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Finding your colleague at the airport

Encontrar a tu compaero en el aeropuerto

Questions your teacher will ask

Preguntas que te va a hacer el profesor

How many colors do you know?

Cuntos colores conoces?
What colors of clothes do you usually wear?
De qu colores suele ser la ropa que llevas?

Useful language
Vocabulario til

yellow shirt
black shoes
brown hair

camisa amarilla
zapatos negros
pelo moreno

blue jeans
green jacket
blonde hair

vaqueros azules
chaqueta verde
pelo rubio

Dialogue youll practice in the class (key sentences are highlighted)

Dilogo para practicar en clase (estn resaltadas las frases importantes)

A: Where are you?
B: Im at the airport.
A: Im at the airport, too. What are you wearing?
B: Jeans and a pink shirt.
A: What color is your hair?
B: Brown.

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