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Sarah Salazar
PTA 1010


Karla Hogan is an 82-year-old Grandmother with an array of health concerns,
but these concerns dont seem to slow her down. I chose to interview Karla because
of her musculoskeletal limitations. She was born with both of her feet and ankles
fused together, which has limited her ability to get around her whole life, but to this
day she can still walk. I was very interested in how this limitation has impacted her
life, and it seems to me that it has only made her stronger.
When asked what abilities she used to be able to do but cant do now, she
responded with: run, walk far, and jump up from a chair. She is still able to get
around quite well, I feel it is normal for a woman in her 80s to not run or jump,
however her inability to walk far is an area of concern. As for assistive devices Karla
uses a cane for balance and safety when she is out of the house, her car for getting
around even just a few blocks, and a wheel chair if she is out with her family. With
these assistive devices Karla has been able to prevent a fall for 5 years. She says that
falling is a major concern of hers but with her assistive devices and taking it slow,
as she says, she has been fall free.
The most difficult issue Karla has faced in the past 5 years has been Atrial
Fibrillation. And she is currently taking medications for, high blood pressure,
irregular heartbeat, gout, cholesterol, antacids, arthritis, bladder control and high
cholesterol. With this array of health problems I can imagine that even simple ADLs
are challenging.
I feel that a frail elderly physical therapy program focusing on regaining
mobility and preventative measures would benefit Karla. Upon reading I found that
many geriatric physical therapy is focused on preventative measures and regaining
strength. The PT or PTA would have to be carful with cardiovascular exercise in
Karlas case however. Due to her current heart condition it wouldnt be safe to do
much, if any, cardiovascular exercise.
From this assignment I have gained a greater insight into the everyday
struggles Karla has. I feel that geriatric physical therapy is a very flexible field. From
what Karla has told me it seems that every day is a new adventure. If a patient is
healthy and strong one day, doesnt mean they will be the same the next. On top of
any musculoskeletal problems an elderly patients are likely to suffer from diabetes,
high blood pressure, arthritis, the list can go on. It is very important that PTs and
PTAs know these conditions well and work along side other healthcare
professionals to safely and effectively treat patients, especially those at risk for so
many other health conditions.

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