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Puspa Gautam
Professor: Simone
English 1010
Dec. 09, 2015
Annotated Bibliography
Agyei, W.K.A, and Epeme, E.J. Sexual behavior and contraceptive use among 13- 24 years
old. International Journal of Family Planning, vol. 1992. P. 13-17. Web. Nov.18, 2015.

Authors talk about the teens behavior on sexual activities with uncertainty and excitement. Early
dating, unaware of safe sex, inadequate knowledge of preventive methods of pregnancy. Teens
are more worried about grades, peer pressure, dating, and future. The consequences of becoming
sexually active and eventually have chance of sexual diseases transmitted. Anyone who has had
sexual contract can get sexual Transmitted Infections (STI). Men and women of all ages, regions,
ethnic background, and economic levels can get STI. One out of four Americans between ages
15 to 55 will catch at least one STI. STIs are most common on teens and adults.

The author explained lots of facts regarding the family planning like use condoms 100% of the
time, using before/after pills. Limit the number to have sex with, choose partners who have not
had sex with multiple partners, not have sex with anyone that has signs of an STI, have the
partner get checked out for sexually transmitted diseases before having sex. The source
explained the ages of the teens that are actively involve in the sexual activities even they are not
mentally or physically ready. Its more useful for the knowledge of contraceptives use and


different conceptions. This source is not quite matched to the current methods as it was written
on 1992.

I learned/read different articles other than this which tell me different way of pregnancy
preventions like no sex before mirage, use long term methods prevention like IUD. This article is
really helpful to my issue exploration project as it showing teens behavior and caution to be
applied during sexual activity. This source is helpful to study the teens sexual involvement and
contraceptive methods for prevention of pregnancy. Parents can play significant role in teen
pregnancy preventive by talking to teens about their values and the importance of waiting to
have sex or having protected sex, encouraging their teens to set long-term goals getting an
education, and giving their teens a sense of self worth.

Leishman, June. Pregnancy and Health Risks. Keswick, M & K. 2007. Web. The Marie Stops
International org. Nov 18, 2015.
The marie stops International Organization (2007) reports that over half of the worlds current
population is made up of the young people, many of whom are sexually active despite limited
knowledge or understanding of sex, reproductive health risks and related consequences.
The rates of the teen pregnancy have been declining in the United States, but the number of
pregnant teens in the U.S. remains high. Teenage pregnancy poses a serious risk to the health of
the teen mothers and their babies, and to society as a whole, which has to pay the economic and
social costs of teen pregnancy.


Author described the health risks like high blood pressure and its complications, premature birth,
low birth weight that are the important facts of the teenage pregnancy. Most teenage girls don't
plan to get pregnant, but many do. Teen pregnancies carry extra health risks to both the mother
and the baby. Often, teens don't get prenatal care soon enough, which can lead to problems later
This is the great article for learning the early pregnancy and its health related issues. I learned the
immature and irresponsible behaviors are arising due to complex teenage psychology that causes
teenage pregnancy. The article educate me the serious negative consequences for a teen girl and
her baby. Compared to teens who wait, early age pregnancy are more likely to drop out of high
school, live in poverty, be a single parent, have long term health problems, have a premature
baby, and sometimes baby with cornice health problems.

Hutchins. J. Alternative pregnancy prevention. Acta Media,1999. P59. Web. Nov 20, 2015

Author described the facts of efforts to reduce teen pregnancy have traditionally focused on girls,
but researchers are speculating that targeting teen boys and young men can have significant
effects on preventing teen pregnancy as well. Boys and young men have for long been a
neglected piece of the teen pregnancy puzzle argues Hutchins J. (1999, p 59).

Involving boys and young men as the other half of the issue may prove to be a key part of the
effective pregnancy prevention. The source is very focused of promoting abstinence as the way
to prevent unintended pregnancy, providing comprehensive and medically accurate sex


education both in and outside of school setting; advocating and supporting youth development,
public awareness and education.

The article tells me more about the alternative way of preventing pregnancy at young ages. I
learned the education is the other factors to prevent and educate the young people who are
unaware of sexual educations. Increasing parents knowledge about child development and
effective parenting strategies will help them buffer their children from many of the risks that
accompany early parenthood. Teens sex education should focus on the potential negative
impacts of teens sexual activity, the fact that abstinence is the only guaranteed way to avoid
STDS and pregnancy, information about contraceptive, including how to use correctly and
consistently, potential drawbacks and where to get them.

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