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The Man, The Legend, Steve Jobs

Blake Burkhardt
University of Kentucky


Steve Jobs was arguably one of the greatest innovators of his time. Through his position in Apple
Inc. he was the man behind the iPhone, MacBook, iPod, and many other devices we cannot go
without in everyday life. Steve Jobs changed the world for the better through concepts of
impression management such as physical appearance, language, nonverbal communication, and
needs. He was an innovative and motivational genius in his short time on this earth. Throughout
this essay the concepts listed previously will be discussed in order to show just what made Steve
Jobs so great and how he influenced me in my outlook on life, work ethic, and my career choice.
He was a man of great importance to our world and the way he carried himself in business and in
life is something that we should all strive to do. A man who didnt finish college but still
managed to become one of the most successful and notable of our time is very much worth
taking a look at.
Keywords: Steve Jobs, Influence, Innovator, Apple, Motivational


The Man, the Legend, Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs revolutionized the world as we know it today in countless ways. Jobs was the cofounder, chairman, and CEO of one of the most successful technological corporations in the
world, Apple Inc. He was a remarkably influential man, not just in his accomplishments, but in
the way he carried himself through everyday life right up until the day he died from a pancreatic
tumor on October 5, 2011. His work ethic, speaking ability, innovative ways, ability to motivate
others, and the way he gave to the world are things that truly set Steve Jobs apart from others.
Through the use of concepts such as language, physical appearance, and needs involved in
impression management we will look at what made Jobs who he was and how he influenced my
approach on life, career choice, dedication, and motivated me to be the person I am today.
What Made Jobs Different
Jobs probably did not care much about what professors write or what other companies
do; he always followed a unique path in life and in business. (Cusumano, M. A.,2011,1) Steve
Jobs was not like most businessmen as we know them today. He was not about the money or the
fame, he was out to change the world and ultimately make it a better place for everyone
inhabiting it. He cofounded apple in 1985, just nine years after dropping out of Reed College to
travel the world and experience life for what it is. Jobs was not the greatest inventor of all time
and he would never claim to be. There are people out there who have generated and developed
wider ranges of original concepts, but the way Jobs pushed them into mainstream use is what
made him incredible. (Edwards, C., 2011) He changed our everyday lives as we know it with
products that people today do not go a day without using. He motivated himself and his
coworkers to be the best that they can be. He was voted one of Fortunes toughest bosses in


1993. (Verganti, R., 2011) There are many ways which Jobs influenced others and ultimately
influenced me to take the path in which I am.
Physical Appearance
His physical appearance was not what you would expect when you think of a
businessman who changed the world. His trademark was a black turtleneck sweater, jeans, and
tennis shoes. This represents more about Steve Jobs than what you would imagine. Although he
was incredibly serious about his work and dedication, he did not carry himself in such a manner.
He was laid back and never took himself too seriously or let the fame or success get to his head.
This inspired me greatly and showed me that life is never too serious. You dont have to conform
and be what others expect you to be to achieve what you want. Many people do exactly as
society tells us to, Jobs showed us that you can be yourself and have fun in whatever it is you are
doing in life and still get what you want out of it.
Often times, language is not about how you speak, but the message that you get across.
Jobs used language to inspire others and educate them about new ideas. The excitability he
carried in his voice was enough to get others pumped up or motivated about an idea. (Pryzbylski,
K., 2012) His verbal style was very straightforward in the way he got his point across to others
without dancing around the subject. He motivated himself and his coworkers through his
language. With Steve Jobs as the boss, Apple engineers were always driven to make things
work. (Edwards, C.,2011, 2) His speech was full of slang words such as bozo which he would
use to describe a failed idea or something that didnt work as it should. (Nocera, J., 2015) He did
not use the typical verbiage you would expect from a man of such intelligence. This is yet


another influential aspect in Jobs. His motivational words were something that I listened to often
as I followed him in his path through life. You could listen to Jobs speak about anything and
instantly become excited. Listening to his words taught me that you are responsible for what
happens in your life and you must be motivated to get the things that mean the most to you.
Being excited and motivated to work is something that I have and will continue to put into my
schooling, career, and personal life as I move through the chapters of life.
Nonverbal Communication
As if the way he spoke was not enough to inspire and excite others, his movements and
gestures were equally important. When he hears something that intrigues him, he curls his head
toward his shoulder, leans forward, and allows a slight smile to cross his lips. (Nocera,
J.,2015,1) He showed others his interest unlike many who go through life showing no emotion.
Jobs was a master of communication in the way he excited others to work.
People dont know what you want until you give it to them. (Verganti, R., 2011,2) Jobs
set out to give the people technological products that they wanted and that would ultimately
make everyday life easier to navigate through. He was a people pleaser who always gave the
people exactly what they asked for, and kept the people who he was supplying products to in
mind with every decision he made. His desire to make other peoples lives easier and please
them is something that inspired me to make the career choice which I have. Although his work
had a minimal amount to do with medicine, his ways are very easily carried into the healthcare
world. I know that it is very unlikely for me to drop out of college and be the founder of the
worlds best technological corporation, but that doesnt mean I cant give back to people. He


gave back to the people with every chance he had. I am currently attending the University of
Kentucky with the goal of becoming a Doctor of Physical Therapy. I hope to give to people in
the same way Jobs did. To give them their health and give them something that they otherwise
would be unable to do. Jobs inspired me to do things for others instead of just going through life
working for myself.
The Death of Steve Jobs
Jobs passed away from pancreatic cancer on October 5, 2011, but even this sickness was
not enough to stop Jobs from doing what he set out to do in the world. Jobs remained at Apple
until he stepped down in August of 2011. (Cusumano, M. A., 2011) He had the dedication and
will power to work right up until two months before his death. Even after death he still
influences Apple to continue in his path and keep doing as he would. I can only hope to impact a
few people after I am long gone the way Jobs influenced millions. I hope to give people their
health back and let them keep that until I am out of this world. His work ethic is truly amazing
and I can take this with me throughout the rest of my life. To have the will power to keep helping
others even after you are no longer able to help yourself is something that I admire greatly as we
all should and I hope to carry this work ethic into my own life.
What We Should Take Away From Steve
Steve Jobs was a man which we should all strive to be like in every aspect of life. His
outlook on life, on his work, and on the way he gave to others is something that everyone should
aspire to have. We cannot all be filthy rich technological innovators, but we can all give to the
world. There is a reason he got to where he was in life. He inspired me to work hard, not take
life too seriously, and go out and get what you want in life no matter what others say or what


hardships you face. Steve Jobs left the world in better shape than what it was when he came into
it. Everybody can give back to the world and we should strive to do it in the same manner that
the late, great, Steven Paul Jobs did in his fifty six years of life.


Cusumano, M. A. (2011). The Legacy of Steve Jobs. Communications Of The ACM, 54(12), 2628. doi:10.1145/2043174.2043184
Edwards, C. (2011). Profile: Steve Jobs. Engineering & Technology (17509637), 6(10), 30-31.
doi:10.1049/et.2011.10022), 56.
Nocera, J. (2015). Esquire, 164(3), 133. New York.
Przybylski, A. K. (2012). We'll Miss You Steve: How the Death of a Technology Innovator
Emotionally Impacts Those Who Use and Love His Digital Devices. Cyberpsychology,
Behavior & Social Networking, 15(7), 335-338. doi:10.1089/cyber.2011.0623
Verganti, R. (2011) The Legacy of Steve Jobs: Beyond the Tech World.. Professional Safety, 56

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