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Jessi Towne

EDUG 550
Tutoring Lesson Plan #9
November 23, 2015

Appendix G

Tutoring Lesson Plan: Session 2 and Beyond

Basic Information:
Date: 11/23/15
Tutor: Ms. Towne
Tutees/Grade/s: Julian (4th), Kendy (3rd)

Session #: 9

Support for ELs: Before I start reading aloud to my tutees, I will make sure
to clarify the meaning of words I believe my ELs might not understand. I
make sure to speak slowly and clearly. When I ask a question, I will make
sure to give them more time to think and comprehend the question. When
they are writing, I will decrease the amount they need to write.
RICA connection: p. xvii Introduction; Common Strategies for Meeting the
Needs of All Learners; (B) Struggling Readers and Students with Learning
Disabilities; (3) Teach Things in Manageable Units;
Support for Learning Challenged Student: (Hard of Hearing): I will make
sure to speak loudly and clearly. I know there are other tutors and their
tutees in that same room, so I know it will be noisy and difficult to hear, so I
could take my tutees outside to sit on the grass in the shade for a change of
scenery and also for it to be a quieter atmosphere. I will also make sure that
we are all sitting in close proximity so the student can hear me properly.
RICA connection: p. 7 Competency 1, (5) Engaging and Motivating
Students; (A) Stimulating Learning Environment That Promotes Success
Introduction: Hi, Julian. Hi, Kendy. Its good to see you today. How are you
doing? Today, we are going to work on words that have the same beginning
letters, read aloud, and go over our readers theatre script with our friends.
Description of Activities
Titles of Books, Time
Fill in rationale, standards, objective,
s or other
and procedure for each activity. List
possible questions, words to be used, Notes/Reminde
rs, Sources,

Rationale: My students were

struggling with saying words that
rhymed with other words but were
not spelled the same way, because
they thought it would sound the way
it was spelled instead of the correct
way it is pronounced.

- Recorder
- Whiteboards
- Markers
- Erasers

10 min

p. xvii (A)

Standard: RF.3.3 Know and apply

grade-level phonics and word
analysis skills in decoding words both
in isolation and in text.
Objective: The students will use
their readers theatre scripts to
locate words that rhyme but are not
spelled the same way in order to
practice saying and writing them on
their whiteboards.
Procedure: Okay friends, please
take out your readers theatre
scripts. We are going to practice
saying rhyming words that are not
spelled the same way. Homophones
are words that sound the same but
have different meanings and are
spelled differently. I will write the
word homophone on my whiteboard
and write the definition underneath
so the students are able to see it, not
just hear me say it. We are going to
look through our readers theatre
scripts and find words that rhyme
with other words but are not spelled
the same way. When you find a word,
please underline it. I will give the
kids a few minutes to complete this
task of finding the words within the
script. When they have found all of
the words, I will review each group of
words on my whiteboard. These
words are tricky. The best way to
know which words rhyme if they are
not spelled the same is by the
context of the sentence. When you
read the sentence, you should be
able to decode and figure out how to
say the word. I will show you the
context of each strange homophone
so you can see how it is used in a
sentence that distinguishes it from
other words. I will model for them
on the whiteboard one of the words

; (6) Use
, and

Read To
or Read

in context and explain why it is said

like that in text and not like how it
sounds. I will make sure to take
pictures of their work so I can have it.
They will be copying what I have on
my board onto their whiteboards.
Rationale: I want my students to be - Fighting Fires
- Recorder
able to be knowledgeable about
firefighters and the different ways in
which they fight fires. California is in
a drought and we do not have that
much water, so fires can start easily,
and I want them to be educated
about how we put out fires.

10 min

p. 8 Comp
1; (5)
Aloud to

15 min

p. xvii (A)

CCSS: RI.3.1 Ask and answer

questions to demonstrate
understanding of a text, referring
explicitly to the text as the basis for
the answers.
Objective: The students will
comprehend the story enough to be
able to answer the questions I ask
with supporting details from the text.


Procedure: Did you know that

California is in a drought? Do you
know what a drought is? I will wait
to see if either of them know the
answer before I continue. A drought
is when someplace does not have
enough water and is really dry. When
there is dry ground, it is easy for fires
to start. Today, we are reading about
different ways to put out fires. I will
start reading the book to them. I will
ask them questions throughout the
book about the different fire trucks
that are used in different situations in
order to help put out various fires.
Rationale: The students will be able - Journals
to compose a paragraph stating their -Pens or pencils
- Recorder
opinions and point of view about a
book we read.

Standard: W.3.1 Write opinion

pieces on topics or texts, supporting
a point of view with reasons.

; (3) Teach
Things In
e Units

Objective: The students will be able

to compose a final draft of their
opinion writing pieces from their
edited rough drafts.
Procedure: Please get out your
journals. We are going to edit and
write our final drafts today. Julian, I
am going to work with you first, since
you are all finished with your draft. I
am going to correct it and then you
can rewrite the final draft in your
best writing. Kendy, while I am
working with Julian, I want you to
continue finishing up your rough
draft so that we can edit your rough
draft and you can write your final
draft. I will wait until Kendy has her
journal out and is working on
finishing her rough draft before I start
working with Julian on correcting his
rough draft. When I am finished with
editing Julians rough draft. I will go
over the corrections with him,
making sure that he understands the
corrections he needs to make in his
final draft. I will then check in with
Kendy and monitor her progress in
writing her draft because we need to
be able to fix it today and she needs
to at least start writing her final draft.

Rationale: Get my tutees to become - 3 copies of the

readers theatre
confident in reading aloud by
script, Which
Shoes Do You
RF.3.4a Read with sufficient accuracy
and fluency to support
comprehension. Read on-level text
with purpose and understanding.

15 min

p. xvii (A)
; (5)

Objective: Students will feel

confident enough to read aloud in
front of an audience.


Procedure: Okay friends, we are

going to go outside so we can
practice reading our readers theatre
script Which Shoes Do You Choose?
with the kids in our group. Were you
able to practice your parts at home
last week? I want you to feel as
confident about reading as you can.
The only way you are going to be
confident is by practicing. We will
wait until Cassie and Monica are
ready to practice with their tutees
and we will go outside together and
practice as many times as we can.

Closing: Today, we did a word study with homonyms, we read story about
fighting fires, we wrote finished writing our opinion pieces, and we practiced
our readers theatre with our friends. I loved working with you both today,
you guys did awesome! I cant wait to see you next week!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reflection/Notes: (Please type and attach comments to lesson plan)
At the end of each tutoring session, write comments about the session
regarding the following areas:
1) your reaction to the session
2) your tutee(s) reaction to the session
3) what you plan to focus on for the next tutoring session

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