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Acacia Chacon

Management Plan

Ambience: I am determined to have my classroom be a space that promotes safe and effective
learning. Both the physical and psychological decisions I make can positively support student
learning. The physical space will be explained in a later paragraph but it is worth noting that this
consideration is as important as the psychological environment. The psychological environment
is the way students feel about their learning. This is supported by the attitudes and cultures that
both my students and I bring to the classroom. For my part I want to provide a setting that
makes students feel safe to explore their understanding of the world around them. Teaching/
learning social studies raises a lot of complex questions, ideas and concepts that require a safe
learning environment to freely explore. I will continuously teach students what empathy,
respect and open-mindedness looks like so the students will feel safe with one another in
discussing content. The portion of the overall grade being assigned to professionalism will
encompass mutual respect and support this expectation. Another way to foster an effective
learning environment I will apply will be to consistently build instruction that focuses on various
learning styles and interests. Knowing my students is essential to understanding how to teach
them effectively. I will use a variety of instructional strategies to make the content engaging and
personal. This will make students connect with the content better and make the learning
environment easier for everybody. Overall, the ambience in my classroom will promote a safe
learning environment that supports respectful exploration of the content.
Physical Space: I understand that the physical design of my classroom can play a big role in
promoting an effective learning environment. I can recall being told once that no matter how
engaging you make your lesson, you will have a student who is disengaged and stares off into
space. So, why not make that space an extension of the learning. With that being said, I will fill
my classroom walls with content and student- driven dcor. There is this catalog called Syracuse
Cultural Works which sells progressive posters, stickers, books etc. So much of the
merchandise relates to U.S. history and supports inclusion. For example, there is a poster that
has the picture of every freedom rider, a poster that says Rosa sat so Martin could walk, Martin
walked so that Barak could run, Barak ran so that all students can fly. Both these posters would
be great to hang in the classroom during the post-war era units. Inspirational posters are a clich
but the catalog offers some really great thought-provoking merchandise. Whats more important
than pre-designed wall dcor, is student-created work. Displaying students work builds
confidence and pride in their work. Referencing back to the work supports student learning.
Displaying work also makes thinking visible. One thing I find important is that my classroom
should be as organized as is possible. For me, when things are scattered or unorganized it
induces stress or at the very least, annoyance. I know that not all students are as anal retentive as
I am but it never hurts to have a clean room with an organized management system. I will have

an area in the room dedicated to supplies. There will be an easy to navigate missing work, extra
sheets, turn in system. Extra supplies will be accessible for the students and I will have a
bookcase with supplemental resources. Ive noticed in a lot of classrooms the front of the class,
where the smartboard is, is always cluttered with miscellaneous things. I think having clutter
around the main area of instruction is counter-productive to an effective learning environment.
When the students space off, they will see engaging posters and student work but when they are
looking at the smartboard there shouldnt be any distractors. These along with the following
diagram are my beginning ideas of how I want my classroom environment to be.
Managing Resources: Like I said above, I will have a highly organized and simplistic resource
management system. I will have a filing system that has extra worksheets, a place to turn in late
work, and a place to get old work back. Next to it I will have spare supplies: paper, pencils, hole
punch etc. The professionalism portion of my grade will dock students for coming unprepared
but I will never leave a student without the supplies needed to succeed which this section of my
classroom caters to. I will use various means to manage classroom timing. I will keep timing in
mind when writing my lesson plans. I am aware that things change so timing isnt set in stone so
the ability to be mindful of changing my pacing will be important. Timers will be good for
group discussions and work time. The bottom line is, mindfulness and preparation will be my
main form of time management. In regards to time management, having clear routines in place
makes transition times brief. I will always have a warm up to have class started at the bell.
There will be a consistent form of turning work in, asking questions, leaving the room and
closing out class. These expectations will be on a syllabus and referenced back to throughout the
year because if you expect it then you have to teach it. The warm up will take various forms but
the point of it is to get settled, have supplies out and tune into the content for the day. The
students will have a warm up notebook to keep all warm up and exit slip work in. The system
for turning in work will be a filing folder per class period. I do believe in raising hands during a
discussion. I can relate to students who have a hard time jumping into a conversation. Raising
hands makes the discussion flow well, allows me to call on students with purpose and gives
students time to organize their thought. In Socratic seminars there will be no hand up
requirement to cater to those learners who do better without the structured conversation. I will
rarely limit the students bathroom/ hall pass usage. I dont believe in questioning the
authenticity of a students request to use the restroom. Obviously, if it clear that the student is
abusing the right to leave the classroom then that will be a conversation I will have with them.
In general so long as a student tells me theyre leaving and it isnt right in the middle of
instruction then I will most always say yes. Students will always be given a warning when
theres a couple minutes left in class. Closure is important in putting a comma or period on the
content for the day. Sometimes an exit slip will be closure but often it may just be moment to
close out the learning. All of these management systems will be adapted to meet the needs of my
class culture which will always be dependent on the attitudes and personalities each student
brings to the class.

United States History

Rules are meant to be questioned, Expectations are meant to be met
The following expectations are the framework for our classroom this year. I believe that our
classroom culture needs to foster a safe environment for exploring the content and developing
our character. The following expectations are meant to facilitate our goals for the year. We are
going to develop our knowledge of U.S. history as well as our role as critical thinkers, 21st
century thinkers and engaged citizens.
Please review the following expectations with your parents and return this signed sheet to me by
the end of the week.
Standards Based Grading:
4: Student consistently demonstrates an in-depth understanding of concepts, skills, and
3: Student frequently demonstrates an in-depth understanding of concepts, skills, and processes.
2: Student occasionally demonstrates an in-depth understanding of concepts, skills, and
1: Student rarely demonstrates an in-depth understanding of concepts, skills, and processes.
Grading Rubric:
Assessments: 40%
Assignments: 30%
Homework: 20%
Professionalism: 10%
*Professionalism: Professionalism points are designed to the development of skills needed to be
school and job ready. Late work, participation, tardies, absences and respect all go under the
professionalism section of the grade. This portion of the grade will go in weekly as 10 points
Late Work: We must make the learning the constant and time the variable. With that being said
I will dock professionalism points for the day if the assigned work is not done. However, I will
only take 10% of off the work and allow the work to be turned in up to the end of the unit.
After the unit concludes, no more work will be accepted from that unit.
Absences/Tardies: Unexcused absences and tardies will result in a loss of professionalism
points for that day. Work covered that day will be available on blackboard in the extra work bin
in the back of the room. It is your responsibility to get and do the work you missed. The due
dates and late work policy remain the same. Excused absences will receive due date extensions
on a case by case scenario. Habitual tardies and unexcused absences will require a private
conversation and could lead to an absence contract per school standards.

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