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Crews 1

Brittany Crews
Technology in Ed
Dr. Orr
9th September 2015
Mullins Library

Article One http://0search.proquest.com.library.uark.edu/pqcentral/docview/1566061734/fulltext/

Today I read a very interesting article called, Developing Student Enjoymnt

in Physical Education, by Jenna Lorusso, Stefanie Pavlovich, and Chunlei Lu. In this
article, the authors discuss why it is imperative for students to have some
enjoyment in physical education classes. The also go on to describe what enjoyment
is and how to achieve it in class day by day. It is important to make sure the
students are enjoying themselves in PE not only for physical and health benefits but
it also benefits other domains such as the cognitive and social. Students are not the
only ones benefiting from the enjoyment but teachers can benefit as well. For
instance, if a classroom full of students is enjoying themselves while participating in
an activity more than likely the students are fully engaged to the teachers
instruction, are following rules, and become more intrigued with other learning
environments as well.
The authors go on in this article to explain what kind of environment to have
in order for your students to enjoy their physical education class. They stated that
the best physical education classes around are physical and social. Peers being able
to communicate and solve task together has been proven by scientist to resolve
disrespectfulness and peer conflict with one another. They also suggested that a
program that is centered around support for the students makes the environment

and class enjoyable as well. When a teacher gives the student the ability to be open
and honest and responds
Crews 2
with helpfulness and acceptance it can positively impact not only the students and
their lives in school but out of school as well. For example, a student could talk to a
teacher about an interest in helping the community, family, or some area of need
and the influence a teacher leaves could impact many people other than the child.
This article is filled with useful information such as this and I would suggest it to any
physical education majors.

Article 2 - http://0search.proquest.com.library.uark.edu/pqcentral/docview/215101127/4FB60B1

SPARK is becoming very popular in physical education programs around the

United States. Many people believe that SPARK helps students increase physical
activity during physical education classes and outside of class and some do not
believe students benefit from the program. In the article, The Effects of a 2-year
Physical Education Program (SPARK) on Physical Activity during Physical Education
Classes and Outside of School, by James Sallis, Thomas McKenzie, John Alcaraz,
and Bohdan Kolody it talks about how they evaluated fourth and fifth grade
students across seven school and compared the results and drew a conclusion
about the program. The study lasted two years and approximately had around 1538
students included in the study. SPARK is a program that teaches movement skills
while being in high levels of intensity for a maximum workout. The typical SPARK
lesson at these particular schools lasted thirty minutes and included walking,

jogging, jump rope, anaerobic games and dance while focusing on endurance and
body strength.
The results from the study made them believe that the spark program had
improved the childrens physical abilities and helped get advance their knowledge
with physical education relations. They believe that elementary physical education
students can tremendously improve their physical life
with the support of a trained teacher that keeps them accountable and completes
the SPARK program correctly. The effect of the study showed a great difference in
the elementary girls and their attitudes toward physical education. Most female
students reported being lazy at the beginning of the program when it came to
performing anaerobic activity. By the end of the program, the girls were showing
more interest in class, wanting to be more involved, and stayed physically active
even while not in physical education classes. At the end of the publishing after the
study the professionals encouraged elementary health professionals to look for
health program for their physical education classes to help the children be more
involved and to keep them active, as they stated, being active is something every
health professional should want from their students.

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