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Marvin Duarte


Medical Marijuana in Florida

Medical Marijuana should be legal in Florida. Many would benefit from its medical and
economic values. Marijuana has a plethora of medicinal values and could also be a cheaper
alternative to expensive pharmaceuticals. Instead of being treated like a normal plant, marijuana
is federally illegal. Marijuana is currently a schedule 1 drug meaning that it is still illegal in the
entire United States; even the legal ones. States that have legalized marijuana have received a
huge flow of tax revenue which benefits the entire community.
Marijuana is a natural planet with a great deal of medical value. Studies suggest that
cannabis and cannabinoids are effective for the relief of nausea/vomiting and certain types of
pain (specifically neuropathic pain) (Melvin 1). With the recent exposure on medical marijuana
new discoveries have changed the minds of many people, including doctors.


cannabis as a plant that is rich in chemical components would have potential for producing
useful drugs (ElSohy). Many people believe that it should be legal based on its newfound
medical significance. There is also a biological basis for these therapeutic claims. Research has
shown that the active constituents of marijuana the cannabinoids operate through
cannabinoid receptors present throughout the nervous system (Nature 1).
Marijuanas medicinal uses range from simple stomach pains to treating cancer. More
recently, scientists reported that THC and other cannabinoids such as CBD slow growth and/or

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cause death in certain types of cancer

cells growing in laboratory dishes.
Some animal studies also suggest




growth and reduce spread of some

forms of cancer.

(Marijuana and

Marijuana can not only

help with the harsh side effects of

traditional cancer treatment but can
also help treat the actual cancer.
Cannabis has also shown to be
beneficial in the treatment of cancer
where "extracts may help kill certain
cancer cells and reduce the size of
Figure 1 shows a man gathering petition signatures in
order to legalize Medical Marijuana in Florida

others" and "can slow the growth of

cancer cells from one of the most serious types of brain tumors." (Brown 1). Cancer is actually
being killed with extracts and has been used to tame tumors. Cancer patients have to undergo
chemotherapy which is really detrimental to the body. Patients experience nausea and some even
vomit. Marijuana is now being vaporized, smoked, and eaten to prevent the unwanted effects of
chemotherapy. Marijuana can also help with pain that is caused by damaged nerves known as
neuropathic pain (Marijuana and Cancer).

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Medical marijuana is currently illegal in Florida. No one is allowed to have the

possession of marijuana in Florida under any circumstances. If caught with less than 20 grams it
is a 1st degree misdemeanor. Over 20 grams and selling marijuana will get you a 3rd degree
felony. At this time, the US Drug Enforcement Administration lists marijuana and its
cannabinoids as Schedule I controlled substances. This means that they cannot legally be
prescribed, possessed, or sold under federal law. But the use of marijuana to treat some medical
conditions is legal under state laws in many states (Marijuana and Cancer). This is very
unfortunate for people who have no other form of medication other than marijuana. Marijuana is
a powerful drug that is very cheap to produce which is crucial for those who cant afford
overpriced pharmaceuticals. Cancer patients also have to deal with the financial burden that
cancer presents. Some patients really dont have the ability to pay for the expensive treatments
and medications so they turn to marijuana. If you live in Florida you must move somewhere else
to be able to use medical marijuana legally. Nonetheless, governments, including the US
federal government, have until recently refused to sanction the medical use of marijuana, and
have also done what they can to prevent its clinical testing. (Nature 1)
Medical marijuana can be regulated and also benefits the economy. According to
leafly.com, looking at how the legalization of recreational marijuana has affected Colorado
through a decrease in the rate of crime and arrests, an increase in tax revenue and a significant
increase in the number of jobs in the job market(Brown 1). Medical marijuana in Florida is an
uncharted territory and once legalized many will benefit not just from its medicinal value but its
impact on the economy. With a new industry new jobs are created which will better the
economy. If marijuana were to get legalized in Florida there would be an influx of people who
are willing to pay for medical marijuana. Medical marijuana would be heavily taxed meaning

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that it would help pay for schools and the community. Other states that have already passed
medical marijuana laws have already carved the path on how to successfully regulate. A report
from the Marijuana Policy Project Foundation evaluated marijuana use via multiple state and
national surveys in 12 states that had passed MMLs subsequent to 1996 and showed either no
change or statistically significant decreases in marijuana use after enactment of policies (LynneLandsman, Livingston 1). In order to successfully legalize marijuana Florida needs to be able to
control and regulate what is given to patients. Other states have shown that this is actually
possible and very successful.
There is still research to be done on marijuana which has been illegal. With new medical
marijuana laws more research will be done to determine its medicinal value and the effect it will
have on users. Scientists are also looking into using the drug as treatment for multiple illnesses
and conditions such as autoimmune diseases, inflammation, pain, seizures, substance use
disorders and mental disorders(Brown 1). Because marijuana has been illegal for such a long
time, there isnt enough research done on it yet. There are still many unanswered questions
regarding optimal dosing and delivery routes. Research to help answer these questions will likely
not occur until cannabis is reclassified by the FDA as a schedule II substance. (Keehbauch 2)
Marijuana is a simply a natural plant that posses infinite amount of uses ranging from
hemp clothing to helping prevent glaucoma Marijuana has been illegal because of the lack of
information and the general public has purposely been misinformed. Alcohol is a depressant that
is causes damage to vital organs which is legal. Alcohol just like marijuana wasnt allowed in
the prohibition but after legalizing it, it was controlled and regulated. Many patients say that
smoking the weed makes them feel better. Among them are cancer and AIDS sufferers, who
claim that it helps them control the nausea and vomiting that accompany chemotherapy, relieves

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pain resistant even to morphine and, as an important bonus, restores appetite. (Nature
1).marijuana can actually be used to help people with cancer aids how is alcohol legal and even
promoted when it doesnt have any medical value. Marijuana is a natural plant which is much
safer than alcohol and has medical value so shouldnt it be treated the same?
Marijuana should be legal in Florida because it will benefit many without hurting anyone.
The only people who would be affected would be big suit pharmaceutical companies that pay
millions of dollars of year to keep marijuana away from countertops. The illegal status of
marijuana has endowed it with mystical properties. Many regard marijuana as a sort of panacea,
withheld from the public by politics and by an indifferent pharmaceutical industry which sees no
profit in developing an unpatentable weed into medicine. (Nature 1) No one should stand in the
way of ill people getting their hands on cheaper alternative medicine. My grandpa got diagnosed
with lung cancer and seeing everything that came along with it convinced me to support medical
marijuana. His treatments are really expensive and some arent efficient in controlling the
unwanted side effects of chemo. Marijuana would be a cheap and better alternative for simply
controlling his vomiting.
Marijuana is a natural planet and should be treated like one. Its medical values range
from pains to treating cancer. States that have legalized medical marijuana have that regulating
the drug is possible. Adolescent use has actually gone down in some states. Some worried that
medical marijuana wouldnt be able to be controlled but states have been consistently strict on
regulations. Most of the general population thinks that smoking marijuana is hurtful to the lungs
when its completely untrue. Marijuana has actually been found to increase lung function.

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Works Cited
Brown. "Legalizing medical marijuana has benefits." UWIRE Text 14 July 2015: 1. Academic
OneFile. Web. 29 Nov. 2015.
"Gathering The Evidence On Medical Marijuana." Nature 410.6829 (2001): 613. Academic
Search Complete. Web. 29 Nov. 2015.
Keehbauch, Jennifer, and Matthew Rensberry. "Effectiveness, Adverse Effects, And Safety Of
Medical Marijuana." American Family Physician 92.10 (2015): 856-863. MEDLINE with
Full Text. Web. 29 Nov. 2015.
Lynne-Landsman, Sarah D., Melvin D. Livingston, and Alexander C. Wagenaar. "Effects Of
State Medical Marijuana Laws On Adolescent Marijuana Use." American Journal Of
Public Health 103.8 (2013): 1500-1506. Academic Search Complete. Web. 29 Nov. 2015.
"Marijuana and Cancer." Marijuana and Cancer. Cancer.org, 04 Mar. 2015. Web. 06 Dec. 2015.
Melvin, Darrel, and Andrea White Markham. "Medical Marijuana." Canadian Journal Of
Respiratory Therapy 51.1 (2015): 11-12 2p. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Web. 6 Dec.
ProCon.org. "Should Marijuana Be a Medical Option?" ProCon.org. 9 Nov. 2015. Web. 29 Nov.

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