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Obed Lopez

English 1301
Discourse Communities Response

Learning how to write properly is will help a lot to get through in todays society. You will
need it in practically everything when you develop into your professional life. Learning how to
write is not just typing or printing some words. Writing properly involves minding: who your
audience is, what tone youre using, and what vocabulary you are employing. All of these
elements contribute to an effective and professional writing in all of your discourse communities.
Among my discourse communities, the type of genre and vocabulary that is used varies. The
purpose, tone, and genre someone would use to communicate with a teacher wouldnt be the
same as the one used to communicate to a friend. When I communicate with my friends I
wouldnt mind grammar mistakes in a text or a misspelled word or even using an indecent word.
On the contrary, if Im sending an email to my English teacher I would proofread it and make no
mistakes. When Im communicating with my friends the writing and/or talking is informal and
more loosened. The topics we talk about are mostly about how we are doing, where we are, and
what we are going to do later in the day. The medium that is used most among this discourse
community is social media and texting. The goals are to bond, to bring support, and commonly to
have fun together. The only conditions to join would be to the earn trust and affection of the peer.
In a family discourse community the type of genre is mostly oral, texting, and notes. To
communicate with each other in a family people talk to each other and when theyre not in the
same place theyll most likely use a text to get to the other person. The main purpose of the
communication in this community is to give love, support, and to learn about values and how to

behave in life. The vocabulary that is commonly used is informal, but respectful, because even
though it isnt a professional environment, you still have to preserve a respectful attitude towards
others. We also use words as Ma, Pa, Flaco, and guero. There are simple conditions to
join into a family discourse community. You have to either be born and/or raised in that group or
to be a close friend of the family.
Now the scholastic discourse community. This discourse community is totally different from
the first two discourse communities. In this community you can be professional (with teachers)
and informal (with friends). The genre used in this community has essays, emails, oral
communication, and websites. The vocabulary varies depending on where you are on campus or
with who you are. If you are in the classroom you might have to use a more technical language
rather than the one you might use with your friends out of class. In this discourse community you
have to be mindful of your audience and your voice and tone. The vocabulary in this community
is extended and its always growing. To join this discourse community you must register at
UTEP and take placements tests such the SAT and the TSI.
The civic community that I chose is church. In this community the genre used involves,
social media, preaching, and the use of the Bible. The main goal of this community is to learn
about God and to create and enhance the sense of community and unity. The vocabulary used in
this community is decent and respectful, although informal. It is important to know how to keep
an attitude of respect when joining. To join there are no specific requirements, although being a
believer and having faith would ease things for the person joining.
It is very important in todays society to have the knowledge about how to write and
communicate properly. Having this type of knowledge is vital in an era so modernized.

Nowadays we have to write more than in other times. You have to know how to write to write
your curriculum, you have to know how to communicate in an interview, how to know what kind
of vocabulary you need to use depending on your audience. All of these elements will help to
give good impressions and above all, to get through in life. Knowing how to use properly these
components will greatly improve your writing and communicating skills and will help to be













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