved me right that day by failing to complete the workout. It is
basic logic to know that a boy is not as developed as man therefore cannot
complete the same task. I now see scientific method can be a good thing and not
always boring.
As a chiId was never the one to question authority because I knew no better,
and growing up as a kid I was raised to respect elders. Most kids were taught this
while growing up, but most dont realize that they lose this respect once they get a
certain age. People in todays society do not respect authority nor obey it. Modern
day society is ruining people making them lash out when it is not called for, and
making problems where they arent needed. Everybody in this culture thinks they
are better than everyone else and takes our freedom for granted. Whether we
notice it or not our society is disrespectful and cares only about their selves. This
eventually rubs off on everybody because it has become what our society is made
of. When talking about our civic obligations I understands this means to act with
integrity and truthfulness to our society as well as our country. Although I have not

Dalton Seat
Professor Edmonds
December 2, 2015
served in the army, I dont pay taxes, and Im not an active voter I still serve my
obligations otherwise. I take action wherever I can to improve my own self-reliance
while knowing what it means to work a job for pay. I know how to work and care for
others to make resources and facilities in my community. Everybody serves their
civil obligations differently, and some just havent matured far enough yet in order
to serve theirs. Science is able to help us mature in our personal lives as well by
forcing us to question our beliefs. Growing up in church and being religious makes it
harder to question the things we believe in because sometimes its uncomfortable
for us. Through college I found that it is good for even the most religious people to
question what they believe because they deserve to know for themselves and not
just what they have heard. Most people think that you have to claim one side
whether it be science or religion, but I have found otherwise. Science and religion
can be an equal balance with each other to help a person in society shape out their
beliefs on how the world became. This idea is no small one therefore we cannot
justify it with just one or the other, we have to use both in order to make sense of it.
Even though I hate my science classes and would prefer I didnt have to take them; I
do admire the work it has given us to make our society better. In class we discussed
Charles Darwin and hos theory of evolution. At the beginning this seemed absurd
that we even be talking of such, but then I began to realize its importance. When
discussing Darwins theory it was very eye opening for me because I played the role
against religion. Although in the game I believed that religion served no part in
Darwins theory my personal beliefs told me otherwise. I felt where Darwins theory
lacked its holes we could make up with religion. Whether we know it or not we use

Dalton Seat
Professor Edmonds
December 2, 2015
science in everyday life in order to justify, search, prove, and test things so we can
advance to higher achievements.
During the Ultimatum game our class experienced a pretty fair game. This
game was set where we had the achievers with 10 dimes and the have-nots with
zero money. The achievers were to donate however many dimes they wanted while
the have-nots chose whether or not they would receive the offer. Most everybody
accepted this offer because having something is better than having nothing. Some
see this idea a little differently though. For example when I was offered my two
dimes I rejected the offer because it was a sense of pride. If I know a person has 10
dimes and they only offer 80% percent of it that is considered insulting to some
people. The saying I have always heard is Be more thankful for the person who
offers you 5 dollars when they only have 10 rather than the person offering 20
dollars when they have a 100. Some would rather have nothing than accept money
they feel isnt worthy enough. Our economy is one of the better functioning
economies in the world because our achievers keep our lower class running. The
richer proved themselves to be greedy by keeping over half of their proportion, but
still close enough for the have-nots to accept it. This in returns gives us a decent
balance in our economy because the have-nots now have money they didnt before
and the richer still have a greater amount. This is where the different classes in
society appear. Even though our selfish culture continues to push us towards
corruptness this idea of selfishness can be a positive thing in economics.
As I talked about faith previously in the passage it comes up again in my
reasoning for decision making and determining right from wrong. Religion isnt only

Dalton Seat
Professor Edmonds
December 2, 2015
about the study of your god, but also how to live life in his name. This gives us a
guideline, so to speak, to follow in our everyday life to be true followers of god. This
tells us the right from wrongs that our society doesnt do for us. In our society today
there is so much negative things thrown in your face that it can be very easy to slip
up even as a Christian, but we use these guidelines to get around even the hardest
obstacles of them all. I believe the reason for decisions made in your life can
depend on loved ones as well. I can relate to this recently in my life because of a
person that has become a huge part of it. Decisions you would have made before
this person came could be very different from the ones you make now. Whether it
be positive or negative influences people you love have a great impact on you as
person. This is why it is critical as people in todays society find someone who truly
pushes them to be better and grow as individuals. My father always told me as long
as youre going forward in your life and never backwards you will be successful in
this world. I have always lived by that and now that I have that positive influence I
push to make the best decisions possible for the bettering of myself and our
Sometimes we feel like living in todays world can be very stressful, but its
time like these they make us all grow into the individuals we are today. In this world
you can only be what you make of it, and I plan to make the best of mine. I think the
number thing in life is positivity because without it you are nothing as a person. You
can never grow as an individual if you dont even believe in yourself. Believing in
yourself is the first step because if you dont you have already been beaten before
you started. I chose the picture of me graduating because it is a sign of

Dalton Seat
Professor Edmonds
December 2, 2015
accomplishment, and shows me moving forward in life. As long I know Im moving
forward and never plateauing I know I will have victory in this world.

Dalton Seat
Professor Edmonds
December 2, 2015

Dalton Seat
Professor Edmonds
December 2, 2015

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