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2- Summarize early childhood guidance principles

For guidance to be successful a provider or teacher must first understand a childs

behavior. I learned from reading Chapter 7 from beginnings and beyond the core
value for NAEYC is; We have committed to ourselves to helping children and adults
achieve their full potentials in the content of relationships that are based on trust,
respect and positive rewards. When we guide children in a positive way, they learn
and prosper. Positive guidance helps children control their impulses, express their
feelings, channel their frustrations and teaches them how to solve their problems.
When discipline is used as a guiding strategy, children become more responsible for
their actions, learn self-control, self-respect and develop positive self-esteem.
Guidance helps children manage impulses, express feelings, channel frustrations,
solve problems and learn the differences between acceptable and unacceptable
behaviors. From Chapter 3 in Beyond discipline to guidance I learned teachers
who use guidance are active leaders. Six guidance principles include;
1) The teacher
fully learn
2) The teacher
3) The teacher
4) The teacher
5) The teacher
6) The teacher

realizes social skills are complicated and take into adulthood to

realizes the need for mistaken behavior
practices positive teacher-child resolution
uses intervention methods that are solution oriented
builds partnerships with parents
uses teamwork with adults

There are distinct differences between guidance, punishment and discipline.

Guidance is an ongoing system by which adults help children learn to manage their
impulses, express feelings channel frustrations, solve problems and learn the
differences between acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Punishment is a
consequence of inappropriate behavior and a power assertive technique that relies
on a childrens fears rather than reasoning and understanding. Discipline is training
to act in accordance with rules. Guidance promotes self-discipline and punishment
only tells children what they did wrong. I learned from chapter 7 Beginnings and
beyond Children need opportunities to test themselves and make some decisions
on their own. This teaches them self-control. From the article guiding young
children 21 strategies I learned how guidance supports childrens long-term
success while punishment is hurtful and can have long lasting effects. Punishment
will get a child to listen for the short-term but will not teach them self-discipline
which they will need to solve their own problems. The expectations of punishment
rarely clear and creates miscommunication. NAEYC standards for professional
development cites regulations for promoting child development and learning and
uses developmentally effective approaches to connect with families and children.
When we use guidance we understand the factors that influence behavior and we
can change the environment so children learn self-control, self-respect and selfdiscipline. The pyramid motel of guidance promotes children social development
and helps address challenging behaviors. I learned from Addressing challenging
behaviors in infants and toddlers the levels of the pyramid are at the bottom

effective work force, nurturing and reasoning relationships, high quality supportive
environment, targets social and emotional support and intensive interventions.

Challenging behavior develops over a period of time. The model pyramid helps
support the social emotional competencies of young children and addresses
challenging behaviors. This support system helps children overcome challenging
behaviors. Wisconsin Administrative code DCF 251 and 250 gives licensing rules for
group and family child care centers respectively. These codes cite that each family
child care center shall provide positive guidance and redirections for the children
and shall set clearly specified limits for children. It states all providers shall help
each child develop self-control, self-esteem and respect for the right of others.

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