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Easton Bybee

History 1700
Professor Hoskisson
End of Year Reflection
Part 1.
The topic of identity, privileges, and inequalities really stood out to me
this semester. I enjoyed getting to learn more about the social issues of
race, gender equality, and ethnicity as we discussed the change that took
place in each of these areas over time here in America. I found it interesting
the way social movements were addressed. I have grown to appreciate
those that suffered so much inequality and paved the way for the new
freedoms we experience today. Learning about the many ways black people
were persecuted against was eye opening. How 70 years ago 90% of blacks
in the south couldnt vote. How there was so much disfranchisement with
the Poll Taxes, Literary Tests, etc. America is always portrayed, now days, as
the land of the free with the proud to be an American slogan brought up
constantly; yet we as Americans cant forget the dark past and mistakes this
nation once faced. We must learn from our mistakes and continue to stand
up for the right and the fight for freedom.
I was raised to always treat people with respect, even when your
opinions dont line up. The great thing about diversity is that the world is
never boring. I do always wonder though, how I would have acted in these
times. Would have been one of the people that broke out of the common
normalities and stood up for those being persecuted? Would I have risked
my own life to help the blacks during times of slavery or would I have
believed the teachings of those around me and acted in the horrible manner
so many people did? I hope I would have been one of those that risked it all
to make a change.
Part 2.
The topic of race, gender equality, and ethnicity relates perfectly with
what we discussed in my humanities course. We talked a lot about
Happiness and the Good Life and what role race has played in this
discussion over time. In Humanities we learned about Rosa Parks, Martin
Luther King Jr., Theodore Roosevelt, and many others that took a stand to
combat racism and inequalities for those they loved. Rosa Parks was the
Mother of the Freedom Movement. We learned about her history of
courage and The Montgomery Bus Boycotts that became symbols of the Civil
Rights Movement, just as we did in this course.
Understanding what the blacks went through and how they were
treated continually opens my eyes to the world around me and the social
issues that are currently taking place. I think about the way I treat and talk
to others. Do I show them the same amount of respect that I would like to be

treated? I have learned to never judge because you never know what
someone is going through. I have learned that hope and happiness can be
found in the darkest of places. The world can constantly tell you that you
arent good enough, smart enough, or talented enough, but its when you
start to believe the world that you begin to lose the battle. Life is going to be
filled with different trials and experiences that will challenge us all in so
many different ways. When I remember what others went through and
suffered it gives me strength to ender and fight for what I believe in.

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