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Hayfa Saeed


Task 9
Behavior management
Observe and record strategies used by the teacher to
manage students behavior.

Strategies used by
The teacher controls the
student's behavior by
using reward system.

What children did

How useful it was

They are be polite

and hear to what
teacher say and
follow the rules that
give them

Child works to repeat

the good behavior.
For example, they do
not speak with
others while the
teacher explains the
lesson because they
know that after that
they will get a

Move Pupils: If the

teacher notices that
there is someone
speaks with each
other, she let him
change his place and
sits with quiet child.

When the teacher changes

a student's place, they will
know that the teacher will
be angry if they will talk
again, so they stays quiet
and focus for the lesson.

This was useful even

to be quiet in the
class. For example, if
the children see that
there someone
speak they also will
talk. Therefore, the
teacher separates
them as not to
bother others.

Motivate students by
praise them: If there
is a child who has a
good behavior, the
teacher motivated
on it and praising
the child in front of

The child repeats

the good behavior
and the rest of the
children trying to be
like him and do as
he does.

It is useful because it
make children work
better than before.
For example, if the
teacher praises
someone, they will
be jealous, and they

will do as he does.

1. Did the teacher maintain good order in the class? How

did she do this?
She maintains a good order. For example, if she see a child
speaking while she explain the lesson, she asked him to
answer the question so as not to speak with others again.
2. Is the teacher clear and consistent in establishing rules
and expectations regarding behavior?
She gives them a rules and the punishments, she said that
who will not follow this rules will be punished and I will not
let him to play in the corners. Therefore, she punished him,
so the others learn from him.
3. Which of these strategies would you use/not use? Why?
I will use the praise because it makes me to control children
4. Was there anything that could have been done
If she see a misbehavior of any child, she teach the child to
change this misbehavior not only punish him.
5. What surprised you?
That after punish them, she give them a balloon, so as not to
be sad.

6. What shocked you?

To give them something after their punishment because they
will not learn from their mistakes.
7. What delighted you?
When she punished someone does not make it stand up and
be punished for a long time, but used a time for it.

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