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Christopher Dean

Advanced Human Nutrition

Health Report

Health and disease assessments are important because they provide

the health practitioner with a general overview of the patients health.
Through the use of multiple tests they can assess cholesterol, iron status,
blood pressure and body mass index. A practitioner can determine an
individuals risk of heart disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and
stroke from these results. They can then be compared to recommendations
in order to see what course of action is best for the patient.
My ideal body weight: 106 + (6 X 10) = 166. My %IBW: (144.2/ 166)
x100 = 86.87%



My Values

18.5-24.9= Healthy




90-120% of IBW




Ratio of .80-.85


Ideal Body Weight

Body Fat % (from
Waist-to-hip ratio

My body mass index (BMI) is similar to the recommendation and falls in

the healthy range. I have an ideal body weight of 166 lbs., which is higher

than my actual weight of 144.2 lbs. My %IBW is lower than the

recommended 90-120% of IBW. The 12.7% body fat that I have is similar to
the overall recommendation. My waist-to-hip ratio is also similar to the
recommendation of .80-.85.
My BMI falls into the healthy range category and I am not at high risk
for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, or hypertension. With an IBW
and %IBW under the recommendations I am protected from type 2 diabetes
and hypertension. Similarly, with a low body fat percentage (one within
recommended range) the risk of diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular
disease is low. I have a waist-to-hip ratio within the recommended range and
as a result I am protected from diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
The pros of using BIA to assess body composition include: its ease and
convenience, along with it being a good starting point. A few of the cons of
using BIA are: its based on self-reported data, it does not account for age or
ethnicity, and it doesnt account for smoking or other lifestyle choices. Pros
of using BMI are: its inexpensive and convenient; whereas the cons include
underestimates in obese populations as well as not accounting for lean mass.
A few pros of IBW measurements are that its easy and convenient. The cons
of IBW include that it is self-reported data, and it does not account for age,
ethnicity, or body composition. Pros of using waist-to-hip ratio include: being
easy to perform and calculate, it is inexpensive, and minimal tools are

required. The cons of waist-to-hip ratio could include whether clothing is

worn or not, the ability of the tester and its a less accurate test.
The desirable level for total cholesterol is under 200 mg/dl and my
total cholesterol results were 190 mg/dl. HDL cholesterol levels should not
be less than 40, desirable levels are greater than or equal to 60 mg/dl; my
HDL was 55 mg/dl. The optimal level for total cholesterol/HDL ratio is less
than or equal to 3.5 mg/dl while less than 5 mg/dl is desirable; my ratio was
3.5 mg/dl. Normal blood pressure results are less than 120 for Systolic and
less than 80 for Diastolic (<120/80); my blood pressure was 156/83. There is
no disease risk associated with total cholesterol even though it is high
because my results are lower than 200 mg/dl. I also dont have any disease
risk, either positive or negative, when it comes to HDL cholesterol. I have a
total cholesterol/HDL ratio of 3.5 mg/dl which is optimal, meaning there is no
disease risk. The blood pressure results suggest that I have Stage 1
Hypertension because my Systolic blood pressure was 156 and the range is
The recommended hematocrit levels for males are 40.7-50.3% and for
non-pregnant females is 36.1-44.3%. My hematocrit level was 50%. My
hematocrit level was within the normal range for males; however, it was on
the upper end. My disease risk with a high hematocrit is low. There are
many things that can contribute to a high hematocrit such as dehydration

and living at high altitudes, both of which apply to me. I live at a higher
altitude and I believe that due to fasting that day I was mildly dehydrated.
I will add 2 more servings of vegetables to my daily meals in order to
increase my nutrient intake. I will increase my fiber 4 days a week to help
lower my total cholesterol, so that it is not so high and close to the upper

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